Sudan demonstrations: news of deaths during the anti -military protests

  • Time:Oct 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

A group of Sudanese doctors reported that four people participating in the anti -military coup demonstrations were killed.

According to the Central Sudan Doctors ’Committee, three of the dead died in Omdurman in Khartoum.

Thousands of activists opposed to the coup have come to the streets, defying the procedures for closing and thick security deployment by the security forces in the capital, Khartoum and some other large cities..

The Sudanese security forces confronted them by firing tear gas to disperse them and prevent them from reaching the Republican Palace.

The Sudanese authorities had anticipated the outbreak of the demonstrations by taking many crises, including the closure of the main streets, the bridges that link the capital to other cities, cut the cell phone lines, and the internet service.

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Activists supporting democratic rule continues their campaign of popular demonstrations against the army coup that took place on October 25, despite the repression that witnessed the killing of at least 48 people in violence related to the protests, according to the Independent Central Doctors Committee.

The army, police and militia patrols were cut off the streets.

The bridges were closed during the recent protests on December 26, when tens of thousands of protesters went out to the streets.

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Washington calls on the Sudanese security forces to refrain from violence against the demonstrators

Human Rights Watch and the International Pardon are calling on Sudan to release the detainees since the beginning of the coup

But the different this time is that new surveillance cameras have been installed on the main roads in which the demonstrators are to follow today.

For the first time, the Sudanese authorities cut all the international, international and internal lines.The "Net Blix" group, which monitors the Internet, reported that Internet services on mobile phones were cut from Thursday morning.

Activists use the Internet to organize demonstrations and publish a live photography of marches.

An invitation to adhere to calm

The American embassy in Khartoum called for restraint by the authorities led by the army commander, Lieutenant General Abdel -Fattah Al -Burhan, who was counting on a controversial partnership agreement held last November, the civil prime minister Abdullah Hamdouk in calming the street anger..

A statement by the embassy said, "The American embassy reaffirms its support for the peaceful expression of democratic aspirations, and the need to respect and protect individuals' practice of freedom of expression."

The statement added, "We call for the maximum exercise of restraint in the use of force and we urge the authorities to refrain from using the method of arbitrary detention."

The activists had condemned the sexual assaults during the December 19 demonstrations, after a Sudanese government official announced documenting rape of demonstrations by the security forces.

Hamdouk had been detained under house arrest for weeks before he was returned to his position under the agreement with the army, who promised to hold public elections in July 2023.

However, the agreement was met with wide criticism as "a gift to the army that gave a cover from legitimacy to its coup.".

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more than 14 million Sudanese, i.e. the third of the Sudanese people, will need humanitarian assistance next year, which is the highest level in a decade..