Opening the door for the import of frozen calf meat

  • Time:Aug 28
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article


Ramallah - “Al -Quds” dot com - The Ministry of Economy announced today, Sunday, the opening of applications for the import of frozen calf meat for the year 2022.

فتح باب تقديم طلبات استيراد لحوم العجل المجمّدة

The ministry indicated in a statement that the entire share will be distributed for the current year, and those wishing to import must go to its headquarters in Ramallah to fill the necessary requests for import, and complete their procedures for updating the data.

The ministry indicated that the deadline for submitting applications is on Sunday (the sixth of March 2022), and therefore the committee does not consider the applications submitted after this date.

In its statement, the ministry pointed out that it is possible to obtain forms and procedures by reviewing its website www.Mne.Gov.PS under the title Cuta 2022.

مواضيع متعلقةاستيرادلحوم العجلوزارة الEconomieاكمل القراءةAdvertisementاضغط للتعليق

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