Smart security innovations on the Sharjah Police platform

  • Time:Sep 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Sharjah Police General Command presented many smart innovations that operate with artificial intelligence. Devices, and the creation of a personal camera, which the policeman wears, equipped with the best artificial intelligence tools. The students of the College of Technology in Sharjah also displayed a smart glove in the police wing, which aims to facilitate the inspection process, as it is equipped with a number of sensors, including a heartbeat sensor and a heart rate detector.

Smart security innovations on the Sharjah Police platform

Engineer Saud Abdulaziz Al Shamsi of the Sharjah Police General Command confirmed: Sharjah Police participated in many innovations, within the activities of the UAE Innovation Month, where the innovation of the smart security communications system was presented, and it was installed in the "Enjad" patrols, and it can give the patrol data, its location and speed. And the direction of rotation, and the system is equipped with two cameras, front and rear.

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