Trade in sex toys in Jordan.. “moral corruption” coming from the virtual world (video and photos)

  • Time:Sep 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
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Reported by: Hamza Dana

Amman - Ayman, a tenth-grade student, did not expect his mother to open the box he had ordered from a website as a gift, only to be surprised that there was a sex doll inside.

The gift box, which “Ayman” (a pseudonym) was keen to hide from his family, opened a dangerous door that falls under the name of “moral corruption.” The story began when the teenager was surreptitiously surfing a pornographic site, to appear in front of him advertisements for the purchase of toys and sexual tools, in order to place an order. What he wanted through the promoter.

His story ended with the confiscation of the sex doll and his reprimand for not repeating that, according to what his mother told Al-Ghad, but the story began here, as Al-Ghad monitored people promoting and selling sexual tools and toys without supervision.

One of the promoters whom “Al-Ghad” contacted sells these gadgets electronically using the phone number of an Arab country through the “WhatsApp” application, on the grounds that he is outside Jordan, but after research and investigation it turned out that he lives in Amman and has a large amount of these games and gadgets He sells it to anyone who pays for it, regardless of the age of the customer.

After long and documented conversations with the promoter, he sent many pictures of these sexual tools, including dolls, each of which is valued at 135 dinars, detailing its size in centimeters.

All you have to do to complete the purchase process is to send (name - address - phone number) and the type or types to be purchased, so that you will receive the order through a delivery company wherever you want within 24 hours and with a gift box to remove doubts from you, according to the documented conversations between “Al-Ghad” and meadows.

In a youth session in an Amman cafe, Saadi (a pseudonym) boasted to his friends that he had obtained a sex toy after buying it from a promoter in the capital, Amman, to attract the attention of those around him after showing it to them through a picture on his mobile phone.

The friends seemed surprised and amazed after what they saw on their friend's mobile phone, some of them asked for the promoter's phone number to reserve a sexual tool, and some of them denounced the situation and rejected it, according to what Saadi told Al-Ghad.

“I can recommend any sexual toy or tool and it will reach me within less than 24 hours,” with these words expressed by the university student, Saadi, about the ease of obtaining anything he wants from these tools through the promoters.

What is strange about our local community is that another promoter, whom “Al-Ghad” contacted, sells a new type of sexual tools other than what the first promoter sells, including (whips, chains, and arousal swings intended for hanging on the door), at fantastic prices that exceed 100 dinars.

The offer of the first promoter is still valid for the second promoter, “delivery within 24 hours and with a gift box to remove doubts,” also without regard to the age of the customer.

According to a report published on the “BBC” website, “BDSM” practitioners use their own social networking sites for acquaintance, so that the numbers of one of the largest dating sites for this category indicate that the number of its users in the Arab region is approximately 30 thousand, and in Jordan 1363 people According to the report, which was published two years ago.

It is mentioned that the term “BDSM” refers to a group of sexual forms, activities, and practices based on the enjoyment of control, punishment, and the representation of lustful roles between the dominant and the controlled, and it is consensual without harassment or sexual assault, even if violence occurs, but it takes place under what is called a philosophy. Safe, sound and agreed upon.

“Prohibited Goods”

The General Customs Department officially responded to “Al-Ghad” inquiries about the number of seizures of toys and sexual tools across all crossings and land, sea and air borders, to come to the answer that “if such items are seized, they are kept at the customs center, their value is estimated and fees are calculated.” And taxes on it, and it is considered one of the prohibited goods because it is contrary to public morals, and it is confiscated and destroyed according to the rules, so there is no data on these materials.”

As for the reason behind the lack of statistics at the customs office, she said: “All items seized from people at all crossings are destroyed directly through a committee formed by the department and the Audit Bureau.”

The trade in sex toys in Jordan...” Moral corruption “coming from the virtual world (video and photos)” title=

“A love of adventure”

“Selling sexual tools and toys with ease encourages young teens, those about to get married, and some married couples to buy and try them, out of love for adventure, knowledge, and love for experience,” according to what sociology expert Dr. Hussein Al-Khuzaie told Al-Ghad.

