Othman Muharram Pasha: Irrigation engineer, independence, civilization and beauty

  • Time:Jun 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
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Othman Muharram Pasha had a place in the conscience of the Egyptian intellectuals and a great and important value in our national history, because this authentic Egyptian engineer without his peers is all of the time of time. To these two great features, a tremendous person who is capable of courageous expression, frankness, confrontation, decisiveness, reward, punishment, responsibility, foresee of the future, and changing reality. He is severely sharp, and all these characteristics have formed huge destinies of pride, prestige and credibility.

Othman Muharram Pasha was an expression of the success of the delegation majority in the progress of outstanding models for the ability to manage the affairs of the homeland at the hands of his sons from the national technocrats, and even outperformed the delegation model in managing some ministries and fields on all other models of the competencies of the minority parties and independents .. It was the most prominent such as this modelThis is the Egyptian genius engineer Othman Muharram.

And on a personal experience, I narrate with great happiness, the majestic cultural reception that my book received about this great engineer, who was issued by the Madbouly Library at the beginning of this century, and I was a year later on a visit to a professor of great literary criticism, so I was surprised by him and he put the metal signal in the book, which meansHe was not satisfied with his acquisition, he was reading, and I asked him, and he answered me that their generation was considered by Othman Muharram a secret of Egypt's life and its happiness with what he was accomplished during the rule of the delegation.

Othman Muharram Pasha is almost the prominent model of the able technology that served his country through the delegation for the services of services, and it was the traditional delegation minister for works since he arrived at this ministry at the end of 1924 until the end of the delegation’s rule in January 1952, and the matter reached it since February 1942 until it became The second man in the ministries of the delegation immediately after Al -Nahhas Pasha, and even assumed the position of prime minister on the behalf of Al -Nahhas Pasha in the summer in his last ministry 1950-1952. And, and contributed to the continuation of this coalition headed by Al -Nahhas Pasha to the Ministry, and he also participated in the great coalition that was formed by the National Ministry in 1949.

Accordingly, the delegation was not known in its pure ministry as a delegation minister for works other than Othman Muharram since the gel knew his way to the ministry in November 1924, but rather that before his arrival at the Ministry he was chosen in the Ministry of Olinair 1924 as the director of the office of the Minister of Works, then the undersecretary of the Ministry of WorkUnnamed and he is the hanna pasha!

On the other hand, Othman Muharram did not take over the Ministry of Works, with the exception of a short period, and the Ministry of Awqaf added to the prosecution when Ismail Ramzi Pasha was ill and his death July 1951 - September 1951, and if his political skill, his artistic experience, his general culture and scientific perceptions have enabled him All to reach the peak in the ability to drain all technical matters that were presented to the government, whether in the cabinet or in government committees .. His knowledge of technical affairs was a wide knowledge based on a careful study of details and the ability to understand, and it was narrated to me more than one pole of those who They participated in the work of the technical committees attended by Othman Muharram as Minister of Works that he often outperformed other ministers in presenting solutions to the problems that were within the jurisdiction of their ministries, and he did not find embarrassment to explain to these and his justifications for his specific and innovative proposals that he was good at presenting and presenting.

The state of the statesman that Othman Muharram represented with a miracle or rare, but he hides and becomes rare in the times that exalt the sound of discussions and slogans, but the national action climate under the delegation was enough to provide the country with a number of models that are composed of Othman Muharram in his endless loyalty to the homeland And the people through their daily and technical practices, and in their ability to renew, modernize and raise the level of this performance constantly, and in his keenness to integrate his plans and the benefits of his steps are integrated throughout the days, so that we can clearly alluding on the extent of what he completed in 1951 what he started in 1926 as a way The example without seeing or even glimpsing a failed attempts to retreat from a plan or refer to another method or contradiction in thought and performance, and this does not mean that this man was going to serve his country with confident steps to the farthest limits of confidence, because it was based on the point of view And science alone is far from all short -sighted demographic policies, and on the other hand to the true, sincere patriotism away from all partisanships and victories and trying to prove themselves by multiple means in multiple times, albeit successive.

In this way, it was embodied in our modern history in the era of liberalism in the personality of Othman Muharram, a distinguished image of a distinguished artistic man who was able to serve his country with utmost services through the clear work in the ranksDistinguished civilization.

And if we want to describe the thought that dominated the actions of Uthman Muharram and led it to the success that led it to him, then we can do without a great effort to mention that he was a civilized thought that was targeting his country with a civilized sophistication in all fields, and he was aware of a rare intelligence the limits of the contribution that he could personally and his cutting that heHe is responsible for him to contribute to achieving the civilizational renaissance of the great great homeland.

Therefore, Othman Muharram was not standing in the projects of the Ministry of Works at its definitive or traditional borders, but he was aware that the nature of his ministry’s work was to pave the way for all other sectors because it serves the whole country and not only serving its agricultural land .. And Othman Muharram was able - for example - That he intends to move away from the incision or paving of roads when I entered these roads in the reins of cities or municipalities, but he was aware of the true meaning of the work of the Ministry of Works .. Thus, Othman Muharram has achieved many achievements from those related to the work of a group of modern ministries that arose after the revolution, and from This is because I have previously established general frameworks for the work of modern ministries such as transportation, construction, electricity, tourism and local administration, as well as surpassing everything that was related and intersecting with the work of the ministries of agriculture and transportation, for example.

With all this, at the beginning of the 1952 he came to trial as a model for the scapens of redemption in which the New Testament wanted to erase from the minds the prestige of the symbols of the previous era, and perhaps it was good luck to Othman Muharram that he came to trial, so it may not have not been the limelight of his multiple accomplishments if he had not stopped this position Which forced him to the era of his memory to provide us with the details of all these ideas that his ministerial and non -ministerial policies formed over more than a quarter of a century in which his position was in the forefront of Egyptian engineers, and had it not been for the trial of Uthman Muharram, we would not have understood the value of his choices in the decisions in which he was able From serving his homeland and people for the period of time in which he assumed the ministerial position.

On the fact that Othman Muharram's achievements were not only governmental, but his general achievements were no less important than his government achievements, even though he carried out these achievements through his government position, and to him a large part of the credit for the emergence and development of the two engineering institutions: the Egyptian Engineers Association and the Engineers Syndicate, returns to him.It is also due to him in many of the achievements of these two institutions, and his views in engineering education and engineering functions were studied and long -looking opinions, and she found her way of implementation, which was credited with practicing the engineering profession in our country.

Rather, Othman Muharram Pashabishah and his dignity raised the Egyptian engineers, and from the Egyptian engineering, and he was one of the first to succeed the British in the highest technical positions in the ministry of works, then he was one of those who managed to start with a very easier thing in the sector that took over.

Othman Muharram Pashabouh was distinguished by a rare and unparalleled enthusiasm and enthusiasm for everything that he sees good for his country, and not those examples that we mentioned are only an existing existing evidence of this great engineer of jealousy and found.And the effects of his work in his country's life and sons.Does he see any fair, but they are the pillars of comprehensive reform, renaissance, and consolidate the economies of Egypt and the prosperity of its people.

As we will see, the role of Othman Muharram Pasha has interacted with his affiliation with the delegation and his affiliation with the delegation contributed to maximizing his accomplishments, and his accomplishments contributed to maximizing his position among the ministers of the delegation.

