Our smartphones are in the pirate

  • Time:Feb 22
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هواتفنا الذكية في مرمى القراصنة

Ibrahim Al -Mobaideen

AMMAN- With the amazing expansion and spread of smartphones attached to the Internet, and its indulgence in all the details of our daily lives, pirates and hackers continue to develop their tools and their malicious technical programs without stopping and in complex methods, targeting our phones and our personal and financial data and our correspondence on various platforms in order to achieve economic gains or any gainsOthers may cause us great harm in the financial, security or social field.Local experts in the field of technology emphasize that our smartphones and their applications are "unsafe" at all, and they are in the range of Internet pirates and hackers every day, they are constantly persistent from all over the world to develop simple and complex tricks to penetrate smartphones and smart devices through the applications inE -stores of phones that may carry malicious software for penetration and seizure of data to harm users.Experts indicate that there is a set of indicators that demonstrate the penetration of our phones through applications, including high smartphone temperature, a large -scale consumption of the battery, the emergence of automatic ads and the exhaustion of charging balance from the phone and other indicators.Experts presented a large group of precautions and steps that can be followed to avoid the user attempts to penetrate through malicious applications, perhaps the most important of which is the user's keenness to download applications from approved official stores only, and download non -propaganda applications and high evaluation.That is, focus on reliable applications, update the operating system of the phone and the programs used first -hand and other procedures.Examples of hacking operations through applications during the last week, the global company "Google" banned the operating system of smartphones "Android" Smart TV Remot and Halloween Coloring on its electronic smartphones on suspicion of dangerous applications that can control your personal and banking information and even pictures and stored filesIn the phone until the encryption and closing of the phone, calling on users who downloaded them to delete them from their phones.The global company found that the two applications contain the dangerous Joker virus that penetrates all user data, in addition to stealing their bank data, where the Joker virus that installs itself inside smartphones and works to withdraw their data in addition to subscribing to purchasing vouchers after hacking the dataThen users are surprised that they owe exorbitant amounts to companies.Earlier this year, the global security establishment (Zimperium) revealed a large -scale electronic fraud that the "Android" operating system was exposed in 70 countries around the world, including Arab countries, including Jordan, and the fraud process extended 10 million smart devices that operate a system "Android ”.The global company explained that this campaign was carried out through a malicious software called "Grift spark" for about five months, specifically from November 2020 to April 2021, and this software was revealed on Android phones through 200 applications,She succeeded in stealing hundreds of millions of dollars during this period.In addition to what the "Android" system has been subjected to penetration, the "iOS" system, operating for iPhone phones, also presented the hacking operations this year and previous years through security gaps in the phone and through malicious applications.In terms of numbers, the number of smart mobile phone users around the current year is 5.3 billion users, while the number of Internet users reached about 4.9 billion users, and the second quarter of this year has witnessed 35.5 billion downloads for various types of applications through various smart devices.In Jordan, the number of cellular subscriptions is estimated at about 7 million subscriptions, most of which depend on smartphones for use, while the number of Internet users is estimated at more than 11 million users..The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority recently warned smart phone users in Jordan of smart applications that may carry malicious software and viruses.The authority called in awareness publications on its main pages on social networks users of smartphones to be careful and cautious when downloading and ascertaining phone applications because they may carry malicious software aimed at piracy and electronic fraud and access to the user's special data in order to cause social or economic damage in it.The Communications Authority said in its awareness publications, “In order to avoid malware and viruses that may result from installing some smart applications on your smartphone, you must start using electronic stores known globally for smart applications such as“ Google Play Store ”for devices running“ Android ”and“ Apping CamelStore for iPhone devices, and avoid installing or downloading smart applications from suspicious and unknown websites..The Communications Authority emphasized that the user, before downloading any smart application, should pay attention to all of the evaluation granted to the application on the store by other users around the world, which appears in the electronic store next to the application, because this gives an indication of the quality of the application, its strength and the level of luxury in it as well when whenIt gives a high evaluation, while the lowest applications are the least quality than others.The authority also called on users to pay attention and read comments and feedback by users after trying this application, which is also accompanying the application in the electronic store.The authority also stressed the importance of the user not given when installing any application of permissions to access his phone data unless it is justified, as well as permissions to access the photos, camera and geographical location unless it is necessary to make the application.The authority said that the user must evaluate if the request for such permissions is logical and necessary to make the application, for example, the calculator