Tariq Al-Zumar: The January Revolution was victorious.. Mubarak's removal is a historic transformation

  • Time:Mar 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

* Mubarak's departure represented a historical turning point and opened the door to massive societal transformations in our country

* The January Revolution triumphed, as it created a dream that does not perish and imposed itself on all paths of change, even after a century of time.

* The Egyptian national movement was and still is not equipped and untrained to deal with major transformations

* The Islamic current bears the greatest responsibility because it was not the most ready to build a consensual vision that would cross the transitional phase safely

* I support postponing the “January” dream because dreams need conditions for implementation and a prepared reality to rise to their level, and this does not mean defeating the revolution

* Beware of chaos is legitimate and must be on the agenda of any revolutionary or reformist project

* I agree with the perception put forward by activist Alaa Abdel-Fattah not to immediately leave Sisi and to control the performance of his authority until 2022.

* My hand is extended to everyone who can secure the scenario of Alaa Abdel Fattah and to everyone who guarantees this path

* I demand the loyal leaders of the revolution to assign a team of academics and experts to evaluate the performance of all those who are at the forefront of the scene.

طارق الزمر: ثورة يناير انتصرت.. وخلع مبارك تحول تاريخي

* I invite a team of academics, experts and specialists to put in place a "rescue prescription" in a way that secures the path to complete the revolution

* The same team is required to develop a vision for a “general assembly to complete the revolution” and to choose a “council to lead the revolution.”

* The retirement of political figures will leave a void that only the counter-revolution will fill

The former head of the Egyptian Construction and Development Party, Tariq al-Zumar, said that the departure of ousted President Hosni Mubarak from power in Egypt on February 11, 2011 still represents a “historic turning point, in which tyranny was defeated, and dictatorship broke out in our country, which opened the door to societal transformations.” It is enormous and continues to consolidate until tyranny and dictatorship is eliminated once and for all." Al-Zumar admitted, in the first episode of the special interview with "Arabi 21", that "the Egyptian national movement was not equipped to deal with transformations such as those imposed on February 11, but it is still not equipped or trained to deal with major transformations that automatically collapse with the fall of the dictatorship." In Egypt, that is why their struggle and sacrifices were easily hijacked.” Although he believes that the January revolution has won, he agreed with what the prominent political activist, Alaa Abdel-Fattah, said, “We have to sacrifice our dreams so that our children can dream,” adding that “ If he meant to postpone the January dream, I agree with him, because dreams, by their nature, need a reality prepared to rise to their level, and they need conditions for interpretation and implementation, but this does not mean the defeat of January.” Al-Zomr agreed with the perception presented by Alaa Abdel-Fattah related to the non-immediate departure of Sisi from power, while controlling the performance of his authority until 2022, saying: "It is extended to everyone who can secure this scenario or guarantee this path, because in the end, according to the process of the revolution and the goals of January will necessarily lead to it." Al-Zumar, who is the head of the Hurriyat Center for Political and Strategic Studies, added that, "Beware of chaos is legitimate, and it must be on the agenda of any revolutionary or reform project, especially if we are dealing with non-national regimes that rule with iron and fire, and do not allow anyone to rule after them."

Also read: Alaa Abdel-Fattah: For these reasons, I do not demand the immediate departure of Al-Sisi. While considering the renewal of his detention before the State Security Prosecution last month, Alaa Abdel-Fattah revealed that he does not demand the immediate departure of President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi, because “creating conflicts in this fragile moment is a very dangerous matter.” , declaring - for the first time - that he supports the issue of the gradual democratic transition of power, because "the scale of crises, polarization, and mutual distrust call for that," and called on the blood patrons of all parties to "postpone retribution in exchange for a guarantee that massacres and bombings will not be repeated." Alaa said: "The period can be used." The remainder of Sisi’s second term, according to the 2014 constitution, is to release the freedom of civil society and union organizing, and then to hold local elections according to a simple mechanism, such as direct elections with proportional lists in the local unit, and the gradual decentralization is done through ascending elections for centers and governorates instead of jumping directly to experiments such as the election of governors and city chiefs. Al-Qaeda is an opportunity to build strong parties and an opportunity for state institutions to get used to dealing with politics, politicians and society in non-superior manners, without arrogance and without trials and arrests. The groups described them as loyal leaders of the January Revolution by “assigning a team of academics, experts and specialists who are able to handle all the files and papers of the January Revolution to evaluate the performance of all the leaders in order to complete them, since the coup against it until today.” And for the same team to set the rescue plan in a way that secures the path of completing the revolution until the building of the modern democratic state, the state of law and institutions,” stressing that “the retirement of political figures will leave a void that only the counter-revolution will fill.” Following is the text of the first episode of the special interview:

