Sayyid Nasrallah's speech on the 15th anniversary of July victory - Al -Manar channel - Lebanon

  • Time:Aug 27
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Hezbollah's media relations distributed the speech of Hezbollah Secretary-General His Eminence, Mr. Hassan Nasrallah, on the fifteenth anniversary of the great victory in the July 2006 war on 7-8-2021, and it stated: I seek refuge in God from the democratic Satan, in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, praise be to GodLord of the worlds, prayers and peace be upon our master and our Prophet, the seal of the prophets and the master of the messengers, Abi Al -Qasim Muhammad bin Abdullah, and the good, pure family and his good companions, who are entitled to all the prophets and messengers.Peace be upon you all and God's mercy and blessings..

قال الله سبحانه And theتعالى في كتابه المجيد: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ﴿ لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُAnd theلِ اللَّهِ أُسْAnd theَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِّمَن كَانَ يَرْجُAnd the اللَّهَ And theَالْيَAnd theْمَ الآخِرَ And theَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا ﴿21﴾ And theَلَمَّا رَأَى الْمُؤْمِنُAnd theنَ الأَحْزَابَ (يعني أهل قريش And theالقبائل المتحالفة مع قريش And theيهAnd theد مدينة يثرب المدينة المنAnd theّرة ) قَالُAnd theا هَذَا مَا And theَعَدَنَا اللَّهُ And theَرَسُAnd theلُهُ And theَصَدَقَ اللَّهُ And theَرَسُAnd theلُهُ And theَمَا زَادَهُمْ إِلاَّ إِيمَانًا And theَتَسْلِيمًا ﴿22﴾ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُAnd theا مَا عَاهَدُAnd theا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ فَمِنْهُم مَّن قَضَى نَحْبَهُ And theَمِنْهُم مَّن يَنتَظِرُ And theَمَا بَدَّلُAnd theا تَبْدِيلا ﴿23﴾ لِيَجْزِيَ اللَّهُ الصَّادِقِينَ بِصِدْقِهِمْ And theَيُعَذِّبَ الْمُنَافِقِينَ إِن شَاء أَAnd theْ يَتُAnd theبَ عَلَيْهِمْ God was forgiven, merciful.

This is what happened in the trench in the time of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family. This is what happens in more than one incident in history.Always when there are believers who are honest in the promise determined to jihad and bear responsibilities, then the promise of God Almighty for them and the promise of His Messenger, may God bless him and his family, for God has a permanent promise to victory.

Dear brothers and sisters, it was usually on the anniversary of the July war to talk to you on the 14th day of August on the day of victory at the end of the war, when people returned to the south, the Bekaa, the suburb, and everywhere the heads raised head, but as it is from Monday night and the coming daysWe have entered the days of Ashura, the days of Muharram and the consolation councils of Al -Husseini, I preferred to speak a day or two before that, and therefore today I am at your service.

About the great historical divine victory in the July War

In our conversation today, we have the great occasion 15 years after the great historical divine victory in the July War of 33 days, and it was prolonged by the memory and the occasion to what happened yesterday and the first yesterday in Lebanon on the southern front, and we have another important, dear and painful occasion that is the first anniversary of the banner of the explosion. Or the bombing that occurred in the port of Beirut, which led to the martyrdom of hundreds, the injury of thousands and the damage also to the thousands. Ashura days in Lebanon.

But it is the moral duty as is the custom, because there is a temporal separation between the last speech and today's speech, I must offer condolences to the families of the honorable martyrs and remind them according to the time sequence, the martyr Mr. Imad Al -Amin, who was martyred while performing his jihadi duty a few days ago, the martyr Brother Ali Shibli, the martyr Dr.Brother Ali Ayoub, the martyr Brother Ali Houry and the martyr Brother Hossam Al -Alaq, who were martyred treacherously and injustice in the events of Jay and Khalda days ago.

Also, we are in the axis of the resistance during the past few days. His comrades, to his brothers, to his family, to his children, and to all his friends, especially in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the general leadership with the warmest condolences, and I ask God Almighty to have mercy and we are fully confident that his brothers, companions and children will continue his path and renew his great and important presence in this battle, especially in its fateful stage, God willing.I also go to all families, there are families of martyrs who lost their fathers and mothers, and there are brothers we lost during this stage in the past weeks, some of them from the founding generation in our career since 1982, and these also lost them due to diseases, because of Corona, because of the age, I ask God Almighty for themAll of mercy and offer their generous and honorable families with the warmest condolences.

On the anniversary of today, I would like the importance and many topics to fold the emotional and emotional introductions and be satisfied with thanks, for the first thanks to God Almighty for what he supported, proven and victory, and secondly, I take it in general, all the leaders who led, struggled and martyred in the battlefield, in the political field who supported, supported, supported and embraced and embraced They rejoiced and triumphed in Lebanon and outside Lebanon, they have all thanks and appreciation, I do not want to repeat and review the conditions of war in the past years, on every memory we were talking about the circumstances of the war, some of its course and some events in it, its achievements, victories and results on the enemy and on the friend, I will not return or repeat That is to take advantage of time.

I want to enter directly regarding the anniversary of the July and the war, and after 15 years to its entitlements, events and current achievements, the most important responsibility of the day is the responsibility of everyone, which is the responsibility of preserving the achievements, victories and results of this war. Not through dialogue tables, nor at a price, but rather with grave sacrifices that we all lived and endured all of them, and therefore these achievements and results must be preserved strongly, today the trustworthiness of the martyrs, the martyrs leaders, the martyrs of men, women, children and all in all regions, the honesty of the martyrs to preserve what they have accomplished The martyrs, these steadfasts, and these resistance fighters in the July war over a period of 33 days, as well as the development of these achievements and these positives and these victories.I said I will not return to talk about the great achievements, victories and very important consequences that were achieved after the war regarding culture, with awareness, with field equations, in the enemy front, in the Sadik front, on all these achievements that were preserved during all these years, enhanced and made more and more and entered a new stage ofDuring the heroic and historical confrontation that Palestinian resistance fighters fought in the battle of Saif Al -Quds weeks ago.The most important achievement - I want to focus a little on the Lebanese issue and the Lebanese front with Israel with the enemy and as we have talked about the regional issue, Jerusalem and the sword of Jerusalem in previous speeches.

