Smart TV ... features that are not without risks

  • Time:Dec 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Smart TV is very popular at the present time, as it provides the user with many amenities such as the ability to watch movies and programs from media libraries at any time, and watch pictures from the smartphone on the big TV, however smart TV contains privacy and data protection risks.

Claus Merkel, head of the IRT Institute of Broadcasting Technology (IRT), believes that the main feature of smart TVs is the ability to watch videos from the Internet on a large screen with great resolution, indicating that smart TVs provide greater comfort compared to traditional computers and laptops where they can controlAll jobs easily via remote control.

Merkel's applications and services added that there is significant growth in the offers of applications for smart TVs, in addition to increasing free video services or paid services such as Video on Demand.

Among the other appropriate services are news gates, program guides and games applications, in addition to information associated with programs, such as translation into sign language, which is still low in use.

Merkel believes that telecommunications applications on smart TVs are inappropriate, given that this type of devices lacks the camera to make video calls or the ability to enter texts easily, although there are some remote control devices equipped with expanded keys, but they are very complicated.

For his part, the editor of the "Video" of Roland Zaibt added that it is the films and video shows that make smart TVs attractive in the first place.

Thanks to the video service or the patch of the hard disk delivery, the current TVs can replace the video recorder, in addition to that smart TVs provide more than that, as they are considered a partner in the Internet of Things, and then TV becomes the control center.

In addition to displaying the contents of the smartphone screen on smart TVs, Zebab believes that the security camera of the door of the house can be connected to the TV, and thanks to the applicationsVoice orders via TV.

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Privacy risks

But the diverse capabilities of smart TVs bring with them some risks related to privacy and data protection.

Where many information flows to the services used, and German experts do not want to sound the alarm, as they agree that the average use of a smartphone reveals information about the user more than the information that can be revealed by smart TV, yet care and caution must be taken.

Experts stressed the need to take into account the mechanisms of the recommended recommendation by many companies producing TVs, and verify the quality of films and TV programs, which one prefers, and it has not been confirmed yet whether the consumption of certain films or news is manipulated.

The user must realize that with smart TVs, many details of the user's behavior are recorded on the Internet.

This is linked to the companies producing TVs and applications used, and therefore the user must read the conditions and general provisions of services carefully.

The data is often collected without specifying the user's identity and storing it in a large memory, for example to determine the number of times a specific program is called from the Media Library throughout the country.

Once the user creates an account in his name, he is no longer unknown, and this must be taken into account in particular when the TV list is requested during the installation process for the first time or registration to obtain expanded services or update services, where the device will be appointed clearly to a person or family.

Among the important points is the lack of blind approval in any place, where the user must consciously approve when installing the TV for the first time, and not to disclose the data easily, and in the case of rejection, some services may not work, and through the TV list the user can change some decisions, which have been takenPreviously.

If the user wants to sell the TV, he must return it to the factory control modes in order to delete the accessories stored on it.

And if the use of smart TV is limited to watching the normal television broadcasts and is not connected to the Internet, in this case no personal data is revealed.