Surveillance cameras are appointed by the security authorities to control abuses and uncover clues to crimes..and we await their circulation within vital facilities and in public sites

  • Time:Nov 02
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The requirement to install surveillance cameras and circulate them in public places and vital facilities has become an urgent and important matter, after their presence contributed to detecting and following up the threads of many crimes as well as reducing their occurrence, as it was an effective tool to control cases of moral and behavioral transgression, and at the same time In which many developed countries consider these electronic cameras as one of the most important proactive strategic means for maintaining security, we wonder about the extent to which the Kingdom needs to circulate them in the streets and vital facilities in light of the assertion that our country is one of the most advanced countries in the security and technical field and the efficiency and readiness of its security forces, but it remains The use of these modern technologies are auxiliary factors for maintaining public security.

In this investigation, "Al-Riyadh" discusses the effectiveness of using cameras in public places to reduce negative phenomena that have spread in society.

Security is a requirement and a goal

At the outset, Dr. Nawaf Al-Fagham - a member of the Security Committee in the Shura Council - stressed that security is a requirement and a goal for all, and from here it is necessary to find all means to reach this demand and what achieves the goal must be taken to reach the goal, stating that installing cameras in public places and vital sites is one of the most important Ways to impose safety and security control, and believes that its importance lies in the fact that it has become part of the security system in many developed countries of the world and has proven successful, adding that we do not lack - praise be to God - the qualified human element or the presence of the latest auxiliary mechanisms, but each of them has a different role and function. On the other hand, pointing out that many shops, banking machines, governmental and private facilities, border areas, and even some boys’ schools and homes use cameras internally and externally, so when we look to generalize their presence in public places to monitor public movement and human gatherings in the heart of the capital or cities, this is not considered Rather than saying, as long as there are live experiences that testify to its importance, especially in places where crime increases and the rate of traffic, moral and behavioral violations increases, all of this undoubtedly preserves security and public money, and secondly contributes to respect for order and discipline. , warning of the necessity of its approval by the competent authorities, and that there be complete confidentiality when using it, and it is important that it be in safe hands that do not take advantage of the wrong exploitation.

Appointed to the security men

For his part, Dr. Youssef Al-Rumaih - a professor of criminology and combating crime and terrorism - that our excessive adherence to privacy was the reason for our long delay in installing cameras in public places, government departments, and residential neighborhoods, as it was assumed that we had started the electronic control project ten years ago, considering it as an eye for security men and a detector There are many threads and mysteries of security and moral crimes, stressing that each camera saves us a lot of oversight efforts as well as preserving security and public money, especially since crimes have evolved and become organized and security problems are increasing. Stages, the first stage is obligatory for all government departments internally and externally, and it is the most important because it gives a complete and comprehensive picture of the performance of these devices and the extent of seriousness of work and production capacity. As for the second stage, it is obligatory for all commercial stores, and it is not limited to shops or complexes without others, and here those who did not He installs them, while the third stage is to link them all directly in a central administration and control rooms so that there will be a center for collecting data and information, and before all that, start spreading the culture of different electronic aids, as demanded by Dr. Al-Romaih organizes awareness campaigns to promote the idea of ​​​​surveillance with cameras within the community and confirm that the purpose of using them is prevention and control, stressing that the community has greatly exaggerated the issue of privacy while security has limits that do not contradict its limits, adding we hope the security and control authorities to speed up the installation and that this be done gradually Over a period of two years, and in the third year, any governmental or commercial agency that does not install surveillance cameras must be punished

Security importance

Surveillance cameras appointed by the security authorities to control abuses and detect Crime threads..and we await their circulation within vital facilities and public sites.

Lieutenant Colonel Khaled bin Ahmed Al-Ghabban - the media spokesman for the Tabuk police - stated that the security authorities' use of the recordings of these cameras in a number of important cases confirms their security importance, adding that there is no doubt that the presence of surveillance cameras in public places and streets is of great importance in terms of security, especially If the appropriate site is chosen for it by the competent authorities, and benefiting from it is possible and in a large way, as it is applied in some countries of the world, through the role that these cameras will provide in the event of reference to them when needed, as this technology contributed to the detection of many criminal cases, especially cases of theft Shops by identifying the features of the perpetrators by means of the cameras placed inside the shops, as they are considered a great assistant to the security man in some cases, and therefore large shops are required to provide them, suggesting that before embarking on this step in public places, the necessary steps must be taken to ensure that these cameras are not tampered with by some and work To punish whoever does this.