Othman Muharram was born on January 12, 1881, in Cairo, more than a year before the English occupation of Egypt, and he graduated in the engineer of Al -Muhandishana 1902, and he is twenty -one years old, and his second order was to pay him, so we can bring his image closer and graduate to the readers that he was smaller than Mustafa The copper Pasha is two years and graduated. And it was allowed for Othman Muharram to engage in the career of the job work in the Ministry of Work Othman Muharram, head of the Department of Irrigation Engineering at the Ministry of Awqaf, as this ministry was also known as large numbers of land, and four years ago, promoted an agent of the Engineering Department of the Ministry of Endowments January 1913, and at the beginning of the following year January 1914 he returned to his first ministry and became one of three Egyptian engineers who received The degree of assistant manager, and it was soon that Raqqa was a director of business in June 1914, before the imposition of English protection on Egypt, December 1914.

Thus, during the First World War, Othman Muharram and the next period of it, as the 1919 revolution, had a high engineering position in the Ministry of Works, making him one of the applicants between Egyptian and foreign engineers as well.

After the revolution of 1919, Othman Muharram promoted a fraud for Fayoum on April 1, 1922, and a year later he became an inspector of irrigation of Zefta, and thus he held this high position in both tribal and marine faces. Upon the formation of the Ministry of Saad Zaghloul Pasha at the end of January 1924, the Ministry of Works was assigned to one of the prominent politicians from the non -engineers, which is the Discussion of Hanna Pasha, and it was not until the days of Uthman Muharram were chosen as director of the office of the Minister of Work Muharram and the need to use it to serve the national movement in advanced sites. It appears clearly that Othman Muharram was at his good thought, and it was soon that he appointed an agent of the Ministry of Works on May 24, 1924, that is, a hundred and ten days of assuming the position of director of the minister’s office. Thus, Othman Muharram was the Sunnah of the prominent delegation, who were pushed by Saad Pasha to the first rows of executive work such as Ahmed Maher, Al -Grabli, Al -Naqrashi, and Ali Al -Shamsi.

After the death incident was killed by Sir Lee Stac, the Ministry of Saad Zaghloul and the King's era resigned to Ahmed Zure to form a new ministry, and the direction was that the ministry enjoyed the delegation’s support, even if it was not a ministry of delegation, and thus Othman Muharram was chosen as Minister of Works in this ministry, and he was not in this ministry atIts formation is an old minister.The national movement.

Thus, in 1924, Othman Muharram estimated that he would move quickly between five sites: an inspector of irrigation of Zefta at the beginning of the year, as the director of the office of the Minister of Works at the beginning of February, a plane of the Ministry of Works at the end of May, a wrane at the end of November, a former woman in the beginning of December !!

Was Uthman Muharram the power of being rewarded through his location as an independent or as a minority parties? In fact, the answer in the negative is the closest to the truth, because a party of minority parties would not have accommodated Othman Muharram's vast aspirations regarding the future of his country and its water resources, then agricultural and economic The broad broad, in addition to this, any period of the rule of these parties would not have allowed Othman Muharram to achieve all these aspirations, and there is a third fact related to the protocol arrange What is known about the violence of his personality. Let us mention, for example, that Hussein Sri Pasha, who is the engineer of works and the son of works engineer Ismail Sri, who is a professor of Othman Muharram, did not enter the ministry until the end of 1937, and he became a presidency for her in 1940, and let us also mention three of the prime ministers who were originally the previous two delegations: Al -Nuqrashi, Ibrahim Abdel -Hadi, and Ahmed Naguib Al -Hilali, who did not enter the ministry until after Othman Muharram.

Othman Muharram was the Minister of Works in the shadow of the coalition between the delegation, the free and the constitutionalists, according to which 3 ministries were formed, which are ministries: Adly is the second, and Abdel -Khaleq Tharwat II, and the third copper between 1926 and 1927, Othman Muharram was from the delegation in the coalition as Minister of Works, as he was Muhammad Mahmoud is a minister of finance as one of the constitutional free ministers, and Muhammad Mahmoud was intransigent in objecting to the theory of Othman Muharram and his plan for the second rally of Aswan's reservoir, and Muhammad Mahmoud arrived in this intransigence until he refrained from virtue of being the finance minister to provide the project's budget. Then it was intransigent about the surveyor’s assistance in the project, and in both positions, Othman Muharram was able to manage resources from the budgets and resources of the Ministry of Works, and the matter reached Muhammad Mahmoud that he stipulated that his free constitutional party not to continue in the coalition if Othman is Muharram in the ministry, and accordingly he was chosen by another minister of works According to Ali Al -Wafd, but after this he became from the ministers of Sidqi Pasha in 1930.

The nucleus of the disagreement that Al -Nuqrashi and his colleagues came out of the Ministry of Nahhas Pasha in 1937 was the sharp debate that took place on one of the engineering projects of the Ministry of Works, and when the majority of the members of the government sided with the opinion of Othman Muharram, Mahmoud Ghaleb and Al -Nakrashi influenced the exit around this consensus.

The bias of the copper Pasha was to meet the technical opinions of Othman Muharram, one of the reasons for the estrangement announced by Makram Obaid Pasha to cover his departure from the delegation.

In spite of the position of Makram Obaid and Saraj al -Din, the distinguished after him in the delegation as two years of two years, and they were the second man in the delegation's policy, but the stature of Othman Muharram in the ministerial and executive work did not allow this, nor for that, nor for others between them, such as Ahmed Naguib Al -Hilali Pasha, to apply for it,This is because Othman Muharram retained a distinguished political position and high -level executive performance.

The conclusion is that the presence of personalities of Othman Muharram was on the other hand one of the security valves to create completely unprofessioned natural layers in the one between the head of the Great Popular Party and the politicians who represent the second -class seats after the president, and the delegation was in urgent need of the personality of Othman Muharram that filled This vacuum with ability and ability, and perhaps if we contemplated matters in a comparative way between the various technical ministries, we would find that the Ministry of Works in particular was the first ministries with the presence of the technocratic technical executive, it was easy for the delegation to take over its president or other politicians, as it was easy One of these politicians is also at the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in line with the policies of the delegation and the foreign country, and it was possible by virtue of the affiliation of these politicians to the legal culture to take over the Ministry of Justice, and this applies to the ministries that are administrative - legal in the first place such as endowments, trade, and catering, as well as it was Such logic can be accepted in half -technical ministries, such as transportation, agriculture, then health. Thus, it was good for the delegation if the prominent technocrat in it was Othman Muharram responsible for the Ministry of Works, and it may be believed to say with the replacement of introductions and results, that is, if we said that it was the good luck of the Ministry of Works during the delegation’s era if Othman Muharram found.

We now come to the most prominent executive achievements in the field of public works that Othman Muharram was able to accomplish in the paragraphs in which he worked as Minister of Works, whether in the delegation coalition with the Constitutional Liberals, or in the periods of the six ministries of the delegation in which he participated, and we will arrange these achievements in chronological order starting with the oldest:

Although Othman Muharram was not the innovator of the idea of ​​the second analysis of Aswan's reservoir, he was the one who struggled for its sake until Egypt reported many benefits in terms of its national economy and the prosperity of its people and the expansion of the agricultural area in it during the years since the year 1933 and to what God wills. This is because immediately after the establishment of the Aswan reservoir, it seemed urgently needed to increase the water stored in the summer for agricultural expansion. This rally, which was called the first raression in 1912, was the second analysis of the Aswan Treasury, one of the solutions required to increase the water stock, but the British - and in their hands - turned the trend to complete the Jabal Al -Awliya reservoir project in Sudan. The national policy, then, and the caution that must be stipulated that our tanks be within the Egyptian borders, in order to prevent the British from controlling our necks and exploiting the sources of our lives in political pressure on us. Some Egyptian technicians opposed the second analysis of Aswan's reservoir on the pretext that its original buildings and the buildings of their first high are connected to iron bars, and only God knows the amount of interaction between them, and that the tank with this description is lame, and if he rises again, it will increase. The British helped oppose the idea of ​​the second analyst with their representative, Lord Lloyd, that the Aswan reservoir has affected the effects of the British in Egypt, and that they do not allow him to risk it.

