The government competes with real estate owners in house prices, and controlling markets is virtually non-existent, and traders do what they want, key words.

  • Time:May 27
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Cairo - Al -Quds Al -Arabi: The Egyptian newspapers issued yesterday, Tuesday, October 8, referred to the meeting of President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi with Prime Minister Dr. Mustafa Madbouly and Minister of Electricity Dr. Mohamed Shaker, to discuss plans to develop projects to expand electricity production, although they have become moreFrom the country's need, in order to confront any increase requests from investors and people. The President also met with the head of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, and discussed with him the transformation of Egypt into a global center for the fund.

The newspapers were interested in highlighting the news of the meeting that will be held in Cairo for the presidents of Egypt, Greece and Cyprus, to discuss increasing the volume of cooperation between them, especially regarding the issue of gas. As for the majority, its interests were distributed, according to its interests or orientations such as, the general league matches and follow -up draft laws discussed by the House of Representatives and the introduction to it from The government is to increase the sanctions to an unprecedented degree to anyone who rapes the lands owned by the state and those who facilitate this from local and neighborhood employees, as well as individuals who seize or bullying the apartments and lands These disputes remain the case as it is until the court is separated. The researchers of a teacher’s job in the government concerned with the announcement of the Ministry of Education to open the door for receiving requests to contract with a hundred and twenty thousand teachers out of three hundred and sixty thousand needs, and the contract period is general and renewed to three years, Likewise, the news of the ministry’s dismissal is 1070 teachers belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood, who were sentenced to prison sentences or immigrated abroad, meaning that the decision does not apply to the Brotherhood employees in the state, so these were not a loyalty To them, but to remove those who had a leadership or supervisory position, or in the teaching profession, to administrative jobs, for fear that they will file lawsuits before the Administrative Court of the State Council, which will be sentenced to return them to their work with compensation, which will put the government in trouble. As for articles, comments and columns, most of them went to talk about the movie "The Corridor" and praise it and analyze the phenomenon of the Egyptians in front of television screens to watch it again, and enthusiasm for him, which were articles that were more numerous than the articles that were published about the October war, even if the investigations on the war and hadiths were Those who participated in it from the neighborhoods occupied the largest areas. And to what we have ...

Legitimate wishes

We start today's report with the most prominent of what was published about the government in defense, praise, attack and mockery of it, as Mohamed Abdel Hafez expressed in "Akhbar Al -Youm", his admiration for it because of its decision to reduce fuel prices and said about him, criticizing the failure of the prices of the rest of the commodities: "I will not be exaggerated if I say it is for the first Once in Egypt, the prices of gasoline and the dollar decrease automatically, without government interference, by pumping support that represents the difference between the real price and the market price. And I think that this is an indication that exceeds the degree of excellence, as this means that the economic reform measures that the state started were correct, and that it began to bear fruit and we all hope that the prices of gasoline will decrease more and the dollar more and more, and these are legitimate wishes and requests, but the reassuring that the decline index is continuing to move ».

Quarter pounds

وفي «الأخبار» سخر حازم الحديدي من القرار وتوفير ربع جنيه في كل لتر، وقال باحثا عن هذا الربع: «لم ألتق Quarter pounds منذ زمن بعيد، ولا أعرف كيف أصبح شكله الآن، لكنني متصالح مع قرار استقطاعه من سعر لتر البنزين، وسأكون أكثر تصالحا لو انعكس هذا القرار على الأسعار. لكن المشكلة أن البنزين لدينا مثل الدولار ترتفع الأسعار إذا ارتفع ولا تنخفض إذا انخفض، وهذا ما أخشاه في ظل نظام تحرير أسعار المنتجات البترولية، لذلك يتوجب على الدولة التدخل من الآن لمنع هذا الاحتيال وإلا تأخذ Quarter pounds بتاعها ويا دار ما دخلك شر».