Track offenders

For his part, Dr. Fahd bin Muhammad Al-Harbi - Information Technology Consultant - The use of technology is the best solution, especially since there are great developments in the use of cameras, such as tracking violators and criminals through the use of kinetic fingerprint techniques (Gait Biometrics), where a number of experts and researchers led by Professor Mark Nixon from the University of Southampton develop such technologies and assist the security authorities in arresting a number of suspects by tracking their movements and the way they walk, even if it is difficult to verify the face or the absence of any other forensic evidence, indicating that the kinetic fingerprint is a physical biometric of the individual Which helps to verify the identity of the person through his movement, where the normal image captured from any camera is converted into a three-dimensional image, where the kinetic fingerprint is extracted by measuring the person’s joints, physical measurements, and some distinctive characteristics of each person such as the rotational movement of the foot and the extent of the flatness of the foot and through which it is formed A person's kinetic imprint.

He explained that the security option of employing surveillance cameras in public places has become a necessity to impose control and maintain security, indicating that when choosing cameras it is important to choose them carefully and search for environmentally friendly technologies that are powered by solar energy, and also work on preparing a privacy policy that clarifies Powers and the mechanism for accessing information, for example the guiding policies for using surveillance cameras in public places in Canada consider that the images that are taken are personal data, and they must be dealt with according to the guiding policies in keeping, publicizing and preserving personal data and how to dispose of it.

Respect for privacy

Zamil Shabib Al-Rakad - a lawyer - believes that there is a lot of controversy at the present time about the legality of the spread of surveillance cameras in public places that people usually frequent in their daily lives, such as placing cameras in security centers, airports, border crossings, public buildings and facilities, monitoring the movement of vehicles and maintaining security. And combating crime and protecting the visitors of these places by placing cameras in prominent, visible and exposed places to the public, as picnic places, markets, restaurants and pedestrian paths are considered an outlet for pleasure and comfort for people, but placing cameras in a hidden way may be considered by some as a kind of violation of privacy, in the absence of regulation of cameras Monitoring, how it works, and recording protection.

On the other hand, he adds, legal systems criminalize the placement of surveillance cameras in private places whose visitors do not know that they are being watched, as this violates privacy, as it is an inherent right that cannot be violated, by publishing pictures and videos that affect the private lives of individuals or may lead to blackmail. In one way or another, many homeowners, shops, and facilities install surveillance cameras to protect their property without any regard for the right of individuals not to violate their privacy, while they are in or passing through these private places.

It is believed that the installation of surveillance cameras in the workplace requires the employee's knowledge of the existence of these cameras, which means that he accepts this matter and understands the needs of work such as banks, jewelry stores and other establishments, bearing in mind that this evidence cannot be used against the employee if it is placed in fraudulent ways without his knowledge. Failure to notify him of the existence of these cameras is considered a kind of assault on his personal rights and freedoms, and it is not permissible to place these cameras in toilets and places of rest because there is no need for that and because it is an explicit infringement on the personal privacy of individuals, and it is not permissible to publish the recordings of surveillance cameras during criminal investigations in crimes for non- The authorities concerned with the investigation, and this evidence is considered a complementary judicial presumption and is not taken as material evidence in the crime except after the presence of prior permission from the investigation authorities, and the matter may require the assistance of experts who read criminal photographs or what is known as the visual fingerprint, which has become one of the most important means of identifying the perpetrators in many crimes In the modern era.

Concluding by saying: We conclude that there must be strict control over the spread of public surveillance cameras to ensure the protection of this information and that the recordings are not violated or used for personal purposes in any way, and to reduce the chaos of the spread of electronic eyes that have been implanted in most hotels, restaurants and others, from By creating a legal regulation that regulates the mechanism and methods of placing these cameras, the purposes for which they were set, the approval of the concerned authorities to license them, the availability of conditions and specifications, ensuring the confidentiality of information, and alerting visitors and visitors to these places of the presence of these cameras in general.

Surveillance cameras are a security necessity. Many agencies need surveillance cameras to control the work environment. Lieutenant Colonel Khaled Al-Ghabban, Zamil Al-Rakad, Dr. Nawaf Al-Fagham Dr. Fahad Al-Harbi Dr. Youssef Al-Rumaih