Russia escalates its attack and bombing the TV tower in Kyiv and the city of Kharkif

  • Time:Jun 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Russian forces bombed the TV tower in Kyiv and the city of Kharkif on Tuesday, in confirmation of the intensification of their attack on Ukraine, which raised fears of civilian civilian casualties, despite the escalation of Western sanctions against Russia.

The central square of the city of Kharkif, located near the Russian border, which has a population of 1.4 million, bombed the regional province, as the ruler Oleg Sinigobov announced in a video clip on the Telegram application showing the explosion.

At least 10 people were killed and more than 20 others were injured according to the Ukrainian emergency service.Another raid on a residential building resulted in eight dead and six wounded, according to the same source.

In the capital, Kyiv, the TV tower hit targeted late on Tuesday afternoon, killing five people, according to emergency services.

A picture published by the Ministry of Interior showed the tower covered with thick gray smoke, but it is still standing.The ministry promised to resume broadcasting quickly through backup systems.

The European branch of the Russian Spearbank intends to declare bankruptcy

The European Union's bank regulatory body announced on Tuesday evening that the European branch of "Spearbank", the largest bank in Russia, intends to declare bankruptcy due to the damage caused by the financial sanctions imposed on Moscow after its invasion of Ukraine.

The Unified Resolution Council, "CRU", said that the European branch of the Russian bank "Spearbank Eurob AG", which is based in Austria, will undergo a "bankruptcy procedure", noting that the bank's customer accounts will be guaranteed to 100 thousand euros per account, completely, completely, completelyAs is the case with other European banks.

A ban on broadcasting media owned by Russia

On Tuesday, the 27 members of the European Union gave the green light to prohibit the broadcasting of the Russian media "Sputnik" and "RT" on the territory of the bloc, and to exclude "some Russian banks" from the "Swift" regime, according to France, which is in charge of the union's periodic presidency.

Brussels's member states have also approved European prohibitions in projects that contribute to its financing of the Russian sovereign "direct investment fund".These measures will be included in implementation after the publication of the decision in the Official Gazette of the European Union.

The International Target Federation excludes the Russians from the Davis and Billy Jin King (official)

The International Target Federation announced on Tuesday the exclusion of the Russian national team from the Davis and Billy Jin King, which carries their titles due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In a statement, the International Federation of the game stated that this punishment, which also applies to Belarus, was taken "indefinitely", in implementation of the recommendation of the International Olympic Committee on Monday.

Cluster bombs

A cluster ammunition expert said after reviewing video footage published on social media that Kharkiv, the second largest city in Ukraine, was bombed with multiple cluster bombs.

Reuters has determined the geographical location of two separate photographers in which a loud and flashing over a large residential area in the city of 1.4 million people in northeastern Ukraine.Reuters could not get the original shots to confirm the timing and date of the recordings published on the Internet on Monday.

"It seems that Kharkiv was a target of multiple attacks by cluster ammunition yesterday. We have a geographical location that appears to be several civilian victims," said Sam Dobirley, head of the New York -based Human Rights Watch.

Ukrainian official: The Russian forces entered Jupson in the south

The adviser to the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior, Vadim Denisenko, said in statements broadcast on television on Tuesday that the Russian forces entered the city of Jupson in southern Ukraine, but the authorities there are still controlling the city's administrative building.

The United States is calling for the expulsion of a Russian employee at the United Nations accusing him of spying for Moscow's account

Washington called on the United Nations to expel an employee accusing him of "a Russian intelligence agent," an American diplomat reported on Tuesday.

A spokesman for the United States mission to the United Nations said that Washington "has begun the procedures for calling for the deportation of a Russian intelligence agent working for the United Nations who took advantage of the privileges granted to him in the United States," days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began.

The International Athletics Federation excludes Russian athletes and Belarus from its competitions (official)

The International Athletics Federation announced on Tuesday the exclusion of Russian and Belarus athletes from all competitions or games "in the foreseeable future and with an immediate impact", based on a recommendation from the International Olympic Committee.

A statement by the International Athletics Federation stated that no Russian Russian in the World Championships will not be able to be able to take place in Belgrade from 18 to 20 March, and the world's outdoor championship in Eugene (Oregon) in July.

The United States suggests that Russia be excluded from the Human Rights Council (Blink)

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinkkin suggested that Moscow's membership of the United Nations Human Rights Council after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

"We can rationally wonder whether a member of the United Nations state should be allowed to seize another member state at the United Nations, while committing horrific human rights violations and causing tremendous human suffering, to stay in this council," he said in a speech in the video..

The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Putin affirms the need to "maintain the stability of the global energy market" (Emirati statement)

The Emirates News Agency said on Tuesday that the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, agreed with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the need to maintain the stability of the global energy market.

This came in a phone call, where they discussed the Ukraine crisis facing the invasion of Russia and the energy file, as reported by the official agency.

Britain freezes the assets of Pylar Army officials due to a "destabilization" of Ukraine

On Tuesday, Britain froze the assets owned by four senior army officials in Belarus due to the destabilization of Ukraine, undermining or threatening its sovereignty and independence after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Andrei Bardiko, Victor Julvich, Sergey Simenko and Andre Jock are now subject to the freezing of assets, according to the government's notice.Two defense companies were added to the sanctions.

Russia says it will strike sites for the security apparatus in Kyiv

The TASS News Agency and the Russian Media Agency quoted the Ministry of Defense as saying on Tuesday that Russia will strike sites in Kyiv belonging to the Ukrainian security apparatus and a special operations unit.

The ministry said that the strikes aim to prevent "information attacks" on Russia, and urged those close to those sites to leave.

Agency: Russia and Ukraine hold the second round of the talks on Wednesday

The Russian news agency reported a source from the Russian side on Tuesday as saying that the second round of the Russian -Ukrainian talks is scheduled to be held on Wednesday.

After the first round of the negotiations, which took place on Monday and did not result in tangible results, the two sides said that they would meet again in the coming days.

The Russian forces and the separatists loyal

The spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, Igor Konashenkov, announced that the Russian forces and separatists loyal to them stayed on Tuesday a passage between them on the coast of Sea Azov.

He said in a statement that forces from the separatist Donetsk region loyal to Russia "joined military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Union, took control of Ukrainian areas along the Azov Sea."The TASS News Agency quoted the Russian Ministry of Defense as saying that the Russian forces removed the Ukrainian army from the Azov Sea north of the Black Sea.

Another agency, the Russian media agency, quoted the ministry as saying that the Russian -backed separatist forces have reached the borders of the Ukrainian region of Donetsk and joined the Russian forces.

The Russian army asks civilians in Kyiv residing near targeted sites

On Tuesday, the Russian army requested civilians in Kyiv, who resided near facilities for the Ukrainian security services to leave."In order to stop information attacks against Russia, high -resolution weapons will be carried out against the technological infrastructure of the security apparatus and against the main center of the Kyiv Psychological Operations Unit. We call (...) Kyiv residents who live near the centers ( Security) to leave their homes. "

The United Nations requests 1.7 billion dollars urgently for humanitarian aid to Ukraine

The United Nations and its partner organizations launched an urgent appeal on Tuesday to raise $ 1.7 billion in order to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine after the Russian invasion.

روسيا تصعّد هجومها وتقصف برج التلفزيون في كييف ومدينة خاركيف

From this total amount, 1.1 billion dollars will contribute to the help of six million people in the country for a preliminary period of three months, according to a statement issued by the organization, which also estimated that 12 million people will need help in Ukraine in addition to more than 4 million refugees who managedFleeing battles to neighboring countries.

The European Union pledges to provide 500 million euros for humanitarian assistance in Ukraine

European Commission President Ursula von der Layen pledged on Tuesday that the European Union will offer at least 500 million euros of the European budget for humanitarian assistance in Ukraine after the Russian invasion, in a speech to European Parliament members in Brussels.

"We will add at least 500 million euros from the European Union's budget to deal with the humanitarian consequences of this tragic war, whether in the country or to the refugees," said von der Lain.According to the United Nations, the Russian attack in Ukraine caused the displacement of one million people inside the country, while more than 660,000 fled to neighboring countries.

Von der Line: The fate of the European Union at stake in the Ukrainian war

European Commission President Ursula von der Layen confirmed in a speech to the European Parliament on Tuesday after a speech via the video of Ukrainian President Voluder Zellinski, that the European Union’s fate is at stake in the Ukrainian war.

"The way we responded today to what Russia is doing will determine the future of the world order. The fate of Ukraine is at stake and our destiny as well. We must show the power inherent in our democratic systems," she added.

Schultz: "We will definitely impose" new sanctions on Russia after its conquest of Ukraine

German Chancellor Olaf Schultz warned on Tuesday that his country will definitely impose new sanctions on Russia because of its attack on Ukraine, calling for "stopping bloodshed."

"The bloodshed must stop" in Ukraine, which "struggles to survive", stressing that Russia should "immediately stop all military actions and withdraw Russian forces and return to the dialogue table."

Zellinski: The Russian bombing of Kharkiv is a "war crime"

On Tuesday, Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinski described the Russian bombing of the city of Kharkiv, the second largest city in Ukraine, as a war crime, noting that the defense of the capital is the utmost priority.

"The protection of the capital today is the maximum priority of the state."

Later, Zellinski asked on Tuesday to the Europeans to "prove that they are with Ukraine", calling for his country to join the European Union."Europe will be much stronger with the presence of Ukraine in it (...) without you, Ukraine will be alone. We have proven our strength and showed that we are equal to you (...) so they have proven that you are with us and that you will not abandon us."

Ten dead in Russian bombing of the second largest city in Ukraine

The Ukrainian ambulances reported that at least ten people were killed in Russian bombing on Tuesday morning on the city of Kharkif, the second city of the country, near the border with Russia.

"At least ten people were killed and more than 20, the paramedics and volunteers rescued among the rubble ten people according to the first toll," and the device published pictures showing the recovery of victims from the building's ruins.

The Russian attack was the headquarters of the local administration, according to the governor of the region, Oleg Senegopov.

"The central square in our city and the headquarters of the Kharkiv administration were subjected to a criminal attack," Sinigobov said in a video on "Telegram"."The Russian occupiers continue to use heavy weapons against the civilian population," he added, noting that the number of victims has not yet been known.

Russia brings forces from the far east to Europe

The Interfax News Agency quoted the Russian Eastern Military Region as saying on Tuesday that the Russian forces stationed in the far east of the country will conduct training in the Astrakhan region, which is located on the border between the European and Asian parts of Russia.

The region's leadership said that the forces would train in long distance moves of the military units from other tasks.

The Russian army is on the outskirts

The Russian army also arrived on Tuesday in the city of Jiusson in southern Ukraine, near the Crimean Peninsula, which is controlled by Moscow, and set up checkpoints on its outskirts, according to what the mayor announced.

"The Russian army is setting up checkpoints at the entrances to Jacon."He added, "Jacon was and will remain Ukrainian."

Moscow is mobilizing its forces in preparation for the battle of Kyiv

Photos, taken by artificial satellites on Monday, showed a huge Russian military vertear, more than 60 km long, advanced towards Kyiv.

These photos were published on Monday evening, "Maxar", the American company specializing in satellite photography, and attached them to a postal message in which it said that the convoy "extends from the outskirts of Antonov Airport (about 25 km from central Kyiv) in the south to the Baberirk outbreaks" in the north.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, Antonov Airport has witnessed fierce battles, as the attacking forces seek to control this strategic facility, which is very easy for control of Kyiv.

Maxar explained that the run, which extends about 64 km long, "consists of compounds part of which is going somewhat away from each other, and the other part is walking side by side in two or three rows."

Long rows of vehicles appeared in the pictures, walking behind each other on roads in the Ukrainian countryside, and sometimes smoke, the company said that it is caused by fires in the neighboring buildings.

On the other hand, the American company published other photos that showed a new deployment of Russian forces - crouching offensive helicopters and military vehicles - in Belarus, less than thirty kilometers from the border with Ukraine.

Total Energy announces the cessation of allocating capital for new projects in Russia

The French -energy "Total Energy" company announced on Tuesday that it "will stop allocating capital for new projects in Russia", against the backdrop of the invasion of Ukraine, but without withdrawing the existing projects mainly, according to a statement received by Agence France -Presse.

The group stated that it "agrees to the size and strength of the sanctions imposed by Europe and will be applied, regardless of its consequences (which are still under evaluation) to manage its assets in Russia."The Russian "military aggression" also condemned it and indicated that it "moves to deliver fuel to the Ukrainian authorities and to help Ukrainian refugees in Europe."

The International Volleyball Federation withdraws the World Cup 2022 from Russia

On Tuesday, the International Volleyball Federation withdrew from Russia, which was organized by the 2022 World Cup, scheduled for August and September, due to its invasion of Ukraine.

The world champion and France, the Olympic champion, have warned against withdrawing if the Russian hosting is kept.The International Federation stated that the identity of the new host will be announced later.

YouTube stops the broadcast of the Rossian "RT" and "Sputnik" channels in Europe

YouTube announced on Tuesday the suspension of the broadcast of the two Rossi "RT" channels and "Sputnik" in all parts of Europe "due to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

"We block the RT and Sputnik channels on YouTube all over Europe with an immediate effect. Our systems require some time before they are totally activated. Our teams continue to monitor the situation around the clock to move as soon as possible," the video platform said.

Britain imposes sanctions on the Russian "Spearbank" bank

On Tuesday, the British Treasury decided to include "Spirenk", the largest Russian credit bank, on its list of Russian entities subject to sanctions against the background of the invasion of Ukraine.The move comes after the government announced on Monday that it would freeze the assets of all Russian banks in the United Kingdom and ordered the British ports not to allow Russian ships to do it.

French Finance Minister: "We will push the Russian economy to collapse"

French Finance Minister Bruno Lumer said on Tuesday that Western sanctions against Moscow because of its conquest of Ukraine will push the Russian economy to collapse.

"We will push the Russian economy to collapse. The balance of economic and financial powers tends to be completely in favor of the European Union, which is now discovering its economic strength," Lumer said in an interview with "France Info".

Lukashnko: Minsk will not join the Russian operation in Ukraine

Pelta official news agency in Belarus quoted President Alexander Lukashenko on Tuesday that his country has no plans to join the Russian military operation in Ukraine.The agency reported that Lukashenko denied that Kyiv's accusations that Russian forces were attacking Ukraine from the lands of Belarus.

But he said that his country is deploying more forces on the borders of Ukraine, adding that "these (forces) are well -trained, rapidly trained groups, and they are able to stop any provocation and any military action against Belarus."

Chechnya leader announces the first losses in his forces in Ukraine

Ramadan Kadyrov, the leader of the Russian Chechen region and the ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, said that two Chechen soldiers were killed in Ukraine and wounded six.

The International Taekwondo Federation strips Putin from the Honorary Belt

On Tuesday, the International Taekwondo Federation stripped Russian President Vladimir Putin from the Honorary Belt due to his country's invasion of Ukraine.

The International Tekwondo Federation, which is based in its based, considered that Moscow's actions are inconsistent with the sport vision, "Peace is more expensive than victory."

He also announced that he would not hold competitions in Russia and Belarus.In line with the recommendation of the International Olympic Committee, the flags of the two countries will not be shown or their hymn is played in Taekwondo events around the world.

Putin does not actually exercise Taekwondo, but he is a professional in judo, and he has served as the Honorary President of the International Judo Federation before he was stripped on Sunday from this honor.

British Intelligence: The Russian army did not make a little progress towards Kyiv

The British Military Intelligence update stated that the Russian progress towards Kyiv has not made progress during the past twenty -four hours due to logistical difficulties, and the army has also intensified its use of artillery north of the capital.

The British Ministry of Defense said in an update of military intelligence information that "the Russian progress towards Kyiv has not made progress during the past twenty -four hours, most likely as a result of the continuous logistical difficulties ... Russian forces intensified their use of artillery north of Kyiv and the areas adjacent to Karkiv and Tishriev ... Russia failed In controlling the airspace over Ukraine, which led to the shift to night operations in an attempt to reduce its losses. "

More than 70 Ukraine military personnel in Russian bombing of the town of Ochricka

Regional ruler Dmitro Zivitsky on Facebook said that more than 70 Ukraine soldiers were killed when Russian forces bombed a military base in the town of Ochrica in the Sumi region in northeastern Ukraine.

Poland: About 350,000 refugees from Ukraine entered

The Polish Deputy Minister of Interior said on Tuesday that about 350,000 people have entered Poland from Ukraine since Russia invaded the country.

"Over the past twenty -four hours, through 100,000 people in the Polish -Ukrainian border," Machi Fashik told Bolski Radio 1."In general, 350,000 refugees have already entered since Thursday," he added.

Zelinski calls for a ban on Russia in "all the world's ports and airports"

Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinski called on Tuesday to impose a ban on Russia on "all the world's ports and airports", in response to his country.

In a video message posted on Facebook, Zellinski said that "such a country must be prevented from entering all the waters, water channels and airports in the world."

He also called on the international community to "think of closing its fully air fields in front of Russian missiles, planes and helicopters."

Zelinski denounced the bombing launched by the Russian forces on the cities of Ukrainian on Monday at a time when the Russian and Ukrainian negotiating delegations met in Belarus for the first time since the start of the invasion Thursday.

The Ukrainian President advised Russia to "not waste its time" because the bombing of the Ukrainian cities will not make it beyond the conditions it set to establish a truce.

He said that "these talks took place on the occurrence of bombing and shooting that targeted our lands (...) that the timing of the bombing in conjunction with the negotiation process was evident."

"I think Russia is trying in this simple way to pressure" Kyiv, adding, "Do not waste your time."

According to the Ukrainian President, Kyiv "did not get the result she wanted to obtain" at the end of this first round of negotiations, but he referred to the "counter -proposals" presented by the Ukrainian delegation "to end the war."

The two delegations returned to hold "consultations in their capital" after they agreed to hold a "second round" of talks.

A lukewarm response from the White House to the proposal

The White House's response came on Monday to the suggestion of Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski regarding the imposition of a flight ban on Russian flights over Ukraine, as the United States said in such a move that will be a direct conflict with Moscow, which Washington does not want.

White House spokeswoman Jane Saki told reporters that imposing a flying zone would be a step towards sending American forces to fight Russia, whose forces began to invade Wurberry on February 24.

When asked separately about the imposition of a flight ban on Russian flights over the United States, Saki said that there is nothing but on the table, but she indicated that many American airlines are traveling over Russia to reach Asia and other parts of the world, and it is likely that it is probablyAnother reason for the American reservation.

The UAE mission at the United Nations stresses the need to reach an immediate ceasefire

The UAE mission at the United Nations said in a tweet on Tuesday that it emphasizes the need to reach an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and seek to find peaceful solutions to serve international and regional security and stability.

The mission added in its statement, "We condemn the existing violence in Ukraine, and we repeat the need to control, stop the shooting, and work to resolve the conflict by peaceful means," the mission added in its statement.

Ukraine gets space internet receptions

Ukraine said on Monday that it had received units to receive the transmission of space internet from Starlank, donated by Speus X, which is owned by billionaire Elon Musk, but one of the Internet security specialists warned against targeting the Russians for these units.

"Starlank here ... Thank you Elon Musk," Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Mikhailo Fedorov said on Monday.

Canada expels two Russian aircraft from its air field

The authorities in Canada said that they had expelled two Russian aircraft from their airspace on Monday after they claimed that their flights were "for humanitarian purposes" and violated the ban on Russian flights.

Canada prohibits the entry of Russian aircraft to its air field since last Sunday as part of strict sanctions on Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine.