The army is preparing (1000) dunums with (2000) plastic houses in the immersion area

  • Time:Aug 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The development roles of the Jordanian Armed Forces - the Arab Army

Royal medical services contribute to providing medical and therapeutic care by (38) % of Jordanians (equivalent to a third of the Kingdom's population).

The armed forces have implemented the achievement of water security projects, which were to remove silt and sects from the Qatrana Dam, the Mujib Dam, the Rish Dam, the Umm Al -Manaji and Al -Jarda fossils with a capacity of one million cubic meters at a cost (1.170.000 (dinars.

The armed forces offer great roles in dealing with natural disasters and weather conditions.

The armed forces continue to carry out their social duty to contribute to reducing the phenomenon of unemployment among the youth sector by attracting Jordanian youth who wish to join the military establishment.

In the context of achieving food security, the armed forces prepared (1000) dunums with (2000) plastic houses in the Al -Ghamr area, and established a packaging center and provided (250) job opportunities for the people of the local community.

The armed forces supply the electrical system in the Kingdom with a total capacity of (22) thousand watts annually through the renewable energy project at King Hussein Air College.


When talking about the development roles of state institutions, the first to be referred to in Lebanon, the military establishment, because of its great and effective development roles in various areas of life, touched by the far and near and praised the big and small, and lived in its shadows of various segments of society, and what is only the tip ofFlad for what our valiant armed forces are doing, in order to preserve and raise the homeland.

The Arab Army, Al -Mustafawi, contributed to a major role in building and developing the Jordanian state along with all government and private state institutions, so the great dependence on the armed forces was in many areas of development, such as education, health, agriculture, cities development, villages, food and water security, energy fields, the rehabilitation of the youth sector, and others.Through the salaries of the qualified and trained armed forces to perform various duties along the beloved homeland.

Health and medical care and contribute to reducing the effect of the new Corona virus outbreak

Medical services contribute to providing medical and therapeutic care to employees of the armed forces, security services, beneficiaries of their families and exemptions, and they contribute to the health sector by (38) % of Jordanians who are treated in medical services hospitals (equivalent to a third of the Kingdom's population).

Among the achievements of medical services in 2021:

His Majesty, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, opened the Military Oncology Center of Royal Medical Services on 1 August/2021, which can accommodate (140) bedWomen are equipped with special seats and a total number (34) seats, (8) clinics were allocated to treat patients, two private rooms to give chemotherapy, and two additional rooms for some medical interventions for patients, at a total cost of (37) million dinars.

A mobile medical clinic was opened in Wadi Rum on 1/3/2021 to provide health and therapeutic services to the people of the region and by two days a week to reduce time and effort on them, and the clinic contained a number of family, in addition to a laboratory, blood clouds and pharmacy room, and a public medicine clinic, and the rest of the powers will be secured.As needed.

In all hospitals and medical centers (318), a new bed was created to reach the number of beds (3818) bed.

The relevant care department and the dialysis department at Al -Hussein Hospital were also rehabilitated, and the construction and equipment of the dialysis unit at the Madaba Center, and the opening and expansion of the Deficient Care Divide Unit at Queen Rania Children's Hospital.

In addition to the above, a large number of specific and complex medical operations were performed such as (delaying advanced tumor in the rectum attached to the uterus by a laparoscope, and a operation for the first time in Queen Rania Hospital is a catheter for the expansion of the aortic artery in the abdomen using networks) and many others.

In continuation of the role played by the Jordanian armed forces in achieving health security and comprehensive development, it started preparing the designs and studies necessary for a hospital previously established in the Naour area and was not completed by the work, so that the 5 -storey building with a construction area of 120 thousand square meters, a military hospital that serves the people of the region..

It is noteworthy that Al -Hussein Medical City obtained the Golden Shield in the "Quality Harvest Competition" on the electronic platform and electronic clinic project for this year 2021, for the best Jordanian health institution in the category of hospitals at the end of the Sixth Conference on Quality in Health Care/6.

In light of the Korona and support of the health sector and to limit the spread of the virus, the armed forces dealt professionally, medical and humanitarian, through its various units, to make stone areas and health isolation, and deployed forces on the entrances and exits of the governorates of the Kingdom during the ban periods, and opened a specialized isolation department with a capacity of 18 beds inAl -Hussein Hospital to enhance the capacity of the Royal Medical Services in the face of Corona, in addition to the establishment of a field hospital in the Prince Rashid Hospital and Prince Hashem bin Al Hussein Hospital, to enhance its capacity in the face of the pandemic..

