Sayings of a driver who was coercive theft of his car under the threat of weapons in the Katameya area

  • Time:Jun 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Today, the New Cairo Prosecution listened to the statements of a driver who was threatened with white weapons and theft of his car in the Katameya area.

أقوال سائق تعرض لسرقة سيارته بالإكراه تحت تهديد السلاح بمنطقة القطامية

The victim acknowledged that a person with whom he boarded the car at night and asked to deliver him to one of the areas at the end of the ninety Street, and when he arrived in the area, he was surprised that he was carried in the face of a white weapon and asked him to leave the car and leave, and he told him that the whole area is remote and all the buildings under construction and no one inhabited it, so I left the car for himAnd fled with it.

The prosecution also decided to rush the security investigations of the incident and the accused, and to unload the surveillance cameras of the area in place.

Initial investigations revealed that the accused is unemployed and registered in coerced theft cases, he stole a car from its driver under the threat of the white weapon in the Katameya area.

The beginning of the incident was when a report was received by the Qatamiya Police Department from a driver accusing a person of stealing his car by coercion at the threat of the white weapon in the department’s department and by conducting the necessary investigations and unloading the surveillance cameras of the area in question.

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