The government is preparing to move to the new capital ... and the team players receive more supporting words

  • Time:Sep 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Cairo - Al -Quds Al -Arabi: The Minister of Education represented a comfortable solution for newspapers on Tuesday, February 8, the researcher of a battle through which it is proven that it is alive and lived, without provoking the angerA law amending some provisions of the Education Law, which was rejected by the committee, as Representative Magda Bakri said that the ministry did not reveal the reasons for the fact that 2% of students did not go to schools during this year, despite its assertion that the process is going well and the attendance rate is 98%.She pointed out that it was better to provide the reasons for the attendance, not to attend in light of this pandemic, and not to increase the punishment.While Representative Abdel -Alim Dawood announced his rejection of the bill, stressing that there is a relationship between poverty and leakage of schools, stressing the need to develop a plan to confront poverty, before leaking from education.The newspapers celebrated the government's preparations to move to the administrative capital, as President Sisi met with Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, Dr. Assem Al -Jazzar, Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, and Major General Amir Sayed Ahmed, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Urban Planning.The President was briefed on the executive position of the transfer of ministries and government agencies to the new administrative capital, especially with regard to the developments of work in the government district.The newspapers found their misfortune in the confessions of some people who have to do with the "Zamalek" massacre, which resulted in the killing of four individuals and the suicide of the perpetrator..Among the news of the deadly virus resistance: Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population, confirmed that the Corona virus healing rates in hospitals have increased to 16% during the past two weeks, as well as high rates of patient exit from hospitals during that period by 14%.Among the news of the courts: The opposition judge renewed the imprisonment of a former member of Parliament for 15 days pending the investigation, for accusing him of shooting at his wife's brother in a quarrel in the fifth assembly, following marital disputes between the accused and his wife..Among the news of the religious establishment: It resumed lectures on the "joint training course for the imams of Egypt and Palestine", held at the International Endowments Academy, for the third consecutive day, within the framework of the Ministry of Awqaf's plan for continuous training and education for the Egyptian imams and imams of sister countries, where the first lecture was held for His Eminence Dr. Shawky AllamThe Grand Mufti of the Republic, entitled: “The Fatwa in the Time of Classs”.The Mufti of the Republic said that the extremist groups provided separate understandings from the legal evidence, separating from the approach of the nation’s scholars, who decided that: “The interest where they did not exist, then God prescribed.”.

Historical step

Mahmoud’s behavior praised by Talaat Ismail in “Al -Shorouk”: The efforts of many Arab and African countries, led by Algeria and South Africa, resulted in the freezing of the African Union for a decision taken by the President of the Union Commission, Musa Faki Muhammad, last July without consultations, by granting Israel the status of an observerWhat opened a door for division between the African countries, some of which saw in the decision a negative impact on the traditional African support for the Palestinian issue, which is currently going through difficult circumstances entitled "intentional disregard" of Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.The African Union decision that was taken at the 35th summit that was held two days ago in the Ethiopian capital, Addis AbabaIsrael to an international forum that includes 55 African countries, which opens a wide door to Tel Aviv to reach and wander in the continent with all comfort..Perhaps the abolition of Israel’s status of the African Union observer still needs efforts to become a final decision and not a temporary freezing, after it was agreed to form a committee of seven African heads to decide, and to avoid the sharp differences that appeared at the 35th summit on the situation of Israel, but it is worth welcomingAnd the praise launched by the Arab Parliament and the Secretary -General of the League of Arab States, Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, because the freezing is a "corrective step" for a wrong decision in the first place.

