People with disabilities are more threatened with others in Corona

  • Time:Aug 02
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

In March 2020, the World Health Organization described the new disease called Covid 19.Since then, public health authorities have taken all over the world important steps to contain the progress of the epidemic.Among these measures, making preventive and sensitization information within the reach of all citizens, and taking all quarantine measures that must be followed to avoid infection with the virus, including physical departure, restricting people's movement as the only inevitable way to control the virus.

Among the most fragile and weak people who cannot confront the epidemic people with disabilities, due to their health and their lack of economic and financial resources.For all of this, it is worthy of Moroccans to wonder about the measures and responses that are provided to this segment of citizens who are particularly at risk, which represent 15 % of the world's population, or one billion people (according to the 2014 global disability report), and this percentage reaches 68% of citizens, i.e. 2.3 million Moroccans and Moroccan families.

The current crisis is unprecedented, and it includes radical emergency decisions by the national authorities, which involve restorical measures regarding individual and collective freedoms and severe social and economic repercussions.However, respect for international human rights standards must remain at the heart of the responses provided by the authorities.We also see that this pandem.In this context, we must be vigilant and united in order to alleviate as much as possible.

In this regard, it is important to recall that Article 11 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the year 2007, which Morocco approved on April 8, 2009, calls on states to "take all necessary measures to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in risk, includingThat armed conflicts, humanitarian crises and natural disasters ”.

This crisis in Morocco reveals the social reality of many Moroccans, and thus the great disparity in terms of economic resources and access to services (health, education, information, social protection system) and housing.In this regard, a report by the World Health Organization on Disability in Morocco indicated that 55.3 % of the disabled Moroccans do not get health services and 21.3 % do not get medicines and Morocco has only one specialist for 10,000 people with disabilities

The question, then, is why additional considerations about people with disabilities in the Covid-19 outbreak?

People in a disability position are considered to be at the forefront of those who suffer from other diseases, a fragile health condition, insufficient opportunities to obtain medical care and follow -up services, lack of material access in public places, infrastructure and institutions, access to information, sign language for auditory disabilityAnd barriers that prevent obtaining work, with a 6 -time unemployment rate than the national average.These factors constitute obstacles to their social and economic independence and thus put a large part of them in a state of dependence on others, whether providing daily needs of food and care.Or to access information about the virus, preventive measures, and legal rules and restrictions that must be taken into account.

This is a special situation in the times of the epidemic and quarantine, which pre -assumed social spacing, even towards the family and the providers..Some also, due to these factors, are at risk, especially isolation, violence and abuse.

In the face of the common challenge of the health crisis and the loss of income it generates to a large number of Moroccans, we would like to salute here the efforts made by the Moroccan government, especially free care of patients, but also the financial assistance of the most vulnerable people, the unemployed or the beneficiaries of Ramed.

We are very hopeful that the post -Corona Maghreb be much better than the pre -Corona Morocco, we also have great hope that we will get out of this stage and persuade the need to do everything possible for a social country in Morocco and promoting public services, first and foremost, servicesHealth.

ذوو الإعاقة مهدّدون أكثر من غيرهم بكورونا

In conclusion, we would like to take the Economic Vigilance Committee, the presidency of the government and all those involved, whether at the central level, the authorities, or at the local level, that people be involved in a disability position in all plans and programs.

As a national ground for the rights of persons with disabilities, we demand:

Providing financial assistance to persons with disabilities to cover the additional expenses resulting from the situation.

Merging service providers (including those who provide informal assistance) to persons with disabilities in emergency programs set by the public authorities to ensure the supply of protection equipment.

Taking into account disability and persons with disabilities when developing various emergency programs.

Allocating additional financial assistance to any family with a disabled person over 25 % for example.

Taking all measures and procedures to make distance education fees includes all people with disabilities, including those with sub -and mind and visual disabilities, by providing lessons, mail and remote quotas through TV channels used for this purpose, and making various digital platforms that are easy to access.

Enabling the families of persons with disabilities, especially for parents of employees, with facilities regarding their work, given their primary role in comprehensive sponsorship of their sons and daughters with disabilities.

Giving special priority to people in a disability position and their families in the rural world.

Enabling persons with disabilities to join the local and regional committees in charge of implementing various procedures related to managing the spread of the Corona epidemic and reducing its economic and social repercussions.

Inviting the national mechanism to protect the rights of persons with disabilities to assume its responsibility regarding monitoring the status of the rights of persons with disabilities in light of the current circumstance.

*Member of the National Coordination Fine of Networks and Coalitions working in the field of disability in Morocco.