The date for the arrival of rural support for productive families after registration in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Time:Mar 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

There are many people in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia looking for a link to the Reef Program platform for the unemployed, in order to benefit from the support and funding provided by the program, in addition to all the details of the program in terms of registration steps and the categories targeted by the program. All this and more we bring to you from Through our website today, so that citizens can learn about all the details of supporting the program.

Link to the Reef Program for Productive Families platform

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia used to provide support to its citizens in all its forms, in the interest of the Saudi government to improve the living conditions of all citizens in the Kingdom, and this program aims to make all families with no income or those who do not have a fixed income on a monthly basis to productive families, and the Reef Program It targets both farmers and all activities that are closely related to agriculture, as well as housewives in rural areas.

The program also aims to improve the production of families who work in agriculture, and this also comes within the objectives pursued by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in order to improve the agricultural economy. Categories working in the field of agriculture.

Conditions for applying to the Reef Program

There are a set of conditions that must be met in order for a citizen in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to obtain the support provided by the Reef Program, and these conditions are represented in the following:

Targeted sectors of the Reef program

There are a number of sectors supported by the Reef Program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and these sectors are:

موعد نزول دعم ريف للأسر المنتجة بعد التسجيل بالمملكة العربية السعودية

Reef's online platform

The Reef electronic platform is one of the most important platforms in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it was designed by the Ministry of Water and Agriculture for the development of the rural sector, and the program is one of the goals of the economic reforms that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seeks, and the number of applicants has increased significantly through the platform Reef, for their desire to benefit from all the services provided by the platform for the various sectors that were mentioned before.

Also, the registration door for the electronic platform is rural in order to benefit from the support provided by the program, and a specific date has not yet been set during which the registration door will be closed, so any of the citizens who meet the conditions of the program can apply through the electronic platform with ease, and this program is considered One of the best programs that develop and improve all rural and agricultural standards in general within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Link to register on the Reef platform

Due to the large number of those wishing to register via the Reef electronic platform in order to be able to obtain the support of the Reef platform for the unemployed, productive families, workers in the agricultural sector and other sectors announced by the Ministry, so we show you through the next lines how to register through the Reef program, and this is done through through the following:

  • After making sure that all data is written correctly, click on the Register button.
  • A secret number is sent to your phone, enter it in the space provided.
  • After that, you can register your account that you created in the Reef online platform to get support.
  • Your application is reviewed by the program, and you must follow up on the application that you submitted through the program until the program responds.
  • Reef program support disbursement date

    After we got acquainted with the link of the Reef program platform for productive families, we mention here that it was announced by the personal account of the Reef program via Twitter that the Reef program support will be disbursed from the first day until the tenth day of the Gregorian month, and the program has also announced the possibility of registering each of the citizens who They fall under the sectors announced by the ministry to be able to receive support.

    The program also announced that people who registered through the Reef electronic platform to obtain rural support for productive families, in addition to many of the categories targeted by the program from citizens in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, these will be disbursed the Reef program support to them after they register within a period not exceeding 60 days from the date of registration via the Reef online platform.

    Eligibility for the Electronic Reef Program

    The program announced through its personal account in the desire of the Ministry to increase the number of people benefiting from rural support for productive families, by raising the salary of the personal applicant from 6000 Saudi riyals to 9000 Saudi riyals, as this step will increase the number of applicants for rural support for families The program also stressed that the program must be followed up after registration to know the eligibility result of the applicant, and it must be noted here that rural support is disbursed on a monthly basis starting from the first day until the tenth day of each Gregorian month.

    Rev program support number

    There are many ways in which the user can communicate with the Reef program, including the link to the platform’s official website, in addition to calling the technical support number through the unified number of the program 19930, and you can communicate with the platform’s technical support team starting from 8 to 4 in the afternoon all the week.

    There are many questions about the date of the arrival of rural support for productive families, and the program announced through the personal account on the Twitter application that the payment will be made to the beneficiaries who completed registration via the program’s website from the beginning of the first day of the Gregorian month until the tenth day.

    Today's update January 28, 2022

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