Crossed crimes

Some and the words of Talaat Ismail may consider that the recent efforts to besiege Israel in the African house would not need it had it not been for the Arab decline in support of the Palestinian cause, and to give up the Arab pressure papers to prevent Israel from the expansion of the African map, and it is worse that this expansion is done in light of the bragging of Arab countriesIn particular, with Israel publicly supporting.Under the illusion of "Brahimi Peace", and in light of the Abraham agreements, and after the signing of the normalization agreement between the UAE and Israel, and the successive visits of Israeli leaders to more than one Gulf country, it was natural for Israel to win more land and influence at the expense of the Arab right in general, and the Palestinian in particular, and to give someThe African countries are the argument to shake their hands from an issue that you may see that they have no camel in it or a camel..In light of Israeli temptations to provide economic, security and scientific support to fragile African countries, problems suffer from many military coups in them, playing on the string of the "Israeli Gate of the White House", and gaining American friendliness.Some people may ask and what will Israel gain from the capacity of an observer in the African Union, and it is in direct diplomatic relations with more than 40 African countries?The answer is simply the guarantee of playing in the scenes of the most important African organization, in favor of supporting and stabilizing the pillars of a state that raped the lands of others, and does not stop abuse by a defenseless people.For the Palestinians.Perhaps we remember that many African countries, including Cameroon, Central Africa, Uganda and South Sudan, voted in 2017 against a UN resolution called Washington to withdraw the decision to recognize occupied Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.Nobody blames Tel Aviv for her endeavor to penetrate every fortified site that stands against stabilizing its feet internationally and regionally, but the blame, all blame for those who were divided and overlooked in the papers.

About the absences

The tragedy of the child who occupied the world is still controlling many, including Dr. Mahmoud Khalil in “Al -Watan”, the public mind dealt with the incident of the fall of the Moroccan child Ryan - the bird of Heaven, may God have mercy on him - with a degree of interest that reached the limit of mania, the emirates of this did not appear in the level of interest exceptThe normal incident of his fall in the well, but rather in several other indicators, including confusion, forgetfulness and jumping on the facts of reality. ظهر الخلط في ميل البعض إلى استحضار قصة نبي الله يوسف – عليه السلام – والمضاهاة بين مشهد يوسف الطفل الذي ألقى به إخوته في About the absences «البئر»، وريان الذي وقع في بئر حفرها أبوه.Joseph, peace be upon him, was subjected to his brothers, and their plot was somewhat compassionate, and after one of the brothers decorated for their rest to get rid of him with death, another initiated a proposal to throw him in a well to pick it up after that.The Prophet of God Joseph did not fall into the well, but his brothers threw it in it, and extracting it from it was not difficult, as we saw with the child Ryan, where the local media manipulated in Morocco, as well as the Arab media and communication sites with the feelings of the public for five consecutive days, until he officially announced his death..The exit of the Prophet of God, Joseph from the well, was easy and through simple tools that testify to human intelligence, just as Ryan witnessed the human tampering..Between Youssef and Rayan

Dr. Mahmoud Khalil pointed out that the Prophet of God, Joseph, peace be upon him, threw the hand of his brothers in the experience, while she threw the hand of a neglected society in preserving the life of man and unable to save her with the child Ryan in the bitter and sad experience, which ended with his death, and the crying total appeared more like from theHe kills the dead man and then walks at his funeral.Forgetting was present in the story of Ryan, how many children have forgotten the Arab public mind in the midst of indulging with the group in crying in the case of Ryan and praying to God in order to save him.People are attached to a heavy hope in taking the child alive, and they forgot nearby facts that were the utmost wishes of the families of some of the children in them is to extract their bodies to honor them after they settled on the bottom of the water or under the dirt.The scene of tears, the masculine tears on Rayan, may God Almighty have mercy on me, reminds me of the scene of Faten Hamama in "Doaa Al -Karawan", when she shouted at the face of the people of her village after her sister slaughtered at the hands of her uncle, saying: "Cry on us".It was strange to cry over the state of the sacrifice, and they were the ones who threw their members on the side of the road to be wolves..Many also jumped on the facts of the miserable Arab reality while they are dealing with the fact of the Moroccan child, and they thought that the matter of their aspirations and their calls to the merciful Creator, and God Almighty said in his noble book: “There is no affairs in your aspirations, nor do I have the people of the book, whoever does not do it.Nassira ».The caring hand of God is more merciful to the child, Ryan than the people whose deeds were and their pursuit of dealing with the issues of the world..The solution is at work, and God Almighty promised to extend the hand of his mercy to those who work and not who wishes..Supplication without action..And tampering is the true well in which Rayan has fallen.

