Prince attributed the family of the late: Dr. Saleh Al -Ajiri was a tall scientific stature referred to as Lebanon at the local and external levels

  • Time:Aug 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

His Highness Prince Sheikh Nawwaf Al -Ahmad sent a telegram of condolences to the family of the late, God willing.Saleh Muhammad Al -Ajiri, this is the text of: The honorable brothers, the family of the late God Almighty.Saleh Muhammad Al -Ajiri, peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you..Saleh Muhammad Al -Ajiri.As we express to the generous family, the deepest condolences and sincere condolences to this great affliction, to remember the appreciation of the virtues of the deceased scientist, his great works and his ability to serve his homeland during his career full of giving in the educational field, mathematics, astronomy and the family, where he drew from his adequate knowledge of many of the men of Kuwait when he was, he has mercy on himGod, a tall scientific stature referred to as Lebanon at the local and external levels, and embodied this by celebrating it and honoring it repeatedly and obtaining many awards in recognition of his great giving..Among his prominent contributions is his "evaluation of Al -Ajiri" continuous.We ask the Almighty to reward the deceased the best reward for what he presented and make him in the balance of his good deeds and to shroud him with the mercy of his mercy and forgiveness and dwell in his spacious gardens and to inspire you all beautiful patience and good consolation.We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.Likewise, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishaal Al -Ahmad sent a telegram of condolences to the family of the late God Almighty.Saleh Muhammad Al -Ajiri، هذا نصها: الأفاضل عائلة المرحوم د.Saleh Muhammad Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،، بقلوب مؤمنة بقضاء الله وقدره، تلقينا نبأ وفاة المغفور له بإذن الله تعالى المرحوم د.Saleh Muhammad Al -Ajiri رحمه الله وطيب ثراه.As we express to you the sincere condolences and sympathy for the loss of one of the loyal men of Kuwait, we recall the virtues of the deceased and his exploits and what he provided to the dear homeland and his sons from great services that will remain a witness to his sincerity and love for Kuwait, asking God Almighty to bless him with the mercy of his mercy and dwell in his vast paradise and inspire you patience and solace.We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.And the greatness of God reward you, as His Highness the Prime Minister, Sheikh Sabah Al -Khaled, sent a similar telegram.

They confirmed that it was a key pillar in our lives as Kuwaitis of what he presented and made in the field of astronomy and evaluation

Ministers: The late scientific fingerprints remain firm in the minds of everyone

A number of ministers mourned the deceased Kuwait d.Saleh Al -Ajiri, who passed away yesterday afternoon after a long career full of excellence, giving and achievement.The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Oil, Minister of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy, presented Dr..Muhammad al -Faris is the duty of condolences to the deceased of Kuwait through his Twitter account, saying: “Kuwait lost its world and its great researcher, Uncle Saleh Al -Ajiri, from which I learned a lot in astronomy...Oh God, reward us from the best reward, have mercy on your mercy, honor his descent, expand his entrance, and make his grave a kindergarten from the garden of Paradise, and inspire his family patience and solace ».For its part, the Minister of State for Municipal Affairs, Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology, said Dr..رنا الفارس على حسابها في تويتر: «ببالغ الألم والحزن ننعي هامة من هامات الكويت والعالم العربي، مضيفة: نعزي انفسنا وذويه واقرباءه وكل من احب العالم الجليل الفلكي العم Saleh Muhammad Al -Ajiri «رحمه الله»، وWe belong to Allah and to Him we shall return».In the same context, the Minister of Education mourned the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr..Ali Al -Mudhaf and the educational family, the late God Almighty, the astronomer d.Saleh Al -Ajiri.Al -Mudhaf recalled the successes and achievements of d.Al -Ajiri, who is considered a symbol of giving and science, as he was interested in education and science, and graduated from successful generations with educational educational fingerprints contributing to the elevation of Kuwait’s affairs, indicating that his scientific and educational fingerprints remain firm in the minds of everyone and a science that future generations benefit from.Dr..The added of the sincere condolences and sympathy to the family of the deceased, calling on the Almighty to shroud him with mercy, forgiveness and the gardens of bliss, and to inspire his family with patience and solace, and we belong to God and to Him we shall return.For his part, the Minister of Information and Culture mourned Dr..Hamad Rouh El -Din, the deceased Kuwait and the Arab world, the great astronomical scientist Dr..Saleh Al -Ajiri، وقال في تصريح خاص لـ «كونا» إن د.Al -Ajiri was an essential pillar in our lives as Kuwaitis of what he presented and made in the field of astronomy and evaluation..He added, "I extend my name and on behalf of my colleagues in all sectors of the Ministry of Information and its sectors in its deepest condolences to His Highness the Prince and His Highness the Crown Prince and the Kuwaiti people with their great injury, asking God Almighty that the deceased be shrouded with the mercy of his mercy and forgiveness and to dwell in his vast paradise.".Rouh al -Din affirmed that the late Al -Ajiri annihilated his life, a teacher, a thinker and a scientist in the field of astronomy and his sciences..And that Ataa Al -Ajiri continued until it became a milestone in the field of astronomy, and the people of Kuwait were closely related to it, so God's mercy, as well as his knowledge and astronomical knowledge, was one of the Kuwaiti personalities on which the people of Kuwait unanimousThe people of Kuwait are all.He stated that Dr..Al -Ajiri, may God have mercy on him, set a great example of giving that does not stop at a age or health.And for the people, saying: “Kuwait will miss you, which I have always given you from your knowledge, time and effort, Dr. Saleh.”.

Governor of the Capital: Pioneer for Astronomy

The governor of the capital, Sheikh Talal Al -Khaled, raised the shrine of His Highness Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al -Ahmad, to His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishaal Al -Ahmad, to the Kuwaiti people and to the family of the late, my deepest condolences and condolences for the resurrection of Kuwait, Uncle Dr..Saleh Al -Ajiri الذي قدم حياته وسخّر علمه للكويت وأبنائها فكان ذلك العالم الجليل رائدا في علم الفلك ليس في الكويت فحسب وإنما في المنطقة برمتها. وقال الخالد: «إن ثرى الكويت الطاهر يحتضن اليوم العم Saleh Al -Ajiri أحد القامات الكويتية وصانع علم الفلك الذي أثرى الساحة الكويتية بغزارة علمه فقدم وأوفى للكويت وبمثلهم تُبنى الأوطان وتزدهر».

Hawalli Governor: Contributions affected the flag in Kuwait

The governor of Hawalli mourned Ali Al -Asfar astronomical d.Saleh Al -Ajiri الذي انتقل إلى جوار ربه أمس عن عمر ناهز الـ 101 عام.He said that uncle d.Saleh Al -Ajiri يعد أيقونة في علم الفلك على مستوى الوطن العربي حيث قدم الكثير من الإسهامات والإجازات العلمية والمؤلفات التي أثرت العلم في الكويت بشكل خاص.