On this day, ousted President Hosni Mubarak left power in Egypt.. How do you see his departure today after 9 years?

His departure is still a historical turning point, and this day is still looking forward to what comes after it, and what must be built on it, in which tyranny was defeated, and the dictatorship was broken in our country, which opened the door to massive societal transformations that are still taking hold until tyranny and dictatorship is eliminated forever. reversal. Also, his departure, although it led to enabling the deep state from the joints of the state, and it became floating above the surface, and the military council became explicit and direct, but we can say that these are the signs of losing control of the basic pillars of military rule, which enabled it to control for over 70 years, As we are watching a car that has all its nuts loosened and it is already moving, but it is moving aimlessly, and rather, according to the strategic view, you can see it floundering, and that is why most of its strategic choices in the field of politics, economics or security are suicidal options. And why after Mubarak stepped down and the first 18 days of the January revolution ended Divisions, conflicts, confusion and confusion began to pervade the ranks of the revolutionaries and the Egyptian scene as a whole?

Unfortunately, the Egyptian national movement is not equipped to deal with transformations like the one imposed on February 11, but it is still not equipped or trained to deal with the major transformations that automatically fall apart with the fall of the dictatorship in Egypt. Piracy is similar to maritime piracy, as it can be recovered easily, the two sides are still at sea, and no one has settled on the shore. We are living in the days of the ninth anniversary of the January Revolution.. How do you see the reality of the revolution today? Was there anything new or different on that anniversary?

There are two remarkable observations on the anniversary of the nine-year anniversary of January 25: the first is the case of a strong attachment to the revolution, and a deep connection to its concepts and goals, which can be clearly read on social media, the honest and enduring expression tool after all outlets for expression are blocked, and which today expressly and directly expresses its rejection of what has become of it The political situation and the aspiration towards change in all its dimensions. This has been contributed by the fact that last year the Arab peoples confirmed in their second wave that they are still looking forward to the change whose seeds were laid by the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions. If the Tunisian revolution had preceded, then the Egyptian revolution was the one that globalized it and made it express a general Arab state of rejection and a sweeping aspiration for change, which of course should not stop at the borders of Egypt and Tunisia, and for this reason it expanded and then we saw since the beginning of last year the second wave of the Arab Spring, and we are still watching the third wave Fourth, our peoples' eyes were opened to the extent of our need for change after they discovered that our societies are the worst in the world in all fields, especially in the field of human dignity. And the second observation, which is the state of frustration and the tone of despair that was clearly evident among some, which is due this year specifically to giving the phenomenon of the artist and contractor Muhammad Ali greater than its value, and relying on it by itself to be a basis for change, and the truth is that despite the fact that it threw a stone into the stagnant water and confirmed the fragility of the authority, which seems to be oppressive, It awakened the aspirations of our youth for change, but it also revealed that the Egyptian opposition is still not ready to deal with a major change that might surprise politicians, just as it surprised them in 2011. The prominent political activist, Alaa Abdel-Fattah, said, "The January revolution was defeated, and we have to sacrifice our dreams so that our children can dream, and I will call on blood parents from all sides to postpone retribution in exchange for a guarantee that massacres and bombings will not be repeated." How do you view these statements?

