Shaban Khalifa writes: a point in the middle

  • Time:Nov 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

From the spider's neighborhood, the Internet drew its name the most famous "the web", where the American Ronald iPhone, who was searching for a scientific designation to communicate computers via the Internet. The presence of a spider weaves its threads.Frank term..Where the two nets are similar that both begin with a point in the middle, from which threads that branched out and swelling until they become a network characterized by spread and complexity.

The Internet has become a means of everything that is to be published globally, it is not just entertainment and entertainment only, or even a military communication, such as what appeared in the American army or even a social communication from the starting sample of communication sites, where three students from university graduates sought to work "Facebook" as a way to get acquainted with friends.Through it, then the social sites continued to become dozens.

شعبان خليفة يكتب : نقطة فى المنتصف

Things have evolved quickly, and we became in front of a spider network used in guidance, education and trade, but rather the recruitment of terrorists and criminals and in international conflicts with its capabilities and the information they contain..This is of course besides fun and play.

It is true that some use the Internet on a specific scale for a scientific, economic, even social, or limited communication of colleagues, friends and family members, but the collective use of the Internet and the "social media" and its employment in multiple aspects and for other dangerous goals that exceeded acquaintance and became a feature of its features and a function of its functions,It requires changing the perception of it, its role, and even the quality of crimes that can be committed through it not only at the level of individuals but at the level of the year, especially after the exposure of pornographic sites that steal pictures from Instagram, Facebook and others and install them on sexual images.

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We have to pay attention to what comes out of the point in the middle of the content and the employment of these means threatens the social ladder, especially in Egypt, as the repetition of a crime of Bint Bint Al -Gharbia and its occurrence with Heidi this week in SharqAs an alarm bell that alerts us to upcoming risks, we should not let it grow until it is difficult to deter and confront, because the matter is not related to freedom of use but rather the abuse of use that may start individually and then grow and take a collective character.

We have a weapon that has two borders, one of which is good and the other evil, which requires the protection of goodness and the confrontation of the evil that is reflected in spreading destructive ideas and values that coincide with the passion of a large sector of users of matters related to human soul and its multiple diseases

Not all souls are together.