The one who believed in the Egyptian engineers in the interest of this second analysis of his country, politically and economically, had to fight a bitter struggle in front of these forces, and Othman Muharram confronted the matter when he was Minister of Works in 1926, and he used experts from the English to answer the English politicians with the English engineers themselves !! He put his plan to contract with both Sir Marduk McDonald's global engineer and member of the British House of Commons, and he was previously a consultant to the Egyptian Ministry of Works. During his reign, the first tank was built and his initial performance, as well as Mr. Barthan Bakli, who reached the position of a general inspector at the Ministry of Works, but Mohamed Mahmoud Pasha, Minister of Finance at that time, refused to agree to this contract, Othman Muharram, Minister of Works, did not seek his belief in the safety of his direction and appreciation for the major interest, except that he immediately contracted with them a discount on the savings of the Ministry of Works, overcoming this to oppose his colleague, Minister of Finance in the Ministerial Coalition, then Othman Muharram asked the area of ​​the area and it was affiliated with the Ministry of Finance to prepare maps for the Aswan region to start the study, and it was surprised that the response came from the Minister of Finance personally that this preparation costs thirty thousand pounds and does not end three years ago, and thus arbitrariness and intransigence came from within the partisan coalition, and so Othman was forced Muharram until he planned to accomplish the same task by a team of the Ministry of Works engineers, and he was always contacting them by the wireless that was connected between Aswan and the remote tribal areas where they were working. With this, and otherwise, the surveying research ended in six months, not in three years, and this was annexed to the Minister of Finance so that when the ministry resigned and I wanted to reshape it, a coalition, the Minister of Finance refused to enter his party in the coalition if Uthman entered the ministry, and he was answered to his request, but after it was Those research and studies have been completed.

Othman Muharram was still continuing his endeavor to complete the second analyst despite the opposition of the British and some Egyptians.Egypt ruled to international experts, they supported its studies, and the second rally of the Aswan Tank was completed in 1933 and succeeded in full success and what was stored in the Swan reservoir after this rally five billion of cubic meters after it was the maximum inventory in the Aswan reservoir and its first boom two billion and a half billion,That is, the summer waters have doubled in the second raising, in which the greatest credit for Osman Muharram.

Othman Muharram directed a major attention to the major arches that control the levels and raise the water in front of the feeding of the main winds and canals that take in front of those arches to distribute on the lands that are expanded in cultivating summer crops.

In 1927 and 1928, and Othman Muharram, Minister of Works in the Coalition between the delegation and the constitutional free people, he succeeded in establishing the Nag Hammadi Arches on the Nile to help improve pelvic irrigation in Upper Egypt, benefiting about one million and one hundred thousand acres, and to amend the pelvic irrigation system to the sustainable irrigation system for about 150 thousand acres.

Othman Muharram, who is outside the ruling, contributed to the necessity of establishing the new Muhammad Ali Qanatir instead of the charitable arches, which became unable to perform its mission, then he was allowed to him, and he was a minister in 1936 to decide on bids for the process of Qanatr Muhammad Ali, and the major work phase was completed in it duringHis presence in 1937, thus was implemented, on which the life of agricultural wealth in all lifestyle was implemented.

In 1936 and 1937, Othman Muharram succeeded in strengthening the arches of Assiut with the aim of improving summer irrigation in the directorates of Assiut, Minya and Beni Suef. In 1936, Othman Muharram studied the possibility of strengthening Esna Qanatan in preparation for the transfer of the Qena district and a large side of the lands of the Jarja district to sustainable irrigation with the management of dual irrigation means that enables these lands to grow summer crops and does not prevent immersion of the red Nile water at the height of the silver, and its fertility is renewed Every year, it performs its function as a whiteness in reducing the risk of flooding. Othman Muharram announced this strengthening in the throne speech in May 1936, and the Council of Ministers decided to appoint the consultant engineers to carry out the necessary studies and research and prepare the specifications and conditions of the tender to strengthen the Esna Qanat Financial in the budget and the process was presented in the public tender. However, the process soon stopped throughout the period in which Othman Muharram was far from the ministry until he returned to it in early 1942, and he did not disclose his intention and did not limit his work to complete this useful work that the war was more severe, and that the import of equipment, machinery and construction materials was prohibited And his declared motivation was that the strengthening of Esna Qanatir included pelvic irrigation to the Qena Directorate, from which it has often left vast areas without irrigation in multiple years, as well as what this strengthening leads to from converting pelvic irrigation into a permanent irrigation of an area of ​​about three hundred thousand acres between Esna and Balina. The process of strengthening Esna Qanatan was included in the public tender, and Othman Muharram did not leave the Ministry of Works before the end of 1944 except that the works started, and it was actually done after his departure from the ministry.

During the years 1950 and 1951, Othman Muharram made a desperate effort in the study and preparation for the establishment of the Qanatir of Faraskur on the Nile branch in Damietta instead of the dirt dam that is held there annually, in the styleSilver water, not all of them go to the White Sea, as well as a measure of about one billion cubic meters of water acquired during the summer period to use it in summer shifts.In early 1952, the Ministry of Works was left in early 1952, and this project became complete preparation, and it has already been implemented in a later period.

In 1950 and 1951, Othman Muharram prompted the establishment of the power plant in the north of Cairo to the completion, and he also established contracts for contracting this station with its original power in preparation for the supply and operation of the military factories that were built in Abu Zaabal and others, and began to announce the tender of the work of another new station. South Cairo near Helwan for the same purpose. And the multiplicity of these stations decided to reach them and others in the end with an electrical network that organizes the whole country to achieve the program that he club in January 1935. For this purpose, Othman Muharram also established a new job in the Ministry of Works, which was called the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Works for the electrification of the whole country.

At the end of Othman Muharram's reign in the Ministry of Works in 1950 and 1951, he set up five electrical stations for drainage in the directorates of Sharqia, Dakahlia, Western and Kafr El -Sheikh, and he also paid attention to Talkh Electrical Station in order to implement his comprehensive program for drainage projects that actually started since 1926.

We said that Othman Muharram was encouraging a victory for the doctrine that Egypt's water tanks are as much as possible within its borders, so that the tanks that we have to establish outside these borders are not the nature or formula of the pressure paper that can be used politically for a long time in which the country is devoid of water for it, so it will die and decorate it. Its wealth and the prosperity of its people fades, and this same philosophy was behind its calls for the need to store in the Rayyan Valley, which is in the southwest of the Fayoum district, and he was given a studied technical lecture at the College of Engineering in Giza on the occasion of his honorary presidency of the College Civil Engineering Association on January 20, 1936, and after he presented all the problems of the country From irrigation, spending and floods, he demanded that the study of the Wadi Al -Rayyan reservoir be attempted.

