Sawiris is accused of concealing his second nationality ... and a book confused between the tears of the artist Rashwan Tawfiq and the "Qarun" spoil

  • Time:Jun 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Cairo - "Al -Quds Al -Arabi": The artist who stands at the gates of the nineties, Rashwan Tawfiq, called for the sympathy of many, and found a book of newspapers on Saturday and Sunday 27 and 28 November themselves, they are forced to trace his tears, after he revealed the size of the tragedy he lives, due to the deterioration of the relationship between him And between his younger daughter and his grandson. In the later of others, the billionaire Naguib Sawiris, whose crisis is exacerbated, and whose close associates thought was about to fade, so in the days it reveals that the ordeal that a man faces is greater than facing it alone, here they are the writers narrow the siege on him, and at the forefront of these are a constellation of the book of national newspapers The independent, including Mohamed El -Baz, editor -in -chief of “Al -Dustour”, who accused Sawiris of transferring 4 billion dollars through a company he established in the United Kingdom with the aim of evading the payment of taxes due to the Egyptian treasury, and the writer also charged him that he hides the security services that he held the nationality of the state of Greenada in violation For the law .. On the other hand, Rashwan Tawfiq announced that after his work for more than six decades in the technical community, he only has a mobile device ... stressing that he lives the greatest tragedy in his life, due to the issues against him from his daughter, her husband and grandson. And the situation in the Wafd Party: Fouad said Badrawi, the party's general secretary, that the executive office and the higher body come within the framework of studying the party's financial situation, as well as looking at the file of forming committees in the provinces. On the conditions of those separated from the party, he said: "We completely closed this file and will not return to the delegation to one plans to topple it." Among the education news: An official source in the Supreme Council of Universities confirmed that the study was not disrupted, due to the new museum or "or micron", stressing that universities are committed to the time map, which was approved by the Supreme Council of Universities for the first semester, so there is no postponement or disruption to the study, both In governmental and private universities or institutes. Among the courts of the courts: The Economic Court postponed the Al -Ahly management lawsuit with the accusation of Mortada Mansour of insulting, and the Financial and Commercial Affairs Prosecution at the Public Prosecutor’s Office charged 4 different charges of the President of the Zamalek Club, represented in insulting and slandering Mahmoud Al -Khatib, and a number of members The club's council is publicly, in a video clip on its official Facebook page. Among the painful incidents: The village of Abu Al -Maati, affiliated to the Shebin and City of Al -Qanater, witnessed a tragic occurrence after two brides were killed on their wedding night, because they inhaled the first carbon monoxide gas from the water heater while they were showering, and they were transferred to the hospital, but it was found that they died. . Among the late: The artist Ahmed Badir announced the death of his brother Mohamed Badir, calling on friends and followers to pray for him.

The beginning was an attack by Sana Al -Saeed in the "delegation" against the United Kingdom: Britain, the mother snake, made a recent decision in harmony with its black history, through which Hamas was classified as its political and military wings as a terrorist organization. Not surprisingly, it came as an extension of its historical decision of the fateful "Balfour" promise through which it was granted to Israel through which the legitimacy of existence by raping the Palestinian land. Perhaps one of the reasons that prompted the British Interior Minister to take this decision is her friendship with Israel, in addition to the fact that the Boris Johnsone government is an ally to Israel and biased. However, there are those who linked the British decision and the concerns that the British government had to be the Hamas movement is an Iranian tool, and then imagined the possibility that Iran will transfer micro -missile technology and Iranian drones to the Gaza Strip, and therefore any war that may erupt between Israel and Hamas will form Risk to the Zionist entity. Therefore, friends took these decisions to secure Israel from any dangers. Britain, with its decision, exercises duplication and violates international laws, and that supports aggressors at the expense of victims. As it is completely condoned by Israel, and its war crimes against the Palestinian people, which constitutes its distortion of positions and a heart of the facts. Britain has confirmed, in its new decision, its consolidation of the principle of dual standards, instead of taking and apologizing to the Palestinians, and working to correct its positions regarding the sins of the historical sin that it made through the Balfour Declaration, and through the British Mandate that delivered the Palestinian land to the Zionist movement, it went to the opposite The Palestinian Resistance Movement targeted. In order not to be the British Interior Minister alone in the bullying square against the Palestinian resistance, the Australian Minister of Interior was quick to take a similar decision against the Lebanese resistance. On November 24, she announced the classification of Hezbollah with its political and military wings as a terrorist organization under a lawsuit to continue the party to threaten terrorist attacks, Providing support to terrorist organizations, but rather a real threat to Australia.