"Teachers": Its time has already been in knowledge and knowledge in the field of astronomy

Abdulaziz Al -Fadents, the Teachers Association, and in the name of the masses of male and female teachers and the people.Saleh Al -Ajiri الذي وافته المنية أمس بعد مسيرة تاريخية حافلة بالعطاء في خدمة وطنه الكويت والعالمين العربي والإسلامي والعالم بأسره، وخدمة المتخصصين والباحثين وطلبة العلم والهواة في مجال علم الفلك والرياضيات، وقدم من خلالها الكثير من الإنجازات والإضافات والأعمال العلمية في الفلك وعلومه من خلال أبحاثه العلمية والكتب والمؤلفات والندوات والمحاضرات والبرامج التي قدمها في المراكز العلمية المتخصصة والأندية والمؤسسات التعليمية والأكاديمية وال بفعاليات مختلفة في المؤتمرات العلمية المحلية والعربية والإسلامية والإقليمية والدولية، وله الكثير من المؤلفات التي تتناول موضوعات الرياضيات والفلك، فيما اعتمدت الكويت رسميا التقويم الميلادي والهجري السنوي الذي يعده والمسمى على اسمه (تقويم العجيري) لجميع المعاملات الحكومية.She added: The late deceased has a long journey in the study of astronomy that extended from his childhood until he had previously been known for science and knowledge in this field, so his teachers competed with calculations, during his enrollment in the Mubarakiya School in the year 1937, while he joined the Abdul Rahman bin Hajji School, founder of astronomy in Kuwait and studied on His hands and learned from a number of historical references, and completed his university studies in Cairo, where he obtained a scientific degree stating his specialization in astronomy from the Egyptian Astronomical Union in 1952 and continued in Cairo to request astronomy through research, knowledge, monitoring, exploration, and correspondence of scientific observatories and specialized astronomical scientific institutions and visited Many countries of the world, as he participated in many Arab and international astronomical conferences.وأوضحت ان للفقيد الراحل علاقته الوطيدة بجمعية المعلمين وبالميدان التربوي، فسبق للجمعية ولمدارس الكويت أن استضافته في الكثير من الملتقيات التربوية خاصة المعنية بعلم الرياضيات والفلك، وكان له ارتباطه وحضوره إلى الجمعية في مناسبات عديدة برفقة شقيقه الراحل عبدالله محمد Saleh Al -Ajiri، أحد رجال الرعيل الأول من المعلمين الكويتيين، وأحد رواد ديوانية الرواد في الجمعية سابقا، والذي وافته المنية في أغسطس الماضي عن عمر ناهز 94 عاما.The Association of Teachers confirmed that the record of the great and full giving to the late deceased will remain, for example, the highest preserved and firmly in the adult record and an improvised example for generations, asking the Almighty to shroud him with the mercy of his mercy, and dwell in his vast paradise.

Astronomy giant..Written by: The astronomer Adel Youssef Al -Marzouq

I was surprised and my thinking stopped for a moment and my tongue was unable to find the appropriate words when I received the news of the death of the astronomy giant in the Arab world, our late great professor, God willing..Saleh Muhammad Al -Ajiri.And when he came to me, may God have mercy on you, Abu Muhammad.I knew d.Saleh Al -Ajiri منذ أن وعيت على هذه الدنيا، وأنا أراه وأرى والده العم محمد العجيري، رحمة الله عليهم جميعا، قامة فلكية كبيرة فنحن مهما علونا وكبرنا لن نصل إلى ما وصل إليه «العجيري»، فهو الأستاذ والمعلم، فقد كان أول من بدأ في تسجيل الأمور والحوادث الفلكية، وألّف الكثير من الكتب بل وحتى الأمور التاريخية التي تتعلق بتاريخ الكويت، وعندما بدأ بالكتابة عن الفلك في بداية الأربعينيات لم تكن في ذلك الوقت الكمبيوترات موجودة، وقدم حساباته الفلكية بأسلوب دقيق وصحيح ولاتزال تستخدم حساباته الفلكية في مواقيت حركات الشمس والقمر والنجوم.Whatever we studied and drawn from the astronomy, we will not reach the level that the deceased reached, God willing, Al -Ajiri. I said: But I took these periods of your account and why do I deny this thing? He said: So a paragraph increased it according to the Rashid Al -Khalawi system. I said: What is this work? He said: You put the astronomical periods in a schedule, and this matter did not do it, and you would have preceded me, so I said, but I took these astronomical matters from you, a professor, and he replied to me laughing: “How many of a student surpassed his teacher.” So I repeated: I ask forgiveness from God Almighty..Al Ain does not rise to the eyebrow.She presented him with a memorandum on astronomical periods with all clarification, interpretation and attached to it another memorandum in the calculation of the role or the marine account, or according to what is called the Indian Nayrouz account, and he said: I took some information about this account from the Nakhuda who were coming to your diwanTo please and retract it, and after how many days he called me and said: excellent..Come take your notes, so I said: This is my presenter for you so that you can thank me for that.I remember when I met with him, may God have mercy on him, at the entrance to the Emiri Hospital, and I was accompanied by my son Abdel Wahab, so I presented him to him, and I told him this is your son Abdel Wahab, and he said to me: I called him to your father Abdel Wahab - My grandfather meant the father of my mother Abdel Wahab Al -Dawood Al -Marzouq - so I said to him: Yes, yes, then he turned awayTo Abdel Wahab and said to him: Your father, Abdel Wahab, preceded his era, and he is the first Kuwaiti man to fly his beard and his mustache..

May God have mercy on you, O Abu Muhammad, a broad mercy..(We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return).

