Robot for homes .. Amazon reveals its new product

  • Time:Aug 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The new Amazon robot, Astro, does not cook food or clean the house, but it can check if you have left the burning stove while you are abroad, or send an alert if someone enters home and did not recognize it..

Robot uses cameras, sensors and other technologies to avoid collision with walls or dogs.

Amazon said that Astro will become more intelligent over time, and he is doing some household chores;He can put snacks or a drink on his back to transfer them to someone else at home.

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The robot, which costs a thousand dollars, which will be offered to customers later this year, is only one of the new inventions that Amazon unveiled, on Tuesday, in the framework of an annual event..

However, Estro stole the limelight when he requested David Limb, CEO of Amazon, from a 43 -centimeter robot to ascend on the platform during the virtual event.

It is noteworthy that the eyes of this round robot closes or expanded while carrying out the tasks, which gives it a human touch.

Amazon said it would sell a limited number of Astro, but it has not provided a specific number.

In addition to the robot, Amazon also revealed a screen -like screen that can be hung on the wall and contains Alexa's audio service with its integrated Amazon.

The company expects to enter it within the components of the kitchen, where users can see recipes, check their schedule or watch any offer during the cooking process.