Fear God in us

Among those who suffered from the Moroccan child, Dr. Mahmoud Ismail in “Al -Wafd”: I was able to join the martyr child Ryan and meet him inside the dark mountain before he breathed, and his pure spirit ascends to its innocent.And I had this virtual dialogue with him.This dialogue is a text: Do you think that the rescue teams that work above will reach you and save you?Ryan: No, of course.Usually the Arabs always pray late.And they justify this by saying: "To arrive late is better than not reaching".This saying is not valid in many conditions, including this case.What do you think of the efforts made at the top to save you?Ryan: Thank you, but why didn't efforts be made to avoid a bit in the well?Why do we wait for the calamity and then move?When they were digging a lower tunnel to save my soul, my soul was preparing to climb up, as a result of lack of oxygen, and the absence of a nutritional medicine that descends for me in the water pipeline.Did you know that there is no hadith above the social media on Ryan's hadith..And that you top all hashtags on search engines?Ryan: All this did not find to save me.I have been trading in the media, my father.And know that after knowing that Moti will remain in this manner one or two days, I have become a media material closer to entertainment.After my death, they will go to their disgusting trivial programs that kill thousands of children morally and morally.What will Morocco do after your death?Ryan: a well -known scenario;The Moroccan Royal Court will issue an official statement in Boufati.After that, the official institutions in the state will compete to send the telegrams of condolences to Abu Khaled Al -Numar and the "Sima Khrishish"?.And my Syrian brother Ilan Kurdi, who died by drowning at sea during the flight journey, whose parents decided to go into a small boat, to escape the scourge of the civil war in Syria.What do you say about people's supplication for forgiveness and mercy after your death?Ryan: They are the ones who need this supplication.Many children, my father, in our Arab countries, are hurting in oppression and injustice.

Never, Turkish

After a storm, between the artist Muhammad Sobhi and Turki Al -Sheikh, called Dr. Osama Al -Ghazali Harb in “Al -Ahram:“ To take a lesson from what happened - frankly and without any compliments - so that such unfortunate incidents are not repeated in the future.Muhammad Subhi's mistake was his protest or rejection of the word entertainment and his saying that he refuses to work under the slogan of entertainment, but I love to tell our great artist and intellectual, I believe that the brothers in Saudi Arabia, in the context of the great cultural and artistic awakening witnessed by the Kingdom, and in their name for the body that will be entrusted It has the management of that awakening, use the English word (Entertainment) that translate into Arabic in the linguistic dictionaries with a luxury word, and this is ambiguous, because if you search for the meaning and meaning of this word in the circles of English knowledge and dictionaries, you will find that it really includes all the known arts, starting with the opera and theater To singing, cinema, etc., but this is a priori that differs from what the popular Arabic translation suggests, which is entertainment.Therefore, and in line with the prevailing Arab custom, it was better to definitely name that body, for example, the General Authority for Arts or for Expressive Arts, etc..As for the mistake of Mr. Turki Al -Sheikh, it is that he also rushed and called Muhammad Sobhi the word of my personalities.It is honored to take up this important position in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - and at a young age (41 years), it is supposed to know well the value and status of Mohamed Sobhi, 73, who presented nearly thirty plays, some of them are among the most important signs of the Egyptian and Arab theater and about 25 films and about 12 TV worksWhatever..He deserved many awards and honor in his country, Egypt, as well as from Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Bahrain, Sharjah, Britain and the United States.In short, it is a wonderful thing that the controversy and the important thing are to absorb his lessons so that it does not repeat in the future, God willing.

Entertainment or art?

