Refining refineries in Africa .. Between maintenance, restart and building new sites

  • Time:Jul 02
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Many governments and companies in Africa have conducted maintenance and modernization in refining refineries scattered across different countries on the continent, as well as planning to launch more refineries to enhance local capabilities.

Some refining refineries succeeded in ending maintenance work, and the other failed to fulfill the scheduled dates in light of problems due to the lack of raw materials and the repercussions of the Corona virus.

In this context, we review a detailed report on refining refineries in Africa, with the expected timetable for the completion of maintenance and modernization, and the date of the operation of new refineries, according to the "S & B Global Platz" platform.

New maintenance and entries

The Natrifer refinery has completed 108 thousand and 500 barrels per day in South Africa, as it had planned maintenance work in November.

The only refinery in Senegal in Dakar also started maintenance work for 4 months.

Maintenance - which was launched on November 29 - will ensure that the local market is continuing with oil products.

The refinery will align the new units with the existing equipment, as the update is part of the expansion of the refinery and the air conditioning of its units to treat Senegalese crude oil.

S&P Global Platz reported earlier that Dakar's refinery has plans to increase its ability to 1.5 million metric tons annually.

The Puante Nawar refinery in the Congo is expected to be closed for a short period, in late January and early February, followed by a complete shift later in 2022, according to Consulting Catac Africa.

S&P Global Platz said earlier that the refining refinery was expected to carry out the work in 2021.

Equipment maintenance in refining refineries

The Indian refinery was placed in Zambia "under care and maintenance", according to a local media report, quoting Energy Minister Peter Kabala.

The refinery failed to fulfill several time schedules this year to resume work, after the suspension of operations in December 2020, for financial and technical reasons.It was expected to restart by the end of 2021.

The only Tema refinery in Ghana is still out of work, and it is unlikely to restart for another few months, due to a lack of crude and raw materials.

The refining refinery has been exposed to many problems over the past few years, as it has suffered interruptions in the crude distillation unit and the stimulating cracking unit.

The raw distill unit currently contains only one oven, which means that the refinery can operate only about 30 thousand barrels per day.

For its part, the South African company said that it will proceed to convert the Derban refinery into a station, as the refinery has been closed since the outbreak of a fire and an explosion on December 4.

It was expected that the refinery to the refining station was expected to start in the third quarter of 2023.

As for refining refineries in Libya, the Ras Lanuf refinery remains with a capacity of 220 thousand barrels per day outside the scope of work, without any timetable to restart it, after being closed in 2013.

The Estron Energy Cape Town refinery is expected to restart in South Africa at some point in 2022, as it has been suspended since a fire accident in July 2020.

The Limpebi Refinery is still 72,000 barrels per day in Cameroon, outside the scope of work, after being hit at the end of May 2019. Local media reported that restarting was not expected until 2021.

New update and entries

The only refining refinery in the Senegalese capital Dakar started maintenance work for 4 months, as it started on November 29 and will continue until March.

During maintenance - the refinery will align the new units with the existing equipment, and the upgrade comes within the framework of expanding the refinery capacity and adapting its units to treat Senegalese crude oil.

S&P Global Platz - in a previous report on refineries in Africa - reported that the Dakar refinery has plans to increase its ability to 1.5 million metric tons annually.

Update the existing equipment

The Nigerian government has agreed to release $ 1.48 billion to reform my liquidati Warri and Caduna, Oil Minister Timiber Silva said in August 2021.

An alliance led by the Italian engineering company will take over the repairs, and the repairs are expected to be completed in 3 stages.The two qualities have been closed - along with the Port Harcurt Refinery - since early 2019 for repairs.

The Nigerian National Oil Corporation announced the reform work in the Port Harcort lifts in April, which is carried out by the Italian Engineering Company Technimont, and is scheduled to be completed within 18 months in the first stage.

While the Honiol UPO's distillation technology will be used to produce diesel that is compatible with African and European emissions standards.

The Italian Kentex Technology Company has obtained a contract to build the Naftha water treatment unit at the only Angola Refinery in Luanda.

