The chaos of "yellow galays" sweeps the streets of white

  • Time:Aug 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

A large boiling prevails in the ranks of the residents of the economic capital, from the spread of the phenomenon.

Citizens in Casablanca formed a group on the social networking site, who are standing behind it to expose the practices of car guards, who control many alleys, and implement their own law..

While criticism was criticized by the owners of the "yellow gels", and the voices rise by putting an end to them, some guards reject the behavior that they are making with them this craft and abuse them with their practices..

Mustafa, one of those who rely on this profession to win their daily strength and the strength of their families, considered that what some people are doing to all the guards who have been working in this profession for years.

This goalkeeper, who is near Al -Khwarizmi High School in Darb Omar, added in the heart of the economic capital, in his interview with the electronic newspaper Hespress, that he spent more than twenty years in this profession, but “people who wear the jelly and insult people see them..


The same spokesman stressed that what some guards are doing is "unacceptable and unreasonable", before adding, "We cannot enter into a fight with the citizens in the event that they are unwilling to pay the price of their cars parking," noting that those who do so offend those who are accustomed to thisThe profession for years.

The aforementioned car guard called on the competent authorities to intervene and stop those who violate the law, adding that the security authorities listened to him a few days ago, and it was found that they have the documents related to that.

For its part, the Casablanca group considered that the citizens' complaints regarding car guards are not new, noting that the competent authorities intervene to organize this.

Mohamed Bourahim, deputy mayor of Casablanca in charge of the transportation sector, said in a statement to the electronic newspaper Hespress, that the administrative police intervene whenever complaints are received from the citizens, where the license is withdrawn from everyone who has proven breach of the law.

He emphasized that the Casablanca group deals with the guards who were licensed, while those who do not have a license, "These are considered supernaturally for the law".

The deputy mayor of Casablanca recorded the positive kinetic carried out by the oval and the complaints they filed against the guards of the lawless..

Regarding the price of the parking of cars that drivers must perform, Bouhhim explained that it is determined according to the approved tax decision, as the price reaches three dirhams during the day for cars, two dirhams for bicycles, and five dirhams for trucks, whatever the duration of the parking, provided that the price doubles at night.