Clear it to Mina

An important proposal for Ahmed Abdel Tawab in “Al -Ahram”: We have a new important general feature that clearly appeared as soon as he had the opportunity, which is the Egyptians ’severely attracted, especially the young generations, to the ancient past of Egypt. It is an issue that deserves to stop before it, after we set aside the opinions of the critics of the opening ceremony of the Road Road, as they said that the majority of it was the promotion of tourism, as well as the opinions that attacked before which the transfer ceremony of the mummies of the queens and kings of the Pharaohs to the Museum The Pharaonic murals because these opinions did not respond to these opinions except limited numbers, while these two parties had a huge impact on the other side, or say the major base of the Egyptians, who raised surprise from their response even with prayer and singing in the ancient Egyptian, as if they woke up thanks to the two concerts until it was an authentic aspect In their conscience, it was hidden, buried or oppressed, but it is now in the manifestation, in the feelings and the desire to know ancient Egypt and the history of the ancestors. These new feelings should be supported by emirates in fact that they respect, appreciate and respond to them. The writer repeated his proposal that the name of King Mina is called on the giant, the vulnerable city, which is temporarily called the "new administrative capital" not only a recognition of it thanks to the unification of the two parts Its creations are launched in every field. The writer expressed his regret that if you made an effort to find the name Mina in modern Egypt on a teacher outside the museums, you can only find it on a hotel established by a foreign company, so the launch of his name on the new new city is not only an expression of gratitude for his person and appreciation for his completion, but also, and most importantly To link modern Egypt to its great past, and with its first origins, a task that deserves to be led after governments after governments have been satisfied with the manifestations of interest, and it was not clear, except lastly, the official serious interest in sending our past to illuminate our present and the guidance of the path to the future.

Among them to God

Ahmed Ibrahim Al -Sharif took care of “The Seventh Day” in the tragedy of the artist Rashwan Tawfiq with some of his family members who planned to the stone on him: The great artist Rashwan Tawfiq, 89, raised human emotions after he spoke about his crisis with his younger daughter, and he cited the play “Atlil” for Shakespeare, but the note There are more clear literary works on the issue of the thorny relationship between parents and children: the play "King Lear" published in 1608, and it is one of the icons of the global theater, and the events of the play revolve in ancient Britain, where King Lear decides to abandon his property and divide his kingdom into his three daughters, Curdelia, Reagan, and Junryl, is the Lear Plan in Wahbah for the largest area of ​​his king She loves him as his daughter, no less, no more, her faded response, despite her sincerity, King Lear gets angry and makes him abandon his daughter Cordelia completely, Earl Kent, a friend of Leer, is trying to talk on behalf of Cordelia and intervene to reconcile Lear with his daughter, and he is exiled from a For a kingdom. The play is not the story of the disobedience of children, their disbelief, their ingratitude, the fatwa of the fathers, their violation, and their negligence in their family, and not only the story of brutality that it does not condemn in its cruelty, and the story of the blind and blind sighted, the insightful or the crazy mind and the rational crazy only, it is all those things and dozens of them are from the literary subjects that he addresses Shakespeare dramatically in a play that is considered one of the most fertile tragedy.

