The authority warns 24 “heads of families” after preventing outstanding students from completing their studies

  • Time:Sep 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

In a step that is the first of its kind in the Souss-Massa region, the commander of the command and the judge, located within the territorial jurisdiction of the Igram district of the Taroudant region, sent an official correspondence to 24 heads of families, who prevented their daughters from pursuing their studies in the qualifying secondary school.

According to the data available to Hespress newspaper, the local authority, led by the judge, gave the concerned parents 48 hours to grant a preliminary written consent, which is placed directly and personally at the leader’s office, enabling the student to complete her studies.

The authority warns 24 'family heads' after Outstanding students were prevented from completing their studies.</p><p>The same data added that the intervention of the local authority came as a result of information obtained according to which a number of parents and guardians of female students prevented their daughters from completing their studies in the secondary qualifying cycle for reasons that the local authority deems “flimsy and unacceptable”, mainly related to the desire to marry them in marriage. An early age.</p><p>One of the reasons for the intervention of the authorities and the judge in the areas of Taroudant is that most of the students have obtained good results and averages in the primary and preparatory sectors and are on a distinguished academic path. Legal procedures against them in the event that they do not respond to the content of the correspondence of the leadership and the judge.</p><p>Students saw that the reasons for preventing female students in this region from completing their studies “is due to purely cultural and customary reasons, as after the local authority reached the leadership and the judge with information about this prohibition, they were contacted by phone and alerted orally of the seriousness of the matter, especially since the female students are prohibited from completing their studies.” Among the outstanding students, they have a good academic level, and they have a desire to complete their studies.”</p><p>And they added that, “due to the students’ parents not responding to the verbal warning, they were given 48 hours to place an initial written approval over the desk of the leadership leader and the judge to allow them to study and commit not to prevent them from studying, otherwise the law will be applied strictly against their guardians.”</p><p>It is noteworthy that the students concerned, who belong to two groups affiliated to the leadership and the judge, namely the group of Tesfan and the group and the judge, come from 13 roundabouts in rugged mountainous areas. They are expected to enroll in the “Ark” secondary school in Igram, after the parents gave their written consent under the pressure of the local authority and the judge.</p></div>
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