Pricing mechanism

Pricing mechanismالتي فاجأت الجميع كان عنوان مقال عماد الدين حسين في «الشروق» ومما جاء فيه: «ظهر يوم الخميس، أخبرني زميلي أحمد إسماعيل رئيس قسم الاقتصاد في «الشروق» بأن هناك قرارا متوقعا، بتخفيض أسعار الوقود. بعدها مباشرة سألت أحد مصادري، فنفى حدوث ذلك تماما. وبعد ساعة اتصل بي إعلامي كبير، وحينما قلت له إن هناك احتمالا بتخفيض أسعار الوقود، اعطاني محاضرة طويلة عريضة، بأن هذا مستحيل، فلا يعقل أن تقوم الحكومة باتخاذ هذا القرار، خصوصا أنها تعلن طوال الوقت أنها لاتزال تقدم دعما للوقود، وللأمانة فقد وافقت رأي هذا الصديق إلى حد كبير. في الثامنة مساء أعلنت وزارة البترول خبر تخفيض أسعار الوقود، تطبيقا لPricing mechanism التلقائي للوقود، وهكذا ثبت أن مصادر الزميل أحمد إسماعيل ــ الذي يقضى إجازة زواجه ــ هي الأصح والأقوى. قرار لجنة التسعير خفض أسعار الوقود الثلاثة بمبلغ خمسة وعشرين قرشا… القرار لم يفاجئ فقط صديقي الإعلامي الكبير، لكنه فاجأني شخصيا، وفاجأ غالبية المراقبين والمتابعين، بل غالبية المصريين، إن لم يكن كلهم. هم يعتقدون طوال الوقت أنه لا توجد سلعة في مصر يمكن أن ينخفض سعرها، وأن قواعد السوق، أي العرض والطلب، لا تعمل في مصر، مثلما تعمل في أسواق العالم الطبيعية.هذا الاعتقاد صحيح إلى حد كبير، والأسباب متعددة، أولها أن أسعار العديد من السلع لم تكن قد وصلت لسعر تكلفتها، وبالتالي لا يمكن توقع انخفاضها، كما أن السيطرة على الأسواق شبه منعدمة عندنا، والتجار يفعلون ما يشاءون. المفاجأة أن تلك هي المرة الأولى التي تنخفض فيها أسعار الوقود، وبالطبع فالرد المنطقي أن هذه الأسعار كانت مدعمة طوال الوقت من الدولة، ولم يكن ممكنا خفضها، وإلا تحملت الميزانية المزيد من الاعباء. سيسأل البعض وما هي Pricing mechanism التلقائي للمواد البترولية؟ هي لجنة شكلها رئيس الوزراء مصطفى مدبولي في شهر يوليو/تموز الماضي من المختصين من وزارتي المالية والبترول، لتحديد أسعار بيع المنتجات البترولية كل ثلاثة أشهر، على ألا تتجاوز نسب التغيير في سعر البيع للمستهلك 10٪ ارتفاعا أو انخفاضا من سعر البيع الساري، على أن يتم استثناء البوتاجاز والمنتجات البترولية المستخدمة في قطاعي الكهرباء والمخابز، بعد الوصول لتغطية التكلفة. تقول الحكومة، إنها طبقت Pricing mechanism التلقائي، كما هو متبع في دول كثيرة في العالم. هذه الآلية تستهدف تعديل أسعار الوقود في السوق المحلية، ارتفاعا وانخفاضا كل ثلاثة شهور. العاملان الأساسيان للتقييم، هما السعر العالمي لبرميل بترول خام برنت، والثاني هو سعر الدولار مقابل الجنيه، إضافة إلى الأعباء والتكاليف الأخرى الثابتة، التي يتم تعديلها كل عام خلال شهر سبتمبر/أيلول. الحكومة محقة تماما في هذا الأمر، لكن مرة أخرى غالبية المصريين لم يكونوا يعرفون حكاية «التسعير التلقائي» فهم يحسبونها بطريقة مختلفة، وليس في ثقافة غالبيتنا متابعة أسعار النفط العالمية، أو أسعار العملات الأجنبية. ثم أن توقع غالبية المواطنين، هو أن الحكومة ستقوم برفع الأسعار في كل الأحوال، أو تثبيتها في أفضل الأحوال. وبالطبع لم يشعر كثير من المواطنين بهذه اللجنة، حينما اتخذت قرارا في أول يوليو/تموز الماضي بتثبيت جميع المشتقات خلال الربع الثاني من العام الجاري. السؤال الذي سأله كثيرون هو: هل هذا القرار بتخفيض أسعار الوقود كان قرارا اقتصاديا فقط، أم قرارا سياسيا فقط، أم خليطا بين الاثنين؟».