الحكومة تستعد للانتقال للعاصمة الجديدة… ولاعبو المنتخب يتلقون مزيدا من الدعم كلمات مفتاحية

We remain with the dispute between the actor and the sheikh, accompanied by Abla Al -Ruwaini in “Al -Akhbar”: Heikal was always describing himself (Jornealji)..In the description of the artist Mohamed Sobhi or any other artist (in my personalities) an accurate expression of the acting profession, the diagnosis is acting, reincarnation and embodiment of meaning in a tangible form ... It is true that Turki Al Sheikh, head of the Entertainment Authority in Saudi Arabia, used the word of my personalities in describing the artist Mohamed Sobhi with the intention of cynicism and reducing..But the phrase is correct in a wrong context and a bad intention, just as Muhammad Sobhi did when he stated that he rejected a offer of 4 million dollars, in exchange for presenting his play in Saudi Arabia, because he does not accept to present his plays under the entertainment banner (referring to the entertainment body in the Kingdom) because it is not "my paradoxes».Sobhi's words are true, who is keen on his artistic career, to present a purposeful comedy and a message behind every work he offers, to the extent of direct educational discourse and moral discourse, where comedy is a critical verb mainly (diaries and Nice, knight without a horse, Mama America, you are free, childrenSilence).Sobhi's words about his artistic message, which is always keen on, is correct, but he also announced it in a wrong context..By claiming a offer of $ 4 million to present his play in Riyadh..And interfering negatively in technical policies for another country..And the infringement implicitly on colleagues, who participated in presenting their work, in an unacceptable context..It seemed just an angry attack, not truly crossing and does not allow real discussion, and a serious question about the role and function of art?The concept of entertainment, its limits and its mission?The identity of the Egyptian technical production submitted, under the auspices of the Entertainment Authority?

What calls for confidence

Something calls Amr Al -Shobaki to trust in “Al -Masry Al -Youm”: The National Council for Human Rights included 27 names of laws and public and legal figures, including names that I personally know directly, the Ambassador Mushira Khattab, one of the most prominent Egyptian diplomats, has an honorable professional history in eachThe country in which I served, and left one of the most important political symbols in Egypt, Professor Mohamed Faeq, and the council also includes one of the most sincere defenders of human rights issues, George Isaac, politician and human rights, which is Anwar Sadat, the lawyer and politician Essam Shiha.There is also another group of names that have a great professional history and sincerity in the work, and it only only referring to those I know, such as Ambassador Mahmoud Karem, Vice -President of the Council, the prominent lawyer and law, Nihad Abu Al -Qamasan, and from the School of Political Science Dr. Nabhah Nifin Massad, and Dr. Hoda Ragheb,And Dr. Noha Bakr, the great journalist Ezzat Ibrahim, Samira Luke, one of the prominent faces of civil society, and Dr. Ayman Zuhri, the population expert.I have indicated to these people not from the point of view of the preference of any names from others, but from the point of view of my personal knowledge and their direct and their distinguished professional performance before their selection in the National Council for Human Rights, which gives confidence in this new council and the hope that the country will witness a real shift in the human rights file,I see it from three main angles:


The first angle that caught the attention of Amr Al -Shobaki when he monitored the transformation that occurred on the National Council for Human Rights is to dialogue with the state and with a stream that sees that existential threats that Egypt witnessed in the year of the Brotherhood’s rule and the years that followed, and which necessitated the taking of exceptional measures, still exists,Imagine needs a review, as Egypt is currently facing challenges, including the economic situation, political and popular reform, as well as the human rights file, and the issues of administration and good governance, represent major challenges that Egypt is currently facing, especially after breaking the thorn of terrorism and extremism groups..The second angle is that the support of economic and social rights is not considered as a substitute for political and civil rights.It is true that the paths of countries in achieving these rights differ from society and from context to another, but economic and political rights must be together for all.The council has become required to contribute to achieving a tangible achievement on the ground, along with the good speech that came in the national strategy for human rights, such as reviewing the law of pre -trial detention, which turned into a punishment in itself, support freedom of opinion and expression, confronting hatred and incitement.As for the third and final corner, you will tell us that any internal achievement will be strengthened by the situation of Egypt and the Council externally, and there is a real clash with the bias of some international institutions in some human rights issues in Egypt, and the embarrassment of some of the most sincere and patriotic people (and in support of the political system) to defend someThe mistakes that are difficult to justify.Correcting internal errors will strengthen the situation of everyone at home and abroad.