And when he assumed the affairs of the Ministry of Works in the third and fourth copper ministries from May 10, 1936 to late December 1937, he made his greatest concern to prepare for this project, and brought him a consultant engineer, and unfortunately, this project did not take a step after leaving the ministry and to me returned to me The ministry in early 1942, while the World War is Mandalid, he did not stop moving in what he saw good for his home Once again, the work stopped until in 1947 he was chosen one of three of the major Egyptian engineers as experts to express an opinion on all irrigation projects on the Nile from the tropics and the Abyssinian countries to the White Sea, so he defended the point of view in the establishment of the Wadi Al -Rayyan reservoir

In 1943, Othman Muharram, a minister of works from the Ministry's engineers, asked to study the Nile Basin from Aswan to Halfa in search of a good site to establish another reservoir of the Nile water, in implementation of his initial philosophy to be the most number of water tanks within the borders of Egypt, and also that the good for Egypt is that The multiplicity of its water tanks for several reasons, including that the tank is limited efficiently facilitates the management of its financial credits and at the same time can use its store as soon as possible for the short time in which the works and construction that benefit from it with water stored in it, which are canals, drains, arches and preparing lands to receive that water and others, and the reason Another is no less important than what you offer, which is that in the multiplicity of tanks, a distance from the risk of the wealth of the country and its life, if one reservoir is injured - God forbid - in which all irrigation water resources gather in a war or in a ladder. This research resulted in the selection of a new reservoir site in Meroe, and its research and studies were presented to the Egyptian Experts Committee 1947, and it was one of the projects it recommended.

In 1936, Othman Muharram noticed that he was studying the concession contract of irrigation stations in Nagaa Hammadi, that in 1934, the ministry had abdicated the absolute right of the government to buy irrigation stations for that company that narrates fifty thousand acres in the Nag Hammadi area after that privilege ends in December 1937. He also noticed that the Ministry of Works has not taken - since that time until the delegation ministry in May 1936 - any measure to establish new irrigation stations that replace the stations of that company. It has been found that the date on which this privilege ends is about to approach and still have the government to prepare itself for solutions to the company with its new stations, which require the procedures for its establishment at least two years, and this means that the date of the end of the concession may come and not in the ability of the Egyptian government - because of the previous failure To face the situation by preparing the duty. Therefore, he was a minister in neglecting the company in order to sell to the government its facilities, but it was proud of its fortified position and the force that it benefited from the government's abdication, which has a selection of its right to buy the stations after the end of the concession.

Othman Muharram announced an immediate tender for the establishment of new stations, so that the company reads that it is in front of a government that does not know the relentlessness or Lina in order to carry out its duty towards the nation. The contractors did not submit their bids until the company returned on its own to negotiate it, as it realized after it saw this firm position on his part, that it will be bound in the end to remove its machines and pumps and expose them to holidays, and thus not to benefit from them or in return that the government would have been pushing as a price of these stations. With this, Othman Muharram was able to agree with it to buy the stations at the value of the men of the Ministry of Works, and the company could not at that but to give up a lot of what it was sticking to.

At the same time, this agreement was made to Othman Muharram to use the new machines that the contractors present their bids about in the RI 37500 other acres on the eastern side of the Nile in the Khayyam area of the Jarja district, in addition to the previous area of fifty thousand acres, which are already from the stations that I bought from the company.Thus, two achievements were achieved, not a single achievement, and the agricultural land on both sides of the river has become summer irrigation after it was limited to the western side only.

Muharram discovered that the adopted cane in irrigation of their lands on the Armant irrigation station, which afflicts some difficulties and is affected by high wages, so the company authorized to sell this station to the government so that the people can be supplied with the water needed for their lands for moderate wages as is the case in its other stations, and not only Othman It is forbidden for this, but also seized the new sugar company machines that brought it to manage a new station in Al -Feriza to manage the government in the same way, and it targeted these two measures the comfort of farmers and ensuring the amounts of reeds needed for the company, and thus the government served the people and ensured the provision of the company at the same time with its need for sugar cane. As a result of this early nationalization, which Osman Muharram practiced, the government was able to relieve the small farmers of the farmers of irrigation.

Othman Muharram was aware of all awareness of the importance of roads, and it is good for Egypt that its roads were since the days of the Pharaohs linked to water resources, so the Nile Bridge and the bridges of the canals and banks were the primary nucleus of all Egypt roads, and so Othman Muharram attached the roads to the Ministry of Works to consider the Ministry of Works responsible for The bridges of the Nile, canals and banks, and Othman's sense of responsibility was high, and he was not submitted to the roads on the interests of the roads that were established and followed to the Ministry of Transportation now and after the establishment of the Ministry of Transport in 1964 the roads became affiliated with the Ministry of Transport, but he was aware of all awareness of the role of his ministry in the roads in that it is the assistant factor I have to monitor the Nile and the waterways, and that without it this monitoring is impossible, in addition to its deep sense of responsibility for all the engineering and civilizational activity in the homeland.

In his view, Othman Muharram was not satisfied with the importance of the roads to create, enumerate them, expand them, and hand them over to the Roads Authority to maintain them by preparing them and spraying them and leaving them dirt, but rather that in the next stage, he thinks that it is his duty to work to pave it by the Ministry of Works, so he started in 1950 to buy machines to pave bridgesNile, canals and drains.Othman Muharram held two bridges on the Nile, one of them at Sherbin and the second at Mansoura, and he linked them between the directorates of Lower Egypt on both sides of the Nile.

Othman Muharram has set up several bridges on the main canals and drains, as well as the canals and sub -banks, and around a fixed bridge to the other moving to facilitate navigation, and set fixed rules for displaying the road to the expansion of traffic in the future, provided that it is with reinforced concrete until it lasts for a long time and does not cost a lot inMaintenance.

Thanks to Othman Muharram in many of the engineering achievements that the Great City of Cairo witnessed more than one civilized and aesthetic level, and it is sufficient to summarize the saying that he is the credit for five major streets that still have its position in Cairo:

The former Egyptian Gulf Port Said Street, which is the largest and longest street of Cairo.

The pyramid stream from Giza to the pyramids.

عثمان محرم باشا : مهندس الري والاستقلال والحضارة و الجمال

Qasr Al -Aini Street.

Al -Azhar Street, which was made during his reign.

- The former Jaish Street, Farouk, who also split during his reign.

To him, thanks to the expansion of the longest and oldest street in Cairo, it is in the year 1927, and it is now known for Port Said Street, which penetrates a large number of national neighborhoods and connects them together, even if he is still in urgent need of a line of metro lines that allow the people of these areas what they deserve from the care of the state and society. He also took over the expansion of Al -Haram Street, which is Mosul for the oldest Pharaonic trace, so he was allowed to Cairo since then to create on its two sides the most important suburbs of its suburbs, and to expand this street a long story due to the start of the parliamentary life in the country, and how the first and last conference met from the Egyptian Parliament in 1937 To discuss this topic, the opinion who said expanded only one voice. The Qasr Al -Aini Street was established by transporting the tram to the middle of it and paving it at asphalt after that, and on its hands, it was decided to split Al -Azhar streets to relieve Al -Muski Street for the first, and the Al -Jaish Street, Luqal Al -Abbasiya, in the heart of the city from the shortest road for the second. Othman Muharram decided to evacuate the Ahmed Bin Tulun Mosque to show and highlight it, and the connection between the monitored pelvis and the Marassina Street and the establishment of the pelvic park that is observed to be an outlet for the people of those national neighborhoods. During the reign of Othman Muharram, he started paving the national neighborhoods in the asphalt, and was previously limited to the Persian neighborhoods.

This interest in the ways of Othman Muharram has caused many of the political problems that were created by many contemporary Egyptian executives. This becomes the Ministry of Works responsible for what is only outside the cities. On the other hand, some of the short -sightedness of the Ministry of Works engineers themselves did not mind declaring that the responsibility of the Ministry of Works ends only when preparing roads, as for paving or asphalting roads, it should be at the expense of the Roads Authority. Othman was not a supporter of this opinion or that .. Perhaps we now regret the exit of such jurisdiction from the scope of the Ministry of Work This aspect is more than human effort and sufficient for what he had in the treachery court due to his effort in the Samanoud Corniche, and he portrayed the distinguished project that he completed in this Corniche as if he only worked for the copper house Pasha, as it is sufficient for what he also received about the Marj Road even though we even Today we still need to develop this road, which is a strategic entrance to Greater Cairo.