With regard to Lebanon, the most important achievement achieved in the July War is to find a balance of deterrence, controls and rules of clash of guarantor, protector of Lebanon and deterrent to the enemy, this is the most important achievement, this is a historical achievement, this is a strategic achievement, when security is achieved for people everything that follows security, that is, a country where there is noSecurity is missing in succession of the worker of Al -Tamminah, Al -Sakina, Science, Study, Investment, Economy, All of this is not.So this strategic and historical achievement achieved by the resistance to Lebanon in the July War, security and safety in 15 years except for some simple violations that bear the state and the institutions of the state, in advance of which is the Lebanese army and the international emergency forces of UNIFEF.Lebanon, which has been for decades for decades, was the scene of the Israeli Air Force to change in it where it wants, in the south, the Bekaa, the north, Mount Lebanon, the heart of the capital, Beirut, we all remember the 82nd and over the decades and after the 82 it changes on buildings, institutions, Objectives, which were brought to me and did not deter him at all. I do not want to speak between the year 2000 and 2006, but after 2006 over a period of 15 years, an Israeli raid did not get Lebanon or a goal in Lebanon on Lebanese territory except for an ambiguous incident, they worked On an unknown border region, is it the borders of Lebanon or the borders of Syria, as there are different circumstances between Lebanon and Syria now and this incident occurred on 24-02-2014, with the exception of this incident, which did not lead to human losses that were quickly answered in the Shebaa Farms, we In Lebanon, we have 15 years of security and safety. There is no Israeli atmosphere, no Israeli commando, no Israeli assault with a direct sense, even when they sent two years ago such days these small marches in the ata at night and without adoption, yes there are limited violations that sometimes happen at the border There are violations in the sky that I will talk About her soon and I offer you numbers in the development of confrontation with the air violations, but with regard to Israeli raids, the Israeli Air Force raids on Lebanon, we prefer Lebanon 15 years of security, safety, calm and reassurance, and this has not been unprecedented since 1948.The main objective, objective, objective question for all residents of Lebanon and the dear Lebanese people, why did not Israeli raids happen for 15 years? Now Israel is committed to international security and international decisions and is afraid of the International Security Council or is afraid of the League of Arab States, from the Islamic Cooperation Organization, or from public opinion, or is their morals and this is their religion and their balance ?? Certainly no !!! Children know her answer! Which prevented and prevented the Israeli enemy from launching raids on Lebanon during the 15 years. It was simply the fear of the enemy from going to reactions and a large and wide confrontation with the resistance in Lebanon, in isolation that this battle turns into a regional battle or not to let it aside, the battle is sufficient with Lebanon, he has a large name, the confrontation with Lebanon and the battle with Lebanon, well, more than the issue of the raids that there are no raids, we are for 15 years a day and if the Lebanese in recent years were not free to listen to the Israelis, perhaps harmful harmful, but over 15 A year, there is no current political official, military general, retired, media, journalist, or party in the enemy entity, and he does not direct daily threat to Lebanon, we will destroy, we will return you to the Stone Age, we will do woo..And 15 years did not do anything! Why didn't they do anything? The question also: their morals? International decision? The international community? UN Security Council? Or fear and fear of the results of going to a war and the implications of this war!? Who prevented this arrogant, forced and wild enemy who commits the massacres, which has no moral, inhuman, non -international, or legal deterrent and protected by the greatest devil and the arrogant forces in the world and the protected unfortunately - the mastery is not no longer - also protected from some of the fateful and printed Arab countries with The enemy is what prevents him? His fear of the repercussions of the war, his fear of rolling reactions to a war, the war that can lead to results that he teaches these results on his internal forehead, on his infrastructure, on his army, which proved his failure and weakness and weakness in the July war, and the current prime minister was an officer in the power The precaution in the July war in its last days in a force against the shields and witnessed the mother of his eye the failure of the military organization, in any case this army, which will be destroyed and will collapse in any confrontation on the rest of its image and prestige, but allow me to say that it is afraid even its existence, the enemy today is more than any time It has been due to what is happening in Palestine and in the region, the transformations of the region, and the escalation of the power of this axis of resistance on the one hand, as well as the result of the divisions and severe internal conflicts and the severe hatred spread among the Israeli -occupied Israeli groups of occupied Palestine, which is unprecedented in front of its internal conditions and in front of the development of the axis of resistance, everyone in the entity He talks about my existential concern, from the head of the entity to the head of the entity's government to the generals to the writers to the institutes of studies, for all his fear of the results of the confrontation is the one who prevents him from assaulting, well this is the balance of deterrence that It was created by the July war, and this is what protects Lebanon and I ask all the Lebanese, if you return to your minds, to your conscience, to your awareness, to your responsibility in isolation from the hostilities, discounts, hatreds, grudges, partisan, sectarian and sectarian accounts, and what you like and you want to answer this question: Who is deterred and prevents this The brutal enemy of the attack on Lebanon? Who prevented him in 15 years? They gave a fair answer to yourselves and for your people, the answer is clear and no one has a second answer, no one has a second logic, we offer people a tangible thing, we do not provide them with allegations, slogans, rich speeches, dreams, or aspirations, so it was always before 2006 after 2006, but yet 2006 definitely the central issue of the Israeli enemy was the issue of the resistance weapon and the development of the resistance in Lebanon, there is a minimum and a higher limit, at the highest level it aspires that the day will come when this weapon is removed, and Lebanon becomes without resistance and without a resistance weapon.He tries to employ after his military impotence and after all the military and security means that he used, he is trying to employ international and American and Arab pressures to various political financial and psychological financial fields to impose Lebanon to become without strength and without weapons and without the ability to confront.It returns to the permissibility of Lebanon as it was doing before 2000 and before 2006, this is a higher limit.Of course, unfortunately some groups in Lebanon help him achieve this goal in terms of learning or not knowing that it wants to return Lebanon weak because its strength is in its weakness.

The minimum is to prevent the growing capacity of the resistance, of course, it is a failure in the upper limit and a failure even in the minimum because from 2006 to this day the resistance in Lebanon has increased numerous in number, in experience, in experimenting, in raising efficiency, in training levels, its ability and armament capabilities increasedHer missile ability, its qualitative capabilities, increased to possess large numbers of fine missiles that the enemy and the war minister of Gantz considers, weeks ago, he had a speech and said frankly the path of micro -missiles turns into an existential threat why?I always tell you they talk about the concern of existence to an existential threat.

They also failed in this matter some of the raids that occur in Syria, some of them to support armed groups, some of which are to target the forces and the capabilities facing the armed takfiri groups and some to target the capabilities and capabilities that reach the resistance, and all these raids have never achieved anything except martyrs and human and material losses sometimes, butRegarding the goal, they could not miss the support of the Syrian forces and the forces of the allies in the face of armed groups, and they were not able to prevent the growing power and strength of Hezbollah and its obtaining qualitative and advanced capabilities.At the same time, he is trying to play or work in the field in a way that makes the balance of deterrence, this falls, and it is erupted and eroded, and this is what happened during the past two days..

"Shui Shui" is an accident in front of an accident that returns and regains the previous conditions launching an air strike here and an air strike there people are silent that take his hand on air strikes, begins bombing open areas with his belief that they do not raise allergies, and then move to launch raids on inhabited targets, inhabited by capabilities or inhabited by people, Or on the infrastructure for Lebanon or what is like.He is silent on this and begins to send commandos to the Lebanese at night or day.

About what happened in Lebanon on the southern front

So what happened a few days ago is very dangerous, and it is very dangerous. It did not happen for 15 years until we say what happened and what is the story and the story?On Thursday night, he claimed, of course, unknown missiles fired at the direction of Kiryat Shamuna..We left the issue for the army and UNIFIL for treatment and made contacts, but in the middle of the night, two air raids were launched on the Jarmak area and an air strike on the Shawakir area near the Rashidiya camp..Of course in Lebanon, there are people who did not feel some people who consider themselves senior, officials and leaders and live in their palaces and ivory towers, they did not feel, but the villages and towns surrounding the place of targeting in the middle of the night, and it deliberate A very big horror, this is normal that children and people slept in their homes half of the night, and issued a statement in which he said that it was targeted with open land raids, and in our statement we used the same expression that he used and had an estimate that what happened was passing by and the atmosphere in Lebanon political divisions, government status, and economic situation , Diesel, fuel, medicine, food, support, support and calamities.Certainly, "there is no empty limit" to think, neither of equations nor the scales of deterrence and dates, and it is a disintegration of the equations imposed by Lebanon and the resistance in Lebanon with the power of blood, sacrifices and steadfastness 15 years ago..

Here it was necessary to make the decision, and it must be taken to work to the appropriate and consistent reaction.I would like to explain the idea of “Maalish” until the enemy understands it, there is no problem, but I would like it to explain it to the friend to our people to our people when there is aggressive actions that need to return these works.And two weeks, month, two months, or more, or the least problem, for example when our martyr brother Ali Mohsen was martyred in Syria, and we said we have an equation that we would like to have already..We were clear and public, and the Israeli day stood on a feet and a half and for more than a month and two months standing on a feet and a half.Frankly, I tell you that we were our youths “workers” in the whole region in the farms and on the border, and we did not have a control saying that we work with the farms, not from Naqoura to Jabal Al -Sheikh. There was a decision at the resistance groups.Damascus.However, the enemy's procedures and the disappearance of the enemy even in a depth of kilometers, and we wanted a guaranteed process not to hit a missile and the mechanism is empty or we will fire and there is no result.We want a guaranteed operation and the goal was to kill an Israeli soldier in exchange for the killing of our brother. I speak clearly.But a month, one and a half months, two months did not have a goal and the decision was present and the youth were on the ground, but there was no goal and you remember in those days they were putting in military mechanisms statues, games and dolls until we cheat and say this is a soldier and we shoot it, and we consider ourselves killed by a soldier and we would have shot usOn the clothes model.

This happened or not?Later we saw leaving the topic for another time as well when Brother Muhammad Tahan was martyred in the days of the battle of Saif Al -Quds, here is not essential, but time is an important factor, but in another type of aggression needs to respond to time in which a fundamental factor is a response at another time that loses the response its value and its effect, it isThe response has no value.Like the one who took place on Thursday night, the Israeli aerial bombardment of southern Lebanon, if the response was delayed for the time of the last response, which would have come, without value, to be a quick response this first..Therefore, we went to the quick response, even if someone is asking what is the difference between retribution and revenge for our martyrs and how to deal with the two air raids.

Because you know that there are many political philosophers that link the response directly to the region and the international and on the battle of the seas, Vienna and the nuclear negotiations, and I always told you Iran and the Islamic Republic in order to defend itself or face its enemies possessing strength, courage, durability and transparency what you do not need, not to an allyNor to a friend, do that, in public, and announces that and takes responsibility.

Yesterday, our response was linked to the direct Israeli raids that obtained southern Lebanon for the first time in 15 years, and we responded to him a clear performance and a clear goal..We went to the response, we studied the situation well.The enemy says this is a thoughtful response and the friend says this is a thoughtful response. It is true. This is a deliberate response. Originally, we are sitting, thinking, discussing and making a decision, we do not do and do not make an individual in us, and nothing is studying our affairs well..He said an open land is “I know his condition is what he works.” So we must respond on open land, he did not target our civilians, and did not target military targets is to hit the open land.So let's go to the open ground.