A unique memory

The anniversary of the fall of Hosni Mubarak, which is the date on February 11, from the point of view of Mohamed Esmat in “Al -Shorouk” is a unique phenomenon in our modern history as an independent event in itself, as it is the second ruler of Egypt to fall after a popular revolution after Khorshid Pasha, who forced the Ottoman EmpireTo isolate it in response to the demands of the Egyptians, after a unbridled popular revolution that prevailed in Cairo, led by craftsmen and Al -Azhar men, so that Muhammad Ali Pasha would take over the rule of the country.Until now, no one knows exactly why Anwar Sadat chose him as his deputy to succeed him in the presidency of Egypt.The roles played by other leaders such as Saad Al -Shazly or Al -Jamsi or Fouad Aziz Ghali and others are compared, nor was he in the strategic culture of Abu GhazaleEngland.With a disciplinary mindset he inherited from his military background, with a limited political imagination, if not sterile, Mubarak practiced his duties in his early years, began with the release of the country's political, cultural and religious leaders that Sadat arrested, in the famous September campaign, but he launched the field for security, administrative and legal restrictionsParties and political forces besieged, and prevented them from performing their job.Keep support at a minimum, but unleashed the largest privatization operations that were lost billions of public sector wealth in suspicious sales and brokerage operations.


Mohamed Esmat continued to count Mubarak's disasters: In his Arab environment, he always chose to stand by the Arab relations in all situations, whether it is correct or wrong, he entered into a formal union with Iraq, Libya and Yemen, and he is not convinced of the leaders of these countries or the goals of this union..He maintained a Muawiyah hair between him and Israel, without ventures to defend the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people as required.Sudan and Africa neglected, despite our major strategic interests with it, and in any case he was identical to American policies with complete conviction, and he did not think despite his differences with them to maneuver by resorting to Russia or China.In his recent years, he launched the hand of his younger son, Gamal Mubarak, in drawing and implementing economic policies, whether with family pressures or the hypocrisy of those around him, but in his heart he did not want to succeed him in the presidency, perhaps for fear of him, and perhaps not being convinced of his ability to succeed, but he was weaker - perhapsFor a year old - to stop the son's ambition for the presidency of Egypt.Despite all these contradictions that accompanied the thirties of Mubarak's rule, the fall of the man was inevitable for a single reason, which is, his insistence on nationalizing political life in the country, and its bulldozing from partisan opposition, and dominating the legislative institution with all state institutions, and even when he was forced to make concessions in a fileDemocracy and public freedoms, it was too late, although it has extended several years in his rule.Mubarak's anti -freedom and democracy is the one that brought him up, and she put him in prison as the worst end of his political and military life.

They will give up for fear

It is no longer possible, as Mahmoud Zahir said in the "Al -Wafd" full control over the crowd of social media, which was drowned, in a frightening virtual world, besieging us from every direction, carrying with him a blatant negative values, embodying a sick reality, free of values, morals and virtue.Recently, we noticed an unprecedented spread of the "abnormal" phenomenon on our society, with its values, customs, traditions and customs, raging on the surface with all its sins, with our increasing dependence on the use of social media platforms.This phenomenon has become, as the writer explained, a deep counterfeiting as one of the secretions of the electronic epidemic, related to blackmail online, which is currently one of the most common crimes, to become a real disaster that needs more than the law.A cheap and immoral opportunist, through the fabrication of sexual images and explicit videos of cheap exploitation, to obtain material or sexual gains, to exceed the matter from just blackmail, to the tragedy of suicide.A while ago, we were shocked by the news of a seventeen -year -old teenager, to put an end to her life, after she was extorted electronic extortion by two young people from her village, after they published fake pictures of her on social media.The "victim" expressed desperate attempts to remove suspicions about them, and confirm that the published images do not belong to them, but they collided with the looks of her neighbors, and that her colleagues and some of her teachers are destroy.The scenario was repeated with another "victim" "not exceeding fifteen years", surrounded by electronic blackmail, so she decided to get rid of her life with the poisonous pill itself, which killed her predecessor, after extorting with explicit pictures published on Facebook.So, electronic blackmail turned into an epidemic that many use, and in multiple forms, such as recording voice calls or written conversations "chat"..And others, to become a rapidly spreading lesion, shake confidence and sow suspicion and fear, and put some "under the mercy" of human wolves, the symptoms are surprised and the privacy violates, and although electronic extortion is a crime by law, its psychological and social damages to the victims and their families need societal awareness and real courage to confront the lostHonor, education and ethics.