رئيس وأعضاء مجلس الأمة يؤبّنون Saleh Al -Ajiri: عالم جليل وفلكي كبير زخرت مسيرته بالتميز والعطاء

تقدم رئيس وأعضاء مجلس الأمة بخالص العزاء وصادق المواساة إلى الكويت وشعبها بوفاة القيمة والعالم الفلكي القدير العم Saleh Al -Ajiri عن عمر يناهز الـ 102 عام، سائلين المولى عز وجل أن يتغمد الفقيد بواسع رحمته وأن يسكنه فسيح جناته ويلهم أهله وذويه الصبر والسلوان.Initially, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Marzouq Al -Ghanem, sent a telegram to the family of the late, God willing.Saleh Muhammad Al -Ajiri أعرب فيها عن خالص العزاء وصادق المواساة بوفاته.Al -Ghanem said in his telegram: “D.Al -Ajiri was one of the distinguished men of Kuwait, as he is a great world, and a great astronomer..Al -Ghanem emphasized that the late left a scientific heritage in the field of astronomy that must be preserved and made a reference for those interested and researchers in this field, asking the Lord whose ability was to have mercy on the deceased and to inspire his relatives and loved ones and the Kuwaiti people are beautiful patience and solace.For his part, the Vice -President of the National Assembly, Ahmed Al -Shehoumi, the great scientist Dr..Saleh Al -Ajiri الذي انتقل الى رحمة الله تعالى امس الخميس.Al -Shahoumi recalled pride and pride in the exploits of the deceased of Kuwait, science, scholars and the whole world, as it is “may God have mercy on him” is one of the most important astronomers in Kuwait and the region, and thanks to him came the establishment of the famous legendary calendar in Kuwait and the Arab and Islamic worlds.Al -Shahoumi pointed out that the great deceased enriched the scientific scene and made a great effort to raise the level of astronomy, through the books he wrote, the lectures and seminars he undertook and the conferences in which he participated, calling for the importance of preserving governmental, popular and international scientific authorities for his memories, achievements and education for current generations and delivering them to the quotient.Al -Shahoumi also appreciated the late educational exploits when she chose the Al -Ajiri Department of Knowledge to work as a teacher at the Eastern School for Boys, which contributed to establishing and developing education in the country, as well as returning with science and benefit to successive generations of Kuwaiti children.At the end of his statement, Al -Shehoumi came to the honorable Al -Ajiri family and the general Kuwaiti people with the death of the great stature.Saleh Al -Ajiri، سائلا المولى عز وجل أن يتغمده بواسع رحمته ويسكنه فسيح جناته ويجزيه خير الجزاء عما قدمه للعالم من علم ومعرفة.For his part, MP said Dr..Abdulaziz Al -Saqabi, the Messenger ﷺ said: “If Ibn Adam dies, his work will be interrupted except from three:..Or knowledge to benefit from it".He added: “And she called Kuwait with all sorrow one of its loyal men, the astronomer, uncle Dr..Saleh Al -Ajiri».وتابع الصقعبي: «غفر الله له وأسكنه فسيح جناته ونفعنا بعلمه وفضله وألهم ذويه ومحبيه الصبر والسلوان، We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return».بدوره، قال النائب أسامة المناور «We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return، عظّم الله أجركم يا أهل الكويت ‏بفقدان العالم العبقري ‏العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، ثلم في العلم ثلمة عظيمة يصعب سدها، ‏رحمه الله وغفر له وتجاوز عنه».For his part, the deputy said Dr..عبدالكريم الكندري: «فقدت الكويت عالمها الجليل، العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، اللهم اجزه عنا خير الجزاء وارحمه برحمتك وأكرم نزله ووسع مدخله واجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنة وألهم أهله وذويه الصبر والسلوان».For his part, Representative Hamdan Al -Azmi said: “Sincerely and sincere condolences to the honorable family of Al -Ajiri on the death of the honorable uncle Dr..Saleh Al -Ajiri، ‏غفر الله له وأسكنه فسيح جناته، ‏We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return».وقال النائب حمود مبرك العازمي: فقدت الكويت قامة من قاماتها وعالما من علمائها، ‏العم (Saleh Al -Ajiri) عظم الله أجركم، ربي يرحمه ويغفر له، ‏وقد ورث للبلاد والعباد علما ينتفع به، ‏اللهم ارحم رجلا نفع الناس بعلمه.بدوره، قال النائب عبدالله المضف: فقدت الكويت أحد نفائسها الثمينة العالم الجليل‏ Saleh Muhammad Al -Ajiri، ‏سنفتقدك يا عم صالح، ‏وعزاؤنا أننا ننتمي لوطن كنت أنت أحد رجالاته ورواده.وقال النائب الصيفي الصيفي: إنه «بوفاة القامة العلمية والفلكية العم Saleh Al -Ajiri خسرت الكويت أحد أبرز علمائها، رحم الله العجيري الذي عمل بجد واجتهاد من أجل وطنه، بمثل هؤلاء الرجال تبنى الأوطان».In turn, the deputy said Dr..Muhammad Al -Huwaila, "May God have mercy on the great scientist who spent 100 years in the service of science and his students.".وأضاف: «‏العم Saleh Al -Ajiri كان أيقونة للفلك والعلم ومثالا للاجتهاد في طلب العلم وخدمته.May God have mercy on him, a broad mercy, and reward him for the best reward, and we ask God Almighty to him Heaven and his family and his family and his loved ones are beautiful patience and solace ».For his part, MP said Dr..حمد المطر «رحم الله فقيد الكويت وعالمها الجليل العم Saleh Al -Ajiri بواسع رحمته..We ask God Almighty to bless him with the mercy of his mercy, and to inspire his family and his patience and solace ».For his part, the deputy said Dr..عبدالله الطريجي: سقطت نجمة من سماء الكويت بوفاة العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، والكويت فقدت عالما جليلا شهد له الجميع بعلمه وحكمته وثقافته.Oh God, have mercy on him, and replace it with a house that is better than his house on the highest paradise..من ناحيته، أشار النائب علي القطان إلى أنه قد «فقدت الكويت أحد أبرز رجال العلم والبحث بعد مسيرة حافلة بالعطاء والإنجازات، نعزي أنفسنا ونعزي أسرة الفقيد برحيل العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، سائلين الله أن يرحم فقيد الوطن».بدوره، قال النائب ثامر السويط:«إنه برحيل العم Saleh Al -Ajiri تفقد الكويت علما ورمزا استثنائيا كرّس حياته للعلم والفلك وأحاطها بالتواضع والدماثة وحسن الخلق، ‏فأكرمه الله بمحبة الناس وتقديرهم له في حياته، وحزنهم على رحيله وذكر مناقبه والترحم عليه ميتا، اللهم أكرم نزله ووسع مدخله».For his part, MP said Dr..أحمد مطيع: «We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return، ‏فقدت الكويت والعالم ‏العربي والإسلامي ‏عالما جليلا فلكيا بارعا، ‏العم العزيز ‏المغفور له بإذن الله ‏د.Saleh Al -Ajiri‬».Mutee added: “I extend my sincere condolences and sincere condolences to the honorable family of Al -Ajiri..Representative Khalil Al -Saleh said: “With more sisters and sadness, we received the news of the departure of the late, God willing, the astronomical scholar and the great historian uncle d.. Saleh Al -Ajiri‬ بعد مسيرة حافلة من الإنجازات والجهود الوطنية المخلصة، نسأل الله عز وجل أن يتغمده بخالص رحمته وواسع فضله وأن يلهم أهله والشعب الكويتي الصبر والسلوان».For his part, MP M. said. أحمد الحمد «رحل عنا هذا الصرح Saleh Al -Ajiri بعد قرن من العطاء والعلم والمعرفة والإخلاص والتفاني والوطنية والإنسانية، اسم كتب في سجل التاريخ أسأل الله أن يرحمه ويسكنه فسيح جناته ويلهم أهله وذويه الصبر والسلوان، We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return».