On the other hand, the Royal Engineering Corps represented by the chemical support group during the year 2021 implemented (606) the duty of purification and sterilization in various regions of the Kingdom (governmental institutions, hospitals and sensitive sites) and (29371 rooms, rooms, (1357) people, and (170) mechanisms were cleared.The cost of the materials used in disinfection and sterilization operations reached (645452) dinars.

The armed forces strengthened a number of government hospitals such as (Salt, Karak and Nadim Hospital) in animated field hospitals, in order to increase their capacity to enable them to deal with people with Corona virus, and each hospital contained a number of beds and ICU units equipped with all the medical equipment needed to deal with exampleThese conditions.

In the interest of the General Command of the Armed Forces to harness all the capabilities and measures necessary to maintain the health and safety of its employees, and to gain immunity against the Corona virus, two doses of the anti -virus vaccine were given to all its salaries and began to give the third dose.

In appreciation of the great role that the armed forces are playing and for its continuous efforts to protect the country and support the various sectors of the state in limiting the spread of the Corona virus, His Majesty the Supreme Commander King Abdullah II has blessed it with the Medal of King Abdullah II Ibn Al -Hussein for the excellence of the first degree.


وفيما يخص education المدرسي تقوم القوات المسلحة بعدة نشاطات في هذا المجال من خلال مديرية التربية وeducation والثقافة العسكرية، والتي تقدم خدمات تربوية وتعليمية متميزة لقرابة (21345) ألف طالب وطالبة في (46) مدرسة عسكرية منتشرة في كافة محافظات المملكة، ولتحسين جودة education واستيعاب أعداد أكبر من الطلبة هنالك (7) مدارس قيد الإنشاء، ومدرستان قيد إضافة مبانٍ جديدة.

الجيش يجهز (1000) دونم بـ (2000) بيت بلاستيكي في منطقة الغمر

وتنفيذاً للإرادة الملكية والتي خصصت (20)% من مقاعد الجامعات والمعاهد الأردنية لأبناء وبنات العاملين من ضباط وضباط صف وأفراد القوات المسلحة الذين مضى على خدمة آبائهم مدة لا تقل عن عشر سنوات، فقد قُبل جميع المتقدمين للاستفادة من المكرمة الملكية السامية لعام 2021، والبالغ عددهم (20000) طالب وطالبة لمرحلتي البكالوريوس والدبلوم، واستكمالاً لتفعيل الفقرة (ط) المادة (21) والتي تنص على مجانية education لأبناء المتوفين أثناء الخدمة والمصابين تم استقبال طلبات عديدة بهذه الخصوص وتوجيه كتب لرؤساء الجامعات لإعفائهم من الرسوم الدراسية وبلغ عددهم لعام 2021 (2594) طالب وطالبة في جميع مراحل education.

Energy and water security

In the year (2021), His Majesty opened the renewable energy project at King Al -Hussein Air College, which is one of the largest energy projects in the public sector in the Kingdom, which supports the electrical system network with a total capacity of (22) thousand GB annually, and the armed forces intensify their efforts to developRenewable energy systems operating in the Jordanian armed forces, to be the highest efficiency and modernity, especially related to the use of solar energy for heating and air conditioning.

In the field of achieving water security, the Jordanian armed forces signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Water and Irrigation/ Jordan Valley Authority, which resulted in the implementation of water harvesting facilities (excavations and dirt dams), which contributed to supporting the national effort to overcome the severe shortage of water sources, and during the year 2021 it was implementedWater harvesting projects represented in removing silt and sediments from the Qatrana Dam, the Mujib Dam, the Rish Dam, the Umm Al -Manaji and Al -Garden's fossils with a capacity of one million cubic meters at a cost (1.170.000 (dinars، حيث تم استئجار (قلابات) من المجتمع المحلي المحيط بالمشاريع بتكلفة (170.000 (dinars، مما أسهم في توفير فرص عمل للمجتمع المحلي.

Dealing with natural disasters and weather conditions

The Armed Forces supported the Ministry of Agriculture by the Royal Air Force planes and the mechanisms and equipment needed to deal with desert locusts, to prevent the locust swarms from reaching the rest of the Kingdom.

The armed forces, in cooperation with the relevant government institutions, participated in putting off the monsoon fires that broke out in separate areas in the Kingdom to prevent their spread to the rest.