History is recorded for Othman Muharram his care in the city of Helwan as a suburb Kamshti, and he who decided to create tunnels under the Helwan railway to ensure the traffic running without stopping in cross roads with trains, and he completed from those tunnels the good king tunnel, and in 1930 he decided to expand the Nile Bridge between Egypt and Helwan, and he did not prevent him From that, the interest of the organization that this road followed did not have financial credits, so it was decided that work will be done at the expense of the irrigation interest on the basis that the mentioned road is the Nile Bridge. Othman Muharram was not satisfied with that. Rather, he made among his urgent projects in relation to the revival of the city of Helwan, the work of another road for rapid traffic that passes through the divisions of lands that are new between Egypt, Maadi and Helwan, and many of them are owned by the government.

And to Othman Muharram, thanks to the re -coordination of the vast area that was overlooked by two of the largest Cairo hospitals, the Demerdash Hospital and the Child Welfare Hospital in Abbasiya, and I have now added a third hospital to them, which is the House Abandoned and despicable huts that were known as the nest of translators inhabited by shame and shame, and located on one of the most important streets of the city in a situation that the government was forced at the time of the King of Afghans visit to Egypt in 1937 to block it from looking at high fences. Now who can evoke this painful image, and history is not far, Ferry looks how the nest and huts have removed, and how Osman Muharram set up its place in 1943 and 1944 a beautiful prosperous garden after he put in it a network of covered banks to reduce the expenses of its residence and to ensure its continued prosperity So that you are now the preferred outlet in the summer of the people of Al -Abbasiya neighborhood and what is neighboring it.

Othman Muharram was concerned with the entrances to Cairo, so he thought in 1926 about the establishment of the Sabbath tunnel, and he left the ministry and returned to it in 1930, so he sent life in this project again, then left it and returned and pushed it to pay, and returned in 1942 and completed it, and thus he created a way out of the city, and removed linesThe tram from above the Shubra Bridge, which tops the railways, prevented the dangers that were many, short distances and reduced the crowd from the station square.

And to Othman Muharram, thanks to the establishment of the statue of Nahdet Egypt in Al -Mahatta Square, and the representative of Saad in Cairo and Alexandria, and the shrine of Saad and the shrine of Mustafa Kamel held from the house of Saad in Egypt, a general museum, as well as the house of the nation’s leader in Ebiana, and the memorial was held at Cairo University, as well as the conductive streetsTo the university, and finally established in some fields rules that can today in the New Testament can be raised by statues of freedom or immortalizing the memories of heroes whose memories are intended to glorify.

To him, thanks to the revival of the kindergarten scale, which is one of the oldest Arab monuments in Egypt, as it was established during the reign of Al -Mutawakkil on God in the third century AH. This scale, which was increased in the heart, is Majesty, his resurrection on the happy Nile, witnessing his loyalty, speaking to his loyalties, other than his features and erased his drawings and filled the silt and stones of his well, and he seized Al -Manastari on what surrounds him, and he withheld the eyes with a high wall, so he only saw him who rode the boats to him, Many people do not mean to study, but they intended it to be insulting and distracted, so he returned his grandmother and his splendor, and returned to him what was around him, and paved the way for him to see everyone who loves to see him without hardship, and set up in his scope a museum that collects what he had fallen from his stones that retain something from his glorious history.

Othman Muharram Pasha, the owner of the idea of ​​establishing the huge, tight, collected buildings, which were carried out next to the Ministry of Health, and in Tahrir Square to collect government interests that were scattered, and the economy of about eighty thousand pounds was paying annual wages for them, except some signs of Othman Muharram's great efforts that he made in 1950 and 1951 . He is the owner of the idea of ​​establishing a residential city on the hills of Zeinhom with the aim of preventing dust from the heart of the city and to reduce the housing crisis. In 1944, Othman Muharram decided to enter the people's fans for free to the Azbakeya Park, and that work was according to the account of its bad deeds in terms of financial rules.

The limits of his civil accomplishments did not stop at Cairo .. Othman Muharram was concerned with the refinement of the Nile River, which is an old artistic term that means what we call today the care of the cities overlooking the Nile and Kurnish.Ali Al -Nile, as he contributed to the lengthening and expansion of Al -Bahr Street, Ali Al -Nile in Mansoura, and contributed to the creation of sherbin, Talkh, Fariskur, and others on the Nile.

He also believed in the importance of the passage of the Nile River in the city of Cairo, and he used to say in this: A few countries of the world enjoyed the same location of the city of Cairo on the Nile River, and a few countries of the world neglect to enjoy this natural beauty as they neglected Egypt, as he used to say: He did not seeHe did not hear that a great river like Nile falls on a great city like Cairo, then its beaches are not definitely from heaven.

Othman Muharram looked at the arches of Abi Al -Manja, and found it buried in the agricultural land after he had heroized, and he noticed that its openings used graves to bury the dead, and it was known from its history that it was established more than seven centuries ago, recording one of the most important stages of irrigation engineering in Egypt, It appears as an attempt by our ancestors to control the Nile water and manage its distribution as much as needed. He worked to evacuate her from the dead, draw it and renew it, and it was about to surround it in a public park that brings to it the attention of passers -by on their way to Cairo. Likewise, Othman Muharram renewed the arches of Al -Laoun Ali Bahr Yusuf in Fayoum, which is established from an ancient era that does not know exactly, and the arches of the monk renewed for the same purpose.

Othman Muharram wrote on July 12, 1937 to the Undersecretary, answering a memo to him: I saw your happiness note dated 7/7/1937 regarding the request of some families that the government will make them private banks and purify them and them, and so on, and I personally think it is right The people are to aspire to the constitutional government to make projects that are achieved for all owners of equality in terms of use and I do not understand that we leave coincidentally alone to make a team of the people benefit from a public bank or canal just because the circumstances and technical considerations ruled to follow a specific planning when making projects of one of the authorities Whereas, those who are far from their lands are removed from these plannings, they are deprived of use until they agree with their neighbors or resort to long administrative methods of procedures to remove the ownership of the Hungarian needed to deliver their lands to those canals or public banks, even though everyone is equal in public obligations and pay the same taxes. That is why I was given to consider the enabling of every land of irrigation and drainage in its study of the menstrual transformation projects, as well as when I offer new projects, I always make sure before adopting that this principle is applied in it. I see that it relates to the areas that do not have new projects to study the status of the people on the basis of the settlement between them and those who have benefited from its interviews or the public bank, that if I see that the sub -bank, which is difficult to connect less spaces than the presenter, is a private bank, then I do not see what It is forbidden to be so after its establishment with the knowledge of the irrigation interest, and its purification is later at the expense of its companions.

Othman Muharram ends - after all of this - to alert the direct and indirect economic benefits to adopt the policies it suggests, and he says: Thus, the government has carried out its duty towards caring for farmers, in which it is full of full equality, as well as the fertility that the lands are useful to it without a doubt that increases the wealthThe public and raising the value of the Emiri funds, and thus the government earns an increase in the prosperity of the people and an increase in its funds.

Since 1936, Othman Muharram has developed programs to approve a shipping policy, by changing fixed bridges on the main irrigation and wastewater streams and making them moving.Iman Othman Muharram appears to be the importance of navigation in what he says about it in the explanatory memorandum dated January 21, 1952 in which he presented a budget project in 1952-1953, where his text says:

River navigation is one of the oldest means of transportation in Egypt, and it has helped a lot to the civilization of an ancient civilization.And given that the progress of nations depends a lot on the degree of transportation and its ease, this ministry has made an effort to improve navigation in the Nile and in the irrigation and major drainage streams, especially for the low costs if compared to the railways or cars transportation.

