Russian army picks nuclear tree from Ukraine!

  • Time:Apr 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

As we are approaching the tenth day of Putin's war in Ukraine, evil forces from all countries gather to eat the forbidden apple from the tree of Ukraine, and consequently pick its nuclear stockpile, while NATO, the United States and allied countries are waiting for some spoils from that tree.

On the map of nuclear power, which NATO looks at, that Ukrainian nuclear arsenal, which coincided with the presence of Ukraine under the Soviet flag, formed a tactical infrastructure for a deterrent weapon and an economic force for power generation and economy, and managing the reactor, except for military power.

In the declared, through the maps of the show of force between the Russian Federation, NATO, the Russian neighboring countries, and the neighboring countries of Ukraine, the former Soviet Republic owns 15 nuclear reactors, which are the focus of Russian nuclear deterrence in its war in the Ukrainian depth.

Geopolitical and security, the military conflict in Ukraine, with such Arab crowds, is the first in the history of Europe to be carried out on such a burning land.*.. the Chernobyl disaster.. the second time Clackett. Practically speaking, we must not forget that Ukraine is still home to the Chernobyl plant, the site of the worst nuclear power plant accident in history, and no one in NATO denies that the Chernobyl disaster is a catastrophic radiological nuclear accident that occurred in reactor No. 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, April 26 of In 1986, near the city of Pripyat in the north of Soviet Ukraine, which is considered the largest nuclear disaster in the world, who watches the same scenario is about to explode again, but what is interesting is that a Russian industry is expected under the direct supervision of President Putin, and the European director continues to scream: Chernobyl disaster .. a second clapper Once. ...while new preventive measures have been implemented since the Chernobyl disaster, the latest event represents a worrying escalation of Russia's targeting of energy infrastructure. On the ground, and as part of the negotiation efforts, there are those who call: “We are trying to explain to Russia the importance of protecting civilian nuclear power plants and not doing anything that could cause a real accident in the future.”* What was said, and what was not said.

The Security Council witnessed condemnations and an escalation and a regression in attitudes, including what was quoted as the United States delegate, the American ambassador, Linda Thomas Greenfield, during an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council: “Nuclear facilities cannot become part of this conflict.”

"Russia must halt any further use of force that could further put all 15 operable reactors across Ukraine at greater risk," she added. This is the most dangerous of what has been said, and it is the most dangerous expected from the Russian army, which has begun picking the Ukrainian nuclear tree.

Militarily, a country like Ukraine has a multi-purpose nuclear, military, energy, and economic capability, which is known and proven within the maps of military operations, and the Russian army, and Putin in particular, is more familiar with this weapon that he seeks... and picks it up easily, despite the presence of the European threat, and international hope For Russia to be kind to the Ukrainian nuclear arsenal, but rather is called upon to preserve the safety and security of Ukraine’s 37 nuclear facilities, which have dozens of warehouses, substations and spare munitions scattered around the cities and the surrounding population.

The danger portends a maze of difficult possibilities, and what was suggested during the 18 hours after the Security Council session yesterday, that the Russian forces are gradually approaching the Ukrainian nuclear plant in “Uzhnokrainsk”, according to “Fox News”, which weakened the Ukrainian army, and disturbed indications The expected European-American response, as the nuclear power plant in Yuzhnokrainsk has become within the reach of Russian aviation and schools, while the city's residents are fleeing to hell, "imminent danger".

الجيش الروسى يقطف النووى عن شجرة أوكرانيا!

..* The second fruit .. the bitterness of the next.

The second fruit is almost falling, reality is on fire, Putin's lust begins to calculate the results of the feasibility of deterrence in the absence of any compatible military movement, or solidarity from NATO forces. Did the "Russian forces" now, 20 miles away, fall into the trap of incurring and deploying thousands of equipment and soldiers, and perhaps falling into the eye of the trap.. They are close, practically, and without resistance from the second largest nuclear facility in Ukraine, so the warning signals sound: "This imminent danger continues."

.. * Climb to the tree. Voices on the Western mainland are playing: Russia must stop any further use of force that could put all 15 operable reactors across Ukraine at greater risk - or interfere with Ukraine's ability to maintain the safety and security of its 37 nuclear facilities. The takeover of the Russian army raises more fears of nuclear war.

The danger is that the fruit is rotten. What Edwin Lyman, director of nuclear energy safety at the Union of Concerned Scientists, revealed about the extent of the grave concern that is happening on the scene of Ukraine, indicates the extent of the devastation and violence in the structure of the facilities and the safety measures included, and that Ukraine's factories were not built with the aim of resisting war.

"Edwin Lyman" Let's remember that.. He is the one who raised the alarm: "No nuclear plant is designed to withstand the threat." The presence of these endangered facilities adds an extremely dangerous dimension to the unfolding humanitarian and environmental disaster already caused by the Russian invasion, and all parties involved must ensure that these factories remain undamaged and operational.

...and the same analyst holding the stick from the middle, he said, what NATO, the Security Council or the Pentagon did not say: “Nuclear plants have a wide range of vulnerabilities to the types of damage that can be caused by military attacks, whether they are explosions or fires that can damage not Not only with direct reactor systems such as the containment reactor core, but also critical auxiliary systems that are needed to provide electricity for example to run coolant pumps that keep the radiant and spent fuel stored on site in swimming pools cool.”

America describes the Russian attack on the Ukrainian power plant as "reckless and...", Kelly said, "Maybe they could penetrate a container containing spent fuel, which could locally volatilize some radioactive material, but it wouldn't be anything catastrophic...or... It's hard to clean."

Putin will not take the initiative to get off the tree, he will follow Qatayef, and the structure and plans of NATO will change to deter Putin. The US administration, and Joe Biden, has begun a new shuttle diplomacy, and there are indications and special information for Al-Dustour that the region and the Middle East will witness an intense diplomatic and security movement led by President Joe Biden, through his administration, whose programs include all influential countries: Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey. ...while NATO leaders re-gather positions and reactions among the capitals of the alliance's actual power.