"Tangier Fury" raises questions about the safety conditions of the Amandis Refrigerator.

  • Time:Apr 23
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The sources of the Hespress electronic newspaper revealed that the "Maamal", which witnessed the tragedy of the "drowning" of 30 people in Tangiers, is not a "secret workshop" as stated in the Moroccan authorities' statement, but rather is a "well-known company in the field of textiles, with its commercial record and having all legal documents." It is run by a young contractor from a popular neighborhood.”

The same sources indicated that “the concerned company meets all the legal and administrative conditions, just like the rest of the textile units located in Tangier, and it is registered with the local authorities; Meanwhile, accusations are directed at the lack of safety conditions inside this workshop, a matter that calls for an investigation.

The same sources stressed that “the issue is complex, and the owner of the workshop cannot be held fully responsible.”

The local authorities of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region indicate that “a secret textile industrial unit located in an underground garage in a residential villa in the El Enas neighborhood, in the El-Murs region of Tangier, was known to see a leakage of rainwater, which caused the siege of a number of people who were working inside.”

In this regard, Mustafa bin Abdel Ghafour, First Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of the wilaya of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima, explained that “all industrial units in Tangier operate in the same way as the “textile factory” and in a seasonal manner, so that there are contracts with partners in Europe; However, the pandemic caused markets to stop, which led to dependence on small workshops.”

Bin Abdel Ghafour stressed, in a statement to Hespress electronic newspaper, that the “textile factory” in question “was suspended due to the pandemic, and it began operating during this week,” noting that “it received more than 400 requests, belonging to Moroccan youth seeking to obtain a spot.” In order to establish a small industrial unit, while the government prefers and gives priority to large companies and marginalizes small businesses.”

Regarding the responsibility of the “Amendis” company in the tragedy, the same official stressed that “the groups cannot alone do everything, and they will not be able to manage the affairs of citizens without relying on authorized management companies.” He said: “Amandis” “cannot conclude an agreement with a specific company or factory without having its legal file together,” and continued: “It is not possible for light rain that fell for hours to lead to this disaster,” noting that “this matter needs a kind of review.” “.

On the other hand, the Northern Observatory for Human Rights demanded the arrest and follow-up of those involved in what it described as the “crime” of the Tangiers factory, which claimed the lives of more than 29 people, after rainwater trapped them inside, stressing that “the responsibility of the local authorities, including Tangiers province and Tangier urban commune, This calamity is evident.

And the same human rights observatory wondered: “How can tens of male and female workers enter, for years, the garage of an apartment building in the middle of a residential neighborhood, without the attention and control of local and regional authorities? How can an industrial unit in a villa garage obtain the high electric current “without obtaining licenses?” Who are the competent authorities, based on the report of a committee that includes different sectors?”

The Northern Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that the painful incident does not negate the responsibility of the “Amendis” company with regard to its management of the water, electricity and liquid disinfection sector, expressing its regret for what was included in the report of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region’s “attempt to abandon its clear responsibilities,” calling for the immediate arrest of the administrative officials. Those directly responsible for the accident, starting with the governor of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima, for their direct responsibility for managing the dirt field in which the unfortunate incident occurred, and opening an investigation with all the parties involved in it.