First, I must demand that the fabricated charges against Alaa be dropped and his immediate release. I also value his role and his family in the serious defense of the January Revolution and its goals and values ​​over the years. Islamic youth arrested in the Mubarak era. Secondly, my full appreciation for the harsh conditions that Alaa is exposed to because of his connection to the January Revolution, which the counter-revolution decided to abuse everyone and what is related to it, and for this it is necessary to stress that the revolution that still haunts its opponents in this way is unimaginable that it was defeated or died, because the defeated or The dead does not fear anyone from his return, nor does he fear all these procedures, but rather the laws in force and that are being enacted until now. But if he meant to postpone the January dream, I agree with him because dreams, by their nature, need a reality that is prepared to rise to its level, and require conditions for interpretation and implementation, but this does not mean the defeat of January, because creating and making a “dream” that cannot be distorted or squandered is the most important focal point in the revolutions that, of course, do not It achieves its goals between day and night. Therefore, I see that the January Revolution has triumphed, as it has created a dream that does not perish, and that the most important thing in it and for it is to return our society to the square of humanity and aspiration for a decent life as people live, which creates a dynamic that is difficult to besiege. I also claim that the January revolution has imposed itself on all paths of change in Egypt, and it is not possible to imagine change in Egypt - even after a century - away from its goals and values ​​that were narrated by the youth with their blood and nourished by the people with their belief in it. Alaa Abdel Fattah also stressed that he does not demand the immediate departure of the coup leader. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, because "creating conflicts in this fragile moment is very dangerous," calling for the use of the remainder of Sisi's second term in accordance with the 2014 constitution to release civil society and union organizing and then hold local elections. What is your position on the demand for Sisi's immediate departure?

Beware of chaos is a legitimate matter, and it must be on the agenda of any revolutionary or reform project, especially if we are dealing with non-national regimes that rule with iron and fire, and work to mine society with various political, societal and strategic mines so that no one can rule after it, and if he rules, he rules a torn society And a fragmented or fragmented state and flimsy strategic situations that serve the opponents more than they serve the homelands. As for the perception that Alaa puts forward, which is related to the non-immediate departure of Sisi and the control of the performance of his authority until 2022, my hand is extended to everyone who can secure this scenario or guarantee this path, because in the end, according to the process of the revolution and the goals of January that I mentioned It will necessarily lead to it. There are some believers in the January revolution, and even some young people who were active in it previously, they today reject that revolution and regret it.. What is the reason for this situation that makes there is nostalgia and a desire to return to the “tyrannical” Mubarak regime?

My opinion is that the January revolution will remain an existing idea and a dream that tickles the conscience of generations, and even if we abandon it, it will find someone who will bear it and take responsibility seriously and make it a social and political reality. Note that some of the frustrated people I talked about did not reject the January dream, but were defeated by the painful circumstances that we live in after that, and the youth, by their nature, will rush to the fruit, otherwise they will search for something else. I would like to assure those who are thinking of returning to the Mubarak regime that the current regime is the modified Mubarak regime following the January revolution, which revealed it to the bottom and core, as it revealed a state of sweeping aspiration for change. What helped Mubarak to rule this long era was not the success of his policies, but rather his renewed ability to plot against society, and the possibilities and circumstances made available to him that contributed to dismantling the major cases of anger that sprang up in the era of Sadat and deepened in his era, but in the end he failed to postpone it until after 2011. On that day, he actually decided the widespread repression, whose bloody and violent indicators appeared in the first days of the revolution, but there were other parties that were bigger than him and tactically more dangerous. They decided to circumvent the revolution, as we saw later. In your opinion: What are the most prominent mistakes made Where did the January revolution take place and caused some people to have "regret and disbelief in the revolution"? Who is responsible for that?

