Students' protests continue despite the decline in the Ministry of Education

  • Time:Sep 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dozens of male and female students of educational institutions in the city of Sabt Awlad Al -Nimah came out today, Tuesday, in protest marches on the decision of the Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports to establish unified hypotheses for continuous monitoring, despite the ministry's announcement of the retreat of the two notes related to this regard.

These protests continue for the second consecutive day in many educational institutions in the city, in response to calls on social media that had called on students to fight a strike starting from Monday 29 November this year.

The protest forms in the city varied between the stances and marches, during which the students echoed a group of slogans, headed by "The people want to drop the unified", amid a security alert and the presence of the public forces..

احتجاجات التلاميذ تتواصل رغم تراجع وزارة التربية

In identical statements to Hespress, protesters confirmed that students will continue their protests in various educational institutions until an official communication bearing the signature of the Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports is issued..

For his part, an official source revealed that the security services will work to implement the law, especially some "riot events" during yesterday's marches by many students in educational institutions, stressing the arrest of a group of students in this framework.

It is noteworthy that the Ministry of National Education, First Education and Sports announced yesterday the arrest of the work of the two ministries No. 080-21 issued on September 15, 2021 regarding the framework of the continuous monitoring procedure for the academic season 2021-2022, and No. 081-21 issued on September 16, 2021.

The same ministry announced the issuance of a ministerial memorandum that includes several developments regarding the framing of the continuous monitoring of the academic season 2021-2022, which concerns the establishment of a unified imposition for continuous monitoring that takes place at the level of each educational institution in each of the sixth except for the second sixth of the final academic year of each educational wire, in addition toClassy continuous observation hypotheses, according to the determinants stipulated in this memorandum.

The ministry said that this procedure aims to raise the credibility of the results of continuous monitoring assumptions and ensure equal opportunities between learners and learners, as well as reducing the differences that are recorded between the points and the rates obtained in the testimony exams, and those obtained in the continuous monitoring hypotheses, in addition to raising the investment opportunitiesThe results of these calendars in the effective guidance of the activities of supporting and addressing the achievements of the achievement of students and students and achieving the required quality.