application requests access to the camera, for example, this is illogical that raises doubt in this application.An example is that the application requests access to the camera and microphone, and it can work without access to these areas in your device.The consultant in the field of artificial intelligence, Eng. Hani Al -Batsh, stressed that “our smartphones are not completely safe, because, as soon as we connect to the Internet, download applications, or the use of smartphones operating systems such as Android and IAS, this means that we allowed all applications on our phones (whether safe or notAmna) by seeing our information and the content of our smartphones, and even passwords or credit cards stored on the phone.Al -Batsh added that the current year witnessed a process of penetration of the iPhone, which is characterized by its closed system, in addition to a widespread fraud that took place through the applications for Android devices, stressing that the operations and attempts of penetration "will not end.".Al -Batsh explained that the authorities responsible for managing the electronic stores for smart phones (which are Apple and Google companies) are not responsible for the level of safety in any application, but they set and apply a set of criteria for a reliability test of these applications, but he indicated that these criteria are not sufficient to protect the user or personWho downloads the application ”.Al -Batsh said that these bodies that run electronic stores for smartphones are often used by monitoring and exploration tools. Some gaps in the applications may reveal to manage these stores to inform and alert the owners of the application to amend these gaps, but such a warning is not obligated.On the ability of the average user to detect malicious or virus applications, between oppression, saying: “In general, even specialists cannot know how dangerous any application is, but there are some signs that may help well discover malicious applications or reduce their danger.”.On these signs, the oppression expert spoke, saying: The user must pay attention to a set of indicators that may demonstrate the penetration, including the high temperature of the smartphone after the process of installing a specific application, and noting any rapid large consumption of the battery, indicating that some harmful applications show automatic ads, And withdrawal or attempts to withdraw to balance credit cards stored in the smartphone.Other signs, according to oppression, communicate with the user's name with his contact lists through the phone number or email, and install applications that he did not download, close or lock the phone with a password other than what was seized by the user owner, some basic applications or protection are disrupted, and the opening of equipmentThe phone is such.And on the means of protection from malicious applications and penetrations, he advised oppression users to download reliable and approved applications for protection from viruses, and not downloading any application before confirming its reliability and readings of the previous users' comments and evaluating them for that application.Al -Batsh emphasized the importance of attention when downloading any application by closing all the powers such as allowing the geographical location to be allowed and allowing the operation of the camera and Mike or accessing files, calling for an update of operating systems platforms continuously when there is any update, and update the application when there is any update, and not to save passwords orCredit cards areOn another device, it must include at least two levels of emphasis on information.For his part, information security expert, Dr. Imran Salem, stressed that our smartphones and their applications are unsafe as long as the Internet is connected, and the matter is withdrawn on all smart phone operating systems until the Apple APS operating system and the operator of the iPhone and the world's customers is the most secure system.Compared to Android and any other system, it is not immune to penetration.Salem said that the pirates who target smart phone applications seek to achieve goals such as acquiring and collecting our data, monitoring our devices and monitoring our correspondence via e -mail and across our accounts in messaging applications, and spying on us, in order to achieve material, moral and social gains.Salem called on the users to conduct a periodic follow -up and a periodic review of all applications on our devices and to keep what is necessary from them, and to update them if they need to update, and to download protection and antiviral programs on smart devices.Salem stressed the importance of reading the powers presented by the applications because any application that carries wide and high powers is usually doubtful, and also stressed the importance of following any measures announced by the companies operating applications and manufacturers of smart devices, especially when they are exposed to wide international piracy operations to see how to face these attempts to penetrate and piracy.And if the hackers of phones are confirmed, the expert in the technical track, Hossam Khattab, is confirmed to review the list of applications affected by these operations and make sure that they do not download them on users, calling them to delete them immediately if any.He also called on users ’letter to review their phone bill periodically, and to ensure that all deductions are justified, and if they find suspicious deductions, they must communicate with the telecommunications company.He stressed the importance of downloading applications from approved official stores only, and downloading non -propaganda applications.That is, focus on reliable applications, indicating the importance of updating the phone operating system and the programs used first -hand.Khattab said that if credit card data is entered on the Google Store, it is preferable to enter it every time instead of keeping it.As well as reviewing the previous purchases on it, linking them with an immediate notifications service to monitor the movements.He pointed out that if there are strange payments, the user must contact the bank directly.

9:50 م2021-11-20 شاركها فيسبوك تويتر لينكدإن واتسابعبر البريد طباعة