The President of the Arab Parliament: We lost an inspiring symbol and model whose achievements served Arabs and Muslims

القاهرة ـ كونا: أعرب رئيس البرلمان العربي عادل العسومي أمس الخميس عن خالص التعازي والمواساة للكويت قيادة وحكومة وبرلمانا وشعبا في وفاة العالم الفلكي الكويتي Saleh Al -Ajiri.Al -Asoumi said in a tweet through his personal account on the social networking site (Twitter) that with the departure of Al -Ajiri, “We lost a symbol and an inspirational model that led a scientific march full of achievements that served Arabs and Muslims in the field of mathematics and astronomy.”.

Al -Ajiri and "News"

علاقة مودة وتقدير جمعت بين العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله، وجريدة «الأنباء» التي اختارها لتكون منبرا لقلمه، حيث بدأ كتابة المقالات على صفحاتها عام 2014 واستمر حتى نهايات عام 2020 عندما نشر مقاله الأخير في 8 ديسمبر بعنوان «كسوف كلي للشمس».In April 2014, "Al -Anbaa" honored him in the person of its editor -in -chief, colleague Youssef Khaled Al -Marzouq, with a group of scholars and experts in astronomy and meteorology.After his children, may God protect them, on his path and his footsteps in the service of Kuwait and its people.


Al -Ajiri scientist..We have always enjoyed and benefited us!..Written by: Youssef Abdel Rahman

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All Kuwait's telephones were burst and conveyed with the pain and sadness of the death of the Kuwaiti scientist d.Saleh Al -Ajiri عن عمر يناهز الـ 102 عام، وسيدفن صباح اليوم الجمعة 10 رجب 1443هـ الموافق 11 فبراير 2022م في مقبرة الصليبخات وسط جمهرة ستحضر جنازته متجاوزة المنع والمقصور على الأهل فقط، لأن أهل الكويت جميعا هم أهله وأحبابه!كتبت في حياتي أكثر من مقال في العم الفلكي المرحوم بإذن الله Saleh Al -Ajiri، وأتذكر في 25/3/2011 كتبت مقالا بعنوان «Saleh Al -Ajiri.. ما لم يكتب عنه»، وذكرت قصة كيف بادر العم عبدالحميد الصانع، طيب الله ثراه ومثواه، وسعى جاهدا لطبع التقويم ورفع الأمر إلى الشيخ أحمد الجابر، رحمه الله، الذي أمر محمد عزت جعفر، رحمه الله، بإرساله إلى مصر للطباعة، وان العم عبدالرحمن جاسم الحجي، رحمه الله، أول من درَّس العم Saleh Al -Ajiri علم الربع المجيب.And that Al -Amin Musaed Al -Saleh and Abdul Aziz Al -Ali Al -Mutawa, may God have mercy on them, paid 5 dinars and the Department of Knowledge 5 dinars and sent the calendar to Baghdad for printing, so the Second World War erupted.Uncle d.Saleh Al -Ajiri بقدرات أهلته لاحتلال مكانته بين الناس، فلقد بدأ مسيرته الحياتية وعمره 12 عاما، وله من الإخوة أربعة أصبح مسؤولا عنهم وعن رعايتهم، فوالده كان موظفا في البلدية، ووظيفته اخذت كل وقته، وبالفعل تحمل مسؤولية اخواته صغيرا، وهذا ما صقله، ودرس في المدرسة المباركية، ولما انهى دراسته في العام 1943 التحق بمهنة التدريس، ثم انتقل إلى المدرسة الأحمدية، وتزوج مبكرا وهو لايزال طالبا في المرحلة الثانوية في العام 1941، ورزق بابنه البكر محمد الذي توفي مع والدته رحمهما الله في حريق منزل في أكتوبر 2003.He emerged in his academic life by acting, and he was encouraged from the honorable first, may God have mercy on them, such as Professor Hamad Al -Rajeeb, Punishment of Al -Khatib and Professor Muhammad Al -Nashmi, then he retired from acting in the beginning of the sixties, and assumed many jobs that he started in government departments and free business.منذ صغره وعيونه كانت «مبحلقة» في السماء تراقب الأفلاك والنجوم والمجرات، وهذه الروحانيات جعلت كثيرا من أهالي المرضى يطلبون منه رقية مرضاهم، غير ان الثابت ان العم Saleh Al -Ajiri أثبت لقومه انه طالب علم في علوم الفلك، وتفوق في هذا العلم وبرز على مستوى العالم الإسلامي كله.قدرات العم Saleh Al -Ajiri كثيرة، منها على سبيل المثال لا الحصر قدرته على التنويم المغناطيسي وبروزه اللغوي أمام مدرسيه وسرعة بديهته.كان Saleh Al -Ajiri في طفولته يخاف من الظواهر الطبيعية مثل هبوب الرياح والبرق والرعد، وصار أهله والمحيطون به يعلمونه ان هذه الظواهر قدرها الله لصالح البشر، وصار يتعرف عليها ويتفوق فيها من باب «اعرف عدوك»!حياة البادية أثرت كثيرا على حياة العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، فلقد أرسله والده إلى البادية ليتعلم الفروسية والرماية، وليتعود الحياة الخشنة، فبهرته الصحراء والشمس والقمر والأجرام السماوية والأفلاك، وكان معروفا بحبه الشديد لإخواننا من قبيلة «الرشايدة» الكرام الذين أطلعوه على طريقتهم في الاستدلال على الجهات الأربع وأخذ منهم أول درس في علوم الفلك بعد ان عايشهم في الرمال الصحراوية.والمقال الثاني كتبته في 20/6/2019 بعنوان «تحية لراعي الرزنامة»، وذكرت في الزاوية مسيرة العم Saleh Al -Ajiri وعلاقته برزنامته وكيف طبعها وما حصل فيها من تعثر.I met him a lot in the cousin Youssef Jassim Al -Hajji, may God have mercy on him.He left for us and the mortal life uncle d.Saleh Al -Ajiri، صاحب الشخصية الفلكية واللغوية، وهو فخر الكويت وأجيالها.٭ Wamda: On 6/2/2016, I wrote an article on "Lovers of Puff.Saleh Al -Ajiri أطلق هذه النعمة التي تطل علينا عقب الوسم، وأقصد الفقع، فاكهة الصحراء.٭ Latest words: On 9/7/2018, I wrote an article entitled “You are heh..Balaa Al -Bayza!.Saleh Al -Ajiri لهذا القول، ويعرفه، رحمه الله: بلاع البيزة كان موجودا في العشرينيات والثلاثينيات من القرن الماضي، شاهدته في صغري وتعاملت معه، وهو عبارة عن رأس إنسان (تمثال) يضع فيه الطفل ما اعطي له في العيد (العيدية) وقدرها بيزة واحدة، يعادلها الآن الفلس، في فم التمثال فيخرج شرر من عينيه فيضحك الطفل من هذا المنظر الغريب الذي يشاهده، وما ان يهدأ فإنه يسأل صاحب التمثال: أين بيزتي؟ فيجيبه: خلاص، لقد بلعها بلاع البيزة!٭ زبدة الحچي: يا أهلنا في الكويت «عظم الله أجركم في عالمنا وأستاذنا د.Muhammad Al -Ajiri »..Oh God, forgive him and have mercy on him, and forgive him and forgive him, honor his descent, expand his entrance, wash it with water, snow and cold, and make his grave a kindergarten from the gardens of Heaven, and gave him happiness in his grave attached to the happiness of Heaven, O God, raise his degree in the Mahdi, O God, Amen.In the name of my brothers in Diwaniyah on Saturday, we offer condolences to our brother and our dear friend, Muhammad Al -Ajiri, with my death, on the death of his uncle, and he shares me in this condolence to him for all of my brothers: Dr..Saleh Hamdan - Muhammad Al -Mansour - Moayad Al -Quraini - Abdul Wahid Al -Dawood - Hassan Al -Sayegh - Dr..Issa Muhammad Jassim - Abdul Sattar Naji - Abdullah Al -Daghshim - and Rashid Al -Ruwaished.To call for consolation: Men: 99774773-94100999.Women: 97962342 - 66092700.May God have mercy on uncle d.Saleh Al -Ajiri والذي لا يعوض أبدا، والمرجو ان يدعو له المواطنون والوافدون، فلطالما أمتعنا وأسعدنا بحلو حديثه وغزير علمه، وWe belong to Allah and to Him we shall return...In the safety of God.

