Parking prices are borrowing in Sidi Bouzid .. The collective council interferes

  • Time:Sep 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Immediately after the end of the month of Ramadan, and the start of the summer period in the city of Sidi Bouzid, in the new province, a number of vacationers were surprised by the high price of cars in the parking lots on the road adjacent to the beach, and reaching levels described as large and unacceptable, which raises, from time to time, skirmishes between car owners and guardsAlmoravids along the road.

The price of the car parking in some parking over the aforementioned road exceeds ten dirhams, regardless of the length or short period of time, what most of the beach visitors consider to be an exaggerated price, and it is offended to the tourism sector in the region, and the shoulders of vacationers who want to spend their day in Sidi Bouzid are burdened.

The collective actor, Mohamed Rasouk, said that “the parking lots at Sidi Bouzid resort are subject to custom and favoritism;Where the guards work to determine the price of the car park according to its owner;As the price is reduced or exempt from performance if he is from the city or one of the close associates of the collective council, at a time when fictional price is imposed on visitors coming from outside the region..


The spokesman added, in a statement to Hespress, that "some places are not considered parking lots, but they were occupied by guards working to extract different price, sometimes up to 20 dirhams, if the guard shows that the owner of the car is from the affordable layer," noting that "the lack of desireIn the performance of that price, or protesting and demanding its reduction, it is dragged on the visitor and a wallet of insulting and insulting, then physical assault..

On the other hand, Al -Mahdi Al -Fatimi, President of the Collective Council of Moulay Abdullah, indicated that he is ignorant of the parties that promote this incorrect news, given that it is unreasonable for one of the guards to demand 20 dirhams in exchange for a car park, adding that the relevant interests have put on indicative marksNear some of the parking lots determines the legal pricing and the licensed duties.

The spokesman confirmed, in a statement to Hespress, that the legal pricing was limited in half dirhams for regular and fireworks, in the daytime periods, a dirham and a half in the night period, and two dirhams only for cars from six in the morning until midnight, and five dirhams from midnight to six in the morning.

In addition to the indicative signs, Al -Mahdi Al -Fatimi explained that he published several advertisements on the topic on social media, which included blogs, tapes and statements, through which it is confirmed that the pricing of the parking of cars in the parking lotHe can resort to the competent authorities.

The collective official himself indicated that he did not reach, to the time of the hour, with any complaint on the matter, and no citizen has submitted to the relevant interests in order to take the necessary measures against those who violate the legal controls, concluding his statement to the newspaper by emphasizing the need for each affected person to direct the elements of the royal gendarmerie deployed.Along the main street of the city, in order to report with all car guards.