New breed

Jalal Aref in “Al -Akhbar” says: Despite all the warnings of the scientists, the richer countries in the world insisted on their wrong behavior .. She imagined that they could fortify themselves against the epidemic, and leave the poor countries to their fate. She did not want to act responsibly towards scientists' assertion that such a situation will inevitably lead to facing more fierce and deadly strains than Corona, and possibly viruses are much more dangerous. Despite the warnings of the scientists, the rich countries went on their way. It seized 85% of the total vaccines produced. She possessed more than her need, while poor and low -income countries were waiting for the global health aid. A continent, like Africa, remained struggling to reach the vulnerability of ten percent of its citizens, with the exception of a few countries such as Egypt, which proceeds to exceed the vaccination of 40 million of its citizens before the end of the year. Now the world stands in the face of what scientists have warned. The new strain from Corona coming from the south of the continent raises more than anxiety. Initial information says that the new strain "omecron" is more able to spread, and to face vaccines in a way that represents a real challenge to the world. We have days before us to realize the extent of the risk. In front of us, efforts that started immediately to confront, try to block the hotbeds of the new strain and tighten the precautionary measures for prevention, then intensify the scientific effort to increase the effectiveness of vaccines against the new strain .. Amid all this, the proposal that wealthy countries had evaded from the temporary waiver of the intellectual property rights of vaccine, and their availability In front of the countries of the world to produce what it needs under global supervision. US President Biden confirms that developments in the new dynasty stresses the need to move forward quickly. Perhaps they are now aware of what scientists have confirmed repeatedly, and there is no escape from the epidemic except by providing prevention for all.

Their greed does not end

We direct the battles towards the wealthy accompanied by Mr. Al -Babylonian in “Al -Gomhoria: Some businessmen who want to monopolize and employ all projects and production tools and criticize formal government, so that the scene remains exclusive to them to achieve wealth and trading even with the people’s strength. Some businessmen do not want the state to implement giant national projects .. They do not want them in housing or food projects or in roads and bridges .. They want the matter to be for them and limited to them alone .. They want to go back when it was the implementation of the residence and the establishment of a bridge One takes years and years, budgets, budgets, currencies and commissions .. It is not implemented in the end or the implementation is carried out without matching the specifications .. And because some businessmen used to corruption and twisted paths to obtain what they have no right in it .. And because corruption they have turned into a system and thought of their own They are now trying to mix the papers and falsify the facts to exert pressure on the state so that the matter will return to them and the word their word and the decision their decision .. and all profits to them. We say it with all honesty and with all certainty and without courtesy or hypocrisy .. If the development in Egypt and its huge national projects had been assigned to businessmen for the past seven years, then something from all these achievements that we are witnessing would not have been achieved .. We are all in the same circle that we used to Before we revolve in it. The circle of excuses, justifications, and the failure and negligence cylinder that we have previously used.

With what I made his hands

Khaled Mohamed Ahmed believes in “Al -Shorouk” that the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed is among these rulers who bear the burden of arrival in their country to the brink of collapse and rupture, thanks to his clumsy policies that have spread the seeds of the division, grudge and hatred among the people His citizens who violate him in opinion and orientation, and those who oppose his tyranny and attach him to power. The star of Abi Ahmed Saad when he took the position of Prime Minister in Ethiopia in 2018, and began his covenant with a series of reform decisions and policies, through which he was able to deceive many, whether inside his country or around the world, by exporting a fake image of himself as an important leader in spreading reconciliation and peace, Immediately after assuming the duties of his new position, he expanded the margin of freedoms, released many political detainees, dropping a "terrorist" characteristic of armed opposition movements, and welcoming the return of their leaders from exile. He also granted women in his country rights that they had not obtained before, and he assigned them half of the bags in his government, and during his reign a woman took the position of defense minister for the first time, and he also took serious steps towards achieving reconciliation between nationalities and peoples in the various regions of Ethiopia. He also reached a peace agreement with Eritrea, which ended many years of conflict between the two countries, which played an important role in receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. Abi Ahmed did not maintain his strong political start and his image as a reformist political leader for more than two years, as he quickly fell in the test of democracy, and revealed his real face as a new African dictator, after he refused to hold the elections that were scheduled at the end of last year, on the pretext of the inability to organize it due Corona epidemic, which opposition leaders in Ethiopia considered an open and exposed attempt on his part to prolong his rule illegally.