The dead road

"To a dead end, or experts, negotiations on the" Renaissance Dam "have reached, and the reason, as Majid Habfta tells us in" Al -Dustour ", is due to the lack of flexibility of the Ethiopian side and his attempt to disavow what he pledged in the agreement or declaration of principles, which was signed in March 2015 and included An explicit Ethiopian recognition of the principle of non -harm. In one of his items, he stipulated that it is permissible to request international mediation to settle disputes. Egypt, as Dr. Moufid Shehab said, obligated Ethiopia with written pledges in "Declaration of Principles" instead of being satisfied with it orally. This was seen by the professor of international law professors as a gain, because "the international rivers agreement is a public agreement. But the declaration of principles is limited to two or three principles. And it has a value always for the year. ” Accordingly, it was strange and strange that, now recycling and circulating very naive (or banality) words, Dr. Ahmed Al -Mufti, who was defined as "the resigned member of the International Committee for the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, an expert in international law, and the former legal advisor to the Minister of Irrigation." Moufid Shehab is the former president of Cairo University, professor of international law in it, President of the Egyptian Society for International Law, member of the National Committee for the Defense of the Taba case and former Minister of Higher Education. He was also Minister of Parliamentary Councils and Legal Affairs ... with the utmost objectivity and calm, Shehab said that the establishment of the dam is a right for Ethiopia and no one can prevent it, provided that it respects the rules of international agreements, noting that there is an international agreement stating that when a project is established in the international river in the part The reality within a country, that country should notify other countries of this project and cooperate with it, and that there is no arbitrariness in the use of this right. Shehab explained that Egypt agreed to the project in 2008, when Ethiopia offered it with specifications represented in storing 12 billion cubic meters. But the criteria and specifications of the dam changed after the year 2011, and from here the dispute was born, because Ethiopia did not reach Egypt with new standards. Based on this, Moufid Shehab believes that there are political motives behind the Ethiopian position, and that there are external forces inciting them to do so. He accused the United States of being behind this, because it has a knot as a result of Egypt's construction of the High Dam, and she wants to take revenge on it because it rejected, at the time, the World Bank project, it seized the opportunity and helped Ethiopia through grants and loans, to create the dam with a height of 174 meters and a length of 68 meters and the most dangerous storage capacity that You want to implement it within two or three years. These specifications will harm Egypt. Consequently, when Egypt negotiated with Ethiopia, it demanded to reduce the height of the dam, especially since the area on which it is built falls within the scope of earthquakes, which could lead to its collapse, in addition to the need for the full years to be longer ».

