Opening the door for admission to the Saudi Electronic University for the second semester, opened the door for admission to the Saudi Electronic University for the second semester

  • Time:Feb 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Tawasul- Al-Tahrir Team:

The Saudi Electronic University announced the opening of admission for the second semester of the academic year 1443 AH, in the bachelor's and master's degrees.

فتح باب القبول في الجامعة السعودية الإلكترونية للفصل الدراسي الثاني فتح باب القبول في الجامعة السعودية الإلكترونية للفصل الدراسي الثاني

The university explained that admission will continue until Monday, December 6, 2021 AD (for undergraduate programs), and Saturday 11 December 2021 AD (for master's programs), via the electronic portal.

The university added, that the admission will be available in the bachelor’s degree for the specialization of law, which is a program that accompanies the legislative and regulatory developments in the Kingdom, and the specialization of digital media is a program concerned with studying the media in its advanced technical form mixed with practical and skill applications.

She pointed out that the majors of the Master's stage will be in partnership with the US State of Colorado State in Business Administration to prepare distinguished cadres in the business environment, in addition to four health programs: the master of advanced nursing in primary health care, which is the first program of its kind with actual clinical training hoursIntense.And the Master of Health Care Department to prepare cadres to fill the leadership roles in the health care sector.

She continued, in addition to the Master of Medical Education, which aims to prepare participants to develop medical Education in curricula, teaching, evaluation and research, in addition to the Executive Master of Health Care quality and patient safety, to enable specialized energies in improving health care and adopting technical innovation in the field of patient safety.

The university invited applicants and applicants wishing to know the admission procEdures and instructions, review the admission portal on the link: https: //