Sonangol is also building a motivational breaking unit along with the Italian company Eni in Luanda to reduce its dependence on gasoline imports.

For its part, the American company KPR obtained a contract from the Sabrif Crafts in South Africa for the stimulating cracking unit project, which will allow the refinery to "improve the reliability and safety of the stimulating cracking unit by improving its stimulus and air distribution."

As for the only Index refinery in Zambia, it has plans to double its energy to 2.2 million metric tons annually, once the rehabilitation work is completed, up from the current capacity of 1.1 million metric tons annually.

Kenya is considering converting a closed Mumbasa refinery into a biofuel factory using the technology provided by the Italian company Eni, as the only refinery refinery in East Africa was closed in 2013.

Building and operating refineries


The Dangotti refinery in Nigeria is on the right path to start operating early next year, despite some delays caused by shipping restrictions.

مصافي التكرير في أفريقيا.. ما بين الصيانة وإعادة التشغيل وبناء مواقع جديدة

The project suffered some delay last year due to the Korona virus.The starting date of the refinery, which was first announced in 2013, was postponed repeatedly.

The refinery welcomed most of its main refining units, such as the columns from which the raw distress reactor and the motivational fracture unit consist of fluids in 2019.

The American company KPR got the front engineering design of a new and modern refinery facility for the Boa Group Group in Nigeria.

Boa Group plans to build an integrated petrochemical refinery with a capacity of 200 thousand barrels per day in Akoa Ebum, according to its website, and the refinery aims to produce fuel that matches European standards and polypropylene for local and regional markets.

In April 2021, the Ministry of Petroleum Resources said that 3 normative facilities in Nigeria, with a capacity of 26 thousand barrels per day, "completed construction work and ready for operation."

The 3 -year -old normative refineries - are a strainer with a capacity of 6 thousand barrels per day in Ecoba, Edo, and a strainer with a capacity of 10 thousand barrels per day in Port Harcort, Rivers State, and the Ibegoy Standard Standard with a capacity of 10 thousand barrels per day in Emo state.

The Nigerian National Oil Corporation also approached a final investment decision with some investors to build a refinery refinery with a production capacity of 50 thousand barrels per day, and signed the front engineering design to build the refinery - which will be in the Niger Delta - with the KPR engineering company.

The first standard oil refinery

In 2020, Nigeria operated the first normative oil refinery in the country, built in Emo State in the turbulent Niger Delta.

The start of the first stage of the refinery includes a refining card of 5 thousand barrels per day of crude.This will eventually raise the production capacity to 45 thousand barrels per day.

Nigeria also reached an agreement with its neighbor Niger to build an oil refinery in a border town between Niger and the state of Katsina in northern Nigeria.

For its part, the Angolan Oil Ministry chose an alliance led by the American company Quantim in the tender for the construction, opening and operation of the Soyo Refinery planned with a capacity of 100 thousand barrels per day.The refinery was expected to be completed within 3 to 4 years.

The chosen company or the joint project will be funded by the refinery on the basis of construction, operation and transfer.

The new refinery - along with those under study in Labbito and Cabinda - is part of the government's plan to transform the refining sector.This also includes the refinery renewal in Luanda.

South Sudan

Pantio refinery in South Sudan near Juba, which started work in March 2021, is still working at 3 thousand barrels per day, but the government aims to increase operation to its specified capacity of 10 thousand barrels per day, according to the Minister of Oil in the South Sudan government bot.Kang School.

Pantio has been out of work since 2014, after suffering damage to the clashes related to the country's civil war.

The repair and modernization work was scheduled to be completed by the end of 2019, but it did not abide by this deadline, then travel restrictions due to the Korona virus's pandemic to evacuate engineers at the site in early 2020, causing more delay.

South Sudan plans to build 4 other ranks by the end of this contract, to increase its refining capabilities.

The local Trinity Energy company was in advanced preparations to start building a refinery with a capacity of 40,000 barrels per day near the oil -wound fields in the state of Upper Nile.

The construction was scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2019, but it was delayed due to the Korona virus and power outages.It is scheduled to be the headquarters of one of the refineries in the Tharjiyat field.