In his memo, Othman Muharram referred to the navigational lines that he decided to complete in the new budget and explained its benefits:

A navigation line linking the Nile and the sea of Joseph through the Giza Canal.

B the navigational line that connects Cairo to Alexandria through the winds of the lake, so the eastern trench is the Mahmoudiya.

C the navigational line between the Shebin Sea and the Pagoria Canal, Mara to Bandar Tanta, to link the directorates of Menoufia and the West.

D the navigational line between the Mois Sea and the Hadous Bahr Bank to link the eastern and Dakahlia districts. These navigational lines are contemplated.

Othman Muharram was the first to warn of the importance of setting a national policy of spending based on his theory of the importance of setting policies for spending to what he noticed and realized the danger of leaving the situation as it is, and we do not find in Othman Muharram the early works of a strong interest in spending and his policy in a way that we find in his perceptions And his ideas starting from the mid -thirties, and I have a great importance in that he was not the rigid man who started his ministerial life and ended it with the same old thought, but he renewed his ideas according to his experience in advanced sites. Othman Muharram announced his orientations in this important aspect at the general delegation in its first session on January 8, 1935, and he said in his speech:

Due to the drainage of great importance and a severe impact in the varying degrees of production of agricultural lands, I must see that I start talking about it and alert the nation to the need to take care of it is greater care, it has become a axiom that poor drainage in agricultural lands with the abundance and increase of irrigation water causes high water water With the inside of the earth and weakens its fertility or sometimes it is, and it has been proven from the chemical analyzes that have finally worked on different depths of the agricultural lands in the south of the Delta, that it has begun to be formed in the lower layers of the soil, harmful salts that fear - if the time is long and it does not accelerate the warden of its danger - to lose the land Agricultural Egypt is its fertility in the world. This in 1926 and 1927 motivated me to ask Parliament the large financial credits to establish drainage pumps stations in the north of the Delta, Saru, Balqas and Max, so the parliament approved it, then we were pleased to implement them with the fastest steps.

After eight years of Othman Muharram's early talk about the importance of spending, society had begun without success its policies and asking for more of them, and here he preaches at the conference the general delegation on November 15, 1943 to find a solution to disburse the Menoufia district and says:

I am pleased to decide that we have reached a decisive treatment for the problem of poor drainage in the Directorate of Menoufia and the similar districts that are crowded with small properties, where the people were unable to make the sub -banks in their lands because they occupy a large percentage of these small lands, and may be eliminated in many cases on some propertiesAnd it was not fair for these people to leave without this reform necessary for those lands that decayed their fertility and their condition worsened a day from a day after she was a proverbs in the power of production and the abundance of crops.

In this sense, Othman Muharram, his speech at the first delegation conference on January 8, 1935, says:

It may time to double pay attention to exchange projects on the basis of enabling every inch of the land cultivated to spend its water without slowing down.

Othman Muharram's attention to generate electricity from the waterfall was not the result of his assumption of the affairs of the Ministry of Works, but rather it is further, because he was an inspector of irrigation in Fayoum in 1922, the electricity generation project from the water projections on the Nazla Sea to feed the city of Fayoum with electrical lights, though From that project was under thinking and research since 1906. When Othman Muharram was allowed to announce his comprehensive program, January 8, 1935, in the first session of the general delegation conference. It is the conference that has been held for five days, and Eng. Al -Aqbari explained his early idea of ​​generating electricity. “There is a large project that has come to work quickly to implement it due to its great benefits to agriculture and the total of members of the nation, which is the project to generate electricity from all water projections on the Nile and its branches in the Aswan Treasury, Esna Rats. And public banks in the Fayoum District. And these large powers inherently do not benefit from now, even though another civilized nations preceded us in this regard, and engineering reached in it to overcome all the difficulties that often made these projects unanimous.

At the general delegation conference on November 15, 1943, Othman Muharram talked about the importance of employing and exploiting natural resources, and he says: Every people who wants to preserve their independence or obtain it, he must rely on a strong three: men, forces and weapons. And Egypt - with the grace of God - is inhabited by an abundant people, a lot of perseverance and grandfather, Sadiq Al -Wataniya, occupied by sophistication. But it appeared that in the country there is an iron provided, and fortunately it appeared that this provided iron is adjacent to the waterfall in Aswan, which sings fuel in the generation of the strong. Then Uthman went on to say in his speech what comes his text: Aswan has a huge industrial work, whose benefits are not limited and his advantages are not considered, there are iron and eternal fuel, so it became worthy of Egypt to get an iron that is sufficient for its weapons, industries, and Samad is sufficient for its fields and farms.

Othman Muharram's interest in the roads evolved year after year until it made the government program to pave it in an early way that was implemented in America since 1935. And on the explanatory memo in which the draft budget of the Ministry of Works was sent for the fiscal year 1952-1953, which is the memo of January 21, 1952, we transfer the following text : “The complaint abounded in the poor state of the Nile bridges, canals and drains for traffic, and the main reason for this was the difficulty of maintaining these dirt methods and the inability to pave them with asphalt for the magnitude of the costs, so we saw the introduction of the paving system by mixing the soil with asphalt, which is a low -cost economic method - in construction and maintenance To install and refine the surfaces of the roads exposed to light movement. This method has been successfully used in America since 1935.

Othman said at the delegation conference on January 8, 1935: Irrigation men should give the largest amount of care for canals and drains to make them suitable for passing through the agricultural railways, through which it facilitates the transfer of crops to the markets and reduce the costs of agricultural production. Othman Muharram Ali confirmed this concerned in his speech in the second session of the delegation conference on November 15, 1943, where he said: It is our duty to expand the construction of roads on bridges of canals and drains to facilitate the passage of people in general, and transfer their crops at the lowest costs and easiest ways. And it ended up that setting fixed rules in the Ministry of Works is temporary if he was a minister in 1942 and what followed in it decided that every canal and the Bridge Bank is valid for traffic instead of what was an old term for him to have passed on one bridge, and he determined in the canals and main drains that The right bridge is at least 12 meters wide, and the left is 8 meters wide.

Al -Masry delegate asks him about the projects of the Ministry of Works after the war, and he answers him in Al -Masry newspaper on January 22, 1944 by saying: You ask me about the policy of the Ministry of Works and its projects after the war, and I say that the Ministry of Works cannot have a detailed task or postponed work because its work is related to the arteries of life In the land of Egypt, its function is daily and its responsibility is renewed, and the time does not enter into its account, and just as the doctor cannot leave the patient's healing and help the injured until the night is evacuated and the morning dawns. Likewise, the Ministry of Works does not want to disavow its present burdens to receive the burdens of thinking about it and do it on the future, Therefore, this can only be lazy, impotence or neglect.

In our estimation, it is the most important thing we ask from the Minister of Public Works, as it represents the maker of civilization in the homeland, and the spirit of initiative was in the person of Othman Muharram very high, and it is sufficient to read in the investigation into the establishment of the sewers of Sidi Bishr that he ordered the loaning of the iron curtains from his ministry to work in order to complete Settings projects, and it is strange that the source of the disagreement in the eyes of the purification committees and then the court of treachery is an attempt to prove that he loaned these curtains without there being an official written request from the municipality insisting in their request, and the readers do not like then what they find today from the spirit of indolence, dependency and the search for hancies in The actions of our senior officials, the trial of Othman Muharram was an early step in the end of this spirit.

Othman Muharram Pasha used to say: My method of work - and I may not have merit in it, as it is the result of the nature on which I grew up - but it is the method of speed in deciding, and the word tomorrow does not exist in my work dictionary.