In addition to the foregoing, during the previous rainy season, the armed forces faced the weather conditions that swept the Kingdom with all responsibility and competence through its salaries, cadres and mechanisms in cooperation and coordination with the operations rooms prepared for this purpose, the formations and units of the armed forces opened closed roads due to the accumulation of snow and distributing parcels to the numberAmong the families, providing assistance to citizens who were trapped inside their vehicles, and securing them with the necessary needs and transporting them to their homes, in addition to dealing with many dust errors as a result of rain through engineering mechanisms

Food security

A new market for the Military Consumer Foundation was opened in the Al -Maqabayen area, to strengthen local markets with its branches, which amounted to (104) branches in 2021 distributed throughout the Kingdom, which was (35) branches in 1999, an increase of (69) branches during the past twenty years, and the forces operateArmed to build new markets in Marj Al -Hamam and Marka regions, modernization of peace markets and Tariq Complex Complex.

ولتحقيق Food security للمواطن الأردني قامت المؤسسة الاستهلاكية العسكرية بتخفيض أسعار مجموعة كبيرة ومتنوعة من المواد الأساسية وغير الأساسية، وتوفير كافة السلع الأساسية التي يحتاجها المواطن بأسعار منافسة بعيداً عن الأهداف الربحية، لتوفير الاحتياجات الأساسية للمواطنين والحفاظ على Food security في ظل الظروف الاستثنائية التي يمر بها العالم بسبب جائحة كورونا باشرتمديرية الإسكان والأشغال العسكرية بتنفيذ المرحلة الأولى من مشروع تأهيل وتطوير مستودعات مديرية المؤسسة الاستهلاكية العسكرية، ويعتبر هذا من المشاريع الاستراتيجية على المستوى الوطني.

وأنهت القوات المسلحة الأردنية المرحلة الأولى من المشروع الزراعي في منطقة الغمر المستعادة بتجهيز (1000) دونم بـ (2000) بيت بلاستيكي وتجهيز البنية التحتية من آبار المياه وانظمة الري الحديثة، كما يتضمن المشروع إنشاء مركز تعبئة وتغليف بمواصفات عالمية بهدف تحقيق Food security وتنمية المجتمع المحلي ودعم المزارعين في المنطقة.

واستمراراً لتحقيق Food security فامت القوات المسلحة بالتعاون مع كل من الوزارت والمؤسسات المعنية، بتنفيذ العديد من المشروعات الزراعية الوطنية، التي تساهم برفد هذا القطاع المهم ، وتقوم القوات المسلحة بإنشاء السدود الركامية وصيانتها لزيادة الأراضي الصالحة للزراعة حيث تم استصلاح 64 ألف دونمفي مناطق المملكة المختلفة، وكذلكمتابعة القوات المسلحة لبعض المبادرات الملكية الخاصة بهذا القطاع ومنها مشروع المدورة في محافظة العقبة والذي سيقام على مساحة 25 ألف دونم صالحة للزراعة، من خلال استغلال آبار المدورة البالغ عددها 25 بئرا، وتم زراعة 1000 دونم من أراضي المشروع لغاية الآن.

Contributing to the rehabilitation of the Jordanian youth sector for the labor market

To reduce unemployment and in line with the royal vision in training the youth of the country and qualify them professionally to meet the quantitative and qualitative needs of the Jordanian and Arab marketing markets from the working professional forces and within a professional training environment that contributes to providing job opportunities for them, and to raise their standard of living and achieve a decent life for them and their families, the logistical company opened for employmentTraining the training program for the payment/25 in all institutes of the company of (17) institutes, which contain (76) operators and spread in all regions of the north, central and south, which train (34) professions.

The number of those enrolled in the batch/25 (1189) trainees out of (1640) trainees are currently under training, and it is worth noting that the company has joined until 12/21/2021 (31692) trainees, as the operating rate reached (77.a) %.

The armed forces continue to carry out their social duty to contribute to reducing the phenomenon of unemployment between the youth sector by attracting Jordanian youth who wish to join the military establishment, by recruiting in the courses of professional officers, the officers of Mutah University, Princess Mona College, Professional Diploma in Military Colleges, University Class Disciplines, as well as recruitmentTo calculate the general deficiency.

It should be noted that the armed forces, through the first stage of the agricultural project in the Al -Ghamr region, provided job opportunities for (250) from the region, in line with the national effort to alleviate unemployment in various regions of the Kingdom.

