Sam .. and the youngest electronic circuits factory

  • Time:Dec 16
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Last week, I talked about the largest electronic circuits factory, which Intel intends to build in Ohio, and today I would like to walk in the opposite direction and talk about the youngest electronic circuits factory managed by a 22 -year -old American man named Sam Zilov, the factory is located in the garage of the family homeAnd this is not different from the stories of establishing several American technical companies that started in the garage of the house.

الأسهم الأمريكية تغلق على ارتفاع في ختام تعاملات الأربعاء 2 فبرايرمحمد الخولي3 فبراير 202212 ألف شركة مقاولات جديدة في الإماراتسامح الليثي3 فبراير 2022

In August last year, Sam released a video in YouTube that displays an electronic circuit made by himself, and contains 1,200 transistors, and this is a great achievement for one individual, because the electronic circuits industry is difficult and requires advanced equipment and an understanding of the process of manufacture from the beginning to the end, and this was not the first circuit thatIt is made by Sam, as it made the first one in 2018 and it contained only 6 transistors.

سام.. وأصغر مصنع دارات إلكترونية

To make an electronic circuit that Sam had to learn a lot in the field of physics, chemistry, optics and electronics, the process of manufacture requires knowledge in various fields to achieve high accuracy and design that can be used in practice, and Sam needed advanced tools to do so, and he bought old tools to make electronic circuits used in the seventies and eighties of the centuryThe past and found it in a well -known auction site.

Sam got encouragement and support from his parents, but with caution because they know the difficulty of the project, one of his father's friends works as an engineer to make electronic circuits for 40 years and he mentioned that what Sam is trying to do is impossible, and Sam received emails repeating the same idea, but Sam thought that the beginnings of manufacturing circles wereSimple and nothing prevents simulating the experiences of the past and may succeed, and it has proven wrong with those who said it is impossible.

Sam pairs do not do much now, as they can amplify electronic signals, so he seeks to make the first processor and make the Intel 4004 processor its goal, currently Sam works to make a circuit capable of completing the plural process only, gradually will be able to complete the first man -made processor at home.

What Sam does gives many an idea of what can be done with old equipment, will and something from ignoring what others say, Wissam himself and found his inspiration from an American engineer who made a flour transistor in her home, and with home tools and this includes making silicone crystal that the electronic circuits use in modern devices.

This is one of the positive effects of the Internet, spreading knowledge and science for everyone who wants and simplifying the tools needed to achieve anything.