It is surprising that we see after Uthman Muharram looking in his dialogue before the court of tomorrow on the third of August 1953, when he clearly alerted to the danger of taking the policy of exchange in the sea on the future From the descent of the sea, and that the first is to convert the sewers into the desert and clean and work as fertilizers ... that is, what we call drainage on land. In spite of this clear clear clarification, the logical, logical that was repeated by Othman Muharram before and after the 23rd, July 23 did not execute a witness, Eng. Abu El -Ela, who did not find embarrassment to be proud that he had triumphed in the battle of exchange in the sea, and that he was able to win his opinion, and to be convinced of him The officials, although he admitted that medical professors were against the banking at sea, and from the irony of the destiny that the governments of July 23 were involved accordingly in accepting the principle of exchange in the sea, and we see what Al -Ahram published on the occasion This topic, commenting despite the warning and warning of Othman Muharram, and its president did not find embarrassment to say: God knows what is right .. Things continued to accumulate until the era of President Hosni Mubarak when he himself held the lengthy meetings to discuss this issue, and I do not know whether one of the participants was in This meeting at that time in the mid -eighties courageously to tell the true story of the development that led to the dangerous result that eventually erupted and was also treated fortunately during the era of President Mubarak, or that no one did not know the truth of the matter.

Othman Muharram's intellectual perceptions began to open from an early stage, and this appeared clearly when Saad Zaghloul entrusted him in 1924, and he is the director of the Office of the Minister of Works and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Work Egypt and Sudan are one homeland .. So he traveled to Sudan and toured all its parts and tied several suggestions that facilitate engineers in housing, transportation and travel, to them and their families, and set a program for real incentives encouraging to accept work in Sudan, and fortunately that successive liberal governments have taken their suggestion, which led To the increasing demand of irrigation men to work in Sudan, and even compete with them and compete with them in a satisfied, reassuring spirit. This civilized trend has grown in the policies of Othman Muharram towards the employees, so our ministers were the keenness to love the owners of jobs in public jobs, and he always reminds him of his keenness to ensure that employees guarantee the maximum comfort, and he is the one who permitted the employees of his ministry fruits and agriculture space surrounding their dwellings with vegetables, and easy For them and their families to move to medication and education, as he tried in an early period to introduce the air conditioning system to be circulated in all parties whose climate does not encourage the permanent productive work, and this was about to implement this in a colony in the city of Qena and others. His point of view was in all of this that the engineer works with his mind and body together, and that his duties are unlimited in time, for his effort is required day and night, so he should facilitate his comfort until he does not see a place in the country better than his workplace.

There is no doubt that Othman Muharram was the most prominent liberal technocrats, believing in the necessity of leaving the cocoon of disciplines to the space and capacity of the spirit of public services, and for this the image applied about him that he was not only the Minister of Works concerned with the work field of his ministry, but he was like the engineer responsible for the homeland as we mentioned, and for this reason The reason was linking the works affiliated with his ministry with the country's public facilities on its different dependency, so he expanded in early 1944 the left bridge of the coast canal with a length of several kilometers to a width Then he established the al -Sinaniya canal at the same time to revive the lands of the government, in addition to agricultural production, and created from the output of a land road that brings the Ras al -Barr resort directly, and thus provided people to reach that resort to the Nile, or by passing a non -temple from Damietta to what The resort meets a very long distance that ends with the river crossing to the resort. He is in addition to what is pleased to its citizens in their transfer and what he worked in increasing the agricultural wealth in the country - he has helped the interests of the roads and the interest of tourism in their job, as is the jealous public man who links his country's interests from the closest way, and does not separate functional specializations in a way that disrupts good It is difficult.

The human dimension appeared in Othman Muharram's thinking from an early stage of his professional performance, and his correct thinking prompted him to take courageous decisions that enabled him to achieve unprecedented success at the level of engineering performance himself, and this was crystallized by a story he used to call the story of the dirt that turned him into food, because he is a manager For the works, he was used during one of the floods by overseeing the establishment of bridges at a certain distance, in a way that was followed by the division of the Nile into distances on the engineers, and it happened that the distance usual to it was longer and more dangerous, and he succeeded in preserving it and making it in a state of safety The reassurance was surprised by both the Minister of Works, and he was the late Ismail Pasha Sri and the English advisor to the ministry, and they could only show their admiration for what they witnessed compared to what he noticed in their circumambulation on other regions, and they wondered about the secret of this success, and Othman Muharram told them that he turned part of the dirt What bridges were restored to bread, onions and cheese, so the matter clarified it, and he said that he saw that the Anfar who undertake this work commissioned by the government, they are driven by the villages who are not packed, and they are poor who do not have what they reside with, and that he realized that the strenuous work of a mother The third of them is not woven, so he risked his responsibility, so he entrusted to the contractor who undertakes the transfer of dust to restore the bridges of the Nile, to buy wheat, grind it, bake it, and distribute it to these workers with a known amount daily and to buy them also onions and cowardice, provided that what corresponds to the price of this food is to what it corresponds to from The value of completing cubes of dust and the contractor earns in his categories prescribed to him. That is, he added to the accounts of the construction of nutrition accounts without creating a management and bureaucracy, contented with adding it to the public account. After the minister and the advisor compared what was spent with what was possible that it would happen from the heavy losses, if the bridges were cut as a result of the inability of the hungry mockery workers and discovered the genius of Othman Muharram, they were not satisfied with showing their admiration, but rather asked him for a report of what he did and adopted this method.

In this way, Othman Muharram returns to the credit for the suffering of thousands of his heavy class citizens, ending with a tyrannical appearance that should not remain in Egypt in the twentieth century.

Othman Muharram was one of the forty members of the Egyptian Engineers Association, and he became the third of its superiors after both Engineer Mahmoud Sami Pasha, who took over her presidency from its foundation until 1931, then Muhammad Shafiq Pasha, who took over her presidency from 1931 to 1950, then Othman Muharram came from May 21, 1950 Until December 11, 1952, where Eng. Hamed Suleiman Pasha, from December 9, 1952 to 1964, succeeded him, and the family of Othman Muharram gave his library to the Egyptian Engineers Association. As for the trend to social solidarity in the policies of Othman Muharram, he spoke about it and there is nothing wrong .. And to Othman Muharram, a large part of the credit for the establishment of the Engineers Syndicate, and even in the development of the union spirit before the establishment of this union, may be alerted early to the living facts of the engineers when he was offered to him once. Five of them died on the succession in a short period while they were in the prime of their youth, and some of them did not complete the period from which it is a pension. The national loan was distributed to them according to their numbers and according to the legitimate shares, then Uthman Muharram made from that call a nucleus of a law in which the Engineers Syndicate was established for their different sects, and this man remained in care and attention until the most luxurious construction was established, and until its pension fund abounded with money, he was able to decide the pensions for the families of the deceased Among the engineers, and from this, as he said, the memorandum of his defense before the treachery court in the first era of July 23 was to decide for the martyr Eng. Abdel -Qader Taha, the greatest pension granted despite what was reported by the rumors about the reasons for his assassination !!.