Housing and construction

تعمل القوات المسلحة من خلال مديرية مؤسسة الإسكان والأشغال العسكرية على تنفيذ العديد المشروعات في مختلف المجالات وعلى رأسها: (مشروعات خدمة المجتمع المحلي) حيث قامت المديرية بتلبية مطالب بعض الأسر العفيفة من خلال بناء منازل جديدة أو ترميمها، حيث تم صيانة 27 منزلاً خلال عام 2021 و75 منزلاً منذ بداية المشروع في كافة محافظات المملكة، و(مشاريع نوعية بالشراكة مع الشركة العربية للمقاولات) كتنفيذ مشروع مستشفى السلط الحكومي، ومستشفى الأمير بسمة الحكومي، ومشروع إسكان صندوق ضباط القوات المسلحة / شقق اربد، ومشروع الكلاب البوليسية k9 في مركز الملك عبدالله لتدريب العمليات الخاصة، ومشروعا الغلق الأمني وساحة الثورة العربية الكبرى في العقبة، والمدينة الصناعية في السلط، ومشاريع تطوير وتحديث وحدات وتشكيلات القوات المسلحة في (قطاع العمليات والتدريب والنواحي الإدارية، وقطاع التربية وeducation والثقافة العسكرية، وقطاع المنشآت الترفيهية مثل نوادي الضباط)، ومشروعات تأهيل وتطوير المستشفيات والمراكز الطبية (مشروع مركز الأورام العسكري، مشروع الحجر الصحي في المستشفيات الميدانية الأول والثاني، ومستشفى اللطرون العسكري) وغيرها.

There are many projects expected to be completed during the coming period, such as the project of updating and developing the civil wing in Al -Hussein Medical City.

The human role (locally and globally)

The armed forces, in coordination with the military consumer institution since its foundation, have distributed in -kind assistance and coupons to chaste families in all governorates of the Kingdom, amounting to (7,849,419) dinars, to alleviate the citizens in light of the difficult economic conditions that the region is going through, and made (37) tripsFor mobile markets to remote and non -serviced areas in commercial markets in the eastern and southern regions of the Kingdom's lands periodically throughout the months of the year, and a card of discounts for social security subscribers was issued by 5% on the purchases of the markets of the military consumer institution.

On the other hand, the Jordanian armed forces, under the guidance of His Majesty, the Supreme Commander, sent a plane equipped with a specialized medical staff from the Royal Medical Services, to evacuate a Jordanian citizen who had a fire accident in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Al -Hussein Medical City to complete his treatment under the supervision of a specialized medical team for such cases, in addition to evacuatingThree children from the Gaza Strip and a girl from brotherly Lebanon to Al -Hussein Medical City, follow up their health and treatment, and provide all means of support and health care for them.

The role of the noble Jordanian human armed forces towards brothers and friends, launches the established Jordanian national Hashemite constants that came in order to bring security, peace, reassurance and achieve lofty meanings, by sending relief tasks and preserving peace and security to various parts of the world or sending field hospitals in disasters and crises where he arrived The numbers of countries that have been sent hospitals or surgical stations to 25 friendly and sister countries and more than (13401) total previous posts. The armed forces are now two field hospitals in which more than (270) officers and individuals of various medical and administrative specialties work.

In the Gaza Strip, the Jordanian Armed Forces continued to provide assistance by sending the Jordanian Field Hospital (which reached 69 missions) and strengthened it in another field hospital in 2021 and sending a number of aid convoys, the last of which was a convoy of Sir on November 16, 2021, containing (19) trucks loadedWith humanitarian and medical assistance, campaigns to donate blood were organized for the benefit of Al -Shifa Hospital in Gaza, to provide sufficient quantities of blood from various groups, as a result of their acute shortage to use them in these difficult circumstances that the sector is going through, and the Jordanian field hospital also organized Gaza/68 blood donation campaign in favor of the sectorHealth in the Gaza Strip.

In brotherly Lebanon, the Jordanian Hashemite Charitable Society sent four medical aid planes to the brotherly Lebanese people in coordination with the Jordanian armed forces.

In conclusion, the Jordanian armed forces are an active force in the peacekeeping forces, as it was able, through its posts that started in 1992 in Croatia, to convey to the world the bright picture of the Jordanian soldier and his ability to deal in a civilized manner with different cultures and peoples around the world.

The armed forces now have a workforce in Mali that began to perform its duties in 2020, and more than (40) force commanders and military observer around the world.

Our armed forces, who are given to the forefront, will remain with their contributions and sacrifices. May God protect the homeland, its leader and its people