Saudi Arabia overthrows a cell linked to Iran

  • Time:Sep 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The security services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia overthrew a terrorist cell consisting of 10 individuals, who had received training in the camps of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and large quantities of weapons and explosives were confiscated in the raid.

Elaf from Riyadh: The spokesperson for the Presidency of State Security stated that as a result of the security follow-up on the activities of terrorist elements, the competent authorities in the Presidency were able to overthrow a terrorist cell whose members received military and field training at Revolutionary Guard sites in Iran, including methods and methods for making explosives.

Saudi Arabia overthrows a cell linked to Iran

The security investigations led to identifying the identities of those elements, and identifying two locations for them, from which they used a den to store quantities of weapons and explosives. The security operation resulted in the arrest of 10 accused members of this cell, three of whom had received training in Iran, while the rest were associated with The cell has different roles, and the interest of the investigation requires that the identities of those arrested not be disclosed at the present time.

The operation also resulted in seizing a quantity of weapons and explosives hidden in two locations, one of which is a house and the other is a farm, and the seizures are as follows:

1- (9) explosive elbows, in a state of engagement. 2- (67) explosive fuses. 3- (51) electric explosive detonators. 4- A wide range of capacitors, electrical transformers, and electronic resistors used in sparking and manufacturing explosives. 5- (5.28) kg of fine and coarse gunpowder. 6- (17) packages containing chemicals. 7- (13) devices for transmitting and receiving electrical signals. 8- Two (2) electrical circuit receiver switches. 9- (4) advanced eavesdropping devices. 10- (1) welding machine. 11- (4) Kalashnikov machine guns. 12- (1) G3 rifle. 13- (1) sniper rifle. 14- Two (2) pistols. 15- (1) air rifle. 16- (4620) various live ammunition. 17- (18) magazines for machine guns and pistols. 18. 6-inch homemade plastic gun storage container. 19- (1) bag containing weapons cleaning equipment. 20- (14) white combat weapons (knife). 21 Military clothing. 22- Two (2) sniper scopes. 23- (1) night vision binoculars. 24- (3) wireless communication devices. 25- One (1) laptop computer. 26- Two (2) Garmin mapping devices. 27- (1) sunglasses equipped with a camera, storage memory and battery. 28- Number (11) mobile phones. 29- Two (2) smart tablets. 30- (5) external storage memories, and (6) internal storage memories.

The competent authorities conduct investigations with all those arrested in order to find out more information about their activities and the people associated with them internally and externally, and refer them after the investigations complete their procedures to the judiciary.

The Presidency of State Security announces this to confirm its continuation with determination, persistence and firmness in confronting these criminal schemes, and for anyone who tries to harm the security and stability of this country and the safety of its citizens and residents on its lands.