Siniora's initiative besieged the vacuum, and Bahaa Hariri's presence became a reality

  • Time:Jan 05
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dar Al-Fatwa is a "national mandate" in the elections

After President Fouad Siniora's initiative and his announcement to invite the Lebanese and the Sunnis and the group to stand for elections and vote, and to assume the national responsibility to prevent a vacuum and prevent the country from being completely overthrown by Hezbollah, the Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian, launched an appeal that complements the position of President Siniora In it, he stressed the rejection of the discourses of despair of the feasibility of the election, considering this approach as a destructive trend that is rejected.

The position of the Grand Mufti of the Republic gains importance in that it comes after the coordinated attack launched by the Secretary-General of the Future Movement (whose activity is suspended) on the initiative of President Siniora and the launch of a campaign in the means of communication with blue groups against his call for the parliament. He affirms the rejection of the vacuum, and urges the mobilization of the Sunni reality and the non-acceptance of the void as a fait accompli.

This is how the picture of overthrowing the Sunni boycott is complete, dropping one of the arguments that the power parties can use to sway the elections, which was recently revealed by President Michel Aoun.

The Grand Mufti of the Republic: We reject the politicalization and we call for it

On the anniversary of the Isra and Miraj, Mufti Darian sent a message to the Lebanese in general and Muslims in particular, in which he said, “The constitutional institutions are originally the guardians of public utilities, public money, and the interests of citizens. However, it is also true that it did not do any of this in the past years. Then here are those in charge of it, now leading the elections. This leaves us very confused. We cannot tell people not to carry out your electoral rights and duties, because elections are the path to change in the modern state. But we hear from the same dominant parties saying: They will win, and nothing will change (!). The words of these people are meant to lead to despair, and to continue imposing a fait accompli, which is pure sabotage.

For this reason, Mufti Darian announced that “we leave behind hesitation and confusion, and we call on everyone, everyone, to go to the polls. Heavy voting is a message of hope and hope, and faith in the future of the country and the state. And if we do not act with our faith and hope, then what do we do?

In the words of the Mufti, here is a warning that the low vote among the Sunnis and the community will lead to the victory of “Hezbollah” and its ability to penetrate the Sunni arena widely, and this is evident through its electoral tools in Beirut and the rest of the regions, so the element of dense power becomes a necessary factor. To restore the electoral and political balance.

Drop the “fatwas” of boycott and emptiness

Siniora's initiative besieged the void, and the presence of Bahaa Hariri has become A fait accompli

The basic and most important meaning of the Mufti of the Republic’s message is that the Sunni public is a free and unrestricted audience, and no “political fatwa” can impede it or impede its decision and prevent its participation in the parliamentary elections, and that the national legal fatwa was issued by the reference, which is the obligation to assume responsibility and engage in The electoral process includes candidacy and voting, and the implicit prohibition of boycott, whatever its justifications, whatever its advocates, and whatever its form.

It is true that Dar al-Fatwa did not issue a legal mandate regarding the elections, but we are facing a national fatwa urging God without bias, and the goal is to ensure God and prevent a vacuum.

Restoring the Sunni balance: Al-Machnouk calls for the youth

The Sunni political position began to regain its balance in various forms. Recognizing the vacuum is illogical, even by those who preferred not to run for the upcoming elections. This is what Representative Nihad Al-Machnouk indicated in his statement in which he announced his reluctance to run in the parliamentary elections, despite his lack of optimism about the feasibility of The electoral process is due to Hezbollah's domination of the country, but he stressed that "the youth have the right to take the opportunity to search for their new political dress, and that the rising youth have the right to formulate their dreams and face their disappointments when they fall into them, or succeed, so we will all be among the winners."

Dar al-Fatwa's speech: Lifting the lid on the fabricated clash with the forces

One of the most important effects of Prime Minister Siniora's speech was lifting the lid on the campaigns of the leaders of the Future Movement against the Lebanese Forces, which were taking place artificially and deliberately with the aim of widening the distance between the Sunni public and the forces, with the constant endeavor by Ahmed Hariri to make all Sunnis mere audience for Saad And Ahmed Hariri.

It is remarkable that Ahmed Hariri commented on Siniora's initiative by publishing a picture of President Saad Hariri and commented on it, saying, "Your position alone represents me," while silence remained after Mufti Darian's message, indicating that the religious authority has decided the situation and there is no longer any way to go back. The stage of mortgage of the Sunnis and the community to the person of Saad Hariri and those around him from the merchants of politics and development has ended.

The position of the Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abd al-Latif Derian, besieged the maneuvers of the group calling for a vacuum, and gave way to the initiative of Prime Minister Siniora to follow its path automatically. Prime Minister Siniora did not put barriers, barricades, or obstacles in front of everyone in the electoral process, and these forces, including the established ones, such as the major opposition parties, led by the Lebanese Forces, and some emerging ones, such as the “Sawa for Lebanon” movement supported by Mr. Bahaa Rafik Hariri, with the recording of communication with the two former deputies Ahmed Fatfat and Fares Saeed, in addition to the change-making groups and those affiliated with the October 17 Revolution titles.

The complex of Bahaa al-Hariri

Bahaa Hariri's political life formed a complex for Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his team, so this team organized a fierce campaign accusing Baha of all forms of stabbing, treason, and underestimating the ability to understand Lebanese politics. Rather, the matter reached the limits of putting a veto, and pressure on political parties not to deal with him In order to impede his progress towards a natural position in the political center.

Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's initiative, and this all-encompassing position issued by Dar Al-Fatwa, made the campaigns that targeted Bahaa Hariri in politics a fallacy, overtaken by events and facts, and reinforced by the need to fill the political vacuum resulting from Saad Hariri's failure to maintain the cohesion of the Future Movement And his presence in the political equation, internally and externally.

It can be said that a new phase has begun, which is the fall of the political barriers in front of Bahaa Hariri, the fall of the boycott idea, the opening of the door for the sovereign forces to reorganize their ranks, and to contest the parliamentary elections without fear of the absence of the present Sunni partner, while awaiting the results of the funds and the weights they will produce. Especially since Bahaa Hariri may go towards supporting opposition lists in all regions without defining a specific framework for his political presence, and this may facilitate the formation of lists, in light of the formation of a map showing that the trend will be towards lists of the Lebanese Forces allied with Sunni leaders in the regions, and lists of the party The Brigades and others for the forces of change and the October 17 revolutionaries.