Security stops a French tourist killer in Tznit

  • Time:Jun 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Police officers in Agadir Security State managed, this evening, Saturday, to arrest a 31 -year -old person, without judicial precedents, on suspicion of being involved in committing intentional murder and attempt to premeditated murder, which was victims of two foreign citizens in Tiznit and Agadir.

According to the data available to Hespress, the 31 -year -old arrested, who comes from the province of Guelmim, suffers from mental disorders, and was a inmate in the mental hospital in Tznit.

الأمن يوقف قاتل سائحة فرنسية بتزنيت

According to the same data, this person made a suicide attempt inside his parents ’house in Bozkarne in 2012.

A communiqué of the General Directorate of National Security stated that the suspect had been monitored by a commercial camera in the municipal market in Tznit as he displays a foreign citizen of a physical attack that leads to death by the white weapon, before he escaped and was arrested in the city of Agadir after he tried to commit physical attacks against customers of a cafe in the coastal tape,Among them is a victim of a Belgian nationality who was transferred to the hospital to receive the necessary treatments.

The same source added that the procedures for verifying identity and drip with the rules of security data and reviewing medical records have revealed that the suspect had previously been deposited with the mental wing of the Hassan I Hospital in Tznit, for a month starting from the date of September 25 to October 25, 2021, according to an order issued by the authorityLocal.

The communication concluded that the suspect had been kept under the theoretical guard measure against the background of the judicial research that the competent public prosecutor ordered, in order to reveal the circumstances, motives and real backgrounds that were behind the commission of these criminal acts.