Oppo announces the next generation of the camera below the screen

  • Time:Jun 21
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Oppo has announced the latest version of the camera technology at the bottom of the screen, claiming that it allows the placement of a selfie camera below the screen without prejudice to the safety of the screen with promises to move by trying to fill the screen to new levels.

Unlike previous methods that reduce the density of pixels in the screen part that covers the camera to allow more light.The Chinese company uses smaller pixel units to maintain a 400 -pixel density in one inch such as the rest of the OLED screens.

To solve the technical challenges that affected the technologies of the first generation of cameras below the screen, the company made several changes to the design of the structure and developed advanced artificial intelligence algorithms.

The company's innovative pixel engineering helps reduce the size of each pixel without reducing the number of pixels.

The company also uses a transparent material for screen wires, which is said to be 50 percent thinner than traditional wires and is able to provide a visual experience similar to the best Android phones.

According to the company, users should note that there is no visual difference between the camera area located below the screen and the rest of the screen during daily use, creating a more immersive visual experience.

The company showed a picture of an initial model phone that operates an electronic reader application, which is largely the worst scenario of the previous screen cameras due to the white background and the sharp text.

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It also offered one sample in good lighting.The result appears to be much better than you get from the first camera below the screen that entered the market in September last year, which was via the ZTE.

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Oppo develops a camera below the screen

Although the technology looked promising.But she was suffering from many major problems.Including bad image quality and uninterrupted display quality in the area above the camera directly below the screen.

However, ZTE has a superior feature on OPPO by actually selling the phone.Its latest Axon 30 phones aim to improve technology as well.

ZTE demands the same density 400 pixels per inch in the camera part of the screen.In addition to a better camera quality than Axon 20.

Unlike current solutions, which use one pixel circuit to run 2 pixels.Oboo solution uses each pixel circuit to run only one pixel.

In addition to the company's algorithm technology, this technology guarantees only 2 percent deviations.

In addition to providing a more immersive experience.The company claims that the Pixels and improvement algorithm can also help stretch the screen of the screen by up to 50 percent.

OPPO has been working on the cameras below the screen for a long time.It showed the world's first experimental show in MWC Shanghai in 2019. But at some point she must put one in an actual commercial device.

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