The Algerian president vents his hatred against Morocco: We will not open the borders.. and we will respond to any attack

  • Time:Apr 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Algerian President Abdel Majid Taboun showed the military regime's hidden hatred towards the Kingdom of Morocco, saying that the borders between the two countries will remain closed "because Algeria cannot open its borders with a country that attacks it daily," at a time when Algeria embraces, finances and supports separatist militias that threaten the integrity and territorial integrity of the country. Morocco, West, sunset.

In an interview with the French newspaper "Le Point", the Algerian president tried to throw the ball of tension into Morocco's court, in order to give an unreal image to international public opinion that contradicts the aggressive practices waged by the Algerian regime against Morocco's strategic interests.

The Algerian president said that “Morocco has always been the aggressor,” adding that “the estrangement comes from Morocco, and precisely from the monarchy and not the Moroccan people that we respect,” and that “our country will never attack our neighbor, but it will take revenge if we are attacked.” He added, “I doubt.” In that Morocco will try to do that, the balance of power is not in its favor as it is.”

الرئيس الجزائري ينفث حقده ضد المغرب: لن نفتح الحدود .. وسنرد على أي هجوم

Abdel Majid Tebboune reiterated his support for the separatist militias, stating that “the Polisario Front, no matter how supported it is from Algeria, is facing increasing difficulty in containing its youth,” referring to the tense situation in the Tindouf camps.

The Algerian president considered that Morocco’s refusal to hold a referendum for self-determination in the southern provinces was the result of “an ethnic change that had consequences,” and that “the Sahrawis inside the Sahara are today a minority compared to the Moroccans who settled there. In the case of voting for self-determination, the Moroccans who live in the Saharan lands will vote for independence because they do not want to remain as subjects of the king,” concluding that “it is paradoxical that you have a Moroccan majority and refuse to vote for self-determination.”

Tebboune reiterated Algeria's rejection of the United States' recognition of the Moroccan Sahara, a decision that constituted a slap to the enemies of the territorial integrity, and he responded to a question on the subject by asking: "How can we think of offering an entire land to a king with all its inhabitants?" Where is the respect for peoples?”, to answer that “this recognition does not mean anything.”

The spokesman attacked the policy of the Kingdom of Morocco regarding the opening of consulates in its southern provinces to support the initiative for autonomy and the Moroccanness of the Sahara, saying: “If some think that with the opening of consulates in Laayoune and Dakhla, the Sahara issue will be over, they are wrong, and Trump’s recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara is not means something.”

In his interview with the French newspaper, the Algerian president tried to personify the Sahara issue in the royal institution, knowing that the territorial integrity of the Kingdom is a sacred issue for all groups of the Moroccan people whose defense enjoys a national consensus.