The President of "Water Holding" reveals the provincial protection plan from drowning ... and new meters detailsa dialogue

  • Time:Dec 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Amid the escalating concerns about the possibility of some governorates being drowned by their streets during the rainy season, Eng. Mamdouh Raslan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sanitation, sent many reassurance messages to the people, and demonstrated his speech with a number of realistic measures taken in all governorates,As proactive measures.

During his dialogue with the "Al -Ahram Gate", Eng. Mamdouh Raslan revealed how water and sanitation companies have prepared for the winter season, and in what way water consumption is rationalized, and for what degree the plan succeeded in achieving the goal that the political leadership seeks in this regard.

In light of climatic changes and meteorology expectations to increase rainfalls this year..What is the plan of the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sanitation to counter the water pools in the streets?

- There are clear directives and assignments from Dr. Asim Al -Jazzar, Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities.With the fall of rain water in the winter season, and the review of hot areas that may witness rainwater gatherings.

What about the details of this plan?

- The state of full alert has been raised, even for companies that are not expected to fall in, to be ready to pay any assistance to other companies according to the need, and the direction of raising the degree of readiness in all companies, whether it is expected to fall or not expected rain, and cooperate with companies that have rain in a stateThe need for this, disinfecting drainage networks and rainfalls, ensuring the readiness of the stations and levers, and the availability of fuel needed to operate the generators and equipment, as well as review safety and security procedures to prevent any problems, and to ensure the readiness of all equipment during the rain until the completion of the current changes and fluctuations.

How is coordination with the provinces and authorities in times of rain and emergency?

- There are directives in coordination with all concerned devices, governors and accurate follow -up of the data issued by the Meteorological Authority, forming central emergency rooms in all subsidiaries, reviewing and activating the operating plans for operating teams and maintenance of the work system, in addition to harnessing all capabilities from individuals, equipment, and cars of sweep and fountainsTo deal with any emergency situations.

The Central Operations Room of the Holding Company was also activated and continuous follow -up to the crisis and emergency rooms of the subsidiaries in the governorates, continuous coordination with all the concerned authorities, the inventory of hot points, raise the degree of preparedness of the hotline and customer service centers, and the formation of field follow -up teams over 24 hours.

The state of preparation for all units, components and equipment was raised in the specified sites according to plans in various governorates, cleansing the lifting stations and networks, disinfecting all the hookahs and rainfalls, reviewing the readiness of tunnels and lifting units, reviewing and securing generators and providing additional operating requirements, reviewing the readiness of equipment and activating the plan to ensureThe optimal distribution to cover hot areas.

What about companies preparing for emergencies for rains?

- It is dealt with by raising the status of preparation for all equipment in the specified sites according to the plan in the various governorates, reviewing emergency plans for all subsidiaries, providing animated backup units for use in the event of breakdown in generators, buying equipment and cars, establishing new rain, and simulating, training and making sureThe effectiveness of the plans made.

How can the citizen report rain pools?

- Any citizen can contact the hot lines 125 and 175 to report water pools around the clock, and move immediately after receiving the communication.

Holding for drinking water implements a number of projects within the presidential initiative as a decent life, so what are the details of these projects?

- Drinking water and sanitation projects are implemented within the presidential "decent life" initiative with the knowledge of drinking water and sanitation companies in the governorates of (Assiut - Luxor - Aswan - Damietta - Gharbia - Kafr El -Sheikh - Fayoum - Beni Suef - Minya - Qaliubiya).

Companies operate 741 villages, a generous life initiative, along with the supplements of the previous stage, which include the implementation of sanitation projects for 54 villages and water projects for 201 women at the level of the Republic.

A decent life projects come as follows:

1- Projects extending and strengthening water networks in the targeted villages from the initiative, with 707 villages, at a total cost of 2 billion and 328 million pounds

رئيس «القابضة للمياه» يكشف خطة حماية المحافظات من الغرق.. وتفاصيل العدادات الجديدة | حوار

2- The project of implementing superficial water plants, beating wells and implementing iron and manganese removal units, where 36 new water stations are constructed, and 76 wells are implemented, iron removal units and manganese and manganese units are implemented.

3- 74 project rehabilitation projects are implemented at a total cost of about 5 billion and 593 million pounds.

4- The implementation of 498 projects to transport the facilities for paving work in the villages at a cost of one billion and 402 million pounds.

