Sanctions, prohibitions and diplomacy .. The difficult Europe equation in the face of Russia

  • Time:Sep 21
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Warnings and sanctions The most prominent feature of European reactions towards the Russian -Ukrainian war in an angry tsunami did not close the door of diplomacy.

Attitudes described by some as conflicting, at which the most prominent European countries condemned the Russian attack and then went up the pace of their anger by imposing unprecedented sanctions on Moscow, yet the war did not stop, which puts the old continent's conglomerate in front of complex options.

Air ban?

Ukrainian President Foludmir Zelinski has always called for an air embargo area over his country to reduce Russian raids on Kyiv and other cities.

However, a similar request remains until the hour, as it can be implemented, since Ukraine does not belong to the NATO NATO, and therefore it cannot deploy any forces affiliated with it on the borders of this country or over its air field..

Also, any "recklessness" by the West in this part may lead to the worst scenario, which is the outbreak of a "comprehensive war in Europe";The offering that raises the terror of the old continent and Washington as well, because any explosion in this continent will push in one way or another towards deep imbalances that lead its role towards a new world war..

A terrifying scenario warned by NATO Secretary of NATO Stoltenberg, when he said that "the only way to impose an air embargo is to send combat aircraft to the alliance to the Ukrainian airspace, then the shooting of Russian aircraft to impose their respect," warning that he will inevitably lead to the outbreak of a "overall war in Europe".

Analysts believe that the specter of a comprehensive war is what causes European positions - and the West in general - at the present time, in addition to the risks of a nuclear war, which crowds the duo in a narrow angle that makes it unable to risk imposing an air collar on Ukraine.

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But similar situations may lose their validity soon if the war continues, yet the West may also find no solutions except for Kyiv's support with weapons.

Additional penalties?

On Friday, the Group of Group countries vowed to impose "strict new sanctions" on Moscow, in pressure aimed at securing the continuity of pressure on Russia to put an immediate limit to its war in Ukraine..

But it seems that Moscow does not pay attention to the sanctions of the West, which means that the continuation of pressure through this method may not be eaten, especially since the Americans, for example, started from the "highest peace" in imposing sanctions on Moscow, meaning that the following penalties may not succeed in achieving the goalDesired.

Washington, which is leading with Europe, Western efforts to pressure Moscow, imposed unprecedented sanctions on the Russian financial system and the wealthy Kremlin, and biotechnology exports were banned and imposed an air blockade on Russia.

Despite the nature and cruelty of the sanctions, nothing seems to be able to deter Moscow and stop the war, which was expected by the former American ambassador to Kyiv William Taylor by saying: "I am one of those who believed that the threat of sanctions will suffice to deter President (Russian Vladimir) Putin from launching his military attack But this was not the case..

He added, "I am not sure that more sanctions will be convinced him of withdrawing," amid American demands to ban Russian oil imports to the United States..

However, in light of the deadly bounces of Western sanctions on Moscow, the West is afraid of measures that lead to reducing the global power supply, which will automatically cause fuel prices in Europe and the United States.


Experts believe that the maximum that the West can currently do is to leave the door of diplomacy open, by continuing attempts to persuade Putin to retreat, that is, weaving the style of French President Emmanuel Macron and German advisor Olaf Schultz.

In an interview with "Agence France Presse", Samuel Sharab of the Rand Studies Foundation sees that Washington should continue attempts to persuade Putin to retreat, noting that the matter "may be impossible, but I think it is the best we can do at the present time.".

Calls for diplomatic syndrome contradicts another by the American Senator Lindsay Graham to the assassination of Putin, considering that "someone inside Russia" must submit to this.

However, the White House categorically replied, "We do not call for the assassination of a foreign country leader or to change the system.This does not represent the United States' policy..

However, some observers see that the sanctions, by strangling the Russian economy and targeting the origins of the Oligarshin from the Kremlin who have achieved a lot of fortunes, may push some members of the circle close to Putin to coup against him.