Water rights

وإلى الذين طالبوا الرئيس السيسي أن يهاجم إثيوبيا لمنعها من استكمال بناء سد النهضة، قال مجدي سرحان في «الوفد» عن سوء فهمهم لتصريحات الرئيس: «هناك من يعتقدون أن إعلان مصر وصول مفاوضات سد النهضة مع الإثيوبيين إلى طريق مسدود هو إعلان حرب سيليه خروج طائرات الرافال من حظائرها لدك حصون الأحباش، وهو تصور ينافي الواقع تماما وفهم خاطئ لتصريح الرئيس السيسي بأن «الدولة المصرية بكل مؤسساتها ملتزمة بحماية Water rights المصرية في النيل»، بدون النظر إلى باقي التصريح، وتأكيد الرئيس على أن مصر «مستمرة في اتخاذ ما يلزم من إجراءات على الصعيد السياسي، وفي إطار محددات القانون الدولي لحماية هذه الحقوق». الأمر إذن محسوم وأن قضية سد النهضة هي «قضية سياسية بامتياز» لن تحلها الطائرات والقنابل والصواريخ، ومازال لدى مصر الكثير من البدائل والأوراق والمسارات والأساليب والطرق السلمية والدبلوماسية التي تستطيع اللجوء اليها من أجل الضغط على الطرف الإثيوبي وإجباره على التخلي عن سياسة الاستقواء، وفرض الأمر الواقع في هذا الملف الخطير وهو ما بدأته مصر بالفعل بإقدامها على تدويل القضية ودعوتها المجتمع الدولي من أجل تحمل مسؤوليته لنزع فتيل هذه الأزمة، وأيضا بدعوتها إلى تدخل طرف دولي رابع في المفاوضات وهو ما أيدته ودعمته الولايات المتحدة ورحبت مصر بهذا التأييد».

Suggestions to build the Egyptian state

الحكومة تنافس أصحاب العقارات في أسعار المساكن والسيطرة على الأسواق شبه منعدمة والتجار يفعلون ما يشاءون كلمات مفتاحية

“If we have resolved to rebuild the Egyptian state after many years of stagnation, stagnation and neglect saturated with corruption, then we have no choice but to be in the opinion of Salah Al -Ghazali a war in“ Al -Masry Al -Youm ”, frank with ourselves, and we avoid deceiving the soul in dealing with our chronic problems, Let the decision to float the Egyptian pound is an example for us. Today I will address three issues that represent this deception with the soul. The first issue .. Free education: Although the Egyptian constitution provides for free education, the bright truth on the ground is that there is no real free, and that there are many millions spending private lessons in all stages of education without exception, which is a burden Great on the family, what is the solution? First .. Faculty of free on pre -university education with the development of strict legislation against those who fail education, especially in the countryside and Upper Egypt, and between girls, with all the capabilities necessary for the success of the project led by Dr. Tariq Shawky in developing this education. Secondly, a free university education limit over everyone in the first year only, and then he pays someone who fails in any subject that is completely costly, and thus the free is limited to the successful only. Third .. Encouraging enrollment in technical education starting from the preparatory stage, while changing the name of certificates in order to be equal with the university, with an integrated plan to develop this very important education, granting incentives to students to join it, and involve all companies, factories and businessmen in this project. Fourth .. Encouraging banks to provide free grants to outstanding students and long -term loans and with simple benefit. Why do we deceive ourselves? The second issue, the civil civilization of the state: The constitution provides for the state of the state, but the painful reality denies this, as strict religious currents are penetrated in all the joints of the state since the mid -seventies, and despite the repeated calls by the head of state the need to reform religious discourse, something noticeable on the ground has not been What is the solution? First .. canceling the so -called religious education in schools and limiting it only to Al -Azhar University for those who want after passing civil education before university, and the Al -Azhar University of Religious Sciences is emptied with the transfer of the dependency of civil colleges to the Supreme Council of Universities, in order to ensure that we are graduated At the same time, he is armed with adequate religious culture. Secondly, stopping the establishment of new religious institutes with the work of a scientific study to know the true need of graduates of these institutes at home and abroad. Third .. Rehabilitation of all those in charge of the affairs of the Islamic Call in order to be an honorable image of the tolerant Islamic religion. Fourth .. Urgent legislation to completely prohibit the veil in all state institutions and its devices, after it was proven that it has been involved in many terrorist and illegal acts, as well as that it has nothing to do with Islam that does not know its own uniform, but in the text of the Qur’an it calls on women to be deceived and respectful of the body And his maintenance, as both men and women call for turning a blind eye and leave the details of this to every person who works his mind to implement this before he is held accountable to his Lord. The third case .. Reserve imprisonment as the prosecution interpreted it is one of the investigation procedures, but when its duration is nearly two years as it happened with Dr. Shadi Al -Ghazali Harb and many others, it becomes a prior punishment before the judicial ruling in the name of the law, which is completely inconsistent with the principles of justice And with the principle that the origin is in a person innocence, and in order to be honest with ourselves and demand today and not tomorrow to amend this legislation, which has negatively affected many Egyptian families who demand nothing but justice, and I demand the speedy release of everyone who did not incite or participate in violence, and did not He is a member of the evil group. The summary of the matter .. We have to be honest with ourselves and stop deceiving the soul in order to join civilization and progress ».

