Signature of a cooperation protocol between "housing", "social solidarity" and "Orman Association" to deliver water within the "decent life" initiative

  • Time:Oct 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dr. Asim Al -Jazzar, Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, and Dr. Nevin Al -Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, witnessed the signing of a joint cooperation protocol between the Ministry of Housing, represented by the Drinking Water Regulatory, Sanitation and Consumer Protection Authority, the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sewerage, the Ministry of Social Solidarity, and the Association The Orman, to deliver water to the first families to care, and signed by Dr. Ayman Abdel -Mawgoud Abed, Assistant Minister of Social Solidarity for Private Community Institutions, Dr. Mohamed Hassan Mustafa, CEO of the Drinking Water Regulatory Authority, Sanitation and Consumer Protection, and Engineer Mamdouh Raslan, Chairman of the company’s board of directors Holding for Drinking Water and Sewerage, and Engineer Hossam El -Din Ahmed Abdel Halim, Chairman of the Orman Association, in the presence of Dr. Sayed Ismail, Deputy Minister of Housing for Banquets.

Dr. Assem Al -Jazzar stressed that the Ministry of Housing and its subsidiaries (Drinking Water Regulatory Authority, Sanitation and Consumer Protection - Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sewerage and its subsidiaries) attaches special importance to the societies, civil institutions and civil society organizations in communicating drinking water services in deprived areas, explaining that Providing drinking water is one of the most important projects and pillars of development, and the community does a basic role in the sustainable development process, especially in infrastructure projects and service projects, which contributes to improving the living, health and environmental situation of the Egyptian citizen, especially in the villages of the countryside and the first areas of care, and also thanked the association Orman on its role in cooperating with the state’s authorities, and its real and effective contributions in delivering services directly to the citizen.

The Minister of Housing added that this protocol aims to improve the living, health and environmental situation of the Egyptian citizen, especially in rural areas in a number of Upper Egypt governorates (Fayoum, Beni Suef, Minya, Sohag and Assiut), within the initiative of the President of the Republic, "A decent life", through the participation In the implementation of clean water connections for the most needy homes in the villages and hamlets within the "Water" initiative launched by the Orman Association to target the villages of the presidential initiative "a decent life" to develop the Egyptian countryside, and the activities of the protocol are to finance and implement the pure drinking water connections for the initial families to care for the villages of the Egyptian countryside, Provided that the priority for the presidential initiative villages is a "decent life", including the contracts and settlements, the excavation and tide of pipes to the homes, the installation of water meters, and the installation of internal connections that match the applicable technical specifications, and the matching of the applicable regulations and rules, which help in preserving water And not wasting it.

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Dr. Nevin Al -Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, said: We aim to create a social safety network for the citizen, by supporting and protecting poor families and caring for low -income people, raising their standard of living, and improving the level of services provided to them, in addition to encouraging the National sector and participating in achieving real development of society, and providingThe flexibility necessary for it to play its role, explaining that this protocol comes within the framework of a partnership that spanned about 3 years to implement the "Democyclical Housing" program for the first families in care, in partnership with state agencies and NGOs.

Engineer Hossam El -Din Ahmed Abdel Halim, Chairman of the Orman Association, pointed out that the Orman Association aims to deliver pure drinking water to the most needy families at the level of the governorates of the Republic, at a cost of 100 million pounds as a first stage, in 5 governorates (Fayoum, Beni Suef, Minya, and SohagAnd Assiut), stressing that a second protocol will be signed next July, at a value of 100 million J..

Dr. Mohamed Hassan Mustafa, CEO of the Drinking Water Regulatory, Sanitation and Consumer Protection Authority, said: The device is obligated according to the protocol to the following, reviewing the action plan, the timetable program, implementation mechanisms, follow -up and evaluation reports systems prepared with all parties to the protocol, and identifying work groups to supervise the implementation and follow -up of the protocol activities,Formulating and placing the annexes for the implementation of the protocol as required by the need, and modifying activities if necessary after the approval of the parties to the protocol, and the approval of any other areas of cooperation agreed upon by all parties..

Engineer Mamdouh Raslan, Chairman of the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sewerage, added that the company is committed, in coordination with drinking water and sanitation companies at the level of the Republic (subsidiary companies) to implement the protocol provisions, and to provide technical services related to technical supervision of implementation in coordination with the Orman Association, and commitmentThrough companies affiliated with the work of measurements and inspections in accordance with the prepared timetable, and reviewing the business after implementing them according to technical specifications and implementation requirements.

Dr. Ayman Abdel -Mawgoud Abed, Assistant Minister of Social Solidarity for Private Community Institutions, pointed out that the ministry is obligated, according to the protocol, according to the following, to introduce the procedures to be implemented with this protocol with the societies, civil institutions and civil society organizations affiliated Drinking water and sanitation projects, directing societies, civil institutions and civil society organizations wishing to contribute to the implementation of drinking water connections and sanitation to follow the executive procedures contained in this protocol, and taking into account the special and organizing requirements when carrying out social research to determine the most needy families, prepare and implement plans for training and building capabilities Societies and civil institutions in the various specializations the subject of the protocol, and joint cooperation in collecting and exchanging information regarding the situation of drinking water and sanitation and the changes that occur periodically in cooperation with the parties to the protocol.

Engineer Hossam El -Din Ahmed Abdel Halim, Chairman of the Orman Association’s Board of Directors, explained that the association is committed to the following, a social research for cases to determine the extent of the entitlement or not in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Social Solidarity, and to provide statements for the first families with care approved by the Ministry of Social Solidarity, and to pay the fees of inspections and evacuations fromBefore the association, in coordination with the Ministry of Housing, and buying tasks (pipes - special pieces - .....What is necessary to deliver water in coordination with the subsidiaries and according to the technical specifications and the quantities tables determined by the Ministry of Housing, and the implementation of all the work necessary to connect the water according to the design documents and under technical supervision from the Ministry of Housing, commitment to return the thing to its origin, obtain the necessary licenses to implement the work in the protocol, and installation of connectionsHome, taking into account that plumbing tools are in accordance with technical specifications, and the connection is done after installing the meter and paying the association for all fees and costs for installation.