He stressed that his evaluation is a scientific reference for calendars in the Arab and Islamic world

Al -Ajiri Center: The late founder of astronomy in Kuwait and the region

Al -Ajiri Scientific Center mourned its chairman and its astronomical founder d.Saleh Muhammad Al -Ajiri الذي وافته المنية صباح أمس الخميس عن عمر يناهز 101 عام.The center said, in a press statement, that the late is the founder of astronomy in Kuwait and the region and has many contributions and scientific achievements and literature that affected scientific libraries..The center offered sincere condolences and sincere sympathy to Kuwait and its people with the death of the deceased, the deceased, asking the Almighty to shroud him with the mercy of his mercy and to dwell in his vast gardens and inspire his family and his patience and solace.

Saleh Al -Ajiri..Strong roots in the land of Kuwait

Kuwait lost the astronomical scientist d.Saleh Al -Ajiri أحد أبرز وأبرع علماء الفلك في الكويت والمنطقة عن عمر ناهز الـ ١٠٢ عام.Dr..Al -Ajiri on the day life was the simplest of what it was, modern technology had not yet appeared, and there were no astronomical books or schools, and after years of his birth, his father sent him to the desert to learn equestrian and men's sciences, and on that trip he was a guest of the Rashaida tribe, and there in the desert began his lessonThe first in astronomy, and his entry into this world was only a matter of knowing your enemy, because he was afraid of the wind, from the light of lightning, thunder, and from all natural phenomena, and thus a beneficial harmful Lord.It was not d.Al -Ajiri, may God have mercy on him, is one day except a good son of Kuwait with what was presented and gave, so he deserved the great love that the Kuwaitis carried to him, and this was embodied in hundreds of shields and honors that were decorating his office.We learned d.Saleh Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله، الكثير، وأثرى ذاكرتنا بمساحات ثرية تاريخية وثقافية وفلكية وأدبية، فكان قامة شامخة وجذوراً ضاربة في ارض الكويت، حافظاً لتاريخها، وراوياً بارعا لأيامها الصعبة، أيام شظف العيش، فكان ـ رحمه الله ـ مرجعا متنقلا لتاريخ الديرة يلجأ إليه من كان تستعصي عليه اي معلومة في تاريخ وطننا.D..Al -Ajiri, may God have mercy on him, his studies at the Mubarakiya School in 1943 and joined the teaching profession.Al -Ajiri’s work, may God have mercy on him, for only two years by teaching, the first year in the eastern school and the second year of the Ahmadiyya School to leave the teaching profession and move to self -employment as an accountant and stayed in this work 11 years, and then joined to work in the government property department, then moved to the Housing and Administrative Affairs Department,And from there to the Department of Social Affairs and Labor responsible for housing, then to the Credit and Savings Bank, and he was the first official and the first employee at the same time in the savings department until the savings department observer retired in 1971.The first astronomical steps, as for its beginning in the astronomy, it returns to his childhood.Natural began to track and study it, and he took it in two steps,