A lesson for those who are considered

ساويرس متهم بإخفاء جنسيته الثانية… وكتاب حائرون بين دموع الفنان رشوان توفيق وورطة «قارون» كلمات مفتاحية

The Ethiopian Prime Minister was not satisfied, as Khaled Mohamed Ahmed pointed out, by refusing only to hold the elections, but rather resorted to sending the federal army forces to the Tigray region, to get rid of the local authorities emanating from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray after accusing them of attacking the army barracks in the region, which led to massacres And displacement and rape operations, as well as the imposition of a suffocating siege on the citizens of Tigrai, which led to a severe shortage of food, medicines, children's vaccines and medical equipment, according to many reports issued by the United Nations, which warned of a severe deterioration in the humanitarian conditions in the region rejecting Abi's bloody Ahmed. The situation suddenly changed, after the Tigrai region gathered its powers, and organized its ranks in cooperation with many movements rejecting the burned earth policy, which is followed by the Ethiopian Prime Minister, and they began to crawl towards Addis Ababa to drop his rule by force of arms, which led him to scream, saying: “The country is witnessing Her last moments and we call for saving her from collapse. ” The world ignored the screams of Abi Ahmed, and he was not convinced that he was trying to claim that his country is subjected to an external conspiracy, after it was proven by the definitive evidence that his bloody policies against his countrymen, arrogance and tyranny, the main reason behind the separation of the unity of his country, and its direction towards the quagmire of chaos, collapse and civil war. The story of the rise and descent of Abi Ahmed is a eloquent lesson for every ruler who believes he is the only one who knows the interest of his country, and that he carries an open divine delegation in which the blood of his opponents or those who disagree with him in opinion, orientation and policies. It is also an eloquent lesson for every ruler who manipulates the constitution and the law in accordance with his interests, and to serve his tyranny and attach him to power, by broadcasting division, division, hatred and sedition between his people, and the use of the military machine to suppress those who violate it in opinion.

Do not rejoice

A state of relief prevails among some, and it appears clear on the social media, the more the Tigrai People Liberation Front has made progress on the regular Ethiopian army forces, and this is due to the suspicion that the defeat of Abi Ahmed or the survival of this conflict is open in the interest of Egypt regarding the issue of the Renaissance Dam, Al -Saeed Hamdi knows in the "scene" on what basis has been built by that expectation .. Does he know who rejoices for the victory of the Tigrai Liberation Front, who are they? Or is this to consider my enemy enemy my friend? There is a complete ignorance of this front, which many think is just a barbaric group or a hired mercenary, and the situation is not like this. The Tigray People's Liberation Front was established in 1975 and was a political party participating in power, and was accused of being a terrorist organization during the reign of Abi Ahmed and then was excluded. The front turned within 16 years of 1975-1991 into a strong armed movement, fought the military government until it was defeated and removed from the rule, and returned to the forefront again, a partner in the ruling on the surface, although it was the actual ruler at the time, and despite the state of economic growth that has been achieved, only Demonstrations against the front led by the ethnicity of the Amahr and the Oromo due to the corruption cases that were consulted in the country, and the protests forced Hailey Mariam Disalin to resign in February 2018. At that time, the Popular Revolutionary Democratic Front chose Abi Ahmed as a successor to Disalin, who is from the Oromo ethnic, and it seems that the man has aspirations Very large, the idea of ​​democratic rule exceeds certain periods and then leaving quietly, and here it is consistent with most cases in the continent that this appears to be destiny.

Our situation is difficult

We remain with Al -Saeed Hamdi: That reactionary ambition made Abe trying to exclude the Tigrai Liberation Front permanently, and get rid of its men in the state services, including police, intelligence and army, as they penetrate into it, so he removed some and pursued others on corruption charges. Here, the front realized that the intentions of Abi Ahmed were not clear, so they got married in its original areas to organize its ranks, and establish its alliances until Abi Ahmed overthrew from power, and it has a military force that is not few of 250 thousand soldiers, and many weapons seized by the Ethiopian army in the Tigray region, which is by the way is organized Severe organization in all directions. Returning to what belongs to us in this file, which is the subject of the Renaissance Dam, it becomes clear that the matter is worrying and not reassuring as some see, because this dam is now a reality, and not just an idea that can be folded or removed from it, and there is a filling that has already been done and it has become a touted water bomb, and that is. It makes the occurrence of chaos there is a worrying thing, as the matter must go according to the foundations and binding agreements issued by parties that can be held internationally, even in the event of the front control the ruling, we do not know how its behavior will be, and whoever believes that it may compromise in the matter of its personal interests at the expense of the state , It is based on not valid estimates, and it reaches the level of imagination, because the movement is a loyal patriotic for its country and its people, and not just a group of mercenary rebels. What we must do is closely monitor the matter, and walk in the negotiating path with the existing system, without looking at what is going on in the Ethiopian interior.