Othman Muharram's strategic genius was confirmed during the decisive moments during World War II, and his ability to negotiate with the British was evident, which also indicates that negotiation in the era of liberalism was not exclusive to the legal, but rather was carried out by the technocrats in its field. When the Battle of El Alamein took place seriously, as it is registered in all history books - to flood the delta or at least dumping the departments of the lake and Giza with salty water, and the authority was then for fire and the cannon, and it is known that the British were at that time burning their papers publicly in a house The British embassy leaves dear to them to Sudan, as they set up the barricades in Al -Haram Street and the streets of Giza and at the bridges, and they did not tolerate those who prevent the implementation of their desires, but Othman Muharram responded to them and clung to them and their eloquence and their understanding of the danger of flooding land with salty water, and he explained that this requires them to pay huge compensation and that Agricultural lands are delayed in their fertility for years, so the British showed their willingness to pay any compensation after the damage occurred and limited them, but Othman Muharram asked them to pay in advance a hundred and fifty thousand pounds under the hands of the Ministry of Works and leave him freedom of work, and that when he sees a necessity for the sisters, he may do this with the water of the fresh Nile . The war ended, and the lands of the lake and Giza were not drowned with salty water, nor with fresh water, and the British authorities recovered the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand pounds with a check from the Ministry of Works during the second half of 1944.

Othman Muharram was fully aware of the importance of politicians and executives enjoying the maximum degree of ability to foresee the interest of the country in every foreign investment or behavior that takes place on the homeland, and even in every exploitation practiced by the occupier and testifies to this his policy in the period in which the amounts of matters were referred to, and what This indicates his early position on the oil pipeline. In 1943, the Director General of the sewage Authority called him and had instructed that the British armed forces should not be done except through him - to predict that the Shell company wants to extend the name of the British military authorities pipeline in the land of the Emiri sewage station, so it was only that he ordered it to be prevented from That is, even by force, the situation embarrassed and the leaders of the British forces protested, and they threatened him and accused him personally that he was working to resist the efforts of the war allies. He is in the circle of a governmental interest subject to the Ministry of Works, because he is only responsible in front of his country's parliament.

Othman Muharram was aware of the Arab role of Egypt, with his reform work in paving the road from Jeddah to Mecca and Arafat, and paving the Jeddah -Madinah road, and expanding the Noble Sanctuary and abandoning it.Between them, whoever wants to see it.

He was the one who ordered the largest construction of a secondary school held in the city of Khartoum, Sudan in 1944. The care of Othman Muharram did not neglect the study of the projects of the dam channel in Sudan to regulate the Nile water received from the tropics and to reduce the losses from them. Given that the blue Nile waters that were created for Egypt, the Nile Delta, which gains its fertile land and growth, comes to us from Lake Tana in the country of Abyssinia, and given that the lands of the island in Sudan are counting in their cultivation on this water source, and when our governments call that Egypt and Sudan were part of one homeland, it was it Egypt - from his point of view - must mean the most careful care for the reservoir of Ali Tana's reservoir to store its waters and organize its distribution, to be equally between the lands of the two part Each time, the Ministry of Works has not subsided through thorny negotiations with Britain and Ethiopia. Sir McDonald was introduced to these projects as a consultant engineer with other projects of the Ministry of Works, which were under consideration in its last stages, such as Al -Rayyan Valley, Khazan Meroe, and Qanatir Faraskour Ali, the Nile Branch in Damietta.

Othman Muharram's administrative practices were not devoid of a political and mysterious essence, for example, in 1942 and 1943 he managed to leave the British from the first two places they occupied in the castle since 1882 and stayed with them for sixty years, namely the Al -Jawhara Palace and Saray Al -Adl, and the evacuation of the occupied forces was the evacuation of the occupied forces On these two places previously, the decision of their people about Cairo and Alexandria by about four years, and more than this, Othman Muharram worked quickly and intelligence to obliterate the features of the occupation in these two palaces to revive the glories of Egypt related to their memories and renew them in the form of two museums who still talk about Egypt as a country with a history and a past. They accelerated the evacuation of the British from the Al -Jawhara Palace and Saray Al -Adl.

Engineer Hamid Al -Qaddah narrated that the captains of engineers and senior trade unionists were keen to distance from the union on the field of politics, and even imposed their opinion on the party government even if this captain was minister in the party government .. And the headmark Othman Muharram Pasha has two incidents in which this principle is rooted: it happened that the engineers chose it as a captain For the engineers, the delegation was outside the rule, and Othman Muharram feared that the Wafd Party would take a substance to pay for the party .. The results of the elections with one word, and according to the custom, he and members of the Supreme Council of the Syndicate went to the Royal Court, where he met Ibrahim Abdel -Hadi Pasha, head of the Royal Court, and he was one of his political enemies and he recorded the word engineers in the ceremony. It happened that the student of irrigation engineers with what is called the inspection allowance, and the union supported their demands, but the government did not agree to approve this allowance, and Othman Muharram was the Minister of Works and a captain of engineers at the same time. What was from Othman Muharram, but he asked the irrigation engineers to strike from work until he responded to their demands .. Thus, his pride in his position as a captain and his victory for the engineers is greater than his party affiliation and his political position as minister in the government.

Othman Muharram was called from an early stage of the feasibility of studying and comparing costs and choosing the engineering alternative to constructing these accounting studies, and he was not among those who were deceived by the declared numbers, but rather he was looking carefully in the various aspects, putting all the strategic factors into account, and perhaps the story of choosing the power source for the drowning stationAl -Sultani in Fayoum indicates the constant idea of his idea when he was determined that the energy source is the electricity generated from the fall of the water and its preference over the traditional solution by resorting to fuel.

When Othman Muharram received the responsibility of the Ministry of Works in May 1936, he found that the process of disbursing the royal drowning area in Fayoum was about to be displayed in a public tender on the basis of its fuel management, so he realized the matter before its completion, and discussed the possibility of amending it with the idea of its management with electricity generated from the water fall, and did notHe is convinced of what was said in opposing this trend that he would be a lot of costs and announced this process in 1937 on any two situations, so the cheapest prices came on the basis of its management of electricity from the water projections.

Perhaps the solution that Othman Muharram guided regarding the alum that is used in the expense of drinking water that tells us about his belief in the value of detection and scientific research, especially with regard to the basic materials or materials that cannot be dispensed. Its prices in the market to the extent that it exceeded the reasonable, and it is with this necessary extremely necessary to fulfill the health purposes, as it noted that its monopolists, and they were Jews, knew their destiny and realized that the need is urgent to it, so he immediately dispatched his mission from the men of the organization - and it was subordinate to that of the Ministry of Works To the oases, I looked and tied until I found what is above this article, and she pledged to supply all water operations in the Egyptian country with what he needed, and he provided in one ton more than ten pounds.

Othman Muharram was a race to go to the Egyptian desert and oases, and he brought from American experts in 1937 who decided to dig deep wells in the oases with special machines in early 1938 with ten wells in the oases outside and domesticated.Likewise, what he decided to study the assembly of torrents in the Sinai desert, where this ended with the establishment of the Al -Rawaa Dam, and what was established in 1944 irrigation engineering in Assiut and Al -Arish specializing in desert studies, and it was the nucleus of inspecting the general irrigation of the deserts that were established later.

Othman Muharram was aware of the borders of his country, whether in this political or natural limits, and many contemporary politicians did not think of Egypt limited to Cairo, but he was familiar with the most distant regions of all directions, and to him the greatest credit for caring for the Nuba region, and this interest started By virtue of his engineering knowledge and work in the field of water. With time, Othman Muharram's interests in the country of Nubia grew, realizing the importance of performing its right to the homeland, and he was a minister of works a trip to Nubia in March of 1937, in which a group of technicians from the men of his ministry and specialists in the area of ​​space and others, and this trip took more than Two weeks, in which Othman Muharram circled in all the countries of that region, and he examined the soil of lands and took samples from them for analysis, and studied the possibility of setting up irrigation stations, to compensate the people of Nubia who are afflicted by the land and palm trees lost as a result of completing the second analysis of the Aswan Treasury, and did not reach Aswan on the way His return to Cairo, unless he prepared his memoirs and research and looked his plans for the projects that should be completed.