The first step when his father felt his desire and attached to astronomy, he sent him to one of his acquaintances, who is the late Nasrallah Al -Rahman, and he was buying a book written by Sheikh Al -Ayoufi, who is a scholar of Al -Ahsa that contains the schedules of months and times for that region in a simple way, and he absorbed all the information in it, and then I got out.On an old result from the status of the late Muhammad bin Issa Al -Asfour and Hussein Al -Asousi in 1933 related to the calculation of the times and the Nurous, so he absorbed and drank the information it contains, and after the queen owned it, he became correct what was mentioned in the two books..Al -Rashaida was the first to teach him astronomy, and when he went to righteousness with them, they taught him the four sides, in addition to watching the stars, moon and natural phenomena.He traveled to a large number of Arab and foreign countries for his love for astronomy, and the first country was intended to be Egypt and that was in 1945, and the reason for this was his obtaining a book called "Egyptian Zig" that examines the movements of stars, planets, sun and moon, so he directed Dr..Al -Ajiri, may God have mercy on him, to Cairo and he went to King Fouad I University and studied at the School of Arts and Sciences (Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Sciences currently) and underwent a test of completing the study in this school in the astronomy department and succeeded with great excellence on 10/2/1946.And after I complete d.Al -Ajiri, may God have mercy on him. Exploration and correspondence of scientific observatories and specialized astronomical institutions, and visited many countries of the world such as the United States of America, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria, Switzerland, Germany, France, Turkey, Iraq and Iran, and also participated in many Arab and international astronomical conferences.Al -Ajiri, may God have mercy on him, was a lover to work in trade, as soon as he had the opportunity until he decided to leave the teaching and trend profession for commercial work, and that was in 1943, so he received an offer to work as head of the account book from the late Yassin Al -Sayed Hashem Al -Gharabali to work in his brother's office, and Al -Ajiri won the confidence of the ownerThe late work Ahmed Al -Sayed Hashem Al -Gharabali.وفي يوم الأربعاء الأول من اكتوبر 1952 بمدينة المنصورة في مصر، انعقدت اللجنة الفلكية العليا للاتحاد الفلكي المصري العام، وقررت منح Saleh Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله، الشهادة الفلكية العلمية الثانية تقديرا لأبحاثه العلمية والرياضية القيمة، كما قررت اللجنة ايضا اعتباره عضوا من اعضاء الاتحاد العاملين لترقية العلم ونشره في جميع الانحاء.He also granted an honorary doctorate from Kuwait University in 1981, which is the first doctorate granted by Kuwait University in its history.He was also honored, may God have mercy on him, at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council also in 1988 during the Gulf Summit of the Cooperation Council states in Muscat when he granted the Cooperation Council necklace for science, in addition to many other honors, the most recent of which was his honor from the Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Progress with the State Appreciation Award2020.Acting Al -Ajiri, may God have mercy on him, the chapter of acting in the theater, and in 1938 he went through this experience with the first old Kuwaiti theater giants, such as Professor Hamad Al -Rajeeb and Punishment of Al -Khatib, then he formed with Professor Muhammad Al -Nashmi a successful bilateral in acting, then he retired from acting in the beginning of the sixties..Careers

تنقل العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله، في Careers كثيرة بدأها في الدوائر الحكومية وفي الاعمال الحرة غير ان كل هذه الCareers لم تشغل عينيه لأن عينيه كانتا «متعلقتين بالسماء»، فالأفلاك والنجوم والمجرات تجبره على الا يستظل بالأسقف، ولعل طقوسه في متابعة النجوم جعلت الناس من حوله يربطون بين الفلك والروحانيات ويطلبون منه دائما رقية مرضاهم، ولم يكن يستجيب الا مرة في صغره فقد ارغمه احد «عتاة الفريج» على ان يعالج حصانه واضطر تحت التهديد لأن يستجيب لطلبه، فكانت النتيجة مثيرة للغاية وغير متوقعة، والقصة مشهورة ونشرت في المجلات واذيعت في المذياع، هذا ما جعل الناس يتوافدون على العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله، طلبا للاستشفاء ظنا منهم انه يستخدم التنجيم ويستعين بالأرواح، وغاب عنهم انه تلقى من والده «عقيدة التوحيد» خالصة دون شوائب لأن والده محمد العجيري ـ رحمه الله ـ صاحب أول روضة أطفال في «جبلة» وتعلم فيها وجهاء البلد، وبمرور الوقت نسي الناس هذا الحادث وغيره ووعى «أهل الديرة» وأدركوا انهم امام طالب علم في علوم الفلك.سريع البديهةكان العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله، سريع البديهة، لاسيما في الجوانب الفكاهية من الحياة، وله من الطرائف والظرف ما لا يعد ولا يحصى، وهو غالبا ما كان يُضحك حضوره سواء أكان متحدثا رئيسيا أو محاضرا أو مقدما.His command was amazing in offering the joke and commenting on it in all situations, so he was convincing in his speech..The Arab Library was able to prove that the zodiac is thirteen actually, and put twelve terminology through his book "Are the zodiac thirteen?"The same distinct additions in astronomy, and the distinguished Al -Ajiri, may God have mercy on him, with his distinguished style in simplifying astronomy so that all seekers of science can benefit from these distinguished books, which is a broad base for those seeking this science.A book was issued on Al -Ajiri, "What was not mentioned about the life of Al -Ajiri" in 1980 on the occasion of the Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Progress and the Scientific Club honored our great world at the level of Kuwait.The second book was published by Dr..العجيري وهو «الجانب التربوي من حياة الدكتور Saleh Al -Ajiri» سنة 1988 من تأليف الأستاذ محمد محمد أحمد عيسويمنه في المؤتمر التربوي الثامن عشر الذي نظمته جمعية المعلمين الكويتية.And he, may God have mercy on him, said about his books: My books are like my children, in which I deposited Majdi and the juice of my experiences.Al -Ajirioui Observatory, the story of Al -Ajiri Observatory, said in one of its press meetings in 2013: The story of the establishment of the observatory dates back to 1980, when the Secretary of the Scientific Club called me, and he told me: Dr..Saleh, we want to honor you..Saleh is very serious, and you will be honored at the state level and not only at the level of the scientific club, prepare yourself, and in December we will hold the celebration, and wrote to us a book that attracts attendance at the ceremony, and indeed, I prepared the book "How to calculate the accidents of the eclipse and eclipse", and the celebration that was attended by personalities occurredBig, including Sheikh Abdullah Al -Jaber, and all the Arab ministers and senior Arab astronomers.During the ceremony, the ministers gave me souvenirs, some of whom gave me a "Dallah" and some of them gave me an hour, except the Ministry of Education and Higher Education that we later knew that the minister was surprised that the ministry officials did not bring any gift, but they saved the situation by announcing that the ministry's gift is a special honor in The Ministry for Al -Ajiri on February Day in February, and the Flag Day came and called me to the university, and I was surprised to obtain an honorary doctorate that no Kuwaiti had before me. Bush the father during their visit to Kuwait, and after the honoring, the press wrote: What was not honored, but a "evil", and the real honor through the establishment of a scientific edifice that benefits the citizens, and the least things are the establishment of an observatory, and this invitation was given an echo, important and support from His Highness the Prince and His Highness the Crown Prince At that time and from banks and companies, and when the amount is available, we thought that the telescope (close) is a commodity available, and that it is sold as the sulfur and milk boxes are sold in the association, and later we discovered that this is not true, and that the matter is difficult, and through the research we heard about a team in the Alps in Switzerland and that there is there A world and his team Wani made a very advanced telescope, and they need a budget, and when they learned about our matter, they offered us help and said: We do not want a profit from you, but rather supported our project to make the telescope, and indeed we paid the cost and brought the technology from France, and they poured the lens in America, then it was broken and poured it again, and I was Go to Switzerland and return from it to follow up on the project.The calendar of the seedlings, when he was young and studied in his father’s school, he noticed the presence of a plate on the wall from which the leaves were removed daily, so he imitated it at home, and his father helped him to do so, and he indicated that he should go to Nasrallah and see him as a book from which he knows the days and months and the times of prayer are called “Evaluating Al -Ayoun” by his author Abdulaziz Al -AyouniFrom Al -Ahsa, and in 1938 his father took him to the assistant of Al -Saleh and with him the calendar, and he admired him.So he took it to Abdulaziz Ali Al -Abdul -Wahhab, who had commercial relations in Baghdad and asked to print the calendar in Baghdad because there were no printing presses, so the press in Baghdad requested twenty Iraqi dinars.They obtained the remaining five dinars, and in the year that followed the calendar to Sheikh Ahmed Al -Jaber Al -Sabah, he asked Ezzat Jaafar to send him to Egypt for printing, but the Second World War started and the calendar was not printed..

Trip of a lifetime

الأمير عزّى أسرة الراحل: د.Saleh Al -Ajiri كان قامة علمية شامخة يُشار إليها بالبنان على الصعيدين المحلي والخارجي

٭ Born in the Qibla neighborhood - Kuwait.٭ He enrolled in the Private School for Child Education through his father from 1925 to 1930, and then moved to Mulla Rashid School and then the Mubarakiya School in 1938, the Eastern School.٭ Theatrical acting was practiced during the school stage, and the first theatrical work in which he participated is the play "American notebook", and he retired from theater and acting in 1961.٭ He worked as a teacher at the Mubarakiya School, and then worked at one of the merchants, then an employee in the government property department, then in housing, the Ministry of Affairs and the Credit Bank.٭ His astronomical beginnings were in 1934, and he made the first calendar (calendar)..٭ Learn astronomy at the hands of Muhammad Jab al -Sayyid from Egypt, and he had a role in developing his capabilities in the field of calculating astronomical triangles, where he obtained a curriculum study in astronomy (primary and secondary), then you know to d.Abdul Hamid Samaha at the Helwan Observatory.٭ He was awarded an honorary doctorate from Kuwait University in 1981, and it was the first time in the history of the university that this certificate was granted.٭ His Highness the late Prince Sheikh Jaber Al -Ahmad, may God have mercy on him, opened the Al -Ajiri Observatory officially on April 15, 1986, which is the observatory that carried its name and has taken from the scientific club its headquarters.٭ He was honored by the Scientific Club and the Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Progress in 1980 and obtained the Gulf Cooperation Council necklace.المرية Establish a number of literature in astronomy, times and agendas.

From his research

Climate and agricultural seasons in Kuwait.٭ Airlines and departments.The importance of the sun's tendency.Time Interventions.٭ Appointment of the authorities.٭ Dates in the past and modern.٭ The scientific investigation of the date of the sincere dawn.٭ Using astronomical computers to prove the legal vision of the crescent.٭ The comprehensive scheduling of the times in various parts of the earth.٭ Haley guilty Hadith Kony and a human reflection.٭ Monitor the planets and the stars.

Egency to communicate

كثرة الدروع التذكارية والشهادات التقديرية التي كانت تزين منزل العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله، هي حصاد هذا المشوار الطويل فلم يعرف عن العم صالح، رحمه الله، اعتذاره عن محاضرة أو ندوة، وكان يحرص دائما على التواصل مع جميع شرائح المجتمع لاسيما أبناؤه الطلبة الذين كما أحبهم قد أحبوه وبادلوه هذه المشاعر الصادقة بهذه الدروع

The strangest connection he received

The strangest connection he received عندما اتصل به رجل في ساعة متأخرة من الليل ليسأله عن كمية المطر التي تطفئ النار؟ العم صالح، رحمه الله، لم ينفعل وكل ما فعله هو إجابته عن السؤال لأنه تعود طوال حياته على ألا يغضب وأن يكون واسع الصدر.

His most prominent books

Miqat science.٭ Astronomical lessons for beginners.٭ How to calculate the accidents of the eclipse and the eclipse.٭ Hijri calendar and how the calendar is calculated.٭ The brightest map of the stars of the sky.* Halley's Comet.٭ Calendar of the centuries to meet the Hijri and Milan dates.٭ The conversion of the stars in Kuwait.٭ Times and kiss.٭ Rules and examples.٭ Establishing calendars in the past and modern.٭ Timbing of time and the crescent cycle.

The woman and The man

The woman is at Al -Ajiri, may God have mercy on him, has a great place in society and the woman must be concerned with raising the children of the correct education and contribute to building the homeland through its location.As for the man, he was making a great effort in the past to obtain a living and required of men to work and to be tolerated for the sake of living, not to wait for those who feed them.As for the message d.Saleh Al -Ajiri (رحمه الله) للرجال كانت أن يهتموا ببيوتهم ويسامحوا وينبذوا كل الخلافات وأن يكونوا أزواجا صالحين وآباء مشفقين وأبناء بارين.

The recipe for success

The recipe for success عند العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله، كالتالي: من أراد النجاح فعليه أن يبذل كل ما هو مطلوب لتحقيق ذلك وأن يكون منظما في حياته ولا يهاب الصعاب ولا يخشى الفشل ويواجه المعوقات ومن يتعب لا بد أن يصل ولا نجاح بغير بذل وعطاء.

Annual versions

Al -Ajiri Calendar.Al -Ajiri Calendar notebook.Al -Ajiri agenda.٭ Table note (office calendar).

Al -Ajiri Scientific Center..A future vision of astronomy in Kuwait

This month, specifically on February 7, happened to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the launch of the Ajiri calendar and 88 years on the first attempt of the astronomer d..Saleh Al -Ajiri لإصداره، حيث حرص ـ رحمه الله ـ طوال تلك السنين على تطوير ومراجعة التقويم بصورة مستمرة، كما حرص على دعم الشباب وتأهيلهم ليكملوا المسيرة بروح جديدة تواكب العصر والتطور.وقد أوضح المدير العام لAl -Ajiri Scientific Center يوسف جمال Saleh Al -Ajiri أنه انطلقت فكرة Al -Ajiri Scientific Center ليكون البيئة الحاضنة للإبداع الفلكي وتطوير هذا العلم والحفاظ على استمرار مسيرته، ومن خلال مهام المركز التي تشمل عمل الحسابات الفلكية وحساب المواقيت والأهلة وإصدار ونشر التقاويم وتقديم الاستشارات العلمية وتنظيم المؤتمرات ذات الصلة سيتحقق هذا الهدف.He stated that all countries in the world are their own evaluation approved according to their geographical location, including Kuwait, which this matter enjoys sublime and support from the state. This support is represented in private circulars and its issuance from the Council.He added that this accreditation is like a confidence obtained by the account of Dr..Saleh Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله، ولاتزال هذه الرعاية مستمرة وتوجت أخيرا بإشهار Al -Ajiri Scientific Center للبحث والتطوير في مجال علوم الفلك والفضاء برئاسة سمو الشيخ ناصر المحمد وتشكيل مجلس الأمناء الذي يضم نخبة وطنية من المجتمع الكويتي لها اسهامات عديدة ونجاحات في شتى المجالات.The Director General of the Center stressed that the continuation of the preservation of the legacy of astronomy in Kuwait and its history will only be achieved through keeping pace with and developing and addressing the afternoon in its language and that we reach the experiences and experiences of the past in the present and the future by harnessing modern technology and its applications for this important science, indicating that the first building block was placed towards development with the issueThe first to apply Al -Ajiri electronic and there are other new steps that will see the light soon.He pointed out that the center is one of the distinguished scientific edifices in Kuwait, which starts towards the future through a solid scientific base built by Dr..Saleh Al -Ajiri خلال السنوات الماضية.

The painful anniversary

عام 2003 تعرض العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله، لحادثة فقد على إثرها زوجته وولده. وعن تلك The painful anniversary قال في أحد لقاءاته: بطبيعتي لست من الأشخاص الذين ينفعلون سريعا، ولكن بعد فترة من الصدمة أبدأ بالتأثر بل وأبدأ بالشعور بالحزن والبكاء وهذا الشعور طبيعي جدا، أما قصة تلك الحادثة فزوجتي كانت مصابة بالشلل وتنام على سرير طبي بينما أنام أنا على الأرض وأخدمها إذا احتاجت لذلك وفي يوم من الأيام وجدت الدخان يحاصر البيت وجاء ولدي ليساعدنا، أما أنا فذهبت لإبلاغ الخدم وكتب الله لي السلامة وتم نقلي إلى المستشفى والكل اعتقد بأنني فارقت الحياة ووقتها وعلى الرغم من هول الفاجعة إلا أنني رأيت من الذين حولي موقفا مشرفا لا أستطيع نسيانه فالكل يسأل والكل يدعو، وتعلمت من هذه الحادثة الكثير من الدروس، فالدنيا لا أمان لها ولكن ليس هناك أفضل من الاستسلام لقضاء الله وقدره والحمد لله على كل حال.

250 rupees

بعد عامين من العمل في التدريس انتقل إلى العمل عند التاجر علي قبازرد محاسبا ولمدة 3 سنوات ونصف سنة تقريبا، وكان رحمه الله يتقاضى راتبا قدره 250 rupees، وبعد ذلك انتقل عند التاجر أحمد الغربللي براتب 400 روبية وعمل لديه محاسبا لأن الدراسة في المدارس كانت أغلبها في الأشياء التي يحتاج اليها التاجر خصوصا المحاسبة واستمر في عمله محاسبا لأكثر من 10 سنوات وبعدها انتقل للعمل الحكومي في دائرة أملاك الحكومة، ثم انتقل إلى دائرة الإسكان والشؤون الإدارية، ومن ثم انتقل إلى دائرة الشؤون الاجتماعية والعمل مسؤولا عن الإسكان.

English language

تعلم العم Saleh Al -Ajiri الإنجليزية في المدرسة إلا أنه كان ضعيفا فيها حسب ما كان يذكر في لقاءاته غير أنه كان عندما يفتح كتابا في الفلك بEnglish language يستطيع قراءته وفك الرموز الفلكية، فالعلم بنظره لا يتوقف عند حد وكان، رحمه الله، يحث دائما على تعلم اللغات والتبحر بها.


Among his colleagues during the study is His Highness the late Prince Sheikh Jaber Al -Ahmad, “may God have mercy on them”, who had many memories and many situations, in addition to Abdul -Razzaq Aman, Mahmoud Abdullah Ishaq, Abdul Aziz Al -Gharabali, Abdul Rahman Al -Abdul -Mughni, David Musaed Al -Saleh, Abdul Latif Aman, Jacob Al -Hamad, Muhammad Al -Sheikh, Abdullah Al -Khalaf Al -Dahayah and Jassim HamadAl -Saqr, Muhammad Abdul Mohsen Al -Kharafi, Marzouq Al -Marzouq, Abdullah Al -Marzouq, Saadoun Al -Saadoun, Berjis Muhammad Al -Barjas and Abdullah Al -Rashid.

His message to the youth of Kuwait

He, may God have mercy on him, was always keen to advise the youth of Kuwait to work good, and in one of his press meetings with "Al -Anbaa", through which he sent a message to the youth of Kuwait, saying: My message that I send to my sons and daughters of citizens and with all love I tell them that you are like your fathers who lived in all cases and circumstances And that their loyalty to Kuwait and to contribute to building and renaissance of Kuwait in all fields and not only a source of living and remind them that their fathers and grandparents lived in the most difficult and the most darkest circumstances until they faced years that were full of difficulties such as the year of destructive and the diving railway and other difficult days but they remained coherent and interconnected so therefore I recommend them to be inhabited and do not tell them that I heard or read, but I say myself one day I went to the house of our neighbors and said to them, "My mother wants two sulfur sticks" even with sulfur sticks..


One of the jokes narrated by Al -Ajiri, may God have mercy on him, in one of his press meetings, saying: One day, my grandfather came to me for my mother carrying a chaos, and he said to me, open this book and search for me for a treatment for molar pain and opened the book and found a prescription for the treatment of molar and I became treating people and no one complainedFrom dental pain except me, and after a while I found a recipe for facilitating the difficulty in childbirth and I became a doctor for dysmenorrhea and I am 14 years old, and the reason is that the patient is like a drowned related to any straw, whatever it is.

His most prominent professors

كان العم Saleh Al -Ajiri، رحمه الله، يحتفظ بالجميل لأساتذته الذين كان يحترمهم ويعتز بكل من تعلم على ايديهم ويدعو لهم دائما بالرحمة وكان يذكر منهم: محمد بن شرف ووالده محمد Saleh Al -Ajiri والملا مرشد محمد سليمان وأحمد شهاب الدين وجابر حسن حديد ومحمد نجم وعبداللطيف الصالح وفيصل الطاهر وإبراهيم عيد وكلهم رجال أفاضل تعلم منهم الكثير.

The first interrogation

من المواقف التي كان يحرص العجيري رحمه الله على ذكرها قوله: كنت يوما من الأيام طرفا من أطراف The first interrogation في تاريخ مجلس الأمة وكان مقدم الاستجواب هو النائب السابق محمد الرشيد، رحمه الله، وكان المستجوب عبدالله الروضان وزير الإسكان الأسبق وسبب مشاركتي أنني كنت مسؤولا عن الإسكان لكن المفارقة العجيبة أن الاستجواب لم يكن في مجلس الأمة بل كان في مكتب الوزير ولمدة أقل من ساعة انتهى على خير لأن الهدف لم يكن شخصيا وإنما كان للمصلحة العامة.