5- And projects to extend and support sewage lines with 132 villages, at a cost of one billion 46 million pounds.

This is in contrast to the amounts approved for the implementation of the household connections for water and drainage for the targeted villages from the initiative.

President Abdel Fattah Al -Sisi has always been keen to consolidate the principle of rationalizing water consumption, so what are the procedures of the company to perpetuate the culture of rationalization?

- There are directives from the political leadership to rationalize water consumption, and the holding company takes great attention to drinking water and sanitationOrthodoxy, military production, social solidarity, health, local development and culture represented by the General Authority for Culture Palaces, with the aim of raising water awareness, and spreading a culture of rationalizing and preserving water consumption.

The campaign "Each Point with Difference" was launched in conjunction with the celebrations of the International Water Day, March 2018, and the most important characteristic of the national campaign is the solidarity of efforts between the various bodies and ministries concerned to unify efforts, messages and concepts to reach all age groups with the same indications, to serve the issue of water conservation as a national issue.

Social media has a major role in spreading awareness messages and achieving interaction and communication in two directions between the campaign and the citizen, and many interactive activities are implemented in the clubs. The drawing competition was also launched, "Each Point with Difference", which was organized by the holding company and received through its website more than 500 drawings, and completedChoosing the best technically and evaluating 387 drawings for applicants from all governorates of the Republic, through a jury that included specialists from the Ministry of Culture and Irrigation and the Holding Company, and accepting the best 50 drawings to publish it on the Facebook page each point with a dispersal of "referendum" on the best five drawings.

The competition was in cooperation with UNICEF Egypt, the European Union and the German Agency for International Cooperation to consolidate the concepts of water conservation, environmental and climate issues.

There is a complete coordination between the relevant ministries, the private sector, civil society organizations, civil societies, citizens and volunteers, regarding the publication of the campaign "Each Point with Difference" and attention to spreading awareness of rationalizing water consumption.

The Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sanitation has adopted for years coordination with the Ministry of Social Solidarity to perform the public service period for the youth company, where young people play a major role in the campaigns, as well as university youth and students from the most prominent volunteers.

The company pays great attention to trained workers, so I was keen to open technical schools for drinking water and sanitation, so what about these schools?

- Technical secondary schools for drinking water and sanitation, a pioneering experience to graduate trained and specialized technical workers in this field, in cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, and the Ministry of Housing, represented by the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sewerage, and its subsidiary companies.

The number of technical secondary schools for drinking water has reached 7 schools currently after the establishment of 3 technical secondary schools for drinking water and sanitation.And a distinguished education to face the requirements of the labor market, by preparing and graduating distinguished technicians with high skill, keeping pace with national and international standards for skills and knowledge.

Technical school students are studying three specialties (operation and maintenance of drinking water and sewage stations- controlling and quality of drinking water and wastewater coefficient- operation and maintenance of drinking water and sanitation networks), and schools aim to prepare distinguished graduates in the field of drinking water and sanitation and qualify them to use modern technologies and their applications inThe various fields ", graduates of technical schools are fully appointed to their subsidiary companies and the graduate opportunity provides enrollment in Egyptian universities.

There is a plan developed by the state to replace the old meters with a precedent payment. What are the advantages of these meters?

- An integrated executive plan has been prepared with specific times to install prepaid water meters at the level of the Republic until 2030, and aims to reach 16.6 million precedent meters by 2030.

Preparation meters are eliminating any errors resulting from the human element such as the delay in the passage of the reader, and the defects of the meters reading, and allow the citizen to control his consumption and follow up his consumption, know the number of cubic water meters that have been consumed, and the value of the remaining amount of shipping.

Government Excellence Award is one of the achievements of the holding company, so how did you get it?

- The Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sanitation won the first place award in innovation and creativity for the 125 application, and the second place is the Integrity Support Team at the Holding Company for winning the second place in the award for the best team to support integrity in the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and New Urban Communities within the government excellence prizes, and seeksThe company is always to develop and automate the services provided to meet the needs of citizens, and the mobile phone application is 125 one of the serious steps the company takes towards digital transformation.

As for the integrity support team in the holding company, it aims to govern procedures and unify them and set effective mechanisms to follow up and control procedures correctly and unified, through risk analysis mechanisms and setting support for integrity according to the standards and performance indicators that are measured and followed up.

حوار مع ممدوح رسلان رئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمياه الشرب والصرف الصحي