Do not repeat the error

Speaking about the technicians of the exciting final match between Egypt and Senegal does not end..It is true, as Ahmed Atef said in “Al -Watan” that the hope of the Egyptian team in the coronation was great..But the hope of the Senegal team was not here.This is a fighting team that prepared for the championship well and the best exploitation of every opportunity that I encountered in the career of qualification, until he won the title, and it deserved to congratulate everyone.These are the ethics of competition and the state of football..The tournament ends with a winner and a loser, and the competitors go to new rounds, in search of a new version of brilliance and more success.Away from the results of the matches, the biggest gain was the return of the Egyptian spirit that was temporarily absent from the Egyptian national team, as Mohamed Salah, Liverpool star, practiced the skills of the team's leadership, and Mohamed Abu Jabal starred, and a goalkeeper did not shine in the African Nations Championship throughout its history, and as muchThe bet on him was great, he was on expectations and more, and he protected his nets from achieved goals at difficult times, and he became a marked mark in the goalkeeper, titled "Jabaski".Between Mohamed Salah and Mohamed Abu Jabal, the players of the Egyptian team, without exception, performed a steadfast performance, may not be the best technically, but it is the best fighting, and the Egyptian team, the 7 African titles and the great football history, appeared on the stadium and outside it...And here is the future that opens its arms to the majority of the team's elements for professionalism, and gaining more experiences for the benefit of Egypt and the Egyptian football..In Egypt's difficult journey to the final of Africa, and in a world everything has become open, it appeared to the public negatives that the eye does not make mistakes..Technical and administrative..There is a defect that must be repaired and randomly requires a rapid love, before entering into a new international competition in the name of Egypt, especially since the next is more difficult to face the African title holder Senegal and within the World Cup qualifiers that are followed by the continents of the six world..Egypt will soon be on a date with two important matches, one in Cairo and the other in Senegal..Amid these difficult circumstances and major challenges, it is not correct to go to new rounds with the same opponent with the same negatives that we faced in previous times, otherwise we will reach the same result..

Peace to Abu Jabal

Do you talk about Abdel -Ghani Ajaj in Al -Mashhad about a player, or is he farther?Egypt's goal, by virtue of being the second man in the list of team guards, or let us say that he is the first deputy..Abu Jabal mastered and deepened and surpassed himself, and it was a major reason for the team's arrival in the final match, but rather a reason that the team was just around the corner, or rather two kicks to win the African Cup, and Abu Jabal himself was just around the corner from winning a better cupA goalkeeper in the African Nations Championship, with a little fairness and impartiality.The truth is that Abu Jabal and Al -Shannawi presented us with many lessons that can be used in our public life..What happened has proven - with no room for doubt - the great importance to make the way to the second grade and train it sincerely, so that he is able to take responsibility whenever he is asked to do so or when the circumstances require that.There is no right for any person who takes responsibility for something and sits on a chair...And that everyone who takes responsibility for something and sits on a chair must secure a sincere faith in wise.Trading and continuing generations is the year of life. The national team of Egypt continued and remained after the retirement of myths such as Al -Shazly, Mustafa Riad, Hamada Imam, Adel Haykal, Al -Sayyi, Mahmoud Al -Khatib, and others and others..The generations of the national team continued and the stadiums took new myths from the sample of Abu Trika, Barakat and Hazem Imam, and before them Thabet Al -Batal, Ikrami, Jamal Abdel Hamid, and after them Issam Al -Hadary, Muhammad Salah, Zizou and others and others.The saying remains that Al -Shennawi's reaction to Abu Jabal's brilliance gave us a lesson in altruism, and that men really know the value of men.The bottom line, the world does not depend on a human being, whatever it is, life continues and generations are continuing, and the important thing is that there are firm and transparent rules to hand over and hand over the flag from generation to a generation and from an official to an official..