Palestine and the strong return to the global agenda keywords

  • Time:Sep 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

From a long time, we did not see the Palestinian event occupying the news screens as he did in the past few days.Also this time.Once again, the Palestinians prove that they are, and not one of them, who moves their cause and returns it to the top of the international events and agenda and not enjoying this issue with justice and legitimacy at a time when many wanted to hide this issue forever.Let us imagine that what happened and is taking place these days was also against the background of holding the Palestinian elections that were scheduled for the 22nd of this month, especially, and these days were supposed to be days of electoral campaigns for the Legislative Council after 15 years of absence..The various movements of Jerusalemites could have been with different and integrated addresses: against the violation of the sanctity of the Al -Aqsa Mosque in these blessed days of the month of Ramadan and against the policy of Judaization and settlement in Jerusalem, similar to what is going on in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, as well as against the confiscation of the right of Jerusalemites in the elections, nomination, voting and electoral campaignTherefore, the national struggle is intertwined with the democratic struggle under a broad title, which is Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine, which will remain a thorn in the occupation foot..If the Palestinian legislative elections, which were canceled due to Israel's refusal to allow it to be conducted in Jerusalem, were part of the current "escalation package", it would have been possible for the Jerusalemites of strength and boldness, which causes them to not execute any innovative solution to the elections, despite the occupation nose, such as placing the ballot boxesIn the Al -Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Resurrection.The Israeli repression would have been exposed as against the Palestinian and democratic aspirations of the Palestinians.

فلسطين والعودة القوية إلى الأجندة العالمية كلمات مفتاحية

The visit performed by a delegation of European consuls and diplomats to the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood yesterday morning to meet the people who are threatened with uprooting and expulsion from their homes unjustly and aggressively, we could have seen an equal to them if the occupation forces stormed the Al -Aqsa Mosque and the Resurrection of the Resurrection to confiscate the polls and disperse voters.It is true that this will make this vote impossible, but the image of Israel as it kicks the boxes and breaks it and assaults civilians who came to elect their representatives..In any case, the time now is not to be shed at a lost opportunity as muchIt gives it the capital of Israel, despite almost the recognition.Second, it shows that the Palestinian issue is one and interconnected unity, whether in Jerusalem, the West Bank, or Gaza, meaning that the Israelis will not enjoy security in any of these areas if all these areas do not get rid of the occupation according to international legitimacy decisions..This will fully eliminate the illusions of some of thinking about Gaza as a separate topic, as well as the West Bank or Jerusalem.Third, persuading all the Arab countries that were involved in normalizing their relations with Israel that she has not improved a creation at all and that she will find itself constantly in a very embarrassing position as it strengthens its relations with a country that transformed practically and clearly into a state of complete racist separation, as announced by Human Rights Watch.Ancient.At a time when most countries of the world were cutting their relations with the state of apartheid in South Africa until its abhorrent regime fell in the early nineties of the last century, it is really shameful to see Arab countries accelerating the extending of the hand to Israel and it is in the worst international image rather than intensifying the provocation and isolating itUntil you accept a fair settlement, at least according to international law and not anything else.Fourth, heading to the administration of the US President Biden with a message that it is absurd and inexpensive to continue dealing with the Palestinians with this prejudiced view that always supports Israel and integrated it at the expense of the suffering of a whole people or at best equals what it does against the Palestinians and what these people do to defend themselves.This administration, which despite some of its recent steps to correct Trump's procedures towards the Palestinians, has not yet shown that the issue is not financial and humanitarian aid to the Palestinians and the re -support of the UNRWA UNRWA..On all of this, all of this will not happen in the end, from one of the Palestinians, but it is the one who will impose it with their hardship, unity and persistence.

Tunisian writer and journalist