Produced by a Swedish company at a price of $92,000. A video showing the flying car of the future

  • Time:Nov 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Companies are always looking for new products to hit the market, and flying cars are quickly becoming the next big target.

There are plans for cars that fly and on the road at the same time and flying taxis that will be the basis of travel in the future. The Swedish company Jetson is one such company.

The company aims to "make skies available to everyone with our safe personal electric air vehicle," according to its website.

Produced by a Swedish company for $92,000. A video showing the flying car of the future

The Jetson One has a top speed of 100 kilometers per hour thanks to its eight electric motors that generate 102 horsepower. The car can run continuously for 20 minutes.

The car can take off vertically and remain airborne, although the company does not specify the maximum height that the car can reach. The car can be controlled using a three-axis joystick, and there is a throttle lever to adjust the force.

They also take safety seriously. The bodywork is inspired by the same technology used in racing cars. The company also said it would be able to fly even if it lost an engine.

There is an emergency function that controls the aircraft, a LiDAR sensor is able to track the terrain to avoid obstacles, and it is equipped with a parachute with a rapid deployment system.

A number of the 2022 cars have already been sold, and it also has more deliveries scheduled for 2023. A buyer can reserve one online with a $22,000 deposit, out of a $92,000 price tag and the car ships as assembled. Partially thus requiring you to complete its assembly at home.