The comprehensive guide to car parts and know the function of each part

  • Time:Mar 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Many of us hear names for parts and parts of the car from maintenance technicians when he is in the car maintenance center or at the mechanic, as well as when he meets with a number of car geeks. Surely you have heard about “Wash Cylinder - Stem - Mobinah - Spratter” and many other names of parts .

Today, we present to you a simplified guide to the most famous parts of the car and the name circulating in the market and among technicians, as well as its scientific name, and its function in a simplified manner.

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Get to know the parts of the car from the inside

cylinder head | cylinder head:

The function of the “cylinder head” is the upper part of the engine “motor” and it is installed on a lower part called the block (we will talk about it in the next paragraph) and it acts as a cover for the engine and through it the fuel and air enter the engine, and the combustion exhaust exits through it. Installing some other important parts such as valves, spark plugs and fuel injectors.

block | Engine block:

The block is the main part of the engine, in which the combustion of fuel with air occurs in order to produce energy, and there are cylindrical holes in which the pistons are installed and the pistons are connected to the crankshaft in order to transfer kinetic energy from the reciprocating form to the rotary form This is to move the car tires, and the block contains internal ducts in it, through which fluids pass in order to cool its temperature, as well as to lubricate the metal parts that rub against each other.

Bastam | Piston:

We have already talked about the piston or piston in the previous paragraph, which is a metal cylinder whose function is like the function of the heart in the human body. It compresses the fuel and air inside the engine, and then ignition occurs, and it moves again, transmitting a large kinetic energy to the crankshaft, and then returns again high. Up to sweep the fire exhaust out of the engine and the process is repeated over and over.

PayPal | Connecting rod:

The connecting rod is one of the parts inside the car engine, and it is, as its name indicates, an arm that connects both the piston “piston” as well as the “crankshaft” shaft, as it transmits the reciprocating movement of the piston to a rotational movement carried out by the crankshaft, which Later it moves to the tires of the car to move.

Karnak| Crankshaft:

The crankshaft or as it is called “the crank”, we have talked about it more than once in the previous paragraphs because of its importance and also because of its connection to many parts in the car engine. The crankshaft receives the reciprocating movement from the piston connected to it by the connecting rod and the reciprocating movement is converted to Rotational, and the shape and design of the shaft contribute to this, as it is not straight.

Shambar | Piston ring:

The piston ring, or piston ring, is an incomplete metal ring that is placed in a specially made slit in the piston and its function is to seal the seal between the piston and the engine body, thus preventing the leakage of oil and gases, and it also works to transfer heat from the piston to the engine body and that To cool the piston, and its last function is to sweep the lubricating fluids on the wall of the chamber in which the piston moves, it works as a wiper.

A picture showing the shape of the chamber after installation on the piston

Shemeez | cylinder sleeve:

The piston shirt or piston shirt, which is a hollow metal cylinder that is like a pipe, is installed in the cylindrical hole in which the piston moves. Maybe.

Benz piston | Gudgeon pin:

Benz piston or piston screw is a small metal piece made of high quality to bear large loads and its function is to connect the piston with the connecting rod in a way that allows movement between them without separating them.

A picture showing the assembly of the piston with the bell by the benzene

valances | valves:

The valves or valves, are a piece of metal that has a distinctive shape and its function is to allow or prevent the movement of fuel and gases as they enter or exit the engine. The fuel to ignite them, the valves are closed, and their place is located in the cylinder head.

camshaft| Takes | Camshaft:

The “” column plays the role of a pianist inside the engine. It is a metal column with irregularly shaped metal cylinders. When the shaft rotates, it moves the valves up and down according to the order required to open and close the valves. A column is located in the cylinder head under the engine cover.

Cat gear | Cam wheel:

It is a toothed metal gear that is connected to the camshaft and is connected to a toothed gear like the same installed in the crankshaft, through a belt dedicated to connecting them.

Joanne u cylinder | Head gasket:

It is a sheet of metal whose function is to prevent the leakage of oil and water into the combustion chamber of the engine, as well as to prevent leakage to the outside of the engine.