Where is the role of the state?

On the fire of the prices of the new apartments, Abbas Al -Trabili writes in “Al -Masry Al -Youm”, saying: “As long as we apply the principle of“ whoever wants a commodity must pay for it. ”We say that this And in the forefront of which is the prices of the new apartments .. If the problem is in front of the young "Zaman" is to manage the price of the network, then the dilemma is now in the price of the marital apartment. Also, the state was interfering to limit the exaggeration of real estate owners, that the state was providing housing at reasonable prices .. It is what we got acquainted with as popular housing, and also medium housing until we cross these crises. But the state is now abandoning this policy, but rather has the competition of real estate owners, in the prices of its housing .. It and the private sector are trying to obtain prices that are almost equal, and the proof is that even the housing established by the state has become in the prices of the private sector housing itself. We have a proposal here, if it is difficult to interfere in the prices of building materials from armament iron, cement and bricks .. and finishing requirements, from water and sewage fixtures and electricity connections through ceramics .. Why does the state add the price of the land to all these costs? We say this because the price of the land is much more than a third of the costs of the apartment .. Let this be a contribution from the state to providing reasonable apartments the price that the young man who is offered to marry can manage, and that is what is known as “residence .. for the use of use”, which is a system in the housing established by the state In some of the summer resorts, such as Ras al-Bar, which maintains- alone- the ownership of the land of the property ... as long as the land belongs to the state. We know that the price of an apartment of 100 meters now reaches at least 200 thousand pounds, in the housing established by the state .. which are many in most cities and centers of Egypt .. Most of them are established on a desert land .. and do not come close to housing established by the private sector inside the cities .. and move away from the prices that were popular in the "compounds" and apartments inside it, not the villas. And if the state wants to get the price of its land, then it must "now" to postpone this, even for a long time ... and that is for a period of 50 years .. Oh God, unless the state wants to compensate for what it spends on the infrastructure, roads and delivery of services Although this is her right, but not now. And we ask: How does a young man who is coming to marry the price of the apartment now arranges and do not tell us "on him with an apartment of 60 meters" and he can change it after a while .. Here the state’s role in helping young people to build a reasonable house for the married couple .. and enough for the furnishing it is sufficient for this residence One of the requirements of almost modern life .. and all at the high price .. By this we move the workworm in building materials factories and electrical tools and face slum disasters .. What do you think? ».

October victories anniversary

And to the most prominent comments published on the anniversary of the army's victories in the October war, where Wael Lotfi said in Al -Watan: “The owner of the idea of ​​removing the earthy curtain with water is the Egyptian Coptic officer, Major General Baqi Zaki, and the idea occurred on his mind as a result of his work in building The High Dam, he informed his leaders, and President Gamal Abdel Nasser agreed to it, so training and implementation was victory. And if the owner of the idea of ​​removing the earthy curtain is a Coptic officer, then the owner of the idea of ​​using the Nubian as a language for the code is the Egyptian Nubian Ahmed Idris, the Egyptian -class officer, who inspired the Egyptian leaders the idea of ​​using the Nubian language as a language of the code between the various units of the Egyptian army, as it is an unwritten language and the Israelis cannot Returning to the dictionaries to dismantle her code, President Sadat Ahmed Idris received himself and implemented the idea through 35 Nubian non -Nubian officers working in the border guards. And if a Coptic officer had presented the idea of ​​removing the earthy curtain, and if a Nubian officer had presented the idea of ​​the code that the Israelis could not solve, the Egyptian Bedouin championships in the Sinai were one of the keys to victory, which are championships that carry the secrets Sinai continued until its liberation, and President Sadat was not returning the journalists and the writers separated from their works a few days before the war except for strengthening the internal front, and an affirmation of the ideas of diversity and the unity of the Egyptians that were the basis of victory. It was the most wonderful in the October war that it was the war of all Egyptians. ”

