“Soft wars” threaten nuclear protection systems

  • Time:Apr 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Cyber ​​attacks are an invisible part of the arsenal of future wars, information mutations are reshaping confrontations between countries, the interference of technology in everyday matters opens up unsecured ports

An agreement between MasterCard and Coinbase to facilitate the purchase of non-fungible tokens Mahmoud Mohamed January 19, 2022 A discrepancy between UAE banks in determining the “Friday” time mechanism George Ibrahim - Dubai January 11, 2022 Cyber ​​attacks imposed themselves on all countries, as a result of the global systems’ dependence on technology and the Internet within the infrastructure in the fields vital, so that the development of an infrastructure that counteracts the potential risks of attacks has become an imposition not only on states, but also extended to include organizations and individuals, especially since the advanced systems were not spared from weaknesses that enable these parties to penetrate and use them for purposes harmful to national security. The United Nations has the right to self-defense, but the lack of a clear concept of cyber-attacks, classification of their intensity, cases that call for self-defense, and the dispute over the classification of the type of cyber wars and methods of response to them, led to an expanding challenge for states to find common ground used by the international community as a reference to repel those attacks. Attacks, and as a result of the multiplicity of types of cyber-attacks, which have become bypassing governments, and changing the traditional idea of ​​attacks, experts see the need to use Fruits in research to ensure the development of cyber weapons that can counter the dangers of hostile attacks. Future wars In the possession of very developed countries, however, the great acceleration in digital and post-digital and artificial intelligence technologies has made cyber wars the wars of the future, expected to extend to include rogue individuals and groups. He added that the world witnesses wars every day, most of which are vague and invisible, considering that Cyber-attacks are an invisible part of the arsenal of future wars, and one of the factors that surpass clean wars, noting that the latest attacks on the Republic of Ukraine led to the disruption of many ministries and government websites, stressing that the matter of concern in cyber wars is the possibility of committing them by Amateurs and groups that are difficult to follow, with frightening and devastating results, sometimes paralyzing electricity networks, banking systems, aircraft routing and opening dams, which leads in some Sometimes to disasters that are difficult to imagine, pointing to the difficulty of controlling such attacks or identifying charters that organize them, which has forced everyone to engage in wars and counter wars whose results are difficult to predict. The United States, China and Israel are the ones who will win the bet, especially since information booms, if the name is correct, can restore the techniques and principles of wars and formulate everything, noting that the world has begun to formulate new military doctrines and methods, which abolished the barriers and the culture of trenches, camouflage and natural barriers. , and returned the world towards the culture and arts of new wars, noting that these wars may not kill individuals, but they remain destructive. To a level that allows it to resolve battles on the ground, especially since planes and satellites are effective in wars, but the one who decides the battle on the ground is the soldier, and he continued: “Cyber-attacks contribute to the weakness of the world. Du and exhausting him, and destroying his technical capabilities, bringing him back to the Middle Ages, or disrupting nuclear and military programs and spying on them, but without military action, you will not be able to weaken the opponent.” Al-Zubaidi ruled out that cyber attacks would turn into future battles during the current time, evidenced by the continuation of the budget The huge military that still depends on well-known weapons such as tanks, planes, air defense forces and other missile and military systems, pointing out that the battles continue as they are known, but one of the elements of the force supporting any military action will be through cyber battles and cyber security, stressing the The current focus of countries is on developing cyber security, so a cyber arms race has begun between countries in order to achieve cyber capabilities that reach the military and intelligence levels. Information theft, which emerged during the WikiLeaks leaks of information about the US Department of Defense, noting that these attacks lead to the disruption of organizations or banks, but the real danger is It protects if it is used to disable or weaken the protection system in nuclear reactors, which will cause disasters in the future. He pointed out that cyber security, like any new technology, raises the shares of the race between countries, and during this race some countries are ahead of others, noting that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia For example, it began training 30,000 Saudi personnel on cybersecurity tools, artificial intelligence, programming and others, pointing out that programming languages, including the use of satellites and the ability to manufacture them, must be an important goal for all countries, as it is a critical issue in the security and stability of countries during The next 10 years. Suggested solutions In turn, the information technology expert, Engineer Mustafa Abu Jamra, pointed out that the cyber war depends on several elements, the most important of which is the citizen’s lack of awareness, especially that the citizen can meet his needs in the real world safely, unlike services that are carried out through the Internet and electronic devices , stressing the difficulty of proving the perpetrator of the attacks. He added that the legislative aspect about cyber-attacks is still weak, and the attackers depend on the difficulty of tracking them, stressing the overlap of technology in All life matters, which contributed to the existence of unsecured outlets that can be penetrated, noting that the Arab world is being targeted violently and almost daily, and that what increases the danger of the matter is that cyber attacks are the attack of the “poor man” who may not possess advanced weapons such as tanks, planes, etc. On the proposed solutions to repel these attacks, Abu Jamra stressed the need to remove all networks and platforms in which “hackers” hide, noting that the ways of securing in the virtual world require re-engineering the global network of the Internet, so that it does not allow the presence of servers that hackers can penetrate, stressing the need to create Strict international and local laws, such as those governing nuclear bombs and radioactive materials, continued, "Cyber ​​Networks are more dangerous than a nuclear bomb, especially since its owner works in complete comfort in the living room."

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