I am not in favor of holding a particular party responsible, however, my opinion is that the Islamic movement bears the greatest responsibility, because despite being the most extensive and rooted, it was not the most ready to build a consensual vision that would cross the transitional phase safely. One of the factors behind the return of the deep state and the rule of tyranny, including the nature of the military institution in Egypt and its doctrine that is based mainly on the fact that it is the owner of the state, and the nature of its deep relations with the Zionist entity, especially after the Camp David Accords, which I secured permanent international support against the liberties of the people and the empowerment of their will. Among those obstacles and mistakes that prevented the complete success of the revolution, the failure of the political forces calling for the revolution or its main forces to have a political project, as well as the audacity or the ability to penetrate the ideological and political barriers that the islands turned into isolated, and then the failure to agree on the common minimum needed to complete the revolution, including the lack of Investing the main political forces of the revolution of the masses, which lacked strategic management and political direction, as well as the serious mistakes that the deep state invested in after being pushed into it. In addition, the large-scale popular movement that took place in all the cities and villages of Egypt during the first weeks of the revolution was not invested in bringing about a radical change to the structure of the regime through revolutionary decisions protected by the popular will present in the squares. For the transitional phase. Also, the fatal mistakes made by the Military Council were not exploited during the period of its administration, which could have prepared the conditions for new popular protests capable of changing the political map that he was keen to continue (the events of Muhammad Mahmoud - Ali al-Salami document). Also, the legal and political legitimacy that the people attached to the revolution were not invested in their election to the first parliament, which observers considered the parliament of the revolution, while the parliament was preoccupied with marginal issues, and it could have surrounded the counter-revolutionary forces legislatively and politically, dismantling the deep state and re-installing it according to the requirements of the revolution and playing the role of political leadership for the masses based on the most important legitimacy obtained The revolution, which was one of its manifestations, was his election in elections that witnessed the largest percentage of voters in the history of Egypt as a whole. Likewise, the revolution failed to plan to invest the presidency and what it represents from other legitimacy of the revolution and its living forces in attacking the dens of the deep state in accordance with a set of decisions and legislation based on the millions of crowds that could still be summoned to protect the revolution and defend its decisions. The Defense Minister’s invitation to the meeting of the political forces in December 2012 gave it the opportunity to build its legitimacy, while the deep state succeeded in deceiving the president and succeeded in winning over an important part of the youth and political forces and mobilizing important popular sectors against the elected president on the grounds that he had failed to provide the basic needs of the citizens. Use it to blockade its legal legitimacy until it has been undermined. Also, the loud public anger that filled the provinces was not exploited against the fascist state, which continued to kill and slaughter its citizens in a way that had not happened in Egypt before, especially in Rabaa and its sisters. Among these obstacles also are the deterioration of the level of education and the spread of illiteracy, which facilitated the process of misleading large sectors of the people. Including the implementation of the regime within the political arena over many decades and its recruitment of many of its elements, which always facilitates the re-installation of this arena according to the requirements of the authoritarian situation, including the lack of any spaces for direct or open dialogue between the political parties to the extent that there is no ability to communicate between them, which is the case Between them and direct friction and then the lack of acquaintance between them, and then the failure to discover the common denominators in light of the state of apprehension and mutual suspicion that controlled everyone. On January 25, why don't you retire from the scene, as some demand you?

I must first state that the values ​​of the January Revolution oblige us to respect everything that comes out of any party from it, regardless of its position, and whatever it goes to, especially if it is of the same type as our call that is based on change and reform within the framework of the scheme to complete our revolution and achieve its goals. Therefore, I take this opportunity to call upon the loyal leaders of the January Revolution, who are still defending it and calling for its completion, to assign a team of academics, experts and specialists who are able to handle all the files and papers of the January Revolution to evaluate the performance of the leaders to complete it, whether they are symbols or organized entities, since the coup against it until today. And for the same team to set a formula for salvation in a way that secures the path of completing the revolution and achieving its goals until building a modern democratic state, a state of law and institutions. in front of her. In my opinion, the new leadership council will be mostly new faces, and in my opinion, this is the best way, as mere retirement will leave a void that only the counter-revolution will fill.