Researchers discover an explanation for some people with long -term symptoms

  • Time:Jun 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Researchers have discovered a means by antibodies that can be used to identify patients at a significant risk of infection with an extended antiquities (long -term corona, whose effects continue after recovery), a condition in which exhausted symptoms can continue for several months, according to the Guardian newspaper on Tuesday.

Scientists believe that since the virus causes the body to produce a long -term immune response that attacks the body instead of the virus, this may explain the reason for the continued appearance of a variety of symptoms in some patients after a long period of their recovery of infection.

The syndrome can damage the body, including the brain, blood vessels and liver - the areas that show symptoms of what has become known as an extended antiquities corona, including persistent disease, fatigue, or shortness of breath in people with the virus after they recovered from it.

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باحثون يكتشفون تفسيرا لإصابة بعض الأشخاص بأعراض كورونا طويلة الأمد

Corona is believed to have an extended antiquities affects about 10% of virus patients between the ages of 18-49 years, and up to 20% over the age of 70, according to the report of Yale University, which was published last year.

After blood analysis in Corona patients, a team from the university hospital in Zurich found that those who continued to live with long -term symptoms have low levels of specific antibodies compared to those who completely get rid of the infection.

When they verified the presence of these antibodies - along with other factors including age, the symptoms of the Corona that individuals suffer from, and other conditions in the health condition in advance that can play a role, such as asthma - doctors are able to predict patients who suffer from diseaseCofide is long carefully.

مسعفون من نجمة داوود الحمراء وأعضاء فريق مستشفى شعاري تسيديك يرتدون معدات السلامة أثناء عملهم في جناح فيروس كورونا في مستشفى شعاري تسيديك في القدس، 11 يناير، 2022 (Yonatan Sindel / Flash90)

“In general, we believe that the results we have reached and determine the imprint of the immunotherapy will help in early identifying patients at an increased risk to develop a long -term coronary, which in turn will facilitate research, understanding and treatments that eventually target Kofid for a long time,” said Onor Boiman, professor of immunology.Which led the research, according to the "Guardian" newspaper.

Although there is no treatment for a long -term Corona virus, researchers hope the new discovery will help doctors identify people most at risk of suffering from it, and apply preventive treatments.

“This is expected to improve care for long -term Corona patients in addition to stimulating risk groups, such as asthma patients, to obtain vaccination and thus prevent long -term Corona,” said Dr. Carlo Servia, a co -author of the study.

The results of the study were published in the magazine "Nature Communications".