End of money in 2022

  • Time:Dec 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Many years ago, I wrote - in Al -Madina newspaper - an article that predicted the disappearance of paper money in 2012.

Despite the missed date - and despite the circulation of banknotes until today - I have been considered a large part of the prophecy actually achieved..Today, for example, we use credit cards in abundance, and we transform our money via the computer and the fragments, and our accounts in the banks have become merely "electronic pulses" that are transmitted at a moment around the world, without regard to distances, different times, or the dates of opening and closing !!

When I visited Korea and Hong Kong three years ago, I saw a feature that you predicted in that article..While I was waiting in grocery stores - to be held accountable for the money or credit card - the people of the country were satisfied with placing their mobile phones in front of a laser lens to deduct the value of the commodity without returning to the seller (and I am still confused? How is the value of the commodities located inside the bag) !!

In any case, let's take the story from its beginning:

It is known that humans were dependent on the exchange of goods and benefits before the invention of paper money..Shayib, for example, married his daughter to Moses in exchange for his sheep for the sheep for eight years: "He said that I want one of my daughter, this two, that I hired me eight arguments."..In order for the exchange of commodities not to be turned into a mere lord of a usurious cover..

نهاية النقود عام 2022

After the death of the Holy Prophet three hundred years, the Chinese invented the banknotes that surprised Italian travelers Marco Polo (who did not understand how the Chinese replaced their useful goods with small worn outlets)..At that time, there was no clear difference between paper money and banking checks, as they were both liberating from the guarantor side..There are manuscripts that prove that some of the instruments that were issued in Baghdad are paid in China, and then someone who pays its value will return it to Baghdad to withdraw its value again (such as any approved check these days) !!

Although paper money continues;In the 1920s, credit cards appeared..It was initially used to buy fuel from gasoline stations in America, then some stores began to unite within one card..In 1958, American Express issued a card that included its value in all stores..When it achieved a great success, Bank of America issued a global card in its name later, its name later turned into Visa.

The third most important invention after money and cards is (electronic transfers) that turned money into mere luminous numbers on the screen..The recent communications revolution allowed - not only to facilitate our purchase with credit cards and use it on the net - but turned paper money into "electronic pulses" that are transmitted at the speed of light without the need to touch it by hand or see it with the eye !!

By combining the communications revolution and storing the assets in an electronic manner, we started to reduce the carrying of banknotes (especially with regard to the large amounts), which paves the way for their disappearance completely..There is no evidence for our path in this direction of the presence of 840 million credit cards in America for (300 million) and 67 million cards in Britain for (59 million), while the number is still low in Saudi Arabia, where there are 3 million cards for (27 million people)!!

And note that the important part of these cards is the magnetic tape or the electronic chip that keeps your own balance and symbols..This means the possibility of cramming the same slide inside the wallet, the pen, a series of keys, or within your mobile phone, but I expect in the future to plant it under your skin so that you carry your balance wherever you go !!

Gentlemen: I have no doubt that we live in the last paper of paper money..

All of it is that I will postpone my prophecy for another ten years until (2022) !!