Patients most likely

Farouk Jawida returned to us in “Al -Ahram” to Al -Madi: After a setback 67, and in front of the state of frustration and refraction that prevailed among the youth of Egypt, strange phenomena emerged in Egyptian society .. The most dangerous was a state of division between the Egyptians, and waves of descending art appeared and the waves of real art retreated and we found voices And our arts sweeping the Egyptian street and the state encouraged these phenomena to distract the youth from the real disaster. At the same time, strange intellectual and behavioral phenomena have spread, and currents appeared from religious militancy, and in return there was a wave of atheism .. There are those who believe that the setback is angry with God and there are those who did not find feasibility in life, things, religion and human beings .. The Egyptian left had found them an opportunity To liquidate religious currents, and religious trends were seen as an opportunity to return religion and liquidate the remnants of atheism, which swept the youth .. My atheist friend was entering with me in a debate about religious issues, and at the end of the dialogue he says I swear to God Almighty .. And I used to tell him that within you a believer and you boast about you With the idea of ​​atheism, because it is the fashion of the stage .. I say this and I sometimes hear on the TV screens who say or say: I am an atheist and the certain thing is that he is ignorant of religion and more ignorant of atheism .. This division is between those who trade in the name of religion and those who boast of atheism, reflecting an intellectual defect and psychological diseases. And both of them need treatment .. The Almighty Creator does not need to guide atheists, and he is glory not to be in need of the prosecutors .. God has sang from the worlds .. He who wants to believe and whoever wants, let him disbelieve .. What is your Lord in the dark of the slaves .. Sad I lived in the rehab of Cairo University .. And we were divided between a hard -line religion and a stable adventurous and minds that reject everything .. The strange thing is that the days restore themselves and humans repeat their sins and mistakes and the like tonight with yesterday.

Search for a solution

How do we face those technical toxins and we refuse to prevent them with an official decision? There is no solution that Ahmed Al -Khamisi is possible in the “Constitution” except to uphold good artworks, and to encourage tens or hundreds of real young talents, and support them, in order for us to have a good currency that expels the bad currency, because this is nothing that can face deterioration and artistic degradation except for another great art that addresses Minds and souls of people. The truth is that the phenomenon of festivals singers is not new in the history of Egyptian singing, and the phenomenon of the commercial current that plays on instincts is not modern. The history of the Egyptian song has witnessed since its inception the existence and spread of that current, and its existence only limited the flow of another current of real art. The solution is not to prevent Hamo Becca, Zaraba, Chita and Shanejoura. The solution is to provide conditions in education and in the media in order to open tens and hundreds of musical and lyrical talents and take care of the artistic response to that terrible decline .. The poor words, are we right to consider the lyrics of Hani Shaker's songs, such as "please ... he walks with his comfort?" We may think that the words of most polite songs are empty of any feeling or idea, and that they are in fact the other side of what Hamo Becca and Hingoura offers, because when art turns into a mental and spiritual vacuum, you kill it, destroy it, as you kill it and destroy it with impurity and the sky, and art becomes a victim in Either way: Once in words do not mean anything, it reflects emptiness, and once in obscene words reflecting fierce hunger to harassment.