The spirit of the Arab nation

وفي «الجمهورية» استشهد السيد البابلي بما قامت به الدول العربية لمساعدة مصر والوقوف بجانبها فقال: وكيف يمكن أن ننسى دور الكبار ومواقفهم الخالدة في حرب أكتوبر/تشرين الأول المجيدة، نحن بلد الوفاء، وفي الانتصار في حرب اكتوبر عام 1973 قدم فيها العرب درسا في التلاحم والتعاضد، أن نستعيد مواقف الملك فيصل بن عبد العزيز عاهل السعودية والشيخ زايد حاكم الإمارات العربية المتحدة والشيخ صباح السالم أمير الكويت والرئيس هواري بومدين رئيس الجزائر والرئيس العراقي أحمد حسن البكر، وحين نتحدث عن هؤلاء الكبار نستمد شعورا من الفخر والثقة بأنه في الإمكان استعادة The spirit of the Arab nation، وأن تصبح العروبة من جديد منهجا وهدفا ومسارا».

"the passage"

وإلى فيلم "the passage" الذي شهد عند عرضه في دور السينما العام الماضي إقبالا هائلا وحماسا حتى من الأطفال الذين شاهدوه بصحبة أهاليهم وعرضه ثم إعادة عرضه ما أدى إلى تسمر المصريين من جميع الأعمار أمام شاشات التلفزيون في المنازل، وفي المقاهي والأندية، وقال عنه في «الأهرام» فاروق جويدة منتقدا عدم ظهور الرئيس السادات: «كنت أتصور أن الفيلم يتناول حرب أكتوبر» وفوجئت بأنه يتحدث عن فترة قصيرة جدا من حرب الاستنزاف، ولم تكن فيه أي اشارة لانتصار أكتوبر/تشرين الأول، وكانت صورة الزعيم الراحل جمال عبد الناصر تتصدر المشهد ولم تكن هناك إشارة على الإطلاق للرئيس أنور السادات صاحب قرار الحرب».

Contracting Cinema

وفي «الأخبار» قال كرم جبر: «فيلم "the passage" غيّر «مود» المصريين ورفع معدلات الوطنية، شاهدناه بمشاعرنا وأحاسيسنا وهذا هو الفن الذي نريده حتى في القصص العاطفية لإرشاد الناس وليس لإفسادهم، الأطفال في البيوت سهروا حتى الواحدة صباحاً ـ رغم أن تاني يوم مدارس ـ يتابعون بشغف، ولم تنجح الأمهات في إقناعهم بالنوم ومشاهدة الإعادة في اليوم التالي.» الممر» عودة إلى الفن الجميل الذي يغيب منذ سنوات طويلة، فلا نرى إلا أعمالًا تافهة وقصصًا مهترئة وحكايات لا تمت للواقع بصلة. وعشنا أسرى لContracting Cinema التي أفسدت الذوق وهدمت العمارات. لماذا هجر الناس السينما وتراجعت الفنون المصرية الأصيلة؟ لأن الدولة انسحبت من الساحة، فحل محلها تجار الخردة واللحوم الفاسدة والسماسرة الباحثون عن مكاسب طائرة. "the passage" بداية لاسترداد الشباب من براثن التطرف وإعادتهم لأحضان الوطن وأن تقول لهم: في فيلم "the passage" كان العدو هو إسرائيل وليس الجيش المصري، وكان المحتل هو إسرائيل وصاحب الأرض هو مصر».