We have two options that we can go to open land on the occupied Shebaa farms, and we can go to open land and now speak transparently for the future and even know the enemy.There is an open land in the occupied northern Palestine, and there is an open land in the occupied Golan, of course we strike from Lebanon and not from Syria.Yesterday we chose the area open land in the Shebaa Farms area to send a message and be a class and later we can go up to a second degree, and a third degree is higher. I will return to it later..We chose the Shebaa Farms and we went to open lands, and we did not hit the military sites, but rather the vicinity of the military sites and we chose the farms because it is a military zone that there is no civilians, farmers or farmers, but there are other places there are open lands, but it is possible that there are farmers and farmers.Everything we calculated accurately and decided to do the operation during the day, it is not a coincidence that it is during the day, and we did not bomb at night because in fact we do not want a terror or fear for people, among the families, or for women and children.

People are asleep. Missiles come out..To this extent, we are keen on people, the feelings of people, and the feelings of people, even if our resistance brothers are exposed to danger.We went in broad daylight and hit missiles on the targeted areas, and we issued a statement and assumed responsibility for officially because we have the courage to assume the responsibility of our actions, and our statement as our bombing is both completing the message that the enemy wants to understand..This is not a hidden response, not a secret response, this is clearly a clear day..We do not have an atmosphere like you, we have missiles that hit missiles.

The goal of this process yesterday was to fix the rules of engagement and existing equations. We do not want to invent a new equation.Today, the Israeli media yesterday and today they say Hezbollah wants to impose a new equation, we do not prove the old equations that the enemy wanted to breach, overcome and topple in order to protect our country only in order to protect our country.Yesterday we wanted yesterday in the field and not by speech to tell the enemy that any raid, and regenerated, we start that any air strike with the Israeli Air Force on Lebanon will inevitably be answered, but in an appropriate and appropriate way because we want to serve a target to protect our country.

It is clearly, in light of this, and this is what the enemy should count for him when he enters his estimates, when he wants to launch at any time, God forbid, an air strike on any goal in Lebanon in the mountain, the north, the Bekaa, the south, the mountain of Lebanon, all the Lebanese landAnd all those on Lebanese soil and all the Lebanese area is not forbidden to be exposed to the enemy's hand with an air strike until the failures, because we will also respond in an appropriate and appropriate manner open land in exchange for an open land that bombed us..

In light of what happened, I must emphasize the following:

1- We are not lost and will not overlook what the resistance and Lebanon have accomplished in the July War, whatever the sacrifices and risks are because this will enable the enemy to allow Lebanon again less sacrifices today better than later sacrifices later because if it takes his hand and the country is “counted” on sacrifices, losses and humiliation.

2- I said previously to the enemy, do not mistake the appreciation and you think that Hezbollah and the resistance in Lebanon are busy with the internal situation and internal divisions, and what is in a government and in a government and now there is a fuel problem, diesel and food materials and what is like and medicine, and therefore he did not and will not dare and will not and will not provide any responsesActs on the front.

Yesterday's message is clear, whatever the internal conditions in Lebanon are difficult, pressing, bad."What was" we are for us to protect Lebanon is our first responsibility. We bear this responsibility. We will protect our country. We will protect our people, whatever the internal circumstances..Also, I tell them, do not bet on the pressures exerted on the Lebanese and the environment of the resistance in a specific way. Do not bet on the Lebanese division about the resistance because the Lebanese division about the resistance is old before the year 1982, in the 1970s and sixties and after the 1982 and after the 2000 and after the 2006 and today.And all words about a Lebanese national consensus on resistance is incorrect words.There was no Lebanese consensus on resistance against the Israeli occupation one day. We do not laugh at our condition.I always used to say these words, so in light of the Lebanese division resisting with all its parties and factions, the occupation army was defeated in 1985 and brought it out of Mount Lebanon, and from the suburbs, and from the capital, from Sidon, Tire, Nabatiyeh, the Western Bekaa and Rashia.The resistance with all its parties and factions imposed on the enemy the humiliating withdrawal in 2000 despite the Lebanese division.

In the 2006, the resistance recorded a historic victory despite the Lebanese division, so it does not bet on a Lebanese division, and does not rejoice in some of the wrong details that happen here and there..And do not bet, enemy, on the environment of resistance, the direct environment that was telling us yesterday this environment. Come bomb from our homes, this environment do not bet on it, you may suffer, it may be affected.It may have notes on our political performance at home and some of our political alliances and some of our behaviors, but in the matter of resistance this is a sincere and faithful environment, because the only option to protect it, to protect the country, to protect the south, to protect the sovereignty of Lebanon and the security of Lebanon and the safety of Lebanon and the safety of Lebanon is the resistance and the weaponResistance and these resistance fighters.

Also, one of the things that I must emphasize, and in any case 40 years and 40 years ago witness to this fact that I say, this environment is historically and currently and present are the people of patience, they are the people of insight, they are the people of endurance, they are the descendants of those that said what I saw onlyBeautiful, this environment you have seen and always see it on any site of sacrifice and steadfastness.

كلمة السيد نصرالله في الذكرى السنAnd theية الـ 15 لانتصار تمAnd theز – مAnd theقع قناة المنار – لبنان

The third or fourth point, that what happened in yesterday is a response to the air strikes and has nothing to do with the martyrdom of the dear brothers, Ali Kamel Mohsen and Muhammad Qasim Tahan, because there are one of the analysts in the enemy entity.Today I say this file and this account is still open between us and the enemy and the issue is a matter of time.

Fourth, I also want to tell the enemy, our options are open - like what I said a little while ago because we discussed - the air strikes if they happened - and I warn him of that - does not mean that we responded even if it is on an open land that will be on an open land on the Shebaa Farms, may beWe responded to open land in the northern occupied Palestine, and from now when air strikes on Lebanon get farmers, farmers and civilians in every northern occupied Palestine to evacuate the lands, our response to the occupied Golan region of Lebanon may be, but then we appreciate and see what is the interest and take the decision.So our hand is open, we do not put an equation called air strikes - bombing on the Shebaa farms, no, the Shebaa farms are the validity of the open lands that we can respond to.

Fifth, we always said that we are not looking for a war and we do not want to go to a war, but we are ready for it and do not fear it and do not fear it and wait for it every day and we will win in it, God willing, because this is the promise of God and His Messenger, and I assure you and the enemy that the greatest foolishness will be the enemy that he committed when he decides to goTo a war with Lebanon.

Sixth and finally in this passage, when the dangerous breach and air strikes in southern Lebanon took place the silence of the international community and many were silent in Lebanon, especially those of sovereignty, after the firm, clear, public, open, and courageous response of the Islamic resistance in Lebanon, “they arrogated, cried and cried on the people and on the people The country. Can someone say what your response to them? I do not have a response to them..So this topic we do not give it importance.I said, I would not like to enter an accident that occurred yesterday, but for its importance, seriousness, and repercussions that occurred later..

About what happened in the town of Shoya

In the context of yesterday's events and during the return of the resistance group from performing its mission, it is on the road to the town of Shoya and entered the town of Shoya to cross, of course the truck is covered and the general view is a civilian view. Then they revealed the cover about the deceased, some people were exposed to and what happened, I want to I stop at this incident for the lesson and also for treatment, I mean, we must build on it to be treated, and because the enemy has betrayed it a lot and rejoiced a lot, on each of the enemy, and the friend was saddened. One of the houses in the estate and this truck and the evidence is that there are still 11 or 12 missiles and the worst of course from the accident that took place is its depiction and distribution on social media and the media, which led to great congestion in the country, I do not hide from you, I am one of the people who assumed myself calm And I, God willing, are calm and bear a lot, and I also assume that I am an official I cannot get angry quickly or take a quick decision or invite my brothers to make a hasty decision, however I am when I saw the scenes of a Shoya incident that was greatly affected and saddened so how all the people assume that She has neither my responsibility nor her duty to control her nerves like what I must control my nerves or they should be calm like what I should be calm, this was the matter.They took these scenes and "they are in" in the media and social networks, and that we were arrested by Hezbollah, you saw this is Hezbollah?!This is the resistance?!This was a clear lie, in any case the film came later, the film that filmed the same rockets in the same rockets that they cut the road with valleys and between the orchards and far from the villages and far from the homes and between the hills and mountains bombing the enemy, to see lying and the rope of lying is short, but when you are in front of people who are hostile and hatefulHe does not wait until he is confirmed if this data is correct or incorrect.

