Applying the minimum for private sector wages in January and temporarily postponing thousands of companies

  • Time:Jun 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Good morning, dear readers, and welcome to a new day.

As usual in Enterprise at the end of each year, we will be on vacation for some days and as follows: IN Enterprise Evening Bulletin will be absent from you starting from today to return to your e -mail on January 2, while our morning news will be missed on Sunday (December 26) and Thursday (December 30th).

Do you want to break breakfast with us during 2022?You only have to tell us your expectations for the next year: As usual, before the beginning of every new year, we ask our readers about what they expect for the next year by exploring the annual opinions of Enterprise.It will only take a few minutes of your time to tell us about your expectations for your companies and the sector that you work with, whether you are planning new investments or appointments, and what is your work in the past year.We will share the results of the poll with you early January in order to help you formulate a vision for the new year.

We will invite eight readers who participated in polling opinions to take breakfast with us in the new year, and twelve others will get a symbolic gift that is "Majrbrais".

تطبيق الحد الأدنى لأجور القطاع الخاص في يناير والتأجيل مؤقتا لآلاف الشركات

The most prominent news in the world - There were several topics covered by international newspapers this morning, as the Financial Times continued to highlight the increasing concerns about a potential dispute between Russia and NATO around Ukraine.The Financial Times and Bloomberg shed light on Turkey after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced a plan to support deposits that are in the local currency, which the newspaper described as an increase in interest rates but "from the back door."

The shares in Wall Street came back yesterday after a three -day chain of losses due to concerns about the omecron museum.On the other hand, fears are still increasing regarding this rapidly spreading strain, and scientists have warned that the plan that US President Joe Biden intends to implement to contain the virus is insufficient, while London canceled the New Year's celebrations that were scheduled in the Trafragal Square.

He offered a share from the Ghazl Al -Mahalla Football Club for Public Submission to the Stock Exchange within a week, according to the statements of the Minister of Public Business Sector Hisham Tawfiq to Al -Mal newspaper yesterday.Tawfiq said that the ministry hopes to complete the offering process before the end of this December.It is expected that the outcome of the offering will reach 135 million pounds, and it will witness the sale of two -thirds of the clubs listed to the club, of which 37 million pounds for institutional investors, while shares of 98 million pounds will be offered to individual investors.

Commercial International Bank provides a helping hand to small companies: Our friends at the Commercial International Bank provides financing for small companies up to 250 thousand Egyptian pounds, and coverage of up to 80% of the costs of consulting and other non -financial services, according to a press statement (BDF).This comes within the framework of the bank's efforts to help small companies, whose annual sales volume are 1 to 50 million pounds, in obtaining financing and banking solutions.

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In the notebook -

In front of real estate owners until Friday, December 31, to pay the second installment of the real estate tax without a delay fine.The first installment was due between January 1 and June 30.Real estate, whose market value is less than two million pounds, will be exempt from paying the tax.

You can view the full notebook on our website, where there is a comprehensive list of upcoming news events, national holidays and conferences, and everything that matters to the financial and business community.

Today we are on a date with a new number of "Hardaat", which is our weekly infrastructure, which comes to you every Wednesday within the morning of Enterprise, on everything related to the infrastructure of energy, water, transportation, urban development and even social infrastructureLike health and education.

Infrastructure in 2021 - Part One: Transport.In the year that once again highlighted the human cost to operate a railway network suffering from a lack of financing, in 2021, a strong political response also witnessed, after allocating billions of dollars from external financing and government investment to develop the country's railway and transportation infrastructure in general.