I dream of your comfort

Hamdi Rizk believes in “Al -Masry Al -Youm” that we have the right to dream of the first Egyptian astronaut, the dream is soon, we dreamed of an Egyptian space agency and happened, we dreamed of the first Egyptian satellite and happens now, (2023) the date of launching the first Egyptian satellite to space, the moon It will be assembled inside the center of the component of satellite components in the National Space Agency, and it bears the name "Egypt Sat 2A". The Egyptian satellite launched a jump in space, we loved the moon ground and sang with its light, and we heard the news of the space to go to the stunning sitting, sipped, bemoaned by our lost days, and we sing Hazani: “What you do not have years of our hands.” It is known that what is not all realized is not left all, and our task is to catch up with the world ground and space, the talk of priorities is valid here, and the National Space Agency is a first priority, and the center of gathering and testing of satellites, one of the most important huge projects implemented by the Egyptian Space Agency with a grant from China, within the space city that It will be held on an area of ​​124 acres near the new administrative capital, the administrative capital, which accommodates the postponed dreams, the city of dreams as they describe. Egypt enters the era of satellite communications, Egypt continues space, and this is in various benefits. The Egyptian space program cuts strides, compensates for decades of Qud, with certainty, this is a contract to achieve the postponed dreams, our dreams are always great, but our will was a renaissance, the will achieve dreams. The Moon "Egypt Sat 2A" is not the end. Egypt enters its space in the spacious space world, with an industrial base that has succeeded in manufacturing programs in experimental satellites that went far to space in national tasks, and a unique human base, the national team doubles the numbers of its experts and scientists.

Its end is poverty

A great honor, according to Muhammad Amin, in “Al -Masry Al -Youm”, that the Arab Radio Federation, Issam Al -Amir, the former head of the Radio and Television Union, remembered him, where he was honored, yet he feels pain and reproach to Egypt, which you did not remember and did not honor him and did not pay him the end of service reward After 35 years .. Egypt did not honor him while the Arab Broadcasting Union honors him for the entirety of his career .. even though he was running the union in Egypt in very harsh and very difficult conditions. The question: Why did they ignore him and treat him in this way, and they did not manage a place for him to work, even though he has nothing but his salary, and they cut off the end of the service without justification? And why did they treat him with all this denial? He says, "In myself, some of the blame and pain, that I did not have such honor in my country." He ends his speech affecting his personal page, saying, "My sincere love for my country despite everything." Why do we treat people like this, after they empty the official tasks? It was possible to celebrate the departures of their positions with a tea party and a testimony that costs nothing .. It is possible to manage a job from which he lives in his field of work .. He is an expert of great importance .. He could have been a consultant to the union .. Is the state not able to do so, who helped him With personal efforts? Is it appropriate for officials to beg after the service end? The word Essam Al -Amir has given me a very honesty and pain that moves the mountains, and reveals great ingratitude and denial towards the “former” public employee .. The prince felt that if he sent his cry to any newspaper, you would not publish it, where are those who were publishing for him all A word, while on the site of responsibility? Where are the friends of the journalists and where are the satellite channels that have not had a dialogue with him? Was he angry at him, for example? And why revenge on him in his livelihood?

The fruit of the world

Among the most prominent defenders of the woman Tariq Abbas in “Al -Masry Al -Youm”: The woman is a treasure that only the people of beauty, tenderness and mercy are searched for, and music that is like the lovers of melody, its giving is part of its nature, behavior and nature, it is for the family of the pillar, the community of fuel, and the state is the shortest way to development and prosperity, It is stimulating to search for success and reach the highest levels of progress and advancement. The Soui man sees "Al -Anis, Al -Ma’idat and Al -Rafik" on the journey of life. As long as he loved her, he loved himself and his life and won his weakness and breakdown, and he set out to do everything in his best to prove to her that he is worthy of her. Many of the great men were greater than their women, with their position and their knowledge of their duties before their rights, and in addition to being carrying, bidding, breastfeeding, educating, and watching over the comfort of their families and the cohesion of their homes, they also learn, educate, work, and to be stored in positions, and they shared decision -making and managing the affairs of the country, With all of this - and although we are in the twenty -first century - women are still without what is appropriate for their level and the level of their role, still live in a world The fake gains that are covered with humiliation, injustice and repression, and such painful shocking violations will inevitably affect the health, physical, and reproductive health, and impose on them ideas and principles that make them detained in themselves and her society, she does not possess, control or control, and does not express an opinion, detained in a cycle of violence that does not calm down from the house To the school to the university to work, and the weakening episode makes it its rights and privacy, which is always exhibited for the utmost manifestations of violence and its most heinous in all its forms in all societies and all countries Almost, of different languages, cultures, religions, constitutions and laws, the United Nations has confirmed, in one of its reports, the growing violence against women is increasingly, so a third of the world's women suffer from violence, and unfortunately the result always remains slogans .. events .. speeches .. recommendations .. While violence against women remains the same.