The reason behind acquiring these tools, according to Al-Khuzai, is “to compensate for a kind of sexual repression that exists among young people, the inability to marry, the love of curiosity and the search for pleasure without knowing anyone.” Al-Khuzai limited the danger that lies behind obtaining these tools to affecting the health of young people, corrupting public morals, stimulating excitement among young people, and expanding the area of ​​societal corruption, if it exists.

Maintaining the availability and accessibility of sexual tools and toys to young people of all ages could raise cases of sexual harassment in public places, and help create corruption inside homes to engage in imaginary experiences, according to Al-Khuzaie.

Distance from religion is one of the most important pillars that makes a person seek these tools, and works to preoccupy young people with issues that could morally corrupt society, drain their free time and waste their energies, according to Al-Khuzaie.

According to Al-Khuzai, the late age at marriage in Jordan may contribute to paying attention to buying these tools, as there are about a quarter of a million young men and women over the age of 30 who have not married, indicating that “the average age at marriage for males has become 31 years and for females 27 years, and this is a dangerous indicator in keeping young people in the celibacy stage.”

In the latest decision related to the sale of sexual tools and games electronically, “Al-Ghad” obtained a copy of it from the courtrooms, stating that there is a page on the social networking site “Facebook” bearing an English name, which displays sexual products, including sexual tools and games for sadism, which are Illegal products.

At the end of last year, an ambush was prepared by the security services in one of the areas in western Amman, and tools and toys were seized while a person working as a taxi driver was delivering an order to a customer, which consisted of 6 pieces.

It was found through investigations that the taxi driver does not know what goods he delivers to customers, and his task is limited to receiving orders from a person in western Amman and delivering them to customers wherever they want.

The decision stated that the accused displays his products through the page he created for that purpose, as he buys them from a region in southern Amman and sells them at prices of up to 100 dinars per piece, after promoting his products through his page.

According to the Penal Code, the offense attributed to the owner of the page was reduced to give him an opportunity to rectify his situation, which the court considered a mitigating reason, to one week's imprisonment and fees, and the taxi driver was acquitted.

Al-Ghad documented many conversations and pictures confirming the presence of people selling sexual tools and toys inside the Kingdom, including a picture showing a large amount of these tools inside the home of a promoter.

In a tour of e-commerce sites, you will find the same tools that are promoted in Jordan on those sites and with a large price difference, for example (there is a sex tool offered by the promoter of “Al-Ghad”, at a price of 45 dinars, and after searching it turned out that this tool is not Its price exceeds 5 dinars on international sites).

And about the origin of these sexual tools and games, the promoters replied that they are imported from China to a neighboring Arab country to be smuggled or entered in the form of personal use across the land borders.

The value of the sex toys and related accessories market in China is estimated, according to news reports, at about $ 14.7 billion, and its popularity was increased by the outbreak of the Corona virus, as the volume of sales of condoms, lubricants and other contraceptives increased.

The Penal Code

Article 319 of the Jordanian Penal Code specified, “He shall be punished with imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding fifty dinars,” and four forms of the crime, including, whoever “sells or possesses with the intent to sell or distribute any obscene material or Anything else leads to corruption of morals,” according to what lawyer Rabih al-Sajjan explained to “Al-Ghad.” The same article also criminalized whoever “broadcasts, by any means, that a person engages in the sale, printing, reprinting, displaying, or distributing of these obscene materials and things,” and this applies to the promotion of sexual tools and games, according to the lawyer, the jailer.

In order to expand the penalties for those who promote or sell sexual toys and tools, the lawyer moved from Article 319 to Article 15 of the Cybercrime Law, which states that, “Anyone who commits any crime punishable under any legislation in force using the information network or any information system or website, or participated in, interfered with, or incited to commit it, shall be punished with the penalty stipulated in that legislation.”

“There must be criminal responsibility for the offense of displaying obscene material in violation of the provisions of the Penal Code and the implications of the Cybercrime Law, and research into the availability of all the elements and elements of that crime, represented by the material and moral element,” according to the same speaker.

Concerning the punishment imposed on those who deal with sexual tools and toys, the lawyer and jailer concluded his speech by saying that “if the elements and elements are available, the act requires condemnation, and that the penalty is imprisonment up to three months and a fine not exceeding fifty dinars.”