The death of the captain, the leader of the operation .. After the arrest of the defendants of the death of the university student in Bahri

  • Time:Jan 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The thief growth ????For the care of the Director General of the Police, Mustafa Awad: - The result is the following: - The Thursday, the kisses, I was stolen..My jewelry house was stolen only.And I was traveling.And the children are sitting.The theft took place between the afternoon and Morocco prayer.From the treasury at home.On my own, the communication opened was around 12 o'clock at night.A good number of evidence for fingerprints, of course, has been seized as a result of the fingerprints until the publication of publishing 9/15.The important thing is that I came back on Saturday morning of travel, I mean, one day after the date of theft.On Sunday morning, the fate wanted to be arrested in a homes of the neighbors at 7 am after the master of the house rises to work.Because we are the residents of one neighborhood, I walked to see the thief.I found a beard in Ras, he said, Shafi’i struck Hodeidah.As the head of the neighborhood's services committee.Me / Mustafa, this.I prevented any Zul strike.And I asked the owner of the house walking to open a communication.Al -Harami was not a need from the house of Zul.I went to the thief and had four people, and I walked the hospital. I worked for a sewer operation..They attended the wound sewing and cleaning.I installed the thief with me in my car and with me.I kept chatting with him.I said to me, how many homes are stolen.He said to me calmly how many homes.What are you stolen?.We stole laptops, gold, piasters, fans, and mine motors.Ok, can you go with me on the stealing homes.Ie walking with you.Ok, walk.I did Adil, I was forbidden by the people of the detective.We walked the first house.He told us the steak house.I am the most accurate door of the house.Our brothers, you are stolen Dahab and piasters.I swear by God.Ok, I will walk the department for a purple, and miss the second and thief house.The most accurate door of the house.You are stolen for a laptop and motor.I swear by God.We walk the distance for those who passed through the homes and their thief..And all confirmed its stealing.I said to me, I am stealing my home.Where is your house?.I came with our home.I said to me, my house, this is the first yesterday.Del people / Muhammad told me.Very beautiful / Mohamed Manou.He said / Muhammad this expert is our right.Ok, you would like us to.He said salvation, walk.We moved on the street, I said to me, sell your needs to steal it, where?Lina said in the scale of the wedding.Even Dahab?That is, even the gold is a copper, a good, the balance of the scale, we have a lot of piasters, by saying a lot of growth.God testifies exactly the saying.And the laptop with a brightness to sell the scale, which sells for any need.I sold the laptop to you.B six thousand.Wrap Baji Tamam.The scale, where are you right?.The scale is the intersection of this.Okay, you know what you think of the scale.We walk salvation.Of course, the scale came out at the intersection of the neighborhood.Glory be to God, we are walking on the balance / Muhammad comes before us inside the balance.Al -Harami said / Muhammad Yahoo Duck inside the scale.Very well, very controlled.Tawali called the detectives by Joe.And we walked the scale, we are all Arabs.We met / Muhammad and Bataa Al -Mizan.From Shavo, they will be with us, they knew the result./ Muhammad told me, Rafic, as a shack.Ay Kamshnho /Muhammad Al -Dahab Wayne?He said with it to go to this.The balance of the balance is very professional.Liho Dahab said what?.Of course, frankly, sometimes the shelter.Look, you are here before you, you will admit any need, and after you walk the guard.You are out of us from our eyes, we are free, we waste our time with you.Muhammad Gabto Al -Dahab Metin.This is people / Muhannad Gabo, this is here.Iowa / Muhannad this is new.The picture of the gold on the phone came out with Dahab, this.Ii Yahoo Zato, your uncle.The scale of the scale said he hit a partner to come.Well, hit.Matari, of course, said in Al -Rawakib.We have no phone, the best lock.We opened the studio, by God, we received pictures.What are you working, uncle?.Glory be to God, we see in the scrap under the tear.We are acquainted with it.You bought the laptop any.You are working with you./ Muhammad Nut said Bidina Qurash says Jibo needs.Where did the laptop?Lihu.Ok, Jubto Lahoo.Motors and fans.OK.Lift people.We raised them the section.We entered the office of the alternate officer.The first thief like this description of Dahab Al -Zul.Glory be to God..100% of our delicate people have been gone to receiving the people of the detectives, for a ready case and full confessions.Ok, you want the police dog your happiness.By God, we do not have a 4 -day day.Jabna Box, I said Arabic, ownership, no.Ok evidence goes and the smell goes.We do not have an Arab.OKعديلة .I cell in the department in the Section of the Harami Al -Ajlu and performed the detectives 4 thousand the right of the curative brochet, because I told me this is the treatment of treatments.I walked the scene of the accident, I asked a police dog.He told me to raise in your car for no Arab trader.OK.We raised the dog.And we walked the house, the effect was covered by the dog, the duty to follow up.She imagined that she was distorted with a dog for the thief to smell them.And the smell confirmed their right with the impact.Believe the dog's impact, and we returned to a cage.Ok, I mean, you are your dog, I wanted the perfumes of two men, but.the important.Aha as a result of the fingerprints to match them with the imprints of the arrested people Dell.The result is not the result, if you have a guarantee in the evidence, let it move you.Ok fingerprints, you gave it ??.My brothers, why do you do this.Of course, from an angry, but Kazem is angry.Move, young man.This is our job.طيبOKقبلنا .I returned the house.We return to the people of the neighborhood.By God, the laptop is a rhetoric, a rhetoric, and the motor of Hakaito drank.Naji to me. قالو لي تدفع مبلغ كده الناس ديل عديل قالو ليك تدفع الدهب بجيOKإتفقنا هاكم دي مقدم .And I performed it with the detectives and witnessed what I have other.Shala and he is a Brah rider in my car.Dayrin tried me with bribery, because a state employee works, and he is his request to work ready and thoroughly in any law that protects my right.Do you know getting them every day. شغالينOKفي بلاغك ده .Ok, the beautiful thing about the topic, Johnny, the people of the thief..Brother Dell, I Tsuni Adil, I didn't want me, but.Ok brother, bee the topic.Salvation of Dahab Dahab.Salvation we know / Muhannad.OKسلموهو المباحث .I swear to God a day after the emergence of the children of the children.O police director.The homes were stolen and confessed to these reports.And I am a communication.There is no substance in your law that the people are tried..For your information, I have the right to God, but the law knows yourself is a waste of people.And the next time, I am in my pocket, my opinion, because I am also, by God, I continue in the matter..Because I know myself is afraid of the creation.And the law is in respect of what you are afraid of grow.Long even justice in injustice is justice.You remained on places, department, people, and mabahith.I am the stolen and I am the publisher and I said this and responsible.Law Law, our rights, not the thief, the treasury, and not by the bribery detective, and I did not treat the ethical in terms of ethical..

وفاة النقيب قائد العملية.. عقب القائه القبض علي المتهمين بمقتل الطالب الجامعي ببحري

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