Cartage of oil | oil sump | oil pump:

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It is a metal sump connected to the bottom of the engine, in which the engine oil is collected and kept.

carburetor | Carburetor:

It is a chamber through which fuel is mixed with the air entering the engine in specific proportions in order to be an ideal mixture of air and fuel, which is not present in modern cars and is replaced by an electronic fuel injection system.

Fulan | flywheel | Flywheel:

The flywheel is part of the engine and is connected to the crankshaft. It has more than one function. It transmits the movement from the crank to the gearbox and then to the car tires. It also regulates the kinetic energy coming out of the engine, making it regular instead of being Intermittent This is because power is generated in the engine intermittently.

clutch cylinder | Clutch Disk:

It is a cylinder connected to an axle that transmits movement from the flywheel to the gear car, and it is separate from the flywheel and not part of it.

flower | pressure disc | Pressure plate:

The pressure disc applies force to the clutch cylinder through the clutch pedal, which leads to the same rotation of both the clutch cylinder and the flywheel.

Image showing the relationship of the flywheel to the clutch cylinder and pressure disc

Elfetis | Gearbox:

The gearbox is connected to the engine through the flywheel and clutch cylinder and transmits the movement to the car tires, and its function is to control the speed and torque of the car tires through a set of gears that are engaged in a calculated way to produce different speeds and torques that suit the situations the car is exposed to.

Internal clip of the gearbox

krone | Differential:

The krone or “differentiation” is a mechanical device that receives the movement from the cardan shaft and transmits it to the coupling, which transfers the movement to the tires. The krone function is to allow the tires to rotate at different speeds from each other, depending on the condition of the road. For example, when turning left, the inner wheel needs For a lower rotational speed, and vice versa, the outer wheel needs a greater rotational speed in order to rotate, another example when passing on a bumpy, sandy or snowy road, the tires of the car are not exposed to the same conditions of pressure and resistance, each wheel takes a part of the kinetic energy appropriate to its need to overcome Underlying conditions.

cardan shaft | Cardan Shaft | Prop Shaft | Drive Shaft:

The function of the cardan shaft is to transfer torque from a place, and it is usually used to connect two components that are not straight and we cannot connect them to a normal connecting shaft directly, such as transferring the rotation coming from the gearbox to the diffuser.

Koplin | Cobbling | Coupling:

The function of the coupling is to transfer the movement from the gearbox to the tires, and it allows free movement of the wheel when it is spinning.

Bougue | spark plug | Spark Plug:

The spark plug performs the function of the lighter. It is an electrical device that consists of two poles of metal between them, a small distance between them. A current of high voltage is passed between the poles, and a spark is generated in the distance left between them, causing the combustion to start inside the engine. The spark plug is installed in the “cylinder head”.

Al Mobinah | Albubinah | ignition coil | Ignition Coil:

Mobinah is an electrical device consisting of an electromagnetic induction coil, whose function is to raise the electric voltage coming from the battery “12 volts” to “30 kilovolts,” because generating electric sparks requires a very high voltage that the battery cannot provide directly without the adapter.

Esperance | Distributor:

The spark plug is also an electrical device whose function is to distribute the electric current coming from the motor to the spark plugs at the specified times in order for the fuel to burn inside the engine correctly and properly. The time is set through an internal mechanism that takes its movement through a “cam” connected to the “crankshaft”.

the marsh | starter:

The Marcher is an electric motor that operates on the electricity of the car battery, and its function is to give the car engine the first boost to start working, by rotating the flywheel connected to the crankshaft, so the pistons move up and down and the combustion begins inside the engine and it works automatically, then the Marcher is disconnected from the system .

dynamo | Alternator:

The dynamo is an electric generator connected to the crankshaft, and its function is to generate the electrical energy needed to charge the car batteries and also to run all the components that need electricity in their work.

radiator | radiator:

The radiator is a heat exchanger, and its function is to cool the car’s cooling fluids by passing these fluids through a network of pipes, and cold air coming from the front of the car is passed over those pipes, absorbing the heat in the fluids.

Note: This information may be considered simple for some and complex for others. We are pleased that you will contact us through the comments below and convey your opinions to us.

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