recruitment of the Kuwaiti army (volunteer - professional) with conditions

  • Time:Jul 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article registration for the recruitment of the Kuwaiti army, according to what the General Chief of Staff announced today the request and opening of optional recruitment in the ranks of the homeland with the commitment to the date and conditions necessary to be met in the jobs of the army in general and the conditions for recruitment in particular, through the link allocated for electronic registrationRecruiting the children of Kuwaiti women.

تسجيل تجنيد الجيش الكويتي (تطوع جندي – مهني) مع الشروط

The General Staff of Kuwait

Brigadier General Human Rights, Dr. Muhammad Al -Anzi, Head of the Legal Affairs Branch of the Administration and Human Forces Authority, announced today an important statement about the opening of the optional recruitment for volunteering in the Kuwaiti army in the ranks of a soldier and a professional according to a number of conditions of registration in the form and the authority and the basic conditions in registration as well, where thousands seekKuwaitis to see when the electronic registration is available.

Conditions for recruiting the Kuwaiti army

A number of conditions for application and registration in the service of the National Army have been put in volunteering in a number of ranks, the most important of which is: registration steps for recruitment and registration date

The date for the opening of the electronic registration door for recruitment in Kuwait has been announced, where Sunday, June 13, 2021, the electronic registration for those wishing to volunteer, as the last statement from the General Staff, announced, and the registration will be in the following steps:

  1. يتم الدخول على الرابط الرسمي لتسجيل المجندين.
  2. يقوم المستخدم باتباع خطوات التسجيل وكتابة جميع البيانات.
  3. يكون علية الإقرار بصحة ما تم تقديمه.
  4. يتم تسجيل الخروج.
  5. يتم إرفاق المستندات المطلوبة عند المقابلة الشخصية (الشهادات الأكاديمية – شهادة حسن السير والسلوك – البطاقة المدنية – صور شخصية حديثة).
دخول رابط وظائف القوات البرية الملكية السعودية سلاح الإشارة وزارة الدفاع التسجيل فيسبوك تويتر سكايب ماسنجر ماسنجر واتساب تيلقرام