The Angolan government launched a tender for companies interested in investing in the largest refinery project in the country in Lubito, southern Angola.

Sonangul said it had conducted economic feasibility studies, the bulldozing of the Bay of Lubito, and other artworks that "will allow potential partners to work more effectively."

The project was initially canceled in 2016 to revive a few years later, and Sonangol is now dependent on this refinery, which will be in operation in 2025.

Jamecorp and Sonngul also made the final investment decision to build the Kabinda refinery for full conversion in Angola on the Malimbo Plain.

Jamecorp has signed a contract with Sonangul to build a 60,000 barrels per day.

The first stage is expected to include the raw distill unit with a capacity of 30 thousand barrels per day, with the salinity removal unit, kerosene processing and additional infrastructure, including a storage facility for more than 1.2 million barrels.It is scheduled to start operating it in the first or second quarter of 2022.

The second and third phases will upgrade the refinery to an additional conversion refinery with an additional capacity of 30,000 barrels per day, a new motivational repair, a hydraulic treatment unit, and a stimulating cracking unit.

Guinea and Equatorial Guinea

The Ministry of Hydrocarbons has signed a memorandum of understanding with United Spillary Logistics to create an oil refining refinery.The company said it will conduct a feasibility study to build a refinery in Mauribia.

Africa Finance Corporation has signed an agreement with the Parmes Oil Revenuere to develop a refinery and storage station in Guinea.

Africa Finance will develop and subsequently finance the oil storage project and the accompanying refinery refinery in Kamsar.

This will include a standard refinery with a capacity of 12 thousand barrels per day, a crude oil storage plant with a capacity of 76 thousand cubic meters, a storage station for repeated products with a capacity of 114 thousand and 200 cubic meters, and the additional infrastructure.Guinea does not currently have refineries.

It is expected that the standard oil refinery project in Equatorial Guinea, at the capacity of 5 thousand barrels per day in Punta Europe, will receive the final investment decision in the first quarter of 2022.

The government hopes to build two lines of two criteria in the country, one in the Punta Europe Complex on Bioco Island, and the other in Kogo on the mainland.

other countries

The construction of the Atlantic Petrochemical Refinery project in the Republic of the Congo began, as the government signed a deal with a Chinese company to build a 2.5 million tons of refinery annually in the coastal city of Puant Nawar.

The Congo is currently with only one refinery with a production capacity of 27,000 barrels per day, located in Puant Nawar as well.

The Ghanaian Ministry of Energy intends to submit a proposal to build a new refinery in Tema, as it will replace the Tema refinery to refine oil, which has a capacity of 45 thousand barrels per day.

Separately, the government put its attention on building a refinery with a capacity of 150,000 barrels per day in Takoradi.

For its part, the Cameroon government is looking to build a new refinery in the southern coastal city of Krybe with a capacity of 4 million metric tons annually, after operations were disrupted in its only refinery in Limbe due to a major fire in 2019.

Krippe has been chosen as a refinery site, because it is home to the main crude oil export station in the country.

Uganda also expects the launch of the new Albertin Graben Refinery in 2024, but at the same time it explores options on how to finance its 40% share in the facility, as the Albertin Graben Refinerial Union, led by the Italian company Saibm, owns the remaining 60% in the refinery.

A final investment decision for the new refinery is expected to be issued in 2022, and the 2019 final investment decision was initiated, while the refinery was expected to be completed in 2023.

Benin is also looking to start building a new refinery, as a committee will consider the feasibility studies of the project, and will also analyze market prospects until 2030, and the project will be developed as a partnership between the public and private sectors.

A coalition from Russian investors plans for a $ 4 billion project for a new refinery in northern Zambia at the state -owned old Indian refinery site.

For its part, the Russian -owned Russian exploration company is considering building the Red Sea coast refinery in Port Sudan, which will provide coastal countries in Africa.

Sudan had started discussions to develop a refinery with a capacity of 200 thousand barrels per day on the Red Sea coast, the project's schedule was not revealed.

The only operating refinery in the country is the Khartoum refinery, after the Port Sudan refinery was closed in 2013 and was turned off.

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