Filiga protectors

  • Time:Jan 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Ramallah- Ma'an- Filgat protectors is one of the most important safety equipment for industrial activities, as these products provide comprehensive protection for workers and industrial machines from the risk of tubes and valves damage by containing them and preventing fluid leakage to them.

These condoms are also characterized by that they guarantee that there is no gas leakage or the like because the fillans are one of the most important supplies that are used in the composition of various tubes, and through the following article we will show you the importance of the protectors of fillans and their different types.

The importance and role of fillans

As we mentioned before that the importance of Flang Guard lies in the connection of various gas pipes, they are necessary and inevitable when it comes to connections, so we must know when a small leak in the tubes can lead to the loss of the life of a group of individuals, as securing industrial linesFor tubes using a fabeji protector is one of the utmost importance.

It also performs a very sensitive insurance process that results in ensuring that there is no gas leakage or the like, and because it is very important to be provided with a folder with a protector that protects it, which is made for it as it achieves a high safety function in any industrial activity that uses oil materialAnd rust.

Types of minerals

بعد التعرف على The importance and role of fillansيجبالأخذبالاعتبار أن هناك أنواع كثيرة من الواقيات، حيث يتم استخدامها تبعاًللمكان المناسب وطبيعة الانابيب وذلك فيما يلي:

PVC fabe

It is known that the polyvinyl chloride is that it has a high endurance and corrosion resistance, as it was noted that this type of fillans protects fils from rust, in addition to their ability to withstand high temperatures, and PVC is one of the most common substances that resist acids and alkalis.

This is what makes it suitable for use in industrial activities that take place in the ground, and also in direct transportation from oil stores and this is at a high temperature that is not less than 140 degrees Celsius, in addition to that chlorine was introduced in the manufacture of that insulating material fromIt means that it has a high ability to resist fires.

SS316 fabin

تكمن The importance and role of fillansفي تصنيع هذا الواقي من مادة الفولاذمما يجعله مقاوم قوي للصدأ، بالإضافة إلى أنه يطلى بمادة الموليبدينيوم وهي مادة لها فاعلية عالية في مقاومة التآكل، والواقع أن التآكل من الممكن أن يحدث بسبب وجود المواد الكلورية.

The SS316 type is also used in places where the chlorine materials are found in abundance in the beaches and sites that the sea air affects in general, because these places are high in acidity, and the importance of this type of condoms appears in resisting severe acid and chemical materials in addition to resisting any kind ofMetal pollutants that are likely to happen.


This type of mineral protective consists of a high-density polyethylene material, that is, it is more intense than any other type of polyethylene because it is not high, besides that the structural difference in HDPE-PP gave it to a high thermal creditor where this type of this type is designedThe condoms to withstand pressure and decrease in temperatures.

Research has also demonstrated its excellent effectiveness in performing its tasks, which makes it use a lot in various industrial activities, as well as its low price, which strengthened its spread, and this shield gives excellent quality at work compared to other tools to protect the workers..

The uses of fillans

بعد التعرف على The importance and role of fillansيستخدم واقي الفلنجات في العديد من الأنشطة الصناعية لمنع تسرب السوائل في الخطوط الأنابيب الصناعية، وهي من أهم الإمدادات التي يتم الإستعانة بها في تركيب الأنابيب المختلفة ومن خلال السطور التالية سنعرض عليكم المجالات المختلفة التي يتم استخدام واقي الفلنجات بها وهي كالآتي:

Filter protectors are used in fluid lines that are easy to ignite, and in the event that the lines of these materials are close to high surfaces at their temperature, because the oil is a very light substance and this is what makes the gravity be able to it and here lies its danger.

In cases of any source of the temperature close to the flying oil in the air, the degree of evaporation will increase, which increases the rates.

Filgat protectors are used in acid lines that are close to workers and engineers in order to protect them from leakage and flying the user materials, which maintain their lives..

يتم استخدامه في خطوط الأنابيب المرتفعة، وفي حالة أن تلك الأنابيب التي يصعب الوصول إليها لصيانتها إذا ما حدث بها تسريبهناThe importance and role of fillansفي خطوط الأنابيب المرتفعة.

واقي الفلنجات

The connection lines that are located near the loading and discharge places, because the leaked fluids can interact with the materials loaded with harmful to it.

Its existence is a necessity to preserve the lives of people who are downloading or working in the place.

How to install fillangs

تكمن The importance and role of fillans في الحماية من الاشتعال والحفاظ على حياة الأشخاص الموجودين في المكان في حال حدوث تسرب سوائل في الأنابيب الصناعية، لذلك سوف نعرض عليكم أهم الخطوات اللازمة لتركيب واقي الفلنجات كحل سريع وبديل المفاصل الملحومة عند إجراء عملية التثبيت فيما يلي:

The connections come with edges, so the manufacturer must flee the end of the tube with the opening by the edge.

Then the parallel parallels are removed.

A strong installation of connections must be made using rubber or plastic juices, and seals and steel can be used.

It must be confirmed to be tightened. The closure of a specific part of the tubes in the event that it needs to be maintained..

Most often it is used with thermal exchanges, and when this happens, welding must be made for the edge.

Filigate ingredient components

تأتي The importance and role of fillans في منع تسرب غاز الأنابيب التي يصعب الوصول إليها لصيانتها حيث يتكون واقي الفلنجات من بعض المواد والعناصر الهامة وهي كالاتي:

The condom comes with a transparent formation in order to make a clear indication of any of the leakage accidents.

It is preferable to use transparent types of it as long as there is no harm in this as the condom is used in particular with regard to steam and oil materials.

Filgat protectors come with installation elements.

There are other types of it that have been made specifically to detect a leak.

It works with the same sunflower mechanism that can be used as an indicator for the hydrogen s.

It takes another color when a leak appears as long as the leaked fluid touched the condom.

There are some other types of condoms designed from metal materials.

Other types consisting of non -metallic materials.

The metal type is especially used in industrial activities where a high pressure and heat occurs.

The non -metal materials are special for fluids that lead to rust and corrosion in the tubes.

في الختام تكمن The importance and role of fillans حينما يرغب العمال في ضم الفولاذ إلى أنابيب الغاز الصناعيةلمنع حدوث تسرب للسوائل، وهي من الطرق الأكثر شيوعاً عندما يتطلب الأمر لتركيب انابيب صناعية أو تنظيم امتدادات الماء، فهي من الأمور الهامة عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتوصيلات خصوصاً في الأمور النفطية.