The hidden enemy

And to the "Constitution" and the article of the security expert and former police brigade Dr. Mohsen Al -Fahham: "Today we face a different enemy from the one we faced and we won in the October War We face a hidden coward enemy used from social media sites to attack us with all its methods of lying and forgery Fraud and betrayal, and all the creation of the technological means of the fabrication of images and conversations in different methods of truth, using the weapon of rumors and skepticism to influence the absent youth who are under the influence of need, unemployment and ignorance, and although we discovered early these means and these methods and all the media outrew the truth of what the country is exposed to And it tries to work to awaken and educate the national consciousness and conscience among the people of the Egyptian state, but there is a few category that still fall under the influence of these lies and these rumors. To these people, I say that our Egypt today is going through conditions similar to what we were exposed to during the period from 1967 to 1973, and if the means used, such as combat weapons that were targeting the honorable men of the armed forces to hidden media and psychological weapons that affect the minds of innocent youth from the homeland, and from Here, I invite everyone to be inspired by our victory in the October War, starting from the battle of national awareness to the battle of victory and pottery, and to consider it a role model, to achieve victory over those who lie in wait for our dear homeland at home and abroad. Our battle, then, is the "battle of awareness" and confidence in our political leadership to achieve the bright hope that we seek to achieve for future generations after us.

Unjustified change

وعن تبذير المال العام كتب شريف جبر في «الوفد» يقول: «أي مواطن غيور على بلده لا بد أن يستوقفه ذلك التبذير الذي يبدو ماثلا للعيان في الشوارع، ممثلا في عمليات هدم وإعادة بناء أجزاء رئيسية من الشوارع، التي لا تتطلب حالتها مثل هذا العمل ما يثير التساؤل حول أسباب تلك العملية وهو ما يستدعي منا هنا التوجه ببلاغ إلى الرقابة والنيابة الإدارية لاتخاذ اللازم وبحث الأمر. وفي هذا الصدد فإنه مما يثير حفيظتنا الموضة الجديدة لحي الدقي وحي العجوزة في تغيير جميع بلدورات الأرصفة السليمة، وأيضا البلاط السليم، وتركيب آخر جديد وهي ليست في حاجة إلى التغيير إطلاقا، بداية من شارع البطل أحمد عبد العزيز من أوله ناحية شارع جامعة الدول العربية وحتى شارع الدقي، حتى حديقة الأورمان ويمينا إلى شارع جامعة القاهرة، باتجاه بين السرايات وكشط الشارع السليم وإعادة سفلتته، وشارع الجامعة وتكسير الجزيرة الفاصلة للشارعين، وإعادة بنائها وتغيير البلدورات. كما امتدت يد Unjustified change أيضا إلى شارع شهاب بأكمله، وأيضًا شارع مصدق في الدقي وتغيير البلدورات والبلاط السليم، وأيضًا شارع نادي الصيد من أوله وحتى نهايته، وتغيير البلدورات السليمة والبلاط الأنتر لوك السليم، وتكسير الجزيرة الفاصلة بين الطريقين، وتغيير البلدورات والبلاط وكشط الشارعين، وإعادة سفلتتهما، على الرغم من أنه سليم، والبلدورات والبلاط سليم بطول الشارع إلى أن يصل لنهايته عند شارع وادي النيل. كل هذا على الرغم من أن جميع الشوارع الداخلية لحي الدقي والعجوزة مكسرة وكلها مطبات وحفر وزبالة على جانبي الطريق ووسطه للأسف الشديد، مما يعد إهدارًا للمال العام، يستوجب المساءلة من الرقابة والنيابة الادارية ونيابة الأموال العامة حفاظا على المال العام».