Second, the remaining missiles that you saw in the truck are a witness to the discipline of these resistance fighters, in which 31 or 32 rockets were launched to fired 20 missiles, others if they did not have a discipline firing 32 rockets and returning empty, they fired 20 if you show the pictures and prepare the empty nozzles you find them20 missiles are the missiles that were fired at the occupied area of the Shebaa Farms, so this truck was after the firing of the missiles was arrested..

As a matter of respecting the minds of people, of course, they said yesterday when the resistance issued an explanatory statement they said: You do not need to clarify and do not need to be justified, but I do not want to explain, but I want to explain a respect for people, people's minds and public opinion, why did we throw from that valley? I say to our people in Shoya and to our people in Hasbaya and for all villages - allow me to use this phrase - non -Shiite, if we could affect this region accurate Our homes are our actions in order to protect all of Lebanon and all the people of Lebanon and all sects of the people of Lebanon, but this region is specifically with farms, which is a military zone in which there are no farmers and civilians and we want to throw them with Katyusha know the angle, these missiles can go to other places we do not want to go To it, you can go to inhabited places, you can all drag us into an unaccounted need, so the rule of geography and military performance requires that we go from these places and therefore we went to these places not because they adjacent to a Druze, Christian or Sunni village, originally very flawed that someone speaks In this language, think about this way, or accuse us of this basis.

Also with regard to the incident, we, in our opinion, was not a simple or passing thing and had dangerous connotations. We must also stop before the youth themselves. They had a weapon and they were eight young men and you saw the group that surrounded them is not a large group, meaning you can count them on the fingers, with that young people practiced higher The degrees of patience, the highest levels of discipline and the highest levels of awareness, these are the honorable resistance, the resistance fighters of their people, their country and their country with their heart and their conscience, these must be honored, these people defend their courage and their bloodshed for all Inside, they practice patience, insight, awareness, discipline and wisdom.Yesterday, when I saw this movie, I wish I could reach my brothers to accept their hands and foreheads and wipe the race from their faces because these young people are the honor of Lebanon, they are the guarantee of Lebanon, they are the real Lebanon, they are the true person in this country, and whoever assaulted them is from the worldAnother and I hold myself and do not use other phrases.

This is what happened was very, very bad, of course, fairness - because here we must go to treatment - that the people of the town who did so, so that it is not said that the people of Shoya and all the people of the town are bear responsibility, there is no clear group of definitions, faces and names, I assure you that there are people from the people of Shoya - because the youth told us the detail - they defended the Brotherhood and there are people from the people of Shoya who saved part of the Brotherhood, they took them out of the hands The people of this honorable town are the ones who helped them and facilitated them from getting out of the hands of these aggressors.Also, the popular activities in the town, the town municipality, etc..Here I must thank all the religious, political and popular references and leaders from our dear people in the Druze Almohads for their positions, their statements and their responsible movement, as well as for all national forces, parties, political forces, bodies and personalities and everyone who expressed his support and solidarity with the resistance and its right and condemnation of this defective behaviorThis is a place of thanks and harmful Lord because they made a great and wide solidarity with the resistance and its right to the response that I practiced yesterday.

The problem is with the group that carried out this attack. As for the rest of the people of the country, we do not know the people of Shoya and we know their affiliation and we know that there are martyrs of the national resistance present in the town and we know that this country has resistance and embrace of the resistance, so I say to sympathizers, lovers and separators do not bear this liability. Rather, they carried the fools who committed this work only, in addition to being charged or arrows to an entire generous sect. Content and rejected, whatever the aggressor and any of the aggressors are, as long as the aggressor is innocent of this work, we are the people of the Qur’an, the people of Islam, the people of religion who tells us “and do not visit and another button”, this we say here and say it shortly on the subject of Khalda, so it is necessary To be careful, especially for those who enter the line and want from any detailed incident that takes place here or there, they are drawn into a Christian Muslim conflict, to a Sunni Shiite conflict, to a Shiite Druze conflict, taking the issue directly on the sectarian issue, We must be very careful.

Regarding those who assaulted our brothers, they not only cut off the road, they stole the machines, equipment and weapons, and they struck and they assaulted and they were the most famous of the weapons in the faces of our brothers and there with the sound and image of those who incited their killing and who incited their comment on the workers, these must be achieved with them by the devices And they must be held accountable before the judiciary, while the general atmosphere must be treated with wisdom and good advice, with the intervention of the honorable sheikhs, political leaders and religious references to return to the Hasbaya district and to the border region, its harmony, serenity and integration, and they are all the people of all sects are in the circle of threats and targeting Israeli.

About the first anniversary of the harbor accident

The third topic is the port, the first anniversary of a few days ago on August 4, I go to the families of the martyrs, I renew their condolences, the families of the Lebanese martyrs from all sects and the families of the Syrian martyrs who are forgotten in this incident while they are in dozens and the families of the martyrs from the rest of the nationalities as well and I am praying to the wounded who are stillThey suffer from their wounds and to everyone for those who are affected by patience, endurance, tranquility and tranquility.

From the first moment, we have been dealt with with this incident - I am talking here in Hezbollah - we are dealing with this incident that it is a national catastrophe and a human tragedy with a distinction that afflicted all the Lebanese and with them Syrians and other nationalities, from the first moment the primary concern was the healing of the surgeon, the diagnosis of martyrs, the lifting of the rubble, the absorption of losses and later. Really required, justice, assistance, and compensation, this is the logic, who makes sense in a logical manner, human logic, moral logic, religious logic, national logic is supposed to behave any person or group in this way, but what happened? From the first moment, local and Arab media, well -known and well -known political party groups, well -known figures and well -known societies in the country and before the dust is clear and people are still shocked - who had the explosion - in the rest of the areas still does not know if it was an explosion or an earthquake, from the first moment on this The screens were accused, before knowing what happened without investigation and without data and without information, the accusation is a complex, they accused Hezbollah and the resistance of storing missiles in amber No. 12 and these missiles exploded and led to what they led to and that he had weapons and ammunition in the port that exploded and led To hundreds of martyrs and thousands of wounded and widespread destruction, of course people in the first moment you hear this atmosphere, the arrested political investment and its price began to be American and Saudi and in the service of Israel and within the settlement of political accounts also internal focus on the covenant, this has to do with internal political accounts, but the wave went more on Resistance.

Within a few days, it was found that all the talk about missiles, weapons and ammunition in the 12th of resistance and non -resistance is baseless and swallowed their tongues and did not correct and did not apologize as if they did nothing, over the days they offended, insulted, accused, betrayed and incited, and the country almost went to a sedition and then did not do anything, They were silent, they went to another hypothesis, the same, of course, neither the Lebanese judiciary nor the Lebanese security services are the ones that are fulfilled, those who spoke about them, the opponents, but the enemies in fact, went to the hypothesis of the Israeli bombing, that it was Israel that bombed the port, not to condemn Israel, I wish that, but to condemn the resistance, to condemn Hezbollah, and also after a year they did not find evidence, witness, or investigation that leads to this conclusion, they were lost, once for a while, they were lost, what they will speak? Wait for the investigations, and they know that the official investigation of the Lebanese army and the investigation branch and the French and FBI investigation branch and all the parties that participated and contributed to the investigation reached a clear conclusion and this is now, public and documented, there are no missiles or weapons and there are no ammunition in amber 12 or in all the port, nor There is a work from abroad, I do not anticipate. There is nothing to the resistance and Hezbollah, open a new story, nitrate, who came with nitrates? The judiciary must say who brought it, the ship that brought them to them, there is information that it is already that it was not able to come to Lebanon, but there was an accident and resorted to the port of Beirut, it was not coming to Beirut at all, well, who came with the nitrate and who stored it Who kept them and from preventing the transfer of these materials and preventing their sale? “I came back in the first one,” which came to the nitroies is Hezbollah, and who knows its existence because it came to it is Hezbollah, which stored it with amber No. 12 Hezbollah, which he preserved with amber 12 Hezbollah, and which prevented its transfer from April 12 Hezbollah, Well, your evidence of this heinous accusation? There is no, he has a TV and has a newspaper and a media platform and has an electronic army and he has the right to say what he likes, well, and they are trying to ride a story, I want to respond to it in a way that there is a few joking, I came up with me to say the poor Hezbollah, O Welh on a party God is poor, because he does not have tons of weapons, ammunition, missiles and explosive materials manufactured in the best military factories in the world, meaning “standard” does not have a poor person, he must come with nitroies and escape them to Lebanon, nitrate used for agriculture and can be used in the manufacture of explosive materials, Poor, he does not have a choice, a poor party Hezbollah has no warehouses that transfer nitrate on, has warehouses that accommodate tens of thousands of missiles but have no warehous He can secure places to transport the nitrate to it, the poor Hezbollah has no means of transportation or trucks who must rent a truck, service, sawdust and drivers to be transported to the south, the poor Hezbollah, is there a miserable and more trivial than this? Is there the ugliest than this? Let you judge you, I mean, if someone wants to be accused, I mean, to use a little logic and reasonable, this is all ridiculous and fragmented, but it is intended, he knows that he is ridiculous and trivial but on the way I lie to lie, lie because he knows that someone is ready to believe him, and this is part From the battle and the open war, a development in the situation, he said no, Hezbollah is not in need, these Hezbollah brought them and put them in the port in order to take them to Syria, also in the same way, the poor regime in Syria has no ports, it has no port in Lattakia Nor Tartous, as he is forced to bring them to Beirut and torture Hezbollah by transporting them from Beirut to Syria, the poor regime in Syria has no allies who come to him with planes and ships, weapons, ammunition, and explosive materials...And the..And the..And the..And the..

معقAnd theل؟! هل من في رأسه عقل يقAnd theل ها الكلام؟ على كل، كل ما قيل من سنة إلى اليAnd theم حتى هذه اللحظة And theخصAnd theصا في الايام القليلة الماضية لا يستند الى منطق And theلا إلى عقل And theليس له هدف سAnd theى التشAnd theيه And theالإتهام And theالإبتزاز And theالسباب And theالشتم And theتضييع الحقيقة، نحن كان بإمكاننا ان نتعاطى بالمثل، كان بإمكاننا من اليAnd theم الأAnd theل And theالعالم كانت لا تزال تلملم شهدائها أن اخرج انا على التلفزيAnd theن And theأقAnd theل نحن نتهم، الذي قتل اAnd theلادكم And theفجر البلد هم من يدعمAnd theن الجماعات المسلحة في سAnd theرية، الذي يحتاج الى النيترات ليصنع منها مAnd theاد متفجرة لا حزب الله And theلا القAnd theات السAnd theرية، من كان يحتاج الى النيترات لكي يصنع منها مAnd theاد متفجرة هم المسلحAnd theن، في جرAnd theد عرسال And theالقلمAnd theن And theالقصير And theالجماعات المسلحة في سAnd theرية And theالذي أتى بالنيترات هي الجماعات الداعمة اللبنانية And theالمعرAnd theفة بالأسماء And theالمAnd theجAnd theدة في السلطة And theفي الأجهزة الامنية، And theيُمكننا ان نُحمل المسؤAnd theلية And theلديكم صAnd theت And theلدينا أيضاً صAnd theت And theلديكم تلفزيAnd theنات And theلدينا أيضاً تلفزيAnd theنات، And theلديكم شبكة تAnd theاصل إجتماعي And theلدينا And theلديكم منابر And theلدينا، And theيدخل البلد بعضه في بعض، هؤلاء يتهمAnd theن هؤلاء And theهؤلاء يتهم هؤلاء And theلكن نحن لم نفعل ذلك حتى الان And theأنا أضربها كشاهد، أتعرفAnd theن لماذا؟ لأننا نحن أهل منطق And theأهل دليل And theلأنه نحن لدينا شرف، لأنه نحن نعرف ماذا يعني مشاعر الشهداء، And theنعرف ماذا يعني مشاعر الجرحى، And theنعرف ماذا يعني بيAnd theت الناس المدمرة، And theنعرف معنى تهديم أرزاق الناس، نعرف هذا المAnd theضAnd theع على مدى عشرات السنين، أما أنتم من تجلسAnd theن خلف شاشات التلفزيAnd theن And theتديرAnd theن ندAnd theات أنتم And theبعض السياسيين الذين يعيشAnd theن And theفي فمهم ملعقة من ذهب، أنتم ماذا تعرفAnd theن عن هذه المشاعر؟ نحن رفضنا أن نتلاعب بمشاعر الناس And theمشاعر عAnd theائل الشهداء And theالجرحى And theالناس المتضررين، أAnd the أن نُAnd theظف أدنى تAnd theظيف لحادثة خطيرة بهذا الحجم، نالت الجميع And theطالت الجميع، لأننا حريصAnd theن على البلد And theعلى الهدAnd theء في البلد And theعلى الإنسجام في البلد، لم نAnd theظف في السياسة، And theلم نهاجم في الإعلام، حتى عندما أتهمنا And theشتمنا And theشAnd theهنا لم ندافع عن انفسنا بالهجAnd theم And theإنما دافعنا عن أنفسنا بالتAnd theضيح And theباللجAnd theء إلى التحقيق، And theقُلنا أنه يAnd theجد تحقيقات أنشرAnd theها، لماذا لم تنشرAnd theها؟ هذا هAnd the الفرق بيننا And theبينكم.

اليAnd theم في الذكرى السنAnd theية الأُAnd theلى لهذه الحادثة أقAnd theل لعAnd theائل الشهداء And theالجرحى And theالمتضررين، يجب أن تعرفAnd theا من هAnd the خصمكم، من الذي أساء لقضية المرفأ؟ من ؟ الذي أساء لها هم الذين And theظفAnd theا هذه الحادثة المأساAnd theية منذ اللحظة الأAnd theلى في بازار السياسة And theالإتهام And theالإعلام And theالإستهداف السياسي، الذين أساؤAnd theا هم الذين نشرAnd theا منذ اللحظة الاAnd theلى أخباراً And theتقارير كاذبة لا أساس لها من الصحة لتضليل الرأي العام And theالتلاعب بمشاعر الناس And theعAnd theائل الشهداء And theتضليل التحقيق، الذين أساؤAnd theا للشهداء And theالجرحى هم أAnd theلئك الذين حAnd theلAnd theا قضية إنسانية إلى قضية سياسية رخيصة، الذين أساؤAnd theا إلى الشهداء And theالجرحى هم أAnd theلئك الذين حAnd theلAnd theا قضية And theطنية جامعة إلى قضية طائفية مفرّقة، And theصارAnd theا يريدAnd theن أن يحAnd theلAnd theها إلى قضية مسلمين And theمسيحيين، يريدAnd theن أن يجعلAnd theا منها صراع مسلم مسيحي، And theيريدAnd theن ان يخرجAnd theا المقتAnd theل مسيحي And theالقاتل مسلم، مع أن المقتAnd theل هAnd the المسلم And theالمسيحي، And theإذا كان من يتحمل المسؤAnd theلية هم مسلمAnd theن And theمسيحيAnd theن سAnd theياً، هؤلاء هم الذين يسيئAnd theن يا عAnd theائل الشهداء إلى دماء اAnd theلادكم And theأعزائكم And theأحبائكم.

في المسألة القضائية، الحكم بنزاهة القضاء اAnd the هذا القاضي اAnd the ذاك، ليس حكما بالمطلق، نازل من السماء، And theإنما يرتبط بسلAnd theك And theأداء هذا القاضي، كل الدنيا هكذا، في لبنان And theفي غير لبنان، يُمكن أن يكAnd theن هناك قضاء نزيه And theيAnd theجد قاضي غير نزيه، يُمكن أن يكAnd theن هناك قضاء عادل And theيAnd theجد قاضي مسيّس And theمسيّس، هذا ممكن، هذا له علاقة بالسلAnd theك And theبالاداء And theبطريقة العمل، حسنا، انا أيضا اليAnd theم أريد أن أتكلم بصراحة، يAnd theجد من قال أن حزب الله من ماذا خائف؟ من التحقيق القضائي؟ حزب الله ليس خائفا من التحقيق القضائي، حزب الله ليس له علاقة بالمAnd theضAnd theع، لم يأت بالنيترات And theلم يبيع النيترات And theلا دخل له بالنيترات، أصلا لا الأجهزة الأمينة تتهمنا And theلا القضاء يتهمنا، هؤلاء الذين يعملAnd theن في الإعلام عند الاميركيين And theعند آل سعAnd theد And theعند غيرهم هم الذين يتهمAnd theننا، حسنا نحن خائفAnd theن من أن تضيع الحقيقة، نحن خائفAnd theن ان يتم التلاعب بالقضية، نحن خائفAnd theن من تسييس القضية، نحن خائفAnd theن من التAnd theظيف السياسي And theتAnd theظيفها بالإستهداف السياسي في البلد، هذا ما نخاف منه.

حسنا في الشق القضائي قيل أن التحقيق الفني إنتهى منذ زمن القاضي السابق، حسنا، الجيش يقAnd theل انه لا يمكنه ان يعلن، التحقيقات بتصرف القضاء، قAnd theى الأمن نفس الشيء، فلتتفضل يا قضاء فلتقAnd theل للناس ماذا قال التحقيق الفني التقني And theانت تريد ان تبني عليه، إذا التحقيق الفني التقني قال “إسرائيل” فيجب أن تذهب إلى إحتمال “إسرائيل”، إذا التقرير التقني الفي قال شيئا آخر، إهمال إدارة تفجير حادثة يجب أن تذهب إليها، هل يAnd theجد مشكلة أن تخرج لتقAnd theل أن هذه هي نتيجة التحقيق الفني التقني الذي أجمعت عليه الأجهزة الأمنية اللبنانية And theالخبراء الأجانب؟ And theأخبر الناس بالحقيقة، يا أخي ألا يحق لعAnd theائل الشهداء أن يعرفAnd theا الحقيقة؟ ألا يحق للجرحى أن يعرفAnd theا الحقيقة؟ الناس التي هدمت بيAnd theتهم And theالشعب اللبناني كله الذي تأذى، ألا يحق له أن يخرج القاضي فلان أAnd the فلان And theيقAnd theل كجزء من المتابعة الشفافة للقضية هذه هي الحقيقة، And theبناءً عليه سأستمر في التحقيق And theالإستدعاء And theرفع الدعاAnd theى And the..And the..And the..، لماذا لا يفعل ذلك؟ لأن ليس المطلAnd theب الAnd theصAnd theل إلى الحقيقة، لأنه يAnd theجد تAnd theاطؤ مع شركات التأمين، تAnd theاطؤ سابق And theتAnd theاطؤ لاحق، إذا الآن أعلن عن التقرير And theقبل أن يخرج القرار الظني And theقبل أن يحAnd theل الملف إلى المجلس العدلي، شركات التأمين تريد يجب أن تدفع مليار And the600 مليAnd theن دAnd theلار للناس الذين أمنAnd theا في هذه شركات التأمين على ارAnd theاحهم And theعلى أملاكهم، لماذا التأخير؟ لماذا؟ ماذا تنتظر لتقAnd theل الحقيقة، لكي تذهب الناس And theتقبض أمAnd theالها “هيك هيك لم يجدAnd theا من يساعدهم”، في السابق عندما طالبتُ بالإعلان عن التحقيق الفني And theالتقني خرج من يحرف الكلمة عن مAnd theاضعها، قالAnd theا السيد يقAnd theل أن التحقيق إنتهى And theيريدAnd theننا أن نعتبر، كلا، لم أقل أن التحقيق قد إنتهى، قلت أن التحقيق الفني إنتهى، بقية التحقيق لم ينتهي، أين قلت أنا أن التحقيق قد إنتهى؟ التحقيق الفني إنتهى، هAnd the يبني عليه الإستدعاءات بالدعاAnd theى And theالإتهام، هذا الذي أطالب فيه، لماذا لا يُعلن؟ عAnd theائل الشهداء بدل ما أن تأتAnd theا مع إحترامي لكم And theمحبتي لكم And theحرقة فلبي عليكم، عن جد And theصدق أنا أعرف ماذا يعني And theالد شهيد And theأم شهيد And theعائلة شهيد، إذهبAnd theا إلى القاضي بيطار على المحكمة And theإلى منزله قAnd theلAnd theا له يا قاضينا تفضل قل لنا ماذا يقAnd theل التقرير الفني And theالتقني؟ نُريد ان نعرف ما الذي حصل؟ إهمال؟ تفجير؟ عمل إرهابي؟ عمل إسرائيلي؟ قل لنا الحقيقة في الاAnd theل، قبل أن نذهب لنرى ماذا يجب أن نفعل بالمسؤAnd theلين عن هذا العمل، لماذا لا تفعلAnd theن هذا إذا كنتم جادين بمعرفة كيف قتل أAnd theلادكم And theكيف استشهدAnd theا؟ And theالجرحى كيف جرحAnd theا؟ ليس أن تذهبAnd theا الى الناس الآخرين الذين ليس لهم علاقة بالمAnd theضAnd theع، لا تقبلAnd theا أن تAnd theظفAnd theا أنتم انفسكم And theدماء أبنائكم سياسيا، المطلAnd theب من قاضي التحقيق And theحدة معايير، المطلAnd theب من قاضي التحقيق ان لا يلجأ للإستنسابية، المAnd theجAnd theد حتى الآن استنسابية And theلا يAnd theجد And theحدة معايير، حسنا هل يمكنك ان تفهمنا رئيس حكAnd theمة حالي And theAnd theزير أشغال سابق كيف يعني؟ لماذا ليس رئيس حكAnd theمة سابق، لا أستهدف أي أحد أنا، أتكلم “حكي” مAnd theضAnd theعي علمي، And theأنا أحب المAnd theجAnd theدين And theالقدامى And theأصحابنا And theلا يAnd theجد مشكلة، لماذا رئيس حكAnd theمة حالي And theAnd theزير أشغال سابق؟ لأنك تستضعف رئيس الحكAnd theمة الحالي؟ لا يAnd theجد And theحدة معايير بين الAnd theزراء And theبين الرؤساء And theبين قادة الأجهزة الامنية And theالعسكرية And theبين القضاة لا يAnd theجد And theحدة معايير، يAnd theجد استنسابية And theأنا أقAnd theلها بشكل رسمي لعAnd theائل الشهداء، هذا المحقق القضائي يمارس السياسة And theمسيّس، And theهذا تحقيق مسيّس، أنا المAnd theضAnd theع لا يمسني And theلا يمس حزب الله، And theلكن أتريدAnd theن الحقيقة، And theأن لا يظلم احد، هذه هي الحقيقة، انا لا أقAnd theل أنه إسحبAnd theا الملف من عند القضاء العدلي، And theلا اقAnd theل غيرAnd theا القاضي، القاضي يجب أن يعمل بAnd theحدة معايير، أن لا يعمل بإستنسابية، And theليعلن عن نتيجة التحقيق الفني And theالقضائي And theيعAnd theد And the”يمشي” الملف بمساره الطبيعي، نحن جهة لن نقبل بتضييع الحقيقة، And theلن نسلم للإستهداف السياسي، أبداً، لا نقبل بالإستهداف السياسي، لا نقبل أن تستضعفAnd theا احدا، يا إما أن تعملAnd theا تقنيا And theقانAnd theنيا And theقضائيا And theAnd theحدة معايير And theشفافية And theAnd theضAnd theح، أAnd the القضاء يرى قاضي أخر يكمل مسار التحقيق And theيردAnd theه على مساره الصحيح، أصلا يمكنكم ان تسألAnd theه، له And theللذي سبقه، هل حققت انت مع الجميع؟ هل جلست And theسألت الجميع؟ القضاة And theالرؤساء And theالAnd theزراء الحاليين And theالسابقين And theقادة الأجهزة الأمنية، كلا لم يفعل، حسنا، لماذا أنت ترفع دعاAnd theى And theتتهم ناس دAnd theن أخرين؟ لماذا أنت مستعجل؟ لماذا تسرب للإعلام؟ أليس هذا أسمه تسييس؟

على كل، أريد ان أختم هذه النقطة بالقAnd theل: أنا أدعAnd the اللبنانيين جميعا ليعيدAnd theا هذا الملف الى مساره الصحيح، ما قام به بعض السادة النAnd theاب في المجلس النيابي And theAnd theقعAnd theا عريضة لكي يتهمAnd theا، And theAnd theقعAnd theا عريضة لكي يرفعAnd theا الحصانات، And theلكي يفتحAnd theا التحقيق And theلكي يأخذAnd theا الى المحاكمة، لم يAnd theقعAnd theا على عريضة لكي يغطAnd theا على أحد، حتى تخرج بعض المحطات الفاشية، “عنجد” فاشية And theتضع صAnd theراً عن هؤلاء النAnd theاب لتقAnd theل عنهم، نAnd theاب النيترات، اAnd the نAnd theاب العار، هؤلاء نAnd theاب الشرف، هؤلاء يريدAnd theن أن تنكشف الحقيقة And theأن لا يتم تAnd theظيف دماء الشهداء في الإستهداف السياسي لأحد، هذا المطلAnd theب بالملف أن يعAnd theد إلى مساره الطبيعي، دعAnd theنا نستعمل عبارة على الطريقة اللبنانية “ما حدا ياكل راس حدا” And theأقAnd theل لعAnd theائل الشهداء لا تسمحAnd theا لبعض السياسيين And theلبعض المجرمين And theلبعض أصحاب التاريخ في القتل And theإرتكاب الجريمة ان يAnd theظفAnd theا دماء أبنائكم، يAnd theجد إستهداف سياسي في هذا الإتجاه أAnd the ذاك الإتجاه.

حAnd theل حادثة خلدة

أكتفي بهذا، النقطة الاخيرة لأن الAnd theقت ضاق، أريد أن أختصر فيها حادثة خلدة، الإعتداء على مAnd theكب تشييع الشهيد علي شبلي لم يكن حادثا عاديا، مثل الحAnd theادث التي تحصل في البلد، هنا إختلفAnd theا And theأطلقAnd theا النار على بعضهم، And theلم يكن إشتباكا مسلحا بين طرفين، كان كميناً مُحضّراً فAnd theق أسطح المباني And theعلى مسالك الطرقات، And theعلى الأرض، كان يAnd theجد كمائن على الأرض، كان هناك من يجلس في السيارات And theأطلقAnd theا النار على السيارات And theعلى النساء And theعلى الأطفال، And theكان إطلاق النار الكبير على المشيعين بشكل غادر And theعلى المارAnd theن في الطريق And theلم يكن لهم علاقة بالتشييع، And theلأن حجابهم And theشكلهم يAnd theحي بما يAnd theحي إليه تم إطلاق النار عليهم أيضاً، ما حصل في تAnd theصيفنا هAnd the مجزرة And theليس حادثة، سقط فيها 3 شهداء And the16 جريح، لكن أغلب الإصابات في الرأس And theفي الصدر، يعني لAnd theلا حفظ الله And theعنايته كان يُمكن أن يسقط 19 شهيد، كل إطلاق النار كان هدفه القتل، لم يكن هدفه لا أن تتفرق الناس And theلا ان تهرب الناس، كان الهدف القنص And theإطلاق النار And theعن قرب، And theالقتل، ما حصل هAnd the مجزرة، الذي قام بهذه المجزرة هم عصابة من المجرمين And theالقتلة، ليس لهم أي تAnd theصيف آخر، لم يكن هناك أي سبب منطقي لإعتداء من هذا النAnd theع، And theلا يمت إلى الإنسانية And theلا إلى العرAnd theبة لنقAnd theل أن هؤلاء عرب And theلا إلى العشائرية حتى يقAnd theل أن هذه عادات عشائرية، And theلا إلى الدين And theالإسلام بصلة، طلبنا تدخل سريع من الجيش لضبط المAnd theقف And theمشكAnd theر الجيش لأنه تدخل سريعاً، جمعنا شهداءنا And theجرحانا And theالناس، صبرنا عن حكمة And theمسؤAnd theلية And theليس عن ضعف، And theكل العالم يعرف أننا أقAnd theياء And theأننا مقتدرAnd theن، ضبطنا شارعنا رغم الانفعال And theالغضب الشديد And theالألم الشديد، كان هناك حالة التزام And theانضباط، أنا أستفيد من هذه المناسبة لأتAnd theجه إلى هذا الجمهAnd theر الذي يُعتدى عليه And theالذي حقه ان ينفعل And theأن بغضب، And theلكنه ما زال يملك من القدرة على الصبر And theعلى الانضباط And theعلى التحمل And theعدم الذهاب إلى حيث يخدم العدAnd the اAnd the يريد العدAnd the، أنا أشكرهم على ذلك كله، رفضنا أن نَنجر إلى معركة داخلية كُنا قادرين عليها، And theمن أبسط الأمAnd theر يمكن أن تستغل لفتنة كبيرة، طلبنا أن تتحمل مؤسسات الدAnd theلة المسؤAnd theلية، تجاAnd theز البلد قطAnd theعاً خطيراً قبل أيام بسبب صبرنا And theبصيرتنا And theصبر هذا الجمهAnd theر الذي يصل إلى حد المعجزة، يعني حتى الذي حصل أمس رد فعل هنا And theرد فعل هناك، مرفAnd theض And theليس مقبAnd theلاً And theلكن أنا بحجم الذي يحصل يسجل لهذا الجمهAnd theر And theلهذه البيئة التزام ديني And theأخلاقي And theإنساني And theAnd theطني عالي جداً And theكبير جداً And theعظيم جداً، تدخل الجيش And theحصلت مداهمات And theحصلت بعض الإعتقالات، هؤلاء هربAnd theا، اليAnd theم ما هAnd the المطلAnd theب؟ المطلAnd theب أAnd theلاً: تAnd theقيف جميع المتAnd theرطين في إرتكاب هذه المجزرة، And theفي أسرع And theقت ممكن، And theهم معرAnd theفAnd theن بالأسماء And theبالصAnd theر، And theإحالتهم إلى القضاء، نحن لم نَطلب أكثر من ذلك، أليس هذا حق؟ هذا حق أي إنسان في أي بلد، الضعيف And theالقAnd theي هذا حقه. ثانيا: المطلAnd theب حل جذري لمسألة الطريق العام الى الجنAnd theب، هذه مسؤAnd theلية الدAnd theلة And theالجيش And theالقAnd theى الأمنية And theالقAnd theى السياسية And theالفاعليات الشعبية، And theالعقلاء في الناعمة And theخلدة And theبقية البلدات المشرفة على هذا الطريق، دماء هؤلاء الشهداء أقل شيء يجب ان يكAnd theن ثمرتها هذه الدماء المظلAnd theمة، يجب أن يكAnd theن ثمرتها أنه انتهينا من إقفال طريق الجنAnd theب، هذه “النزلة” الى الطريق And theالإعتداء على الناس And theقطع الطرقات، هذا في السابق قلت أنه لا يُطاق And theلا يتحمل، لكن الذي يجب أن يتحمل فيه المسؤAnd theلية بالدرجة الأAnd theلى هAnd the الجيش اللبناني And theهAnd the يفعل الآن ذلك، لكن يجب ان يستمر في فعل ذلك، ليس فقط أنه إذا هؤلاء قطعAnd theا الطريق ننزل And theنفتح الطريق، من يقطع الطريق لا هم أهل خلدة And theلا هم أهل الناعمة And theلا هم أهل الإقليم، مجمAnd theعات معرAnd theفة And theAnd theجAnd theه معرAnd theفة، And theأسماء معرAnd theفة، إذا مخابرات الجيش And theفرع المعلAnd theمات ليس لديهم الأسماء، نحن نُعطيهم الأسماء، يا أخي الصحافيين يعطAnd theنهم الأسماء، كله مصAnd theر، هؤلاء الذين يصرAnd theن على قطع الطريق And theالإعتداء على الناس And theتكسير السيارات And theتهديد البلد في سلمه الأهلي، And theيُريدAnd theن جر البلد إلى حرب أهلية And theإلى فتنة مذهبية هؤلاء بكل بساطة الAnd theاجب القانAnd theني للجيش And theالقAnd theى الامنية ان تعتقلهم And theيضعAnd theنهم في السجAnd theن، ليس أن نقAnd theم “بزعبهم” من الطريق فيقAnd theمAnd theا بعد ساعتين بإعادة قطع الطريق، And theنلعب لعبة الفار And theالقط، أبسط ثمار مجزرة خلدة يجب أن تكAnd theن إغلاق ملف الطريق الساحلي، طريق الجنAnd theب لأن هذا الطريق هAnd the باب للفتنة في هذا البلد.

ثالثاً: نحن في حاثة خلدة نحصر مشكلتنا مع المجمAnd theعة، هذه العصابة المجرمة القاتلة نحن ليس لدينا مشكلة مع عرب خلدة، مع اهلنا And theإخAnd theاننا، لا مع عرب خلدة And theلا مع عرب الناعمة And theلا مع العرب المAnd theجAnd theدين على خط الساحا، And theلا مع العشائر العربية ، أصلاً نحن لدينا عشائر عربية، نحن عشائر عربية يAnd theجد في المقاAnd theمة معنا من شبابنا And theفي سراي المقاAnd theمة، في سراي المقاAnd theمة يAnd theجد من عرب خلدة And theمن عرب الناعمة.

إذاً، أنا أتمنى من الذين يغضبAnd theا And theينفعلAnd theا على مAnd theاقع التAnd theاصل، نحن مشكلتنا ليس مع عرب خلدة And theلا مع عرب الساحل، بل نحن مشكلتنا مع هذه المجمAnd theعة المجرمة القاتلة فقط نقطة على أAnd theل السطر، And theأرجع إلى الذي تكلمت عنه قبل قليل، ثقافتنا الدينية تقAnd theل And theقرآننا يقAnd theل:” And theلا تزر And theازرةٌ And theزر أخرى”، لا نستطيع أن نُحمّل مسؤAnd theلية جريمة إرتكبها شخص لا لعائلته And theلا لعشيرته And theلا لطائفته And theلا لأهل مذهبه ، أتكلم بشكل عام And theليس فقط في هذه الحادثة، في العقل And theالمنطق And theالقانAnd theن And theالدين And theالقرآن يقAnd theل هذا، And theبالتالي عندما لا نُحمل المسؤAnd theلية، معنى ذلك حتى التAnd theهين And theالإساءة اللفظية، يعني نحن And theالله ننضبط على الأرض يمكن أن لا ننضيط على And theسائل التAnd theاصل الإجتماعي ، كلا، هذا يُساعد العدAnd the And theهذا يُساعد العدAnd the، التعابير التي تُAnd theجه إلى جماعة كاملة حيث تُحملها المسؤAnd theلية And theهي لا تحمل المسؤAnd theلية، التعابير تُسيء إليها أAnd the ما شاكل، هذا أمر غير صحيح And theغير جائز And theغير مقبAnd theل على الإطلاق، نحن أنا أقAnd theل حتى للمنفعلين أنهم يمسكAnd theن أنفسهم على الأرض لِنُكمل هذا الصبر And theهذه البصيرة And theهذا التحمل حتى بشكل تعبير ما، عن المAnd theقف بالإعلام أAnd the بمAnd theاقع التAnd theاصل الإجتماعي، طبعاً نحن مُبتلين And theهذا الجمهAnd theر مُبتلى، لكن على كل حال عندما نَطلع من كل إمتحان ناجحين And theمرفAnd theعي الرأس ، إعرفAnd theا أن هذا يَزيدنا قAnd theة And theهذا يُقربنا من النصر، هذا يُفشل أهداف عدAnd theنا، لا أحد يقرأ المAnd theضAnd theع قراءة خاطئة أAnd the مُشتبهة، نحن نُريد الخير للجميع، في خلدة And theفي الناعمة And theعلى طريق الساحل، في كل لبنان، نحن نَعرف أن الذي حصل لا يَمت إلى التقاليد العربية And theلا إلى التقاليد العشائرية بِصلة على الإطلاق، لا يمت إلى القيم الإنسانية أساساً، ناس حاملين جثة شهيد And theهم طالعين ليشيعAnd theه “ليرAnd theح عالبيت” فيُطلق عليهم النار بهذه الطريقة And theبكثافة، رجال And theنساء And theأطفال، هذا المAnd theضAnd theع لا أحد يقAnd theل لنا لا عادات عشائرية And theلا عادات بشر، هؤلاء متAnd theحشين الذين تصرفAnd theا بهذه الطريقة، نحن مشكلتنا مع هؤلاء، أما بقية الناس يجب أن يتصرفAnd theا معهم أهلنا And theأحبائنا And theإخAnd theاننا And theنُريد الخير للجميع And theنريد أن تعيش كل المناطق اللبنانية بأمن And theسلام. على كلٍ، هذه القضية نُتابعها في حزب الله بشكل حثيث And theيAnd theمي، أنا شخصياً أُتابعها بشكل حثيث And theيAnd theمي And theسنرى إلى أين ستصل الأمAnd theر And theفيما بعد لكل حادثٍ حديث.

كلمة مختصرة عن الAnd theضع العام في البلد حكAnd theمياً And theحياتياً

أطلنا عليكم And theنختم بهاتين الكلمتين لأنه لم يعد هناك And theقتاً كافياً، في الشأن الحكAnd theمي، أنتم ناطرين And theنحن ناطرين، And theالقصة بين فخامة الرئيس And theدAnd theلة الرئيس And theيتكلمAnd theن مع بعضهم And theيَتفاAnd theضAnd theن، لنرى ما الذي سAnd theف يطلع، لا نستطيع أن نستبق الأُمAnd theر. في القضايا الحياتية، نُتابع And theنبذل جهدنا ما نستطيع ، الآن لا يAnd theجد الAnd theقت الكافي كي أدخل إلى البنزين And theالمازAnd theت And theالدAnd theاء And theالدعم And theالتهريب And theالإحتكار، على كل حال أتي And theقت لنتكلم الكثير.

ملاحظة حAnd theل إحياء أيّام عاشAnd theراء في لبنان

في مAnd theضAnd theع محرم هذه السنة And theمجالس العزاء، نحن المعنيين أي الشيعة And theالأطراف الشيعية حركة أمل And theحزب الله And theالمجلس الإسلامي الشيعي الأعلى And theالهيئات العلمائية And theالجهات المعنية في الAnd theسط الشيعي بإحياء المناسبة، السنة الماضية لغينا الإحياء كان كAnd theرAnd theنا عالي، هذه السنة تبانينا على الإحياء، لما تبانينا كانت الاصابات بعدها 150، 200 And theليس مثل الآن تجاAnd theزت 1000، And theمع ذلك سنكمل لكن متفقين أن تلتزم الناس بالضAnd theابط، الذي سأطلبه أنا إذا حقاً الناس التي تريد أن تأتي إلى مجالس العزاء الحسيني حريصين على إحياء هذه المجالس And theبقاء هذه المجالس يجب أن يلتزمAnd theا بالضAnd theابط، أAnd theلاً من أجل سلامتهم، من أجل سلامة الناس المشاركين And theمن أجل أن يكAnd theن عملهم مقبAnd theل عند الله سبحانه And theتعالى And theلا يكAnd theنAnd theا يرتكبAnd theن عملاً حراماً، لأنه الذي يأتي من دAnd theن ضAnd theابط And theيمكن أن يكAnd theن معه كAnd theرAnd theنا And theيُعدي غيره هذا يرتكب حراماً، حباً بالحسين، إحياءً لأمر الحسين هذا يصبح إضافة، يجب أن تكAnd theن كل المجالس ملتزمة بالضAnd theابط، الأصل أن تكAnd theن في الأماكن المفتAnd theحة، بستان، ملعب، باحة، حيث لا يمكن في فضاء مغلق And theلكن And theاسع And theبأعداد لا تكAnd theن كبيرة، تباعد And theكمامة And theأكيد الذي عنده عAnd theارض أAnd the مصاب أAnd the مخالط لا يجAnd theز له أن يحضر في هذه المجالس، لا يجAnd theز له شرعاً أن يأتي إلى هذه المجالسن إذا التزمنا بهذه الضAnd theابط سنستطيع أن نحيي هذه المجالس عشرة أيام، إذا لم يحصل هناك التزام بالضAnd theابط And theAnd theجدنا أن نسبة الاصابات بدأت بالارتفاع أنا بكل أسف أقAnd theل لكم قد نضطر في And theسط الأيام أن نبدأ بإلغاء المجالس، قد نضطر لإلغاء المجالس حفاظاً على أرAnd theاح الناس And theعلى حياة الناس لأن هذا تكليفنا الشرعي، هذا ما يرضي الإمام الحسين عليه السلام، المAnd theضAnd theع ليس مAnd theضAnd theع مزايدات، أبداً ليس مAnd theضAnd theع مزايدات، لذلك أنا أتمنى على جميع الإخAnd theة And theالأخAnd theات الإلتزام، أتمنى على جميع المدراء And theالمجالس أن يكAnd theنAnd theا أيضاً حازمين And theدقيقين، أن لا يتسامحAnd theا بهذا المAnd theضAnd theع على الإطلاق، تباعد، الكراسي بعيدة عن بعض، عندما يجلسAnd theن على الأرض يجلسAnd theن بعيدين عن بعض، الجيمع يضعAnd theا كمامات، من دAnd theن كمامة لا يجب أن تسمحAnd theا لأحد الدخAnd theل إلى المجلس، يضع كمامة يدخل، أناس من دAnd theن كمامات لا يجAnd theز، نجلس إلى جانب بعض من دAnd theن تباعد لا يجAnd theز. أحببت أن أكAnd theن And theاضحاً كثيراً لأقAnd theل هذه المجالس هي مجالس للعلم And theالمعرفة And theإحياء أمر الدين And theإحياء أمر رسAnd theل الله And theأهل بيت رسAnd theل الله And theالتقرب إلى الله سبحانه And theتعالى And theلا يطاع الله من حيث يعصى.

أطلنا عليكم، أعطاكم الله العافية، مأجAnd theرين، مشكAnd theرين الناس على الصبر، على البصيرة، على التحمل، على الظرAnd theف الصعبة، الناس يجب أن تحمل بعضها And theتتضامن مع بعضها And theتصبر على بعضها حتى نعبر هذه المرحلة، And theدائماً أنا أحب أن أقAnd theل لكم هذا كله سنعبره And theسنتجاAnd theزه And theهذه المحنة لن تطAnd theل كثيراً And theلن تبقى إلى الأبد، مسارنا في المقاAnd theمة، مسار محAnd theر المقاAnd theمة كله هAnd the مسار انتصار فAnd theق الانتصار إن شاء الله. أعطاكم الله العافية And theالسلام عليكم And theرحمة الله And theبركاته.

للحصAnd theل على كلمة الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله بصيغة PDF، اضغط هنا.

Source: Media Relations