Riyadh newspaperSettlement of maintenance of medical devices creates job opportunities

  • Time:Jan 16
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Specialists in the field of maintenance of medical devices stressed the importance of steps to localize the sector in the Kingdom, noting that this will contribute to enhancing local content, and creating more job opportunities, in addition to its role in reducing the import bill..

Mh explained.Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al -Dhalea - Master of Medical Engineering and Health Care Management Management -: The trend towards Emiratisation has become clear and supported by the regulations and legislation enjoined by the government - may God support it - to match the Vision 2030, especially since the sector is extremely important in the operation of vital installations in the sectorGeneral and private.

He said: Raising the efficiency of Saudi professionals is the first steps towards enhancing local content from the stage of planning and design to maintenance through industry and production, indicating that the first steps that were taken are to raise the levels of Emiratization in the operation and maintenance sector, through committees formed to discuss the most important problems and challenges thatFacing the Saudi professional.

He added: Accordingly, the problem of the weak salaries of the technicians and engineers of maintenance was presented, and support programs for the participating sector were approved to localize the maintenance professions, indicating that the public authorities were circulated to prepare special plans to develop technical cadres and develop strategies and training programs during work and others dedicated to new graduates and follow -upPeriodically, to achieve the highest benefit to professional cadres.

For his part, M. confirmed.Turki Al -Dossary - Master of Executive Business Administration - that the Corona crisis showed the importance of the maintenance sector of electrical and medical devices, and from this standpoint the slogan of the Association of Professionals for Maintenance of Electrical Devices came out of this importance as "what we cannot maintain cannot be made".

جريدة الرياض | توطين صيانة الأجهزة الطبية يخلق فرص العمل

He said: Because of the importance of this sector and its sensitivity to the patient and in order to achieve the Kingdom's vision in sustaining the work of electrical and medical devices in both the public and private sector, the association’s role in working on everything would advance the maintenance work and the development of its workers and their outputs through training, development, legislation and classification.

He added that it is no secret to each specialist, the importance of comprehensive maintenance work - the preventive and corrective maintenance - by companies and competent institutions approved by the competent authorities in the field, which enhances the efficiency and work of the device for a longer time, as it also reduces the financial costs of surprising reforms for medical devices, in addition toThe timing of the holidays until its repair.

He stressed that the adoption of specialists must perform international standards and standard specifications in order to preserve the outputs of these accurate and sensitive medical devices and technologies, and from this standpoint the association wanted to be a cognitive reference to verify these competencies and adopt them in the successful partnership with the sectors concerned in the field.He pointed out that the resettlement of maintenance enhances and develops efficiency and sustainability for this sector, which increases the continuous integrated training opportunities for specialists in the field of maintenance, calibration and diagnosis to create local and national specialized competencies and expertise, and also leads to a reduction in the import bill that drains the hard currency.

In the same context, M. More.Faisal Al -Obaida - Medical Devices Engineering - The importance of this sector starts from keenness on patients' health and to ensure the continued performance of devices with high efficiency if all maintenance is available, and this is a guarantee for the user from the medical staff that the equipment has been made periodic maintenance for them and that it did not exceed an appointmentThe next maintenance specified in the poster, due to the diversity of medical equipment and the diversity of its uses.

He said: It is possible to summarize the importance of following this procedure with regard to periodic maintenance by two points: The first is that the stomach is safe for use so that the tests are carried out periodically that guarantee their safety and the absence of any dangerous sources, and the most important of these tests is an electrical safety test, and secondly: that the stomach is accurate and that isBy conducting the necessary calibration to it in a way that guarantees dependence on it.

م. تركي الدوسري م. فيصل العبيداء