Settlers attack vehicles northwest of Nablus

  • Time:Mar 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article


Nablus - “4”.com - Today, Monday, settlers attacked citizens’ vehicles with stones on the Jenin-Nablus road.

The official in charge of the settlement file in the northern West Bank, Ghassan Daghlas, said that settlers infiltrated from the vacated “Homish” settlement and attacked citizens’ vehicles with stones, causing damage to some of them.

He confirmed that the settlers obstructed the movement of vehicles and prevented them from traveling on the Jenin-Nablus road, noting that the occupation forces are still closing the main road and diverting traffic from Sebastia town towards Nablus.

مستوطنون يهاجمون المركبات